Big Culvert Pipe And Justin Points Out My Accident

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well it is cold this morning and the sun hadn't quite come up yet but trying to get an early start john is going to get another load of dirt uh actually justin's gonna help haul today with his tandem so we can uh get some more dirt in here to help get across this creek so let me get this machine started up so it can warm up how many loads it bring three four three or four and that's three i think that one's just scattered i don't know eh might be four i can't tell that's one low two loads kinda looks like the tailgate right there but also i think that's three we'll say that's three all right let me get this freaked out and i gotta dig all that mud out and get all that rock put in there to build a base all right i hope you can see this morning uh well the window defrosted i started building my little coffer dam actually i need to rake this mud all the way up here and then dip it out so i got the creek dammed up for right now and i'm scraping all this mud out and once i get the mud out i'm gonna reach behind me and start breaking all that good clay that was piled up down in here and tracking it in place or a base that way i can go ahead and set that cover pipe and then start using all the dirt to backfill it i'm just trying to do a strip here about 20 feet wide of good clay um the shoulders can be the top soily stuff doesn't really matter on that [Music] that's pretty solid ground down there this top soil out which is the mud if i need some uh dryer stuff i'll just go up there and get a few buckets of that trying to put this stuff on the shoulders it's gonna work pretty well it's just so wet and muddy i'm trying to pile it up it's just all going to slide right off [Music] once i get the pipe set i'll have a little better idea of where exactly i need to put the outer edge of dirt at [Music] so get this out get my grade put in i'm gonna put the pipe in probably four or five inches in the ground maybe maybe five or six just to give it a little more cover and kind of seat the pipe down into the ground just so it is a definitely lower spot than the creek channel and the water as crazy as it sounds uh you know it's a big open end pipe but if you have it up like six inches off the bottom of the creek you'd be surprised how much water will seep out around it instead of trying to go through it just to dang this thing [Music] all right well i got about another 10 or 15 bucket fulls of mud to throw out of the way and then i'm going to start raking some of this better material down in here and getting it tracked in place and get everything set up to set the pipe in place got all the mud dug out in the center where the road is going to go a little bit of water right here i want to push out that's where that pine tree was kind of a stump hole there well we're going to slide down in here anyway so let's just go for it oh yeah that's good there so i want to go ahead and get this filled in before it starts leaching through and saturating the uh ground that i've gotten cleaned off right here yes it's still got moisture in it if you will never get completely dry dirt but it's solid i mean it's not going anywhere some people just start digging and digging and digging and no it will not get drier the deeper you go actually it'll get worse so you've kind of just got to use your own judgment and experience to know that hey this is going to work right here so get this knocked down a little bit so don't swing into it when i start raking the dirt out and now i'm going to take these boulders in that load and i'm actually going to waste them right here because it was a little spongy right there and that'll kind of help bridge across that [Music] a lot of people said i should take these rocks back to the house and use them for rip rap well i don't know if you've noticed or not but i know it's deceiving on camera it's a 42 inch bucket and that's a 42 inch rock it's just not practical to try to put those in a little creek channel to use this rip wrap it's got so much dirt and other debris in it that uh most people would really wouldn't want to happen so i'm going to take this break a lot of this material down get it spread out and track in even if i'm a little higher i'll just dig out a spot in the center for the pipe to lay in that way i can kind of eyeball my grades a little bit better uh go ahead and set it in place and that'll give them some more room to dump dirt and allow it not to be 40 feet from where i need it from i better make sure i'm not backing into the hill there good good good good good good good good [Music] [Music] right now so i can drive up there and pull some more down and i'll come down here and really track it in place [Music] [Music] suppose if i can spin around without three branches down and not fall over like that anyway just built something in there [Music] just tracking it in place [Music] found a little method to the madness [Music] here [Music] [Music] get up on the hill there we go [Music] they've got all this dirt or john has hauled all that dirt so that i would have plenty of dirt this morning to go ahead and do this with because that's the last thing you want to do is start filling in something not have enough dirt in order to see the ground water start to come through that little coffer dam [Music] so if i can get all this put in place packed in that'll seal that off and then if it gets a little bit wet the low area where i've got to put the pipe it's not going to hurt anything because i won't have oh six feet at eight a dirt because that's four feet pipe and two foot of cover it'll be fine fine and dandy about two more i'll break that out track it in and finish pulling this off the hillside so that when they come they come back to about right here not have dirt piled up all the way into my road [Music] right here oh that's probably enough [Music] break it out [Music] i do not know how much i'm gonna have to undercut over there on the other side just yet but i worry about that when i get over there [Music] right now i just want a solid base to get over there all right let's drive down in here and track this in let's only put it in here about 12 inches deep the excavator will pack it down good enough it's not like i can fit the roller down in here well i could i just wouldn't be able to get it out by itself just pretty much back and forth put another lift in [Music] a lot of room here you got to kind of pick yourself up scoot over [Music] big packing pretty good all right let me finish this up and get some more dirt got some more dirt this morning first load john i see justin waiting across the street [Music] and here comes justin backing along backed up here and dumped about i might need to break that down a little bit right there dump it out there we go i've got my full load need some boards on that thing pretty good little loaded dirt i heard you didn't uh you didn't do your pre-trip inspection this morning which one was it i mean you at least got to go around here and give them a good old thumparoo i did seem solid yeah look at you know those side walls are like an inch thick you know they look like they got air in them you got to kick them to see that's right all right well he gave you a pretty good load there yeah he i he says six and a half i counted seven okay i'll catch you on the next one all right i got my dirt in here and a channel cut to set the pipe in as you can tell i got it about six inches below grade down there um that'll kind of help seat it in and i don't know how far it is right there probably a few inches right there as well all right let me go up here and see if i can i'm gonna try to scoop it up if not i got a chain to hook around it and bring it down here but it was a soft spot right here where i ended the road right i'm going to see if i can actually just kind of scoop this pipe up [Music] does that look like i can do that relatively easily i got a chain i can wrap around it pick it up i think it's small enough where i can grab it though [Music] look at that don't need no stinking chain [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so i got the pipe set in the creek as you can tell it's got plenty of fall on it i think i'm going to push that in down here a little bit farther kind of get a little bit more straighter with the path but i think i'm pretty good if anything i might slide it down to my left just a touch yeah maybe a foot or so that'll kind of kick it over this way just a little bit more and i'll start covering it up all right so i got the pipe put in and set in place now i'm going to start digging up some of this dirt and putting it around it packing it in and perfect timing just had a load of dirt dumped out and i can go ahead and put it around the pipe dump some right here kind of each side of it i dump it right on top it would kind of run around and that'll keep it from rolling out of the way pretty much [Music] probably should have drove the skid steer to the other side before i put the pipe in so that i can kind of track the dirt in i always have to do it with this i guess build a ramp over the pipe take it back [Music] out [Music] [Music] as i get this lift put in i can rake the dirt out there on that little cofferdam and start fixing that go ahead and let the water flow through it all right now that it won't kick the pipe out i can put a little bit of a lift in here and get that packed in and then throw dirt over the pipe and get that put in place justin is here with another load of dirt well let's at least make sure that the water flows through the pipe so essentially i had to kind of put it in here at such a weird angle i kind of fill in the creek a little bit and then dig that section out so that it's kind of a little bit more of a straight shot going into the pipe just kind of fill that in the water's going somewhere so that's a good sign [Music] flowing out this side stick that down just a little bit right there pack all this dirt in place [Music] and there it goes down the creek [Music] i'll take all this mud and waste it right there pack that in place just kind of dress all this up as i raise the rotor now we gotta put five more feet of dirt in here all right i'll let that drain on down good to me [Music] come along good taking the skid steer now and pushing a lift in here i'm going to get enough to be able to get across the pipe and then i can undercut that out and get that side tracked in as well but i put enough dirt here to keep it from moving around it's flowing down in there nicely i'll clean that out a little bit better once i can drive across it with the excavator and this side is got a little more water in it just because i was trying to get it down as low as possible to get as much cover as possible let me push that out real quick [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so so i was able with that last load justin brought to bridge across the pipe enough where i could jump over with the skid steer and i want to cut this out and then pull that dirt down and as they dump they'll dump it over the pipe there and i can pull it down and kind of keep tracking it in and filling in this side i kind of did a boo boo i got the skid steer stuck i uh i was pulling that dirt out over there and i was spun around to take the dirt that i had pulled out and the damn thing just slid back down in the ditch before i knew what happened and uh needless to say i can't get it out under its own power and i can't get i can't pull it from behind because it's halfway up the back door because i had it dug out with a 401 bucket so i'm going to take this load of dirt he just brought and built me a road around it [Music] so that i can uh get the excavator over there and pull it out it's not really stuck i just can't get up the hill and it's down in the hole that i dug take the bad mud out whoopsies [Music] that might be enough dirt [Music] break some branches off of that tree get down through there break this out i can't believe i did that it just slid backwards before i could even [Music] react [Music] [Music] all right that's enough for me to get across it here put the bucket out and take some of the weight just kind of slowly ease on over like so keeping as much weight as i can off that pipe and now i can just kind of easily rebranch drive up over here i got a chain sitting on the bucket over there give it just a little tug it needs it's not stuck it's just it won't come up the hill i know i had pulled that out and i spun around to take that and it hit on that edge and that mud on the tracks it just went [Music] i want to film your reaction to this i had a boo-boo it's not stuck i just can't get out oh okay yeah that is funny i was looking i'm like where is the skid steer see what had happened no what happened was i was pulling all that out and i spun around to push it out of the way and it didn't stop when i wanted to stop and it just that's where it ended up and that's where it become with me trying to get it out and here we are i see and here we are so all you got to do is just steer and i'll just give you a little tug see it's not stuck it just won't climb the hill yeah yeah i see you run it backwards to see if it would no that's where it stopped that oh okay yeah yeah this is where i spun around and that these safe working conditions we're in here well you know they say dump truck driving's a little boring so i wanted to spice it up with a little excitement uh you remember this one you gotta hit the little green button to get it right that one here we all go so justin come to uh help me pull it out here see that's all i needed just a little see i told you it wasn't stuck i just couldn't get because my low out he's laughing you there he said that you would he would stop and help me oh he did yeah he said he had to go back and get another load but since justin was already behind yeah i don't want you to get dirty let me grab that chain come on and back on up dump some dirt in this mud hole you know i was trying to get that rear compaction yeah and uh i did pretty good right there this model had a compaction wheel you know i'm multitasking i dig with both ends you know i was trying to get the mud out of there and i'm going to dig some more mud out back that rig on up well always a little excitement that'll give me some dirt to fill this hole in with now so ta-da wear that tailgate out you banged it hard enough you ain't got nothing to worry about getting off oh okay where'd that tailgate out all right hurry up and get another load yeah you're running behind now i didn't know i was gonna have to halfway trading on that end and come out here well i'll just tell them you stopped at the store i so i made it across the creek now got the pipe put in and backfilled now i'm having to do a pretty deep undercut on the other side here the house starts right here that corner stake that'll be the front side back center field out there parking area is going to be right here and uh this stuff pretty much turned to like jello the real nice top tool is just it's completely saturated as you can see it's almost splattered when it hits the ground but uh get this undercut out and still hauling the clay and rock in to fill it back in and we'll top dress it with stone before they end up today [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so so so so so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] packing it in so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i got that graded back out the road took a little bit of a abuse today but i got that fixed back got a mountain of mud and topsoil i had to undercut got the equipment parked for the uh holiday weekend and we'll be back here probably next week so it'll be sitting here for a little while got everything rolled in but we did good today uh this is where i uh filled in yesterday i got this undercut out down to the creek and today we brought a boatload of dirt in well both trucks hauled all day today john and justin did i got the culvert pipe set and put in so i got about a foot to eighty eighteen inches of dirt below the pipe and it's a four foot pipe and i'm about almost two feet over it so there's a lot of dirt in here so i got a good wide crossing here now i kind of straighten the creek up a little bit so it'll come around and it's flowing right straight in the pipe i need to clean that out or it'll wash out depending on how much rain we get tomorrow yes more rain gone for about an inch and a half so i'm glad we got all this dirt hauled in here and packed in place and it'll flow through here and flush this out pretty good i got the slopes graded out and packed in place and ended up having to undercut all this about two feet um just to get to something solid it was really really spongy it seems fine when you drive over it but after you drive over it eight or ten times it turns to quicksand so i got all that undercut out pretty good little pile there i mean it's some beautiful topsoil and uh it will pack nice and hard it's just we've had so much rain and there's this clay layer of clay down there the water just gets down there to it and sets on it and just saturates everything above so that's probably five dump truck loads of topsail there had to under cut out but there's a nice road coming back here now got it all rolled in didn't have time to get stoned it's about a little after four o'clock so the sun's about ready to go down and everybody's closing down because tomorrow is christmas eve so we're gonna shut down take a few days off and uh be back at it next week
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 476,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, huge, culvert, pipe, setting, creek, crossing, metal, drain, overflow, road, building, skid, steer, stuck, muddy, accident, wreck, rolling, compacting, dump, truck, dumping, heavy, construction, equipment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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