Big Eaze reviews the 3 pot Vevor Still

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all right does she look familiar she should because philly just did a review on her so you know i wanted to do a review too and i know we're going to give this away to somebody then that way you know it was ran by fill belly one way it was ran by big easy in other ways so i want to do my own little review on this bever setup so thank you bever for sending this over man we really appreciate it and let's dive into this so you see you got your five gallon pot here that your arm comes out of it and this little guy here this is has two functions it could either be a slobber box and if you don't know what a slaughter box is a slobber box is in case you run it a little too hard and it pukes into it it catches all that slobber mess that you puked into it and it doesn't transfer into your worm so it's really cool to have a slaughter box when you're first learning how to shine because you know we all make the mistakes early of running too hot so let's see what's inside here see we got a bubbler we got our tubes for our worm and they got the bow um i saw phil will explain that uh if you put this piece on here this is no longer a slobber box it becomes a thumper because now your vapor is traveling down and it's helping to recondense so that's real cool you know dual feature all right see these come with four little rubber or silicone gaskets and so these gaskets go up inside here to prevent it from leaking which you know these things might leak and if they do then just wrap some teflon tape around them later so the first thing i'm going to do before i put this thing together is i'm going to hit up all my joints with teflon tape you don't want no vapor getting out of this so we're just going to definitely take these up real important that you tape these before you run this you don't want any vapor getting out especially if you're going to be running on a flame like i'm going to be running on a stove you know you can get by with i mean you don't want to lose alcohol but no matter what but make sure you teflon take these fittings [Music] which you won't have to because i already did if you win this bad dude what a cool little still for 90 bucks man i know when i first started if i'd have seen something like this i was wanting to learn man i'd have jumped all over this thing all right now we got all of our ends teflon tape so it won't leak let's go on ahead and hook up our pipes remember we got these four gaskets in here so they're going to go up inside so when you're hooking this up you want to make sure you go into your thumper piece you'll want to reverse it so you could set it up like this to where it's all one unit on top of each other and that'll work great or you could take it and set it up so that it's on the counter now i would think well i know that you take this worm and you set it on the counter it's going to be it's going to work more efficiently it's keeping it cool as opposed to having it all up top here but we're going to run it the way it came make sure you're good and tight don't want her to leak and if they're leaking you can always tighten a little more later on and if you're still leaking after you tighten them then we just wrap the teflon tape around them but if you get them good and tight you know the way they manufacture these this shouldn't leak and should come with a pump too take care of your camera pump so there you have it man it comes with everything you need all you gotta do is make a match man what a cool little setup for 90 bucks man i would definitely buy one of these if i was a beginner i was early on learning how to shine so we'll just bend all this and get it all to sit nice and tight so i've got some leftover peach mash and i got some leftover banana mash i'm gonna fill this thing about about three quarters of the way full make some uh peach banana brandy it's gonna be awesome so i'm gonna run this on a turkey burner i know phil they ran on the stove so you can see the versatility you can run it on gas you can run it on stove um you can run it on anything really so let's get it on the burner let's get it loaded up get it fired up we got our banana peach brandy in here and i just used stuff i have left over so now we're gonna get our turkey burner fired up we're gonna set our beverage here all right let's get the top on so if you got a five gallon bucket you could use a five gallon bucket for a water vessel like blueberry did i got this barrel here so i already left it all together you know there you have it she's heating up now i'm going to take some um leftover peach stuff i have peach one i had and prime the thumb cake with it actually i'm gonna prime my pumpkin with some meat this is definitely a wild fruit punch mix of anything i got left over so i'm just going to give a little bit to bounce off of i don't need nothing real major in this okay so we're just going to take that's not to cover the bottom that's good and if you run this thing too hot man it will puke um that's one of the things about such a small opening coming out of the top so you know just like when they still be patient so we got all these taped up these joints uh they shouldn't leak we got the rubber gaskets in there but if they do then we'll just wrap them with some teflon tape and with that pump man if you don't slow it down you can slow it down to really maintain your flow and so you don't use up a whole lot of water and so at the beginning i'm just gonna fill it up you see if you wait too long man it could overflow so we're gonna really gear down and actually now she's that full we're going to shut that off we're going to unplug the pump and we're just going to let it sit until we reach our thumper then when we reach our thumper we'll plug it back in so now i'm going to set up catch when we're collecting our heads you see i put a little piece of copper on the end just to move it out a little bit so we've got our water circulating you can hear the hot water running out in the background so i would say we're about done with our heads we got about four gallons of mash in here so we're going to collect about 200 to 250 milliliters of heads then i'll put this right there look like a little bit more i didn't clean this thing out after phil where they ran i didn't waste the time it's better i'll kill like a little more heads and i'll just throw them in my fire pit fuel so i'm probably going to click half gallon three quarters of a gallon out of this some good hot good liquor you know check it all over we don't have any leaks or anything and i got to turn down as far as it'll go so there's our heads see good and clear no that's some high proof right there so now i'm just going to collect hearts man i'm going to let this run as you can see we're not steaming we don't have any leaks man this thing's going to run great he's got a you really got to force that water through in this thing because that worm's so small and it's sitting on top man but this is a great starter still pull you about half to a gallon of each time of a run that's perfect for a normal drinker maybe not my buddy old son but for normal drinkers so all right we're coming up on the end of our run now well we collected three solid quarts of hearts now we're getting a little tails here at the end so you know all in all man you know um there are some things i would change but for 90 bucks dude this is an amazing little still especially a starter still to learn on so you want something quick and easy this is it we didn't have any leaks some silicone gaskets and taping up those fittings work really well and you know for i'm really surprised at how good it turned out but that's all she is man that's a 90.5 gallon beverage still set up with the thumper slash slobber box a little worm because of everything you need now it's my favorite part time to taste all right that's it for our run on our ninety of ever still and you know i come out with three quarts of some really good really good shine here um i got a quart of about 140 120 and 100 got my heads i stopped at the tails you can see it started clouding up so you know three quarters of a gallon out of four gallons of management that's not a bad yield now let's uh let's get the favorite part going on let's smell it taste this oh that smells really good man she's a little high proof that's got good flavor too that's good brandy man you could pull make some really good liquor out of this little guy so you just starting out you want to learn good thing to learn on and then after you're done you got you a nice ass scatty pot so thanks bever i really enjoyed doing this review for y'all um i look forward to reviewing some other stuff so thanks for watching if you got any questions let us know if you want one of these 90 dollar bevers click on the link in the description use the fill billy code that's also there and get you one and then let us know how it comes and then be on the lookout for an upgrade for this thing it's going to be pretty awesome so thanks for watching thanks a lot bever shine on
Channel: PhilBilly Moonshine
Views: 93,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4TuXK8KXE_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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