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live where's my glasses 20 minutes Max lifetime yeah I don't want to be live all day because I want to go do some sewing I'm just waiting for a few people to join and I'll unbox this neighborhood go-to guy Jax Turner Leonard virtue oh man you guys are the die hards the go-to guys neighborhood go-to guy we were just talking about him uh me and Evan yeah or was it you the miraculousness of him winning that time he went through the gauntlet of chance yeah like Lottery level impossibilities yeah random bizarre randomness and it picked him twice yeah caveman the wood butcher Arizona what's up what's up Pete I want to do a quick unboxing and then show you guys around a little bit a couple of things and then I gotta get back to work pop a log I like pop a notch too wear the hoodie all the time he says go-to guy all right I got I got an unboxing here that no idea um what to expect because I didn't know it was coming but I got a feeling about it because um because it says howling custom carving custom carving and it says yeah maybe it's not even a carving but I thought if it is I'm gonna show it to you guys Steve bro what's up bro he's gonna correct me on how to pronounce his name in a second like one of those infomercials where you make something easy look very difficult it says fragile so I'm trying to be careful here Dave in Kentucky sup you know you've arrived when you just get random gifts in the mail like it's your birthday foreign there it is more wrapping I got a feeling this will be if it's a carving maybe this is a base by the way this is from uh J light key Jay litke J lightiki are you out there Jay are you with us you guys want to see what this is smells like linseed oil shop towels thank you for that so this is clearly some sort of um base Panther bars I'm getting questions now I'm getting interruptions I think we just got a panther order today there but all the sprockets and stuff so we're probably going to be shipping out a bunch of stuff here in an hour or two okay man the wood butcher your little girl what's her name shout her out how's it doing how you doing Patrick and Chase and d-wreck we're unboxing some kind of carving here frahile must be French you spelled where and correctly and I didn't even notice it what's up Leonardo Michelle still no correction on Steve bro so you shall now be Steve bro forever oh no he's gonna save it thinking that you might say that it's pronounced B plus B plus no B plus rough rough what's up bro that's even better thanks for the shout out tell your mom hi okay I'll she's probably watching tell tell her yourself yeah them kids should be soon okay some kind of Base all right let's see what's next something for my office because what we're doing of course my wife would probably like this too my wife wants to decorate the whole house in like woodsmen monkey Beaver type stuff isn't that a cool wife that would want to do that but you know how they are uh they decorate in trends so that means monkey Beaver would eventually fall out of style would be my guess but hey I'll take five 15 seconds of Fame with my wife whenever I can get it all right let's see what we got here oh here it is well that's pretty Epic is it is it turned right for you guys or does it read backwards because of the reverse camera it's pretty rad it's pretty rad I gotta find I hope he's watching it's the right way around okay thanks what's your daughter's name caveman Herbie fpv Jonathan Lloyd South Wales foreign sorry Highline but you've worked enough in your life man take a break Catherine thanks for hanging with your dad today long enough to hear Hive from all of us here at Monkey beaver I think Evan's gonna walk in in a minute hello Catherine and Catherine is son of the caveman proud daughter of a caveman you ever see that movie The Croods Catherine you've seen The Croods are you like little Eep she was like the toughest one so evidently I don't know what this is maybe epoxy or Hey Joe what do you think this is what is it probably something marble or epoxy uh probably not marble probably yeah a resin of some type how's that from Jessa yeah from Jay it's from a guy named Jay leidke yeah he called today it says open it carefully that's really cool all right let's put it on the so what I was saying about this is we are gonna have a podcast studio built and this will be perfect for it okay it's a little Tippy that's what it looks like stood up yeah that podcast is going to be a blast thank you Catherine for watching the videos Jonathan Lloyd he likes it Cocoa Beach Florida for neighborhood go-to guy yeah we send harnesses all over the world we've sent them from um Russia the only place that doesn't have any harnesses unless they like stole them was uh is China oh I shouldn't assume they would steal them but but they they may have copied them or something I don't think they're watching so we won't worry about hurting their feelings the Chinese aren't allowed a lot of freedom I hear so uh yeah Sweden we've we've got harnesses in Sweden anybody wants to order one we got them in stock these here are the are the 1.0s but they're newly we've made some changes to them so that now you can put all of your like your cargo D's and stuff you can put them anywhere on the all the way around we got 2.0 uh we got 2.0 here and other places foreign I'll show you a really cool one um that Sam made so Sam is like our Jedi slower but somebody would feel like chopped liver if I said that because there are other Jedi stores but I feel like she's she's like the queen of it anyway she made this a guy called or Instagram or something like that and he asked me can I um can I get a harness the celebrates autism awareness and I was like I bet you could and then I had a bunch of Customs I'm working on some customs today actually so I was like Sam Sam can you take this one and so Sam took you know when we do customs we don't get micromanaged by people but what we do is we we take their idea and we say okay we'll make you something and you tell us if you like it my sister hi Heather so uh here's what Sam came up with the symbology of of Autism Awareness is these puzzle pieces I mean this is such a totally precisely custom sewn high quality stitched creatively made every backstitch in the perfect uniform spot I mean we don't we make the best harnesses on the planet I'm telling you right here in Grants Pass Oregon this stuff is radical so this is what Sam did and and she has others Maybe um I'd like to show you some of the other Customs but I'll probably not soon to come oh here's a here's a 2.0 and a kind of a dark camo soon we're opening up a splice shop that Damien is in charge of and we'll be doing some well icing uh our rigging game on the website is going to get a little more radical soon over here you can see we have some suspenders in stock we love Lupe Santiago he's like the only other like design brand that we have besides our own because he we feel like he is US kind of um let's see what else can I show you guys you have one for me to sign yeah these are all going out today yeah this uh are these going out today uh I'm not sure someone might just be built so that they can put on the shelves um yeah so we got the splatter pattern plain black which is often how I like them to be patriotic is there a Rambo one there this goes out today this is uh uh we call it the Rambo Ram Barista Star Spangled going out today I made one of these Customs for Lupe Lupillo Santiago and then and then other people were like yo yo yo Gotta Have It Amigo and I was like can do this is the uh this is a large splatter it's going out to Trevor I think is his name what's his address just kidding I have social security numbers uh yeah so he bought this today all the board fires yeah and uh because his uh Street motion Pro was pinching him oh so he dude that was a Savage what you just did right there the pro that was Savage merciless type two I had to I'm not lying which one am I signing this one this one okay so he said his words not mine Trevor I do believe his name all right you got a silver Sharpie let's find one that's that's fresh fresh yeah this is good this one's not fresh this one looks pretty good it looks super it's not bad this one might be better they'll get worn out so fast I know I did something custom with a silver Sharpie yesterday show that later all right Trevor I'm going to sign your harness right now now live let's see where do I want this sort of a bottom right thing oh you guys can't even see your chainsaw is on your truck what do you mean sir I'm not even driving a truck this marker is not good I'll take another one okay although maybe it's the splatter I'm Italian Leonardo how do you pronounce your last name can you do it phonetically for me United Kingdom Hall we ship there all the time as a matter of fact we get things from there all the time some of the components of the harness are from there try this one foreign [Music] well it's going to be camo'd in there and that's okay because it's it says please open first yo I think this is what he's talking about about a letter oh was I supposed to open that first cool I'll read it there I defiled a perfectly brand new harness so this is a letter I wonder if he cares if I read it live He's people should know better than to send me stuff I love it does he know this is he on right now I don't know are you here Justin dude it's awesome it'll go in the podcast Studio and uh and along with other things this being the coolest yeah that's super cool the coolest handmade thing that I can think of uh let's see where's that monkey beer on the hood I've got a guy sent this one time two we get like these presents in the mail it's pretty awesome I'm gonna share a live feed oh there we go Justin leidge pronounced lid key all right fix that recreational climber that had a spinal fusion a couple of years ago I found both rack climbing and your channel while I was recovering from that after researching for a year I started Gathering gear after a year of getting comfortable with wet climbing I got my first chance to help with the removal it was a trio of short mulberry trees but the excitement was phenomenal the entire time I was replaying bits and pieces of things I learned from you my friend also said that if anyone was watching they would think I have been doing this a while because I look comfortable moving through the canopies excellent I hope this helps you through the days that your back is giving you a hard time I'm like I'm like holding on to it right now and you're not able to be in a tree it's not the newest piece of prototype gear it's not a modified saw it's not anything that you'd take climbing it is however handmade custom One of a Kind piece it's my way to say thank you for a few things howling custom wood carving keeping me inspired when I definitely needed an entertaining and educating me from a professional tree man's perspective letting me and the world go along with you in your adventures I'm not looking for anything in return it's just my way of saying thank you I hope you like it I love it you never know when you're you know video work in a tree is work like tree work is its own work and then anybody who gets into video work will find out that it's a whole another job and you might even quit after a short time of it because it's a lot of extra things but if you want to do something like if you enjoy it then you'll find yourself doing it and anytime somebody's doing something they want to do it seems like it'll Inspire somebody no matter what it is you can be like you know polishing floors or something and if you just really love that shine then it would be inspirational to somebody and I think that's what happens people get inspired by Blue Collar work so thanks start a channel whatever you love to do share it maybe not even a channel this show somebody that can be inspired open along the Box seams so he was careful that I would destroy it in my haste to open it but as you can see I have not so thank you Justin howling custom carving because so that's about it I'm gonna go I'll listen to five minutes of you who's ever watching and then I will unplug I got a few things to sew what can you come up with for an old Die Hard climber hmm just about anything you know like uh I took I can't it's kind of a this is a teaser but um I took a car a a coloring some art that a child made and I erased the background and then I had it printed on harness fabric that's going to be rad and I can't show it to you yet because I'm still waiting on the mail you're welcome caveman sadly I only speak one language I'm not fluent in any other what is that color supposed to mean okay that's the uh that's the autism awareness colors I'll show it to you if you want to see it so a person asks for autism awareness harness they're uh they use puzzle pieces as their as their symbology for autism I guess I didn't know it's probably probably oh hook look at this bunch of Panther sprockets so these are all 25 11's right here 25 11s this is what we've been waiting for these little 2511 sprockets so there's gonna be a bunch of uh things go out uh yeah how many boxes and then I don't know we got a small book here a hundred no not that many 20. at least 20. at least 20 boxes of Panther stuff going out today so anybody's been waiting on that uh Gregory it looked like it was supposed to be today any questions for Joe he loves being put on the spa what do you got I do have these just came in the day too these are if you want to use the Apex rope wrench with the Rion rounds tether there's a little spot that corner right there will get caught so we just buff these ones down a little bit so now they're ready to go for the new if you have a brand and you wanted to use it with the new real Branch you just need to take like not even an eighth of an inch off that point right there what will happen is the Rope wrench will get cam past it and it'll stick down so so any of rounds tethers you buy now will work for the uh the new row Branch yeah see if I have missed any questions thank you Indiana tree guy William Fleener says hello Joe Klein swords what do you mean when you say your harness is rated fall rated yeah it's built according to to exceed the the uh ASTM standards which means it's that is the rating that is the uh standard we follow in the United States that is not the CE standard we don't it doesn't apply here um and it is not currently CE certified but it is totally legit and way exceeds the American Standards so yeah there's no uh there's no better harness in the world anywho yeah they've been dropped they've been pulled apart um and they far exceed the ASTM standards as a matter of fact for all the drop tests the ASTM standards allow you to use a new harness every time for each different test how many tests per drop the drop tests I mean we've probably done 30 on that one harness yeah so that means you could use 30 harnesses in order to optimize your your testing your test scores we just use the same one every time and even though it's been beat and B and B and B and B it still exceeds the ratings so that's what we're talking about there's no nothing to hide there's only it's like a good food have you noticed that that crappy processed food they make the ingredients really tiny and they make the list really long they make it hard to see what you've just put in your body but good food their advertisement is in the ingredient list and they put the ingredient list really big on the front of the package so that you can see that they're giving you nothing but the good stuff because they're proud of it because when you do the right thing when you do good things you're proud of it you don't have to hide it so anyway that's our harness proud of it when is the 2.0 going on sale I need one but can't afford one I would suggest you save because chesty get off Instagram YouTube YouTube yeah the thing is um to us it's on sale now you know you could you can go spend more money for something right now that is not as cool as this so we make it on sale thanks Luke oh I see Johnny homegrown homegrin says that he thinks that yives Ives La case was asking if the MB harness will be compliant to European standards we will do it but we're busy with American Standards right now that's 80 or 90 percent of our business Leslie Hall harness looks good I have two kids with autism and I think it's great that you can do something like that and I think that's great that the guy wants a harness to show awareness to the autism yeah it's pretty cool you're welcome hinner [Music] he says we quickly shipped to Germany to 200 t-shirts flying is on hold for me but scheduling uh flights for my son the guy who was talking about put him on sale says that he misses watching you climb because you're awesome thanks Joe says thanks I should do it more but yeah well the reality is other things have to get done yeah Joe's busy here but as work picks up yeah we're we're um we're talking about a situation where the tree side and the monkey Beaver side are a little more integrated where maybe we all do tree work a couple days a week and then we all work here a few days a week so yeah Damien and Jeff's presence down here helping out and then you know it's nice out and it's a fun job we'll all go do that listen to this idea I had an idea where where I seek out the gnarliest projects in town and maybe the people don't even have money to do it but we go do the work for them and then YouTube the YouTube audience pays for us to cater the camera to to show them the process so YouTube pays the YouTube what part of this job do you want to see yeah yeah you can see that this all the setup or you want to just see the fun Parts like how detailed do you want it to be yeah this crowd a lot of them they just they would watch 24 hour video they want [Music] but most people don't so my guess is we would do some we'd find a way to do some live video I had to get rid of a phone call there because I've been getting spammed huh so anyway I'm thinking about doing some jobs that we just cherry-picked the worst possible hazardous tree projects offer them for free to the customer and then have the YouTube audience pay us to show them how we do it I think that could work because a few people paid a few dollars adds up to a lot when you have you know a hundred and some thousand subscribers anyway I'm gonna go I'm gonna go and do some some uh sewing oh Highline tree wants an Autism Awareness harness I didn't know we'd be making another one wow hey man that's cool that's interesting you're welcome Schwartz LLC he went from a notch Sentinel to 1.0 whose idea was what evangelist arborist whose idea I'll wait till you answer me and then I'll cut out after I answer it boom up engineering likes is 1.0 thanks for continuing to teach me and my boys you're welcome Lloyd Arbor Jax Tree Service hello August can you do a video of your current 2.0 settle on everything you run on it yeah I'll show it to you maybe next time I'm working oh when I don't have anything to say I just stare you do yeah most of the time I remember I was talking to Billy Ray one time and he was watching a live video and I was just staring at the camera and he was all I never thought of that yeah he's all I dance and sing and run around he feels like he has to perform he's just a golden retriever Love Again from Arizona thank you caveman the wood Butcher and Catherine come on uh who is this who was this evangelist arborist what question were you asking about I don't know what that means Jax oh no I've been talking about it since oh this is that what you're alluding to you think it was somebody else's idea like maybe Billy Ray because we've both talked about it but no I I've been talking about it for foreign I don't know longer I'll say that not the thought that it's a competition but yeah it's a natural thing to to think is is if if you have an audience and your audience wants something then you go and and seek out material for them and it shouldn't be dependent on whether uh you can get the customer to buy it on the deal anyway you guys time to go thanks for chatting even cooler as if the customer didn't know about it until the end oh yeah but then you might not get the job no I mean instead of giving them the bill you just tell them that the Bill's been paid yeah the bill was paid by neighborhood go-to guy in uh Florida yeah all right thanks for hanging hanging with me y'all I'm gonna go do some sewing we'll check in again with you one of these days real soon
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 3,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cwLC0ie5N6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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