Big Cat Drill gets testy at LSU
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Channel: Shea Dixon
Views: 8,485,500
Rating: 4.807497 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Capture
Id: CWn68_lLRFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2015
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I could watch this all day. It looks completely hectic but you can tell Miles has everything under control
I feel like Les Miles could walk into the middle of the most violent of fights and diffuse the situation by just gently rubbing someones shoulders.
Fuck yes this is the type of Big Cat drill i like to see. Raw energy is exactly what this team needs, and Adams delivers it. S/O to Fournette's muslim beard btw.
I admit I was a little disappointed this didn't involve Mike the Tiger.
Badass. Posts like this are what's going to get me through the off-season
Jesus fucking christ I love Fournette and Adams.
If I could play for any coach in the SEC I'd play for les
I miss football :( what if Mizzou, LSU, and Auburn did a mixed big cat drill?
I thought it was gonna go bad. That was some good clean fun.