Big Fat Quiz of Everything Series Episode 2

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the big fat quiz of everything this is a quiz about everything literally everything although mainly easy stuff that's not too depressing you can play along at home or you can pretend you're in an episode of gogglebox by getting hammered and slagging us off whatever works for you remember if you want to play the quiz with friends whilst you watch at home you'll need pen and paper and if you want to play with yourself while watching at home you'll need this okay let's meet our teams uh one dress is like a massive nerd the other dress is like a massive bird it's richard iowa fielding next up a comedian famous for making silly online videos and a broadcast obsessed with comic books it's the totally grown up and mature adam buxton and jonathan ross [Applause] and finally a match made in heaven presumably by a drunk angel on work experience it's actually and richard what what have you brought flask got flask what's what's in the flask it's mainly uh tea it is it's it's a mixture of tea and um tears um i know richard who do you think's your biggest competition this evening um we ourselves turn in on ourselves it's happened before like ronnie o'sullivan the only person who can beat ronnie o'sullivan is ronnie ellis i went to see ronnie i sort of wanted to play uh in the final the snooker and half time you went fancy going to get a booner i mean who has a booner and then still wins it's pretty remarkable you got a team name um the booners we ought to take we should have like a pun name you know like natural-born quizzes something like that i'm sticking with bonus natural born [Laughter] [Applause] who's the biggest nerd well i don't do you do you define yourself as a nerd no i define myself as a kind of cool guy i think you're the coolest guy i've met yeah i mean uh i i i look like a cool guy i act and sound like and think like a cool guy so i don't know the whole nerd thing is very uh patronizing just because i'm involved with the internet yeah you know the internet is now no longer just the uh preserve of nerds jimmy that's the kind of thing a nerd would say though do you have a team name well we thought about this we actually thought about this some of us put a bit of thought in this evening you won't beat sultans of bunai no we're both fathers we're both fathers sure and we are in touch with the young people via our children so we're going to call ourselves dank meme because dank means super good yeah that is i mean you are two massive nerds i think they're just two great guys trying their best yeah i think that's your teammate two great guys trying their best why don't you be your teammate we're gonna take that name we have two great guys just trying their thank you i think we might just have to go for the acronym because it just says two great guys trying was always it's the kind of thing they think is called uh actually yeah yeah this is your first time with a big fat oh quiz very confident i'm not no you know well it's a big it's big fat because of everything and i don't know everything why not a bit but have you got a team name um i was thinking long and hard about what a tough journey it's been for both of us to get to this point today and i'm i kind of based our name on what's been in many ways helped us but also been a hindrance robin right i don't know what the team name is good we are calling ourselves uh tits and teeth [Applause] my only problem with the name is i was um very fat as a child and that was that was my nickname at how large school you were you extraordinarily large well i was so well especially as a toddler i was so fat i couldn't wear socks my mum put your jelly shoes instead what did you wear when you had the jelly shoes on because you can't really wear like a tweed suit with jelly shoes yeah but how many kids you see in tweed six [Applause] all day yeah okay the first round is all about history we'll be talking about things from the past that are super old and a bit weird no offense jonathan and adam [Music] genuinely annoyed 15th century ruler vlad the impaler wiped out whole villages by impaling people on stakes gruesome but it did lead one bright spark to invent the kebab during his long campaign for civil rights martin luther king was arrested 30 times which makes me wonder how much more he could have achieved if he wasn't always getting into bother of course it wouldn't be a quiz without question so question number one on history during his reign napoleon bonaparte wrote a number of saucy letters to his shorty josephine according to legend he once told her he was coming home in three days and asked her not to do something what was it ashling's doing the writing rob there learning it teaching him to write and to read yeah yeah they're just shapes to him yeah okay for our next question the children of mitchell brook primary school in new zealand have once again put on one of their unusual school plays what historical event are they acting out here [Music] oh no he's gone mad hands up who wants to be a king i am the proper king yay no i'm the proper king yay we think we actually yeah [Music] let's fight [Applause] can we come out now [Applause] all right take a look at this fascinating clip from highbrow documentary series horizon where two vocal coaches are working on a cutting-edge theory i want to know what are they trying to recreate here let's try male human voice count over three one two three just pitch up your voice one two three let's just add a bit of nasal now one two three now the other thing that would be happening which would actually increase that quality is a very heavy skull that seems to pull down into the throat there now speak one two three now let's make a sound just let's make a huge ah yeah those are the people that made boris johnson there uh so what what are they trying to recreate there okay have you got that one for our next question it's over to supermodel and racing driver jody kidd hi jimmy according to greek mythology the first human woman that the gods created was pandora and she was very famous for opening a box but what was inside this box why human a qualifier before woman i think some of the gods were sort of female but then they were they were gods not human but are they women some of the gods yeah they can be women sure i mean it's all made up so the thing about mythology is women aren't real [Music] it was a very good disappearing sound effect so what was in pandora's box okay right okay you got it yeah we've got something ready for answers yes so according to popular legend napoleon asked his boo josephine not to do something for three days before he returned home what was it watch game of thrones without him okay ashland rob did you get an answer for this we put don't overcook the booner or you won't get to see my bonaparte no richard not have sex with a booner for three days i put uh commit genocide we did put wash as well there where's what oh yeah i can vaguely see that yeah well the answer was he asked her not to wash so noel and richard you get the point [Applause] why don't you want to wash i think it's best to wash it everyone's got it even if you have to just dip it in the sink five minutes before okay next up you saw the children of mitchell brook primary school in kneesday putting on one of their special school plays uh what were they acting out oh no richard what is that i was on a game of thrones because i haven't seen it then miami vice a colin farrell version which you must see if you if anyone hasn't seen that do yourself a favor and please watch that and also uh war of the roses so just then there's some fun there two bits of fun then a fact oh jonathan adam we're thinking it was uh fairly clearly drake and meek mill um arguing about ghost writing yes who's meek mill who's meek mill what where did they get this guy you know when you have a sleepover your mate she's a kid and the dad comes in and starts trying to banter everyone what are you doing guys i love that new track we're coming to go we love that new track by the way don't try and put socks on him it'll cut off the circulation okay what did you give her this uh rob ashley oh you got i think you got it right we did get the answer put war of the roses and then we just put two little knobs that we both drew each ashley went for the more normal um knob and balls and mine's quite accurate so acro in fact you've got to wait till question free see the rest of it yeah okay so war of the roses was that was the correct answer that's what they're writing out so points points no points okay i showed you a clip of a highbrow horizon documentary what were they trying to recreate what have you put okay rob ashley what did you get well i was pretty sure the right answer and it is richard iii because he had uh his when he was found because he had a car park uh fall down on top of him and so he underneath he was like i'll help get me out okay richard no you you put yeah uh richard iii voice adam jonathan what have you got for this well we thought they were trying to get him to speak like david beckham then we realized that was silly and then we put uh here they're trying to get him to speak like a neanderthal because the clue was when they said the thick head the the thicker skull mark you tell me the answer is neanderthal oh no they were trying to recreate in the enderphile voice yes now finally jody kid asked you according to greek mythology what's in pandora's box oh we put slightly smaller box slash anus and then richard said no it's evil and i thought he said eagle jonathan what did you go for we went with uh noah edmonds etc and just to make it very clear that we applies to general evil evil ashley rob what was in pandora's box a load of [ __ ] trouble to be honest i just thought you sell bracelets well i i think you all got that there was uh there were points around because it was all the evil in the world plus hope oh yes there's hope in there as well so it's quite a lot donald trump and then a tiny bit of obama at the end of the first round let's look at the scores okay i can tell you uh adam and jonathan have two points ashling and rob have two points in the lead nolan richard who would have thought he was three points join us after the break because let's face it the alternative is talking to your partner we've got you over a barrel here see in [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything our next round is all about science and technology in 1895 the nobel prize was established since then it's been awarded for achievements in areas such as physics chemistry medicine and hopefully one day soon knob gags fingers crossed surely the prize for the knob gags would be called the nobel end for our first science and technology question it's over to dr christian jessen hey jimmy it's your doctor here look i've got your results that rash that you had is actually perfectly normal but look the other thing oh i'm sorry this is this oh look i've got a question for you and your teams what i want to know is what is the largest organ in the human body i'll give you a call later about that other thing okay jimmy yeah sorry about the rash so what was the question i was so distracted by his chest the question was the largest organ in the human body isn't it uh i do think we're gonna make obvious jokes about obvious things we know what you think okay is everyone got an answer right next question take a look at these scribblings from a 19th century notepad what theory is being represented here for the very first time i i can tell you the writing above the diagram says case must be that one generation then should be as many living as now to do this and to have many species in the same genus requires extinction i mean that can't be clearer looks a lot like one of richard and knowles answers yes yes we've got this i've got a special treat for you now uh joey essex has made a remarkable documentary about one of his scientific heroes who on earth is he talking about hello i'm joey essex and i'm here today to talk to you about one of the most cleverest british geezers in the history of british geezers this guy was the don daddy of physics he invented calculus and not even an a star student who wouldn't even know what that means his most famous theory was for every opposite there was an equal action of every side [Music] i mean how can you discover anything like this he discovered rainbows every action was taken from the opposite uh once he was in a park and an apple fell off a tree and bounced straight on his nut he went and told all his friends that it discovered gravity what a clever legend for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction so there you have it a clever math geek who loved rainbows he loved gold and he absolutely loved an apple but he never slept with a bird [Applause] joey essex there but who on earth is he talking about you've got stuff what are you having i was just eating from a tray oh yeah he's on sugar now he's just gone crazy i i i went down hard what are they i thought it's a mixture of maltesers and giant chocolate buttons i'll have them all right jimmy watch out some maltese are coming for you thank you you know i don't like fun actually from there okay here we go this is the most sport i've ever done [Applause] this is it's like every break time at school there's always something like you with my tray of maltesers [Applause] back to the future oh my god that is exactly who he is i know you're even wearing the jacket i'm sorry jimmy you've lost control of the class you've watched bullying happen and you've just let it go you made a choice and it was documented and i'm taking this matter to tribunal because we are in the workplace sorry [ __ ] i'll buy you some more rick i called you rich is that all right hey rob yeah you're rodeo no i'm rob no it's your race oh it's your radio not you're right okay no i would never insist that you are rodeo rodeo one more question okay take a look at this clip from 1969 what are these school children doing okay pays for the keys are in right keys in can you check this oil level please harry well okay right can you check these temperatures please malcolm okay this got speed hello alternator house disc golem temperature okay is it okay your end rotor okay for standby switch on standby standby coming on okay so the question is what are richard r wilde's classmates doing there i've just written that's a joke [ __ ] you jimmy richard's 18th birthday party i was there it was horrible use me use me as a premise rodeo man over there these two ancient [ __ ] the [ __ ] crowboy [Applause] can let bullying happen in the workplace your hair's still wet from the [ __ ] womb all right friendship you keep stoned you've finished all my sweets five years of that five long years every day i've got a tray of sweets and a [ __ ] like you too exactly i did i worked hard in the morning [Music] bloods in my ears now they're they're they're still in here no richard would you like some tea it's very hard for me to climb down from this energy it's very hard i don't i don't know how to climb down look [Applause] okay have you all got some answers oh jonathan adam if you could write something down we haven't done that i know it's easy to forget when you're at your age ancient that was painful fox but you have at least given jonathan and adam a new sort of identity are you ready for some answers yes of course you are okay so dr christian asked you what's the largest organ in the human body what do you put we resisted the temptation to do any kind of a penis joke and we just went straight for what we believed to be the fact the liver is the largest organ in the body jimmy no richard at first i put the bum bum shoe what is the bum bum shoe it's an organ that hasn't been invented then i put yet is king because i heard poirot say that once he went is that where you get most of your education from fuel i got for christy yeah what was that getting the christie like jonathan ashley rob at first when you said what's the biggest organ we immediately wrote down for laughs uh then we wrote the intestines oh [Music] i thought this was quite an easy one but clearly not the largest organ in the human body is in fact the skin the skin is it jimmy in terms of a democracy if two of us when we live up you should give us the point for to because you said that's our question [Applause] [Music] yeah okay i showed you a picture of a 19th century notebook what theory was being expounded for the first time how jimmy's jokes work they appear to have form but when you break it down [Laughter] there's something quite angry there uh adam jonathan what have you got well we were thinking it might be the first tweet but then we realized that was silly so we went with natural selection we think it's the darwinian theory of the evolution of species oh ashley rob what do you think i mean darwin and the survival of the fit is not love island that's exactly the right answer yes that was darwin's notebook that was the first time he ever wrote down the theory of evolution yeah look we put evolution at the start and you know we went on a a comic riff that has ended up costing us i can see i think i can see evolution written there richard i think you all get a point there yeah marvelous all right um you saw a documentary by our resident brain box joey essex uh who was he talking about sir isaac newton uh ashing rob we have newton but not to be confused with olivia nate john and yeah and i just wrote bosh next to it because i was excited i got turned around confident no richard what i i can see isaac newton what else have you done well we got that i thought it was a bit easy so i wrote ronald mcdonald and did a drawing of him i went to your halloween party as ronald mcdonald remember oh that's who you are i thought you'd just come as you jimmy you were at that party you went as a cyborg no costume needed mean year before you went as a puppet no costume needed year before federer okay um i showed you a clip of some school children in 1969 what were they doing open enjoying richard's 18th birthday birthday party i was in lockdown actually rob why don't you show uh richard what your answer come on what did you write well i'm sorry richard and then we felt like we should guess at the thing and we just put computer thing like some sort of computer thing all right i'll give you anything uh adam jonathan you've written uh we thought they were trying to build a woman it's like a british weird science yeah so uh would you you were right with computer things yes they were turning on the school computer oh oh let's see what that's done to the scores okay i can tell you in last place adam and jonathan i have four points a joint lead ashley and rob have five richard and noel have five [Applause] we're gonna take a quick break now see you in a bit [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything this round is all about music where would we be without music watching 14 middle-aged women dancing around a handbag in silence that's what okay question time for our first question it's over to irish heartthrob ronan keating hello jimmy now the 90s was an exciting time for me as boyzone stormed the charts for the first time but and i've only come to terms with this now we weren't the sexiest band out there oh no that mantle went to right said fred of course but can your teams tell me the three things they were too sexy for can i now please do my perfect impression of ronin keating yes yes you are not now when exactly jonathan it's amazing how you can see right from my face well i'm really in the smell you can smell [Music] it wow i'm a one-man tribute to ronnie keating right okay next question on this uh one of the most popular wedding floor fillers is the copacabana let's have a listen [Music] okay that's the copacabana incredibly upbeat song the song's lyrics don't quite fit the uplifting music what i want to know is what is that song actually about what actually happens to lola oh there is he's never heard that he died how cool is knoll fielding he has just prophet i've never heard that song have you never heard that song no what what my mom and dad like judas priest what'd you expect they wouldn't have that in the house if i tried that's how i could be rebellious when i was growing up by putting that on for our next question it's over to the one and only jon snow who's reporting on one of the biggest hits of the 80s over to you john police have raided a funky little hut in the middle of a field in atlanta after reports that it was being used as a love getaway officers were alerted to the site by a faded sign at the side of the road and discovered revellers lining up outside just to get down inside party goers were found hugging into kissing dancing and are loving and wearing next to nothing because it was hot as an oven it is thought that the majority of those present arrived in a 20-seat chrysler described as being as big as a whale the owner of the hut declined to comment but warned that fools want to stay away back to you jimmy thank you john [Music] he's so cool right he's so cool yeah why is he so cool because she knows everything i know just knows the news i think he records it really early in the day and then they make that [ __ ] happen that's how the news works a last music question take a look at this clip of john lennon what is he apologizing for well i suppose the things i said are accurate we're out of context you know in context well i can't it was a long time ago but i just didn't mean what everybody thinks i meant you know i am yes you know even though it's it's not i never meant what people think of that boy i'm still sorry i opened my mouth so what was what was john lennon apologizing for there jimmy do you know what i'm gonna do put a malteser in between two giant buttons [ __ ] you okay you ready for some answers yes jimmy okay here we go so ronan keating wanted to know what right said fred were too sexy for uh what do you i need three things for a point i went for sure and then ashlyn took over and put education and respect for women oh my god you're building when you kill noah that's how he has passage to the afterlife via two chocolate buttons you're crying you're crying you're crying chocolate it's like what happens when you just find out you've got type 2 diabetes okay uh adam jonathan what did you get we uh we couldn't remember we thought they were too sexy for their prostate exam i'm too sexy for their text packet my shirt my car your party milan they all qualify good you've got a point right there what have you got no richard we forgot deodorant which he was he refused he just um was two sets of braille dentistry exam what does that say there this song so you've got you've got shirt car and this song written down car and this song and and also um erections points points no points wow do we get points for that yeah you've got you've got three things that are in the song dry your chocolate eyes okay next up we had you listen to the lovely upbeat holiday anthem copacabana i wanted to know what actually happened in the song uh what have you got adam explain to us what happened in the cocoa cabana uh you know i don't remember but i think it ends with her either going on loose women or taking her own life or both uh noel richard i'm not happy with your answer i presume i was involved i'm not cheating i'm just checking my chocolate eyes uh lola's feet melted i haven't heard the song have i my parents liked iron maiden i told you there's four iron maiden fans ashley rob what have you got we're particularly happy with our little flight away here are we actually thought that lola met the kinks and she was really nervous and couldn't say her name properly and then they wrote a song [Music] so you've written an answer about a different song you know what what happened was uh the love of lola's life was murdered in front of her uh so she turned to alcohol and loses her mind at the copacabana i lost her mind that's in the song why didn't we remember that well here he is singing about mental health issues and murder and chairs [Music] he's pretty good i might get his album so no one gets a point there no one knew what happened to the copacabana uh you saw jon snow reporting on one of the uh songs of the century what was it we've got the love shack baby b-52 it's the b-52s hey no richard did you get this that's right you've got that oh so they're playing that the indie disco are they okay fine uh we're just about hugging and are kissing and then we put we are two young sons babes okay cause that's sort of what young people do well let's go back to jon snow for the answer jon snow's got enough in the bank that he can do that and he's still cooler than the ancient fox uh i showed you a clip of john lennon apologizing what was he apologizing for adam uh jonathan you're well we were referencing something we raised earlier which is we think he might have been apologizing for dissing drake in one of his songs he uh suggesting that drake ghost writes his songs anyway listen obviously obviously he was apologizing because he had said that the beatles were bigger than jesus yeah uh no no come on sit up straight you're a bad example to richard rich's been really good on the quiz it's okay no needs to reset so he looks like he's got weird little hooves myself and noel have the same sort of shoes like every time i think like my shoes could technically be your legs you wouldn't know if you cut away for a second and then come back and you put your legs down just for a second and then you put my leg are you coming on to me yeah this is how you do it does he do you just put i'm out now jimmy okay what else have you got there you've got i can see beatles jesus written i i also put that he was apologizing for failures and kindness which i think is something we could all at this point of the quiz maybe reflect on did he say that he was bigger than jesus maybe he meant like in height and there's four of them they were standing on each other's shoulders the green god was five foot six yeah and plus jesus wasn't a crucifix that gives another couple of feet [Applause] a fun game to play with the beatles or a lot of bands actually is to make scatological titles from their songs uh like the long and winding turd hey poo'd not bad yeah i mean that is good yeah um or like this game i'll be honest there you go now you're playing yesterday out of [ __ ] aisling rob what did you have for this what was he apologizing for um sideburns and barnet that's not acceptable sorry are we saying here that john lennon isn't cool that's what would we yeah no no we like him all right no everyone likes genres no whatever it's fine no it's fine no it's fine i bring my own lunch in anyway like it's much better than the school lunch actually and it's like more nutritious and i can get whatever i want like my mum just gets it whatever i want so when you knock over the tray it's fine because i was full okay i thought it was already full i think we're just having a flashback i just like a load of really like amazing sweets and you didn't even see it because i was in the toilet [Music] did you used to eat your lunch in the toilet richard sergeant pooper's lonely farts [Applause] okay now time for a special bonus round i'm going to show you uh pictures from three movies which have been subtly improved can you tell me which films these pictures are from okay here's the first one and what's going on there oh my god is that you jimmy and that's the coolest you've ever met have you done that jimmy you should dress like that i'd actually shag you there here's the second film well they've airbrushed something out of that photo uh here's the third film i've got to say richard iwadi you've never looked better than there and jonathan that mustache you should make that happen i could grow that you could grow that in about an hour can you grab beard richard have you ever had a beard this is a very strange time to conduct an interview i've had beats yeah it was a junior university they're like impressed chicks now let's let's just deal with this hostility now just deal with it i think we should all hug it out guys i don't know the physical [Music] affections [Applause] looks left out i'm gonna give him a [ __ ] [Applause] do you feel better now though the power of touch richard no i mean [Applause] what um i feel what's the worse i feel worse okay all right let's get some answers on this okay so the first picture let's have a look was me as the child catcher in chitty chitty bang bang yeah oh everyone gets points for that uh second one let's have a look me taking a relaxing shower in psycho well you look very good in the shower jimmy yeah and the third one all of us are scottish druggies in train spotting that's how it should have looked uh trade spotting train spotting training for everyone got trains funny points around let's take a look at the scores i can tell you in last place currently ashley and rob have eight in second place adam and jonathan have ten in the lead at the moment noel and richard who would have thunk it with 11. [Applause] see you after the break for more sex betrayal drugs and violence see you in a bit [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything the next round is all about crime and punishment in the 18th century the uk began sending prisoners we literally were just discussing and we were saying well done because it's not said enough you know there's a lot of stuff on here but people like oh you oh you stuttered ah and they're on you and we just wanted to take a bit of time out and say bloody well done jimmy yeah it's not easy to stand up there saying some of those jokes you know they're not going to get a laugh you probably know halfway through sometimes you i can see in your eyes there's a little bit just like seeing a dog going up to a hurdle and they go i'm not going to make it just go straight through sometimes we were just saying bloody good on him because a lot of people would just cry in the 18th century the uk began sending prisoners to specially built colonies in australia although sadly many australians have now returned to the scene of the crime and are back behind bars specifically the walkabout in elscore it's lovely should we kick on more questions for our first question it's over to none other than jerry springer hey jimmy uh on the jerry springer show we have all sorts of dysfunctional families mobsters gangsters but frankly they're all pussycats compared to the notorious east end bad guys you call the craze what is the nickname that they give to their crew of gangsters okay so jerry springer wants to know what the craze called their gang yeah what was london like back in those days out of jonathan it was so foggy next question what is it legal to do at home from the age of five but prohibited in the house of commons chamber unless you're the chancellor delivering a budget so this is something which is illegal to do if you're under five it's illegal under five over the age of five five up you're fine but what legals are there for people between the age of one and nearly five i'm not familiar with what this is why it's an interesting question it's a weird way okay all right so next question take a look at this old american news footage what are they reporting on the men the walls couldn't hold are frank morris and john and clarence anglin authorities believe that morris who has a superior iq masterminded the escape they painstakingly fashioned dummies of plaster with hair of paintbrush bristles to stand in for them during cell check while they covered an escape hole with a cardboard grill the escape triggered the greatest manhunt in san francisco's history whatever their fate the three convicts have apparently accomplished a feat that many have tried with no success [Music] okay so what news story were they reporting on there i've decided i think i know what adam looks like oh i don't you look like a priest that's lost a little white bit from there oh yeah oh yeah he's i mean like oh there yeah let's make one but i think you look like a handsome priest like an italian priest you look quite like the fella from the exorcist it's like we brought you in to try and deal with null power of christ compels you okay next question which historical piece of equipment was known by the nicknames the hungry lady and the national razor father adam write something down historical pieces of equipment that one's an easy one where's the one two questions ago about the five-year-old i still can't i've got no idea what i'm saying are you ready for answers i can't wait for that answer in particular um all right first up jerry springer asked you what the craze called their gang what did you get uh we're going to the crazy guys and i've done a catchphrase on the answer screen and it's another round where you can guess what the catchphrase is as we go down the answers adam jonathan once again we're reflecting what the young person was saying we're saying the cray-crays nice uh uh no richard we put the ruffians the answer is the firm but no one got that i asked you what you could do at home age just five that you can't do if you're in the house of commons unless you're the chancellor delivering a budget no richard what have you got we put burp in a pencil case you think the chancellor when delivering a budget is allowed to burp in a pencil case and then zip it up and leave it for later on adam i'm pretty sure you know this didn't you smoking i don't know impersonating an mp ashley rob the only thing i know that you you gotta have at five is orange cow pole because that was a bad day for me because strawberry cow pole up till five and then over five it's orange carpol so i think maybe the chancellor's got a stressful day and he's knocking back a bit of carpool or is it booze we thought his booze he's allowed a little drink and when you're over five you're allowed a little drink indoors booze is the right answer you can drink from the age of five at home i showed you some old news footage what story were they reporting on alcatraz alcatraz we just clearly escaped from africa and what about yashing rob we always said i escaped from alcatraz you all got absolutely right and a massive bird has appeared oh catchphrase time say what you see is the catchphrase bird no were you taking into consideration what's in the top right hand corner but what's in the i can't see it it's under the red x and it says it's [Applause] next answer i asked you what historical piece of equipment was known by the nicknames the hungry lady and the national razor why did you go for this one noel richard flymo adam jonathan it's madame la guillotine we went for news you thought it was the noose there's a marital discord here he ain't clever but he's mine it was of course the guillotine okay now time for a special bonus round for our next question you've each got a wig under your desk get them out put them on null take off the wig you have on put on another wig oh my god i love this [Applause] over here mate this literally if you turned up like that this evening i would not have known [Applause] sure you just looked like you a couple of years ago when you were first on channel four i don't know what where the situation lies with this week but i am wearing this one home sorry adam could you could you turn around so we can just see your hair from behind you turn around so we can just because that is oh that's really distressing that's like a beautiful lady like a beautiful lady and then ashley you know that poster the the women to work world war one famous poster that's exactly it look at that me i simply want to know the name of each hairstyle so each hairstyle has a specific name [Music] have you all got answers yes all right let's take a look what you got uh rob's haircut what did you think it was no uh curtains curtains curtains that's not what you went for is the right answer shut up what's that it really does suit you okay uh ashlyn b uh your hair was uh what did you put adam jonathan we put viral in because we couldn't think of the actual wartime hairstyle virulent's pretty good but it's not right did anyone get it we went for land girls iron girls is the name of the movie no one got it it was victory rolls jonathan we went with my own was the mullet we thought you got them all right yeah richard mullet okay and you've got adam you want yourself very hard the rachel yeah you got the rachel did you get the rachel the rachel everyone got the rachel okay and then uh richard bob bob okay you all got bob okay and no lastly no beehives be hurt be happy be hi everyone got it okay well let's see what that's done to the scores i can tell you in the last place ashley and rob have 15. uh adam and jonathan just had with 16 in the lead nolan richard with 17. right [Applause] quiz of everything this round is all about food and drink the sandwich was named after john montague the fourth earl of sandwich i love sandwiches particularly if i don't know either of the guys yes jimmy that is the jimmy i know and love thank you all right let's have some more questions shall we take a look at this clip of two guys in a bar what have they just done whoa and you can also feel it in your ears you know yeah okay sean yeah what do you think about it tough yeah as much pain as i've been in in a while wow okay what have they just done i know uh posing there for an album cover presumably i'm not even gonna come back at you it's gonna be the name of the first track um okay here's a all-round nut job and creator of scientology l ron hubbard conducting an experiment on some tomatoes my question is what theory is he trying to prove nice yes you like that i love him okay he likes this okay next question shortly after entering his first term as president george bush senior banned something from the white house in air force one what was it you bet that's bad knoll's back knoll's back i just i don't want to build this up but no one is back okay final question in the 18th century if you nipped out for some cuckold's comfort ladies tonight or knock me down what would you be doing just think back old men think back give me these are some tough questions oh yeah it's it's it's you know what's everything it's nice in it you're sort of learning and having great laughs okay you ready for some answers sure yes of course you are okay first up i showed you a clip of two guys in a bar what do you think they had just done what have you got adam jonathan we thought they we they drank some of that super super hot sauce that you shouldn't actually drink okay noel richard well guess who did what here okay what do you think i said ketamine and i put said an undermining remark neither of those things are food i didn't realize it was food and drink sorry where do you think the clue might have been that it was about food and drink uh what's it at the top jimmy it was at the top wasn't it no yeah i know it's not real quiz is it your dick like you're not a real human i'm a real boy had they watched marley and me one of them said it's as much pain as i've been in recently yeah it's a tough watch miley and me i don't even like dogs but i was all over the place oh it was over that all right a chilly did they eat chili well the answer is uh they've just eaten the world's hottest chili known as the carolina reaper so points fashion involved i asked you what l ron hubbard founder of scientology was doing with those tomatoes what did you think i put he was testing that even though it's called a fruit does it feel like a vegetable yeah indeed no adam jonathan we think he was growing their scientologist's greatest uh public supporter tom arto cruz no richard and the plants can feel pain that is exactly the right answer it is what yeah yeah he was testing whether plants can feel pain and apparently he claimed that the tomatoes were screaming next up i asked you what george bush banned from the white house in air force one what did you put reggae [Applause] i'm going under the table now till the next round you what did you put oh we forgot it was food and drink so we put george bush junior and clowns neither which we now realize could possibly be the correct answer and so i'd love to apologize oh okay you want no problem to wha ashley rob i went for nuts because i just thought he might be allergic and i don't know i'm on a plane do they well let's go to george bush senior for the answer i do not like broccoli and i haven't liked it since i was a little kid and my mother made me eat it and i'm president of the united states and i'm not gonna eat any more broccoli that's pretty much the first thing he did the rest of the world was sorted back then everything was fine no points there for anyone uh okay i asked you what you'd be doing in the 18th century if you nipped out for some cuckolds comfort ladies delight or knock me down uh well it's obviously something intoxicating to take your mind off being a cuckold so we put heroin and we put port for a gentler answer okay no richard nolput going to ann barr which was very hard going to and so i just went to the a barb i'm having a breakdown a bar where you drink garlic you had me at breakdown okay uh ashing rob well we went for turkish delight prostitute or booze well it was blue but i think we needed a more specific answer it was g prostitutes it was gin it was mother's ruin they're all names for gin right so no points there oh okay now it's time for a special bonus round it's time to bring on the cheese and coffee thank you very much i will come up and grab a coffee everyone it's very special coffee it is the most expensive coffee in the world oh no get involved just grab a coffee i've never had costa before it's exciting in it yeah okay grab a coffee and then this also there is some cheese there have a smell of the cheese oh my lord oh my god that's a pungent cheese that's a powerful cheese cheese yeah well you all got to sit down and write down what is special about this coffee and this cheese what's nice about the coffee is it's drinkable what's pleasure about the cheese is none of us are going anywhere [ __ ] near it for a laugh wow that is i mean it's pretty i don't know if the audience are getting any of that yet but that'll be drifting over your way oh you're gonna have to bury that later so it's uh i can tell you the coffee is called kopi luwak it's from indonesia what's the cheese call and the cheese is called kasu mazu it's a delicacy in sardinia okay so you can write down what is special about the cheese and the coffee i can't have a coffee this late i'll be up till tuesday next week okay all right have you all got something written down yes uh yes okay let's have a look see what you got no richard anus coffee and anus cheese okay uh adam jonathan we we thought the the beans of the coffee have been eaten by an animal and then pooped out i think he's either a monkey or something like that because i've heard about him but the cheese we thought maybe an animal drinks the milk and then vomits it out so it's a poop coffee and a vomit cheese all right hashtag rob uh we went will you chat through a weasel and then i'll put um from an ass slash vag the coffee beans have passed through a wild cat-like animal called a palm civet basically it's coffee that's been shot out by a cat they did well to get it in the cup [Applause] cheese is a delicacy in sardinia it contains maggots so basically they get pecorino cheese oh and then they they let maggots go into it flies and maggots go into it the maggots eat the cheese and then they poop it out and it gives the cheese a different kind of flavor yeah does anyone fancy a bit no you're not really jimmy well apparently if the maggots are alive it's edible if the maggots are dead then it definitely isn't we tell you so you want us to eat them we don't know whether it's got maggots in it or not so if i do that hang on what's this down here those are crackers and i can tell you there is nothing living in this no maggots no maggots living oh that's a disappointment oh no there's nothing living in uh okay well not to worry do you wanna have a look at this cheese in action take a look this is the moment of magic [Music] the pecorino cheese has been transformed into kazumazu [Music] the larvae eat the rotting cheese as they digest it it passes through their bodies giving kazumazu its unique legendary flavor and texture can you imagine the weird old man who convinced people that that was a real thing but don't worry about it we put the maggie sonny cheese that we sell it to all western people they all need to think yay okay let's see what that's done for the scores okay ashling and robert in last place was 17 adam and jonathan next with 18 in the lead surprisingly nolan richard were 20. see you after the break for the final part of the big fat quiz see you in a bit [Applause] welcome back to the big fat quiz of everything the next round is all about film and tv benedict cumberbatch's sherlock has been a worldwide success like sherlock i too sometimes like to go for a walk in my mind palace i walk out into mine street down to the mind bank and withdraw some wanks all right ready for some big fat questions jimmy can i put my special cape on for the last round yeah okay cool it's my lucky cake wow just for the last round yeah yeah sure yeah yeah check this out it's like elvis if he was gene simmons imagine this i'll tell you what don't hang a bet outside my house on a monday morning you'll go with a van [Laughter] first up here's captain james t kirk doing what he does best in the tv cult classic star trek topping off with an alien [Music] hottie what i want to know is what happens next with james d kirk and lady gaga yes yes i actually heard the ancient [ __ ] go i remember this right next question have a look at this black and white photo of one of the most famous actors who ever lived quite simply who is it it's the guy in um peaky blinders but he's not the guy in peaky blinders richard it literally looks like you've got a giant devil on one shoulder you don't undermine my dark side shouldn't there be an angel on the other side not in this court for our next question it's over to sporting legend eddie the eagle edwards hi jimmy eddie legal edward's here well my real name is michael but eddie eagle well it sounds a bit cooler now in the film top gun the pilots also had some awesome nicknames but can your teams name three of them okay so we're looking for the call signs from top gun yeah if you become a scientologist you get that jacket and girlfriend i think you've already got the jacket in you you like my jacket i really like your jacket i think it's great have you felt how soft it is silk mate he's wearing his silk is it silver it sounds good oh it does feel lovely but i imagine it smells a bit of cheese now oh no i don't have many nice things uh what's it like in the rain rob and also it really creases but when you do tv things they like iron it nice so you only come on this show so someone will eye on your jacket i can't see you now time for i say what you see these pictures spell out a famous movie tagline what is it it's quite a good one famous movie tagline ah and there's two of them yeah we got it satisfying right yeah so this is a good fun lamp right you've got answers oh i think richard's about to kiss noel i'm just nestling for warmth we're roosting all right once the cape's on jimmy no one can resist actually smashed it don't worry about it yeah okay you've all got something all right let's have a look okay first up i asked you what happened next with william shatner and the alien lady what'd you think no richard i've heard sexy times hashing rob uh she says is it raining i hadn't noticed and then he says yeah cause it's not raining like the end of four weddings okay adam jonathan well we've got the why on time now because i remember watching this jonathan thinks he punches he punches that it's a really weird scene and he punches her you think he punches her because they're being controlled and he's knocking her out so she can no longer be mind controlled if i remember correctly uh well let's have a look at an enslaved william shatner smooching a sexy green-haired alien i'm sorry shannon no he's not before that's our christmas special of eastenders isn't it so so that's star trek 1969 william shatner punches out the alien lady and again it was to save her from mind control but even so if you flick across that on the channels it does look rather wrong okay i showed you this black and white picture of one of the world's most famous movie stars did you all get this yes yes adam clearly it's meryl streep she's a genius okay no jaclyn jackson yeah it's pretty sexy chapel in there aren't they oh it's beautiful we've gone for oh chaplin and giraffe picture his little app and i've got young fit as chaplin okay well it was indeed charlie chaplin as a young man yeah looking beautiful okay um eddie the eagle wanted to know three call signs or nicknames for the pilots in top gun did you get these easy yeah okay what did you get uh ice box oh no vi count gizmark incorrect and then ladyfinger ladyfinger yeah okay uh ashley rob tomato um iceman goose maverick those are all correct not tomato the others uh no richard ice goose maverick is there one called slider there is one called slider yeah there's viper jester cougar wolfman slider merlin sundown hollywood why count gizmark ladyfinger yes that's the full list so give us all the points and move on jimmy okay so you no points points points thank you um and finally i say what you see what did you all see there's a tagline from a huge film can i just go to can i go to ashland and rob first on this pub how no one can point to the hill sheep cream adam jonathan ends pace no one can hear you screams that's the right answer did you get it no richard yeah i always felt that tagline when well why can we hear any of the dialogue yeah okay for our final question i've got a special treat for you will you please welcome the mariachis [Music] [Applause] well gentlemen thank you thank you very much indeed for coming all the way from croydon um now uh you're going to play theme tunes from three tv shows yes in a mariachi style and then you just gotta write down what three songs they're playing take it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the first theme tune to a tv show the second one is take it away boys [Music] [Applause] the last one [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Applause] you got the theme teams down yes can i try on your hat oh lovely oh hang on great jimmy i think i'd like to see you in one of the hacks yeah sure stick it on right let's have a look and see what you've got no richard what's the first one you got a trip to london colombo adam jonathan please game of thrones it was a magnificently played yeah yeah it was thrones yeah okay what did you think the second one was oh the news the new news and el dorado you're going for honestly gentlemen don't take that as a personal site these people are idiots okay what was the second one crystal maze yeah it was you go crystal maze and what was the final one mastermind mastermind we had a shocker well let's have a look and see what that's done to the scores there are possible 38 points to be earned this evening let's see how our teams did in last place ashling and rob have 20 points [Music] [Applause] in second place with 23 adam and jonathan for the winners this evening with 25 points richard iwati and noel fielding [Applause] our special guest and thank you for watching i've been [Applause] [Music] well the quiz concludes sunday at nine walter cooks up another tasty treat smart and sassy rom-com beauty and the baker premiering tomorrow at 10 and continuing then on all four worst dinner party ever but it's written by sharon horgan so it's the funniest as well tuck into the circuit thursday night at 10. next tonight looks aren't everything in naked attraction
Channel: Rikki Sixx
Views: 403,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jt32b19j430
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Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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