Big Equipment For Corn and Soybean Harvest

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good morning everybody Grant's on the phone figuring out a plan for today little does he know that I'm determining what's going on today and I decided that we are going to harvest some soybeans and he's going around the combine and I get to run this beauty here as you remember this is the John Deere 8335r that we switched out the Dual row crop tires row crop meaning that they fit right in between the middle of our 30 inch rows for some giant lsws and the video that I posted where we made the switch with the help of our good friends at Graham Tire and Titan um I got a lot of questions about why why are you making the switch this doesn't make any sense no one in your area does this we're going to answer those questions today in this video so the first reason for the change was I hate to say it but it looks so much cooler okay now that's not the most important reason but it's definitely one of the reasons I just think it makes the tractor look so beefy and cool so these tires are not practical for the operations that we do after um planting so like when we cultivate and we Hill when there's actually plants up there these tires run them over so it's not for like an all-season use however when we're just harvesting and uh planting tillage operations in the field that don't require going in between the rows these tires are perfect for they run at a really low PSI and so when you see when we take them over the ridges in the field they actually don't even smash the existing ridges that we have out there looks like Grant is getting the combine fired up let's go see what we have sitting out here Grant's headed out the field they've got their homemade fuel trailer a second green cart and tractor this tractor still has the duals on it and two semi trucks we better go follow them out there [Music] [Applause] Grant is always leaving his Northern chill tragic oh my word you can tell Grant has been in here if you want to drink massive amounts of water and delicious water like Grant does use code Lora Farms 20 on Northern chill water what in the world let's get this thing fired up the tires are so low compaction I feel comfortable driving over my nice yard with them okay that's how impressed I am with these things instead of the weight of the tractor being put on four really skinny pieces of rubber it's way spread out over these massive pieces now we are driving cross ridges right now perfectly smooth that Ah that's pretty impressive if you ask me let's get out and look and see how uh how The Ridges look after we drive over them all right you can definitely see an indention however you can also definitely still see where the ridges are and like I said it just looks so cool so LSW actually stands for low sidewall and that is for better handling stability even at high speeds ultimately there's just a lot more Tire gripping the ground spreading the weight of the tractor out a lot more evenly should we go see how the combine's running [Music] you've been pretty happy with the combine this year Grant very what's your favorite feature on this combine or some of your favorite features uh from a comfort standpoint or a farmer oh let's do one of each okay it's hot outside you've been working outside to come in here cool you down really fast okay this combine has much bigger tires than our older one so we're like bouncing across these roads and stuff like the other tractor it's much smoother and our paper tracks are really deep this year so we're really happy about that and we have a bigger Hopper on the great room nice had a folding one but not folding but overall oh yeah nice combine the inside is really Sleek I love the interior overall these tires as big as they seem they are actually four inches narrower than the two then the duals we had on either side so it's actually a little bit narrower and these bigger tires we actually get three feet tighter turning radius and there's 20 percent more rubber touching the ground so the tractor is leaving a bigger footprint so if you're interested in some of the uh the numbers there's some more uh numbers for you and not just yeah it looks better but there's also a lot of reading material lots of information online about the benefits of lsws there's a lot of great websites a lot of really interesting articles and test studies there's also a lot of test studies about compaction and links between last compaction and a higher yield so I would highly encourage you to do some research on that it's a really interesting subject but I think Grant is getting full so let's go catch him print is making the approach we're going to start driving you can see his auger lining up we want that auger right over the middle of the green cart and then I want to match his speed combine operator sets the rules so however fast he's going that's how fast I'll go maybe you swing out just a little bit here so smooth should have grabbed some radios or Grant I could be talking right now look at this driving directly across not even a wiggle on the tractor all right let's go dump a truck man I kind of want to drive across the ridges just for the fun of it huh I feel like tracks do a lot of the same things as these tires but where I feel like the advantages of the LSW are is that they don't require the maintenance and servicing the tracks do that's what kind of scared me away from tracks I feel like is like kind of the permanence of them and then all the maintenance that comes along with them and so it's really nice I know how to take care of a tire and I'm getting all the same benefits and then when I do need to switch back to my row crop duals I just take them off I have to say when we first put these tires on I was pretty skeptical I wasn't quite sure about it um just because it's something that we've never done before or experimented with but you know what I'll just uh I'll keep my opinion to myself I'll let you guys be the judge what do you guys think even the doggo likes the northern chill everyone say hi to Diesel he's not ours but I wish he was and this truck even with as nice as my truck is I have some truck Envy great have you seen this thing it's so nice anyways we're having some uh deliveries being made today these uh Bobcats Grant what in the world these Bobcats for uh we just had a Laura Farms fan just offered like to bring us some Skid Steers to play with and I am not going to turn that down I'm not going to turn that down either absolutely so I'm down to try it out for uh all your equipment rental needs head over to uh Husker heavy equipment they can definitely hook you up like the biggest wheel loaders I've ever seen excavators anything to move dirt with food it's uh it's pretty incredible I checked them out and they have the cutest dog ever oh some pull out things okay I do like that the truck is just so pretty a mega cab step up for me I need to up my game forks and a bucket oh this is gonna be fun one for Grant one for me matching has the green card operator your left just kind of to read the mind of the combine operator and you just uh you hope that they'll put their auger out when they want you to come get them you can kind of see so when they get three quarters of the way full um the lights on the combine will start spinning and when they get all the way full you can actually see the grain up in that clean grain space up there but some operators like to be unloaded before that I don't know so your left is kind of guessing so we're just gonna cozy up back here enjoy the ride of these tires and wait for the combine to be full okay I guess my one critique for the tires would be usually when I'm running the green cart I can put my duels in two rows and then they just stay there and I actually don't have to drive and so I can turn around and focus all my attention right here where the combine is unloading onto the Green Card however I do have to do a lot more steering with these I think there is an auto steer line I probably could set it up but I usually I like how the duels just fit in the rows so these don't really smash the rows but they also don't run in them so that's my that's my one critique but that's pretty small foreign and we will switch to the corn head the combine looks so naked without a head on it it's weird I know the corn looks a little green and it is a little bit but it's actually at an okay moisture to harvest um those green top leaves and the fact that the ears of corn do you see them sticking up they're not drooping down to me that says that the corn was healthy all through its life and it hasn't given up it's still green it got lots of water lots of nutrients and we got everything that we could out of that ear of corn while Dad messes around get some endros out I haven't shown you guys what I've been looking around in my little cooler of a lunch box here and here's some goodies there's all sorts of things popcorn Chex Mix this is chocolate Teddy grams fruit leather it has some varieties of different meat sticks and jerkies barbecue chips carrots Nutter Butters it's a different kind of jerky an apple as Jolly ranchers I've got all sorts of yummy goodies in here so it's not really a lunch box because there's no actual lunch in there it's just more of my general snack bag to keep me satisfied it takes a little while to get things opened up because you have to go around to do all the end rows so you can actually get equipment like trucks in the green cart into the field so the first part of opening up a field usually goes pretty slow but then once the Andros are all opened up then you can get going and you're just going back and forth and back and forth foreign it's a beautiful night corn is coming out nicely we'll be rolling on this lightness for a long time you're probably gonna go you've been long enough and big enough already so I'm just going to fall out quick now I appreciate you guys all following along and uh we'll see you in the next one for the next adventure bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 363,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Machinary, Vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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