10-Year-Old QB “SHOWTIME” Has A CANNON! 🔥 | NEXT Patrick Mahomes?

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so he's just a kid that's going to want to come out here and grind and want to improve in every aspect that he can it's looking pretty good for him out here right now so he's up there with the big dogs and he's one of the top 10 new quarterbacks in the nation is what I'm hearing Santa Embraces everything happily and and ready for the next challenge every day you know everybody out here knows who Santi is and like I said every time you got to come out into this field you know you're out here to make a statement and you know you're representing obviously your team but also who you are as a person as well and who you are as a player I'm Santi Showtime Cruise I'm 10 years old and I play football a typical day for me consists of Speed and Agility in the morning drills to get my feet faster and better footwork got warmed up on the treadmill so you know we did a lot of slate work today explosive work with the medicine ball foreign we focused on a lot of footwork it was just mainly footwork um now he's getting older we can focus on more resistance AG resistance and actual weights probably here by next year it started adding weights and he'll really start being explosive oh man explosiveness that's what every athlete needs everybody wants to be bigger stronger faster so in order to get to that point you got to be explosive so the guy had that strength and he he can argue he can already launch it and everybody knows the quarterbacks it's not all about the arms it's about the legs I mean that leg Drive and then after the Speed and Agility a recovery session he just helps me recover my body so I'm healthy for the next day and I can repeat it all over again it's very important because you can get hurt if you don't stretch I started playing flag football whenever I was four years old I immediately love playing flag football first year playing quarterback which is second grade through a touchdown on the corner of the end zone oh that's really when it hit for me that you know I had a quarterback on my hand I realized right away that he had a high IQ for the game and his athletic abilities started to mature as his age I decided to go to the next level when probably after his second year I started to train him myself and I trained him as far as I could before I had to start getting him actual trainers Feet Work quarterback coaches before we really started training I've always enjoyed watching his footwork obviously like I said he's a great kid but as far as you know on the field goes man he's just got such great feat you know especially for his age and really his IQ is pretty good for his agency he does a lot of things really well I've been impressed really by his footwork and just his eagerness to want to learn the position right now he's done with flag football we've moved on this shift to his first year and Tackle so now this point on we're gonna go forward with tackle football but that was really the I guess the only question I think that we all had is how he would take the contact because you know he's such a finesse player and he's you know he's been playing flag for years how was his game going to translate in uh this first this being his first year getting used to taking the hits big kids out there some really big kids out there nowadays so taking those hits taking those shots and still able to play his game and still play at a really high level and still dominate the competition that says a lot so his confidence has grown my proudest moment is this year uh in my first year playing tackle football was making it to State and winning MVP uh this is my all-star jersey from last week when we won the Rings right there for it I got the name show time because my dad gave it to me it was his name and then he gave it to me Showtime just means to show up and play a young kid a few words but ever since this past season has gone he's his his personality he's coming out of his shell more obviously with a lot of attention he's getting so it's really cool to see him coming out of his shelf so now he's he's been able to poke his chest out a little bit and and really get that confidence that we knew that he had all along so it's good to see him applying that into all the things that he's doing now I actually think these are my favorite one Patrick Mahomes ones I met Patrick Mahomes yesterday it looks better than my hair right now man he actually signed my football right here he gave me some advice it was fun we got to throw some passes oh yeah oh yeah right there be the player their coach warned them about I like this one because it has a good mentality behind it I think coaches are already warning players about me oh yeah you know if the few times that we've had to face him everybody knows who he is he's always been a great player he's 10 now so when he's about you know seven eight years old you know you could kind of see that that he's such kind of player Santi actually does very good with schoolwork he's a straight A kid homework's always done first grades are the most important thing to a quarterback quarterbacks have the most strenuous position on the field you know they have to know everybody else's position they have to be the smartest guy on the field at all times [Music] I think the qviq session is the most important it's an online quarterback class with Trent Dilfer and Chris Hixson and they go through like all the things you need and there was a quarterback like about reading the defense and the routes things that work in the defense what do winners typically have Four Points oh yeah I told you football man nothing's complicated football in this part of Texas is huge this is the mecca football probably across the U.S Friday Night Lights it doesn't get any bigger than Midland and Odessa you know it's actually one of the most storied programs you know actually in the country so we're in a really good spot right now for football I'd be very excited to get them on my team a hard-working kid very positive very good to be around anytime he's out here he's high-fiving everybody just you know just doing things that leaders do [Music] where it goes into being a leader on the field but I don't find it this work I find it as fun for me and santi's not playing football he likes to play video games play outside basketball with his friends joke around with his little sister he loves I mean they love playing laser tag at Synergy uh there's bowling there's games I mean they can spend hours there I like to play video games I like to go outside with my friends and play basketball I like Synergy a lot a bowl I play the games there I do laser tag I do Skywalk I do pretty much everything I won because I take no days off roof is in the pudding I mean he's balling out he's doing what he's supposed to be doing out here and um you know with social media blowing up the way that it is man he's he's really owning that so I think he's no matter what happens with football I think he's going to be just fine I don't want to put too high expectations but I mean it would definitely be to play on the next level and let that open however many doors that can on the division one level four goals in football are to use my platform to get it and then take my career further after college I want to go into the NFL this guy's Limbo with that kid but I think he's really got the ability to play at a high level whether that's College NFL you know it all depends on his process and you know and how he grows but you know obviously right now you know he's he's a very special kid you know I see him going really really far with this with this football career having that Swagger having that confidence in yourself that's where it starts you gotta believe in you first and you know once once you believe in you the rest will take care of yourself especially when you start showing your uh true abilities no days off to me means an opportunity to get better for watching be sure to like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: Whistle
Views: 2,624,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, football highlights, football skills, football quarterback, football prodigy, football drills, football motivation, quarterback, quarterback drills, quarterback training, quarterback footwork drills, no days off, no days off sports prodigies, no days off football, no days off quarterback, no days off bunchie young, no days off henry ruggs, no days off dashaun flash morris, no days off jayden boogie gelin, santi cruz, santi cruz football, whistle sports, the whistle
Id: n5RMGgmddSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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