Biden REBRANDS Gaza Cease-Fire, Kirby Disingenuously Tells MSM Israel Will Follow Through With Plan

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[Music] well there's a new plan for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza on the table President Biden unveiled a three-part plan Friday which would include a six-week pause in fighting from both sides hostage exchanges as well as reconstruction of Gaza now per reports uh first would come a temporary ceasefire with a draw down of Israeli troops beginning second there would be a permanent ceasefire and a total withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and then remaining hostages released now third Hamas would return the remains of hostages who had died and there would be a 3 to fiveyear reconstruction period that would then begin backed by the United States Europe and international institutions now it may sound good on paper but according to CNN two Israeli far-right officials are already threatening to throw a wrench in the works vowing to resign and bring down the governing Coalition of Benjamin Netanyahu she to go along with the proposal further reporting from times and veils talks about reopening the uh uh the Rafa gate continue this is Aid groups have been blocked from delivering basic necessities like tents and clean drinking water to millions of Palestinians in Gaza the United Nations is warning that increasing temperatures or worsening conditions that have now facilitated the spread of disease meanwhile White House National Security adviser John Kirby said the plan is israels and expects the Coalition there to get on board contradictory in and of itself here he is on sun Sunday with George stenopus on ABC this week let's watch this was an Israeli proposal we have every expectations that that if Hamas agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them an Israeli proposal that Israel would say yes again well all you get in in a in a yes right now George and it's not a it's not a small thing but what you get is the start of phase one so you get some hostages coming out initial hostages you get some calm you get some more humanitarian assistance maybe up to 600 trucks and then the two sides can start talking about phase two uh so prime minister netanyahu's team in fact his foreign minister again just said uh that they welcome this uh this announcement by the president and that they did in fact agree that this was their proposal yeah but the the thing is here does Israel agree who remains politically in control of Gaza and Israel so far Netanyahu has taken the position that Hamas has to go and so there can't be any uh a more lasting um ceasefire unless there's different political leadership in Gaza now maybe that has changed maybe that is going to change it's not clear they haven't signaled that is a difference so I think we're still waiting to find that out yes Hamas has been willing to accept um a ceasefire that leaves them in control of Gaza and a further exchange of prisoners and all of that kind of thing Israel has said that's a non-starter so I don't know is this Biden just coming in and you know once again proposing the same deal that was not acceptable to Israel um or has there actually been uh some movement on the Israeli side that's not clear to me and I mean it's worse than that you're taking a deal from months ago rebranding it as Israel's deal even when Israel's leaders are vocally saying no we're not interested in this both in the wake of Biden speech on Thursday and before remember netanyahu's position has been clear throughout he doesn't support a ceasefire because he says he needs to destroy Hamas in order to stop fighting now that definitionally is not a ceas fire if you've killed everybody who could lay down their guns no one is laying down their guns you've just vanquished your enemy and the problem is that so far he has been unsuccessful in putting a significant dent in Hamas at the same time that he has now killed Israel has now killed upwards of 35,000 people 75% of whom are not Hamas but are women and children alone I mean Israel has said the leadership of Hamas could surrender and go into exile the top seven Yaya SAR and the others could could surrender and give up control without needing to be destroyed that would be that is directly in contradiction to netanyahu's statement and so many statements from his um ministers that he wants to occupi n yahu when pushed on it I think last week or the week before said he does not support occupying Gaza his ministers his defense ministers and others are saying other kinds of things right but when he talks about completely eliminating Hamas knowing that Hamas is the government of of Gaza that the trash man is Hamas that the doctor is Hamas that the person who works in accounts payable is Hamas on a government level then what you're basically saying is that you want to have a kind of an eliminationist um approach to this that is not in fact definitionally a ceasefire a ceasefire is when the person the group that you're fighting with agrees to stop fighting with you and work toward peace what Netanyahu has said is he wants the group that is fighting with him to cease to exist so you can have that position Netanyahu obviously does have that position but is in direct contradiction to the position that the American government has taken and which Joe Biden really owned on Thursday in the context of his speech and how embarrassing for Joe Biden to have finally come out seemingly out of desperation to say enough is enough we support the ceasefire plan and have your alleged Ally um one of your you know the only democracy in the East basically throwing it back in your face and saying no when the response from Hamas was to immediately say we're responding positively to this plan I mean I don't know where you go from there moreover I mean there's I want to I don't want to interrupt you if you had something else to something but another piece of this um that we talked through uh was the conversation about the Deliverance of Aid now we should be clear that the situation on the ground is horrible not just because of the humanitarian conditions but because Israel's Siege has been continuing over the weekend over the last few days since Joe Biden's remarks so there were about uh another 20 or so killed visceral images of children splayed out on the ground um a a a a a deceased baby that is was attempting to be resuscitated on camera I mean these are the images that are still coming out as a consequence of Israel's assault and at the same time there's this really incredible news story here that broke last week about a senior State Department official who resigned because she said says the US state department falsified its report on whether or not uh Israel was restricting us humanitarian Aid absolving Israel on the issue of whether or not it should continue to get us Aid because of course our own internal laws say we cannot continue to give Aid to people who are obstructing said Aid so basically she was you know I think the third person down in the hierarchy she was the person who drafted this report uh her name is Stacy Gilbert she says in contradiction to what the state department messaging was that this report was basically falsified to give Israel cover so that we could continue to deliver it weapons and Aid even though it was restricting the aid that America was sending over there for Palestinians I mean this is a horrible boondoggle for the United States at this point with the pier breaking off and sinking it's horrible Millions wasted on that um and then you know Millions will be spent we're we're going to BU that we're going to be rebuilding go the Biden is going to be committing um US money to rebuild Gaza we paid to destroy it and then we will pay to rebuild it and then and if Hamas remains in control of Gaza will there be further violence between Israel and the Palestinians in the future and then there will be an additional war and then we will give Israel more weapons to destroy it again and then we will rebuild it again it seems like a very unsatisfying cycle of violence between these two groups that the US should try to disentangle itself yeah look I I saw Ryan Grim's take is that basically Netanyahu wants cover for agreeing to this plan after resisting it for so long and being responsible for so many deaths not just of Palestinians but for all these hostages right who have whose families have been clamoring for a deal like this so that they can come home Netanyahu there's all kinds of reporting about uh hostage families feeling like they've been disrespected and treated very badly by netanyahu's administration because the priority was not bringing the host's home but instead um eliminating Hamas so after you've been doing this for the this long and it's resulted in the deaths of so many Israeli hostages it's resulted in the deaths of so many Palestinian civilians how do you disentangle yourself from this well there's an argument that Ryan Grim is making now which says well if um you know Biden has to be basically make it seem as though Netanyahu has no other choice which would basically mean saying I'm going to withhold Aid something that Biden has not yet done but the question is does Biden actually have the medal to be willing to exercise that threat a threat which he has declined to wield now for over seven months we'll have more Rising right after this [Music]
Channel: The Hill
Views: 28,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising, Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, Israel, Gaza, Biden, RAFAH, Ceasefire, Hamas, War, Bibi, Netanyahu
Id: 8zys3Z5A1yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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