Building steps into a hill.

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[Music] good afternoon it is a beautiful late september day september 27th i think it's like 79 degrees outside as you can see we need to put some stairs on this hill i just made a video about putting pine straw on this hill and it's very slick so today's video we're going to be building some stairs we don't have an exact plan but we're going to be building steps going up right through here i think i might curve them a little bit this is what we're going to be making these steps out of i got these at lowe's yesterday i got enough for five steps and there's a lizard right there we have so many little lizards out here now the step this is a retaining wall block and then i've got a cap block to put on top of them and that's basically what it's going to be [Music] [Music] i don't really like the way this looks i think i'm going to have to dig it out further over here because we we kind of want it curved so this is going to take a lot longer to figure out than i thought i think once i get the first one or two steps figured out it'll be quick that miss b helping me out i am so frustrated last time i built these steps on another house i lived in i did not use any gravel or any kind of sand or anything i put three steps in i dug the dirt out packed it down put the steps in they lasted for years but i made a video about putting this driveway in here this dirt is just it's terrible it does not compact very good it just stays damp and clumpy and moist anyway so i've got gravel here i've taken some gravel from my driveway and i think we're going to try that it's already looking better put the gravel down and i pack it down now i've got these end caps not end caps caps basically i've got a bunch of these i'm going to put these on top we're going to glue them on the ones on the end i'm going to have to [Music] cut [Music] it's been raining i'm not gonna get these done today so this is what my gravel looks like uh originally i had no plan to use any gravel but it turned out good it's gonna make a much more stable base the next thing i need to do i'm going to glue on the the caps i'm going to use this landscape construction adhesive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these steps are starting to look pretty good i still have to glue this glue that down dig out my last step i'm happy that five is gonna make it so i don't have to spend any more money on these [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] these steps turned out so much better than i thought they would i was having to walk down them very carefully the glue or the adhesive has not set up i think it takes seven days i think it said seven days for the glue to cure the adhesive whatever so by next weekend they should be pretty solid and i can run up and down them i've got about a hundred dollars in materials in this project and it took me two days to do it i actually started last weekend and i finished today i think these steps turned out great considering that i really didn't have an exact plan or an idea about what i was going to do i just knew i wanted steps in this hill if you made it this far in my video thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Brantley Blended
Views: 972,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iscAp1QEhi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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