Big concrete stairway-Done right

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[Music] [Music] good morning it is 5 30 on a tuesday we're getting ready to leave we're going to pour that big set of steps today today is maybe the last nice weather day of the week tomorrow's supposed to rain thursday's iffy and friday's rain again i knew it was going to be a slow start to the season but uh yeah we're just fighting against the weather what are you gonna do special shout out this morning to anthony ramirez who had a birthday on april 10th i hope you had a great day obviously we're past that at this point but i didn't want to forget about you all right let's take the trash out grab some coffee and get to work how much garbage do we make how are you doing pretty good yourself good how's the trucking business it's a little slow right now it's going to pick up soon i hope so i think so yeah i love the videos oh thank you man morning scott ready for the day there we go there we go all right i am just pulling into the yard it is 6 21. i see daryl already daryl's been doing great showing up early every day i don't know if daryl jr is here or not i didn't really talk to daryl about it i doubt it it might be too cold for him today francisco is not here yet but i'm early so that's all right look at daryl cleaning out the truck man i see her here early cleaning out the truck yeah i have to are you feeling okay yeah hey bugs bugs would be proud of you right now i know he would be charlie's coming in to help with the steps yeah i thought that was good yeah exactly i broke my post hole digger yesterday so found another one got to bring another sprayer can we didn't have four mile on the stoop and it was terrible all the birds is she there yeah we got a bird i don't know if you can see her it's a mom on her nest there was two eggs in there right yeah two or three build a little house and just move it right over here so she knows you know maybe we could put it right in here yeah i don't know i was gonna build like a little wood thing yeah i don't know but she can't sit there for too long because we're gonna use this truck cold and windy again today cold and windy i feel like i'm complaining talking about the weather so much here in wisconsin but i guess i am the weather has been absolutely terrible i'm hoping it approves for next week we got a lot of work lined up there he is he's all smiley this morning morning how's it going good good i got charlie coming in that guy he's going to meet us over on the job and he said he might be bringing a friend too so we should be good the guy that helped us the other day charlie he's here to help us pour and finish the steps and he brought another finisher so what i thought was going to be a lonely day me finishing all the steps by myself turned out to be a day where i'm going to have all the help i need plus some so it just takes some of the pressure off me how's it going man i'm sick of this weather i wasn't expecting it me too how are you doing good this is garrett how are you doing good how are you not too bad so you're a finisher too yeah you should sit on a rider like him all day i wish oh no where it's so easy are we doing this today too no no no we're just i just want to finish these steps and get out of here man uh new construction in germantown it's a big driveway front sidewalk a big stamp patio rear step so yeah tomorrow tomorrow we'll go there so today we'll finish here yes alright i got to get with the garbage man sometime this winter i don't know if any anybody will let me ride along but that would be my dream i love the garbage man yeah i get that in the videos there they look so crooked from here don't they they're not they're still level you caught a four foot man i need a four foot three four foot two and a half inches and don't mess it up this time please thank you same same thing 4 foot 3. good morning how are you today we're gonna we're gonna pour all these steps today yeah we tried to work a little yesterday but it was so sloppy we left we gave it a shot but it wasn't working very good [Applause] yeah nice work man hey watch out case daryl smashes your head well go to it guys yep we're gonna knock it out today should be very easy uh so we need to put a pipe you got a trench from here to here yeah we got to put a four inch pipe we'll tape tape both ends because she said eventually they might put a down spot there i doubt it but i said if they ever do we'll have a pipe here so they can get under here how long you been doing concrete uh five years in september oh all right you like it does it pay the bills yeah you don't love concrete no obviously i do get out i love mine i need some felt and the spray glue and the chalk line we got chalk line up there put the felt on man where's bugs when we need them remember bugs are always due to felt that's the job yep that's his job [Music] we're into three of them and then we'll do two that way two that way one in the wall and then cross them up this way i'm gonna call see if we can get concrete earlier what are you working on up there i was just clearing out my tabs because i'm waiting for the back oh wow oh i'll stop look at this you got great globs of grease on your arm oh how did that happen look at that that's all grease it's all over your back too oh get out of the truck dude you're full of grease oh what the heck hey it's ryan from victory seven bag low chart air microfiber or one percent an nca and a four inch slump charlie do you want to get that we're probably not going to use it today but at least it's ready that finishing aid yeah and then there's a brand new pump sprayer in the box in the back seat of my truck at least i'm going to always keep it on the truck from now on i always get confused because it depends where you're at in the country i've noticed some places called con film and then you get some no it's totally different they call it a yucoba or some places no con so so here's the deal con film the yuca bar they're evaporation retardants so those are meant to be sprayed on you both float first and then you spray it on and you don't both let that stuff in yeah because it can peel on you this stuff was designed to bowl float in and to finish into the surface it's made for that this is a completely different product totally different purpose but that bucket was 500 over 500 for that bucket concrete's here finally you ready yes i'm ready you like those five gallon pails tell me the truth yes i do if you turn around you can make it right in we're replacing the driveway anyway so you can just pull right in so all right show time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey i see your meg is bigger than mine i'm a little jealous to be honest [Music] so [Music] just tell them to hold up a second now hey can you just can you just uh back up a little bit and let me finish it's like oh now you wreck the whole wall all right [Music] all right so that actually was pretty easy yeah it was some bucketing but that really wasn't a big deal just floating them off floating off the last one we vibrated them all with our hammer drill you just set it to hammer not drill and it'll it'll do a real nice job for you all right drivers pulling out of here steps are all poured and floated looking good now it's just a waiting game we're going to edge them all up and wait for them to set up jump on them finish them up they're going to look really nice want to say hi to anybody my grandson all right what's his name all right what's up dylan he's 17 years old he wants to work with dylan your grandpa is one of the best drivers i've ever had last year we're doing a driveway was super hot i think he was the third truck and he came in and just laid it down we barely had to puddle it and it saved us a lot of work very very good driver all right we just got this concrete down here they're all edged up we're waiting for the set up just a little bit and i should be about 20 minutes 30 minutes and we'll jump on them they're looking real good so far just gotta strip the faces finish them all up they're gonna look perfect right daryl that's right are you gonna finish them yes i am and not a chance no so what do you do on your days off nothing man that's gotta be boring yeah what do you play yeah you stream on twitch no you could be a famous streamer man yeah all right we're gonna give it a shot we'll just work our way down slowly see what happens [Applause] see i think we should wait five ten minutes because uh that one was a little i mean i got it it didn't say but it was borderline for sure and that one was in the sun so you're gonna finish floating that yep all right there are you serious right now just dump a little bit of gravel right here and then put the bobcat away that would be something you could do yeah i could do that all right i'm gonna get back on it start doing these steps again [Music] you seen my other two guys for a while hey you guys busy let's see what daryl's doing while we're busy working on the steps how's it going good what are you doing man i just finished up my chip so i'm putting the wind weight oh okay thanks [Music] once we're done we're gonna have to we're gonna have to go up those faces with a trowel they're too rough and uh the brooms like yeah if i leave something like that on camera i will get torn to shreds so they start brooming them top three steps or top two steps wet and i didn't like it so i'm making them re-face it all it's got to be victory style [Music] [Music] sure that was fun yep see you man all right we're all done on this one the steps turned out absolutely beautiful i'm real happy with them you guys saw the video we poured the stoop now landing there coming down a couple joints control joints where i know it's gonna crack there's a bunch of rebar in here these steps aren't going anywhere nice radius around and i'll show you a view from the bottom up all right here's a view from the bottom going up a nice radius as you guys saw i like to use uh the cove tool and the nose tool it really cleans up the edges get all the corners nice and crisp i really like using those tools i know a lot of guys don't use them they'll just float and it's kind of a square edge on the bottom but i just i just don't like that i like to clean it up as best i can make it look pretty all right so we're not quite done with this job we got to fix these walls and then we're actually going to put in a new driveway for we're gonna put a new pad over there we're gonna fix that landstone wall and we're gonna replace this driveway but it's really wet here and i'm gonna give it a two to three weeks before we come back and finish this job off so i'm gonna get paid for half the job for what we did and then i'll get paid the rest at the end but it turned out real nice all right that's it for today the weather looks pretty bad for the rest of the week but either way i will see you on the next one adios [Music] hey dad how was your day very easy [Music] you
Channel: Victory Outdoor Services
Views: 250,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete steps, concrete stairs, concrete staircase, concrete stairway, pouring concrete
Id: Fx0LgyEyNEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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