Biblical Giants | Clans, Sizes, & Supernatural Abilities | Episode 3 with @hauntedcosmos_

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the legend of the Inca Giants who built cities is a fascinating aspect of andian folklore in mythology particularly in the context of the Inca civilization of pre-columbia South America according to andian Legends particularly among some indigenous groups in Peru and Bolivia there were giants known as the Horus who were believed to have been skilled Builders responsible for constructing impressive megalithic structures including some of the ionic Inca ruins such as Machu Picchu these Legends often describe the Giants as being exceptionally tall and strong even with supernatural abilities that enable them to move massive stones and construct elaborate cities with remarkable Precision it said that they built these cities using only primitive tools and methods yet the structures they created have stood the test of time and continued to amaze archaeologists and visitors alike [Music] Ben doing a little reading there sorry a pop out book uh the highest quality of research that's right yeah wow that was it's where you got everything you know just a series of pop-up books that we keep in the according to most people that is Library the little known fact the Library of Alexandria was actually constructed mainly of popup book popup books yeah with wonderful color and hardback copies yep children love it all right so in this episode today we're talking about Giants it's a big topic Joel it's a big topic it's massive I mean this is the kind of topic that really it's a topic that ascends even up into the clouds you have the backup ways to see it just kind of towers above all the other topics it really does right yeah I mean in order to even be able to begin addressing this topic it's almost like we would have to have some kind of bean stock is to on the nose I'm sorry yeah it's can almost feel too I can almost feel the footsteps of this topic approaching from miles away your your YouTube metric drop off rate is going to be high point no this is our best everybody's still here you're our people congratulations real ones yeah the real ones all right so I think we should start with the origin biblical origins of giants because we don't want to just talk so we want to get into some of the Legends if we can like the Incas I think that that's helpful because I most Legends and myth as we've already discussed previous episode they they don't come from nowhere yeah there's usually some underlining uh truth to it the fact that there's you know uh there's a universal myth in every culture of a flood why because it happened there's a flood right so we'll get there like Cyclops right Cyclops I mean if you have you know in mingling you know inner breeding it could be a defect you know one eye kind of situation but it's actually a giant you know or it could be a giant that was in some battle and simply lost an eye you know as an injury um but eventually people found this particular giant with one eye on an island Solomon Islands or something like that it's written into folklore Cyclops but the point is that there actually is a Biblical origin story Giants are real and uh there's a Biblical origin story of getting there uh that actually accounts for a lot not all and not necessarily every detail but a lot of the mythology and folklore that we have today even more modern conceptions of Giants and so we'd like to eventually get to Giants in the Americas M South America even North America people have dug up giant bones and there's and it's hard to you know verify what is emphatically true but you know Tales of not that long ago even just you know 120 years ago or so you know Smithsonian um deleting and memory H holding giant bones like that and telling everybody that it was all fake and there's nothing real absolutely so we'll get there um but first I think we should start with the origin story either of you want to do the honors of biblically how do we get the Giants absolutely so I mean or this this is one of those things that many of the topics we cover you don't know if it's even real or if it's some deception of some biblical thing demons or whatever messing around but this is one like you said that it's in the Bible yeah it just says it there the there they were right many times we see them uh develop all the way through the Old Testament and they begin all the way back in Genesis in Genesis chapter 6 we see uh that the sons of God came into the daughters of men the Nephilim were in the the the Earth on in those days and then the Mighty Men of renown come from them and and and from this line we see in Genesis 14-1 17 kind of region Ben am I am I remembering that right where we see the first raim and uh the oh yes with Abraham yeah with Abraham and then numbers 13 we continue to see them in the land of Canaan but they're all seeming to come from this Wellspring there in Genesis 6 yeah so so Genesis 6 uh you know the sons of God came to the daughters of men and then Nephilim and the Mighty Men of renown and when the translators of the septu reached that section of the Bible pretty early on they without hesitation and without second thought translated gorum Mighty Men into Giants gigos the the Greek word for Giants and not only that but well before the uptu aent the understanding of the the Jewish religious leaders were of course that these these were real giants these were very tall manlike humanoids that came from the the sexual intercourse of fallen angels with women and then it's in Genesis 19 that we get Abraham and His Kind of Rescue Mission with lot yeah and the reason that all that's necessary is because these Kingdoms in the East uh were going to assault the Jordan Valley because the the kingdoms in the Jordan Valley had been rebelling against the kingdoms in the East and all of the Jordan Valley people were like well we don't really have to worry because they have to come through the northern regions and that's where the ref all the Giants are that's where all the the zamu me that's where all the Giants are so we're going to be fine they're not going to get through the Giants they do they carry off a lot but but what's fascinating is that they're not worried MH because they're like we have we have an army of Giants and they're not going to let the Kings from the East just March right through their land and then eventually we get to the spies that go through the promised land and scope it out and come back saying that we were like grasshoppers like grasshoppers in front of these guys before before for the anakim the anak an the sons of anak uh which also you know is sort of a a word for desert and Wilderness and I believe it's Amos that says you know talks about them being as tall as Cedars ceders and you know anybody can do a Google Search and you what you'll probably find is uh cedar trees being between and 12 like 100 to 120 feet tall or even 150 feet tall uh but there are particular Cedars uh in that region I did a little bit of research of my own in a pop-up book and uh actually on the internet so it's less reliable than a pop-up book uh but uh there there are cedars in the Mesopotamia uh region that are you know um anywhere from 40 to 60 feet tall um so that's absolutely I think plausible that um that Giants could have been that large and we have some theories of how they could have get gotten you know to that height we also have Abraham communing with giants when he's in the promised land teaming up with him right teaming up with him even you know with the Oaks of mamr and and all the story surrounding that so this is something that permeates the text of the Old Testament and the new and it's something that has to be reckoned with and and so yeah I mean one of the things that we have to then ask is well what else what else comes from the Giants how tall were they they where did they go what happened to them you know how did they survive the flood all the all these types of things right let's talk about I think that would be helpful for a moment like um with the flood you know there's a lot of theories of well how how did the Giants return because we know they're there pre flood Genesis 6 uh but then we also know that uh from numbers um Joshua in the conquest of Canaan and even uh still underneath um Moses as you know the the supreme leader of Israel at that time uh that he sends out the 12 Spies Joshua and Caleb have a good report uh but the bad report notice the text doesn't say with these other 10 spies that it's a false report that they're spewing out lies and a lot of people will interpret that way because they want to get rid of giants see they're lying about the Giants being there and that we were like grasshoppers in their s in their eyes you know in their sight uh because they're just they're lazy or because they're fearful this is just to uh that the language of the bad report grasshoppers is just to show you uh not how formidable the threat was to Israel and what Yahweh was able to accomplish no no no it's just to show you how sinful the 10 Wicked spies were how fearful they are that they're willing to lie and and actually embellish the threat and make it far more than it actually was which I you know obviously all three of us don't take that view I think I think it's uh it's not that these 10 guys are bringing a lying deceiving report it's just a bad report whereas Caleb and Joshua they don't discount them and they could have upon the evidence of two two witnesses they could have said no no no no there's there's no Giants there's just straight up line um but that's not what they say they in essence I'm paraphrasing of course but in essence uh their their counter is not there's no Giants their counter is we can take them yeah right the story is meant to highlight the faith of the two of of Joshua and Caleb not necessarily to highlight the deception of the other 10 exactly it's not so much about the fear of the 10 it's the faith of the two yeah yeah right yeah they didn't say you guys are just exaggerating the Grasshoppers is kind of a stretch they were six foot six you're like M yes and that's and that's something that we you know we'll get there in a second Goliath 6'6 versus 9'9 and the Royal cubid and these kind but but with that so we we know establishing that we have Giants large Giants large Giants not just before the flood but after so how did the Giants make it through the flood let's let's start there well the one view that I think we can all agree on is silly that let's just discount it right now is is is it comes from a Jewish midrash of the Old Testament yeah and it basically says that some of them specifically a who later became king of Bashan that Moses drove out killed yep it was 14t long and 6 feet wide uh the story is that he clung on to the ark and he swore to Noah and his sons I will be your slave forever if you help me and so Moses drilled a hole through the side oh yeah and then Moses came was crazy Noah was the flood guy and so Noah drilled the holes through the side of the Ark and he fed a every day to to help CL there right as he clung and then and then later he was not their slave but instead actually was a terror to went did that did bad stuff Gil refaim I mean right so I think that that's dumb yeah but that has been an idea that has been put forward by many people and along this would be in the same category of that idea um they went undergr yeah no uh they built rafts they saw what Noah was doing or or you know the the Watchers Fallen Angels you knew that the flood was coming and gave them fair warning and so they built their own rafts and blah blah blah um I I don't I don't buy that either but then you know so that's all in one category that I think is least compelling another category and and just for the record the reason why I think it's the least compelling is uh one we just don't have anything in the biblical Narrative of somebody hanging on to the ark yeah two um because again part of it we're thinking you know working within the parameters of of the biblical narrative but then the overarching character and nature of God so we're highlighting you know like the same same thing we said for the 12 Spies U no no no it's it's not that these uh 10 spies are so lazy or so fearful that they're willing to lie about their being Giants no it's it's to emphasize not the fear of the 10 but the faith of the two and even higher than the faith of the two is the faithfulness of Yahweh um who can which later Amos talks about that did I not take uh take out the the uh the amorites who were as tall as Cedars right and that's God speaking through the prophet um so God himself saying I took out and God's not minimizing their height because God is saying look at what I did look at my faithfulness I took out Giants and not uh Giants because uh they were um they were the equivalent of NBA players right you get that a lot you know people say oh this they're Giants today yeah they're in the NBA um no we're not or or they'll say even even less than NBA players they'll say uh Giants were you know like 6 feet but the average Israelite was 5'2 you know and right um no I I buy that either and so um so all that being said I I think you know uh building rafts or hanging on to the ark um or going underground uh the reason I don't like that a number of reasons it's not in the biblical narrative but also I don't like it because it um belittles the character of God God think about this um God sent a global flood to wipe out everything in which there was breath in its lungs and and the main thing he's trying to wipe out he fails and also so he kills everything to kill primarily one thing thing and doesn't kill that but kills everything else like it makes God a a dummy yeah kind of a i reject it like a child trying to figure out how to play with a with with a blongo ball set where it's just fumbling over and over but even contrary to that the biblical narrative says that the flood succeeded in killing everything that had breath in the earth in those days right so you would have to actually just directly contradict scripture if you say that anything not on the ark survived right nothing that was not on the ark survived and it doesn't say that OG held on to the side of it that's Jewish cope right so we're not going to handle that yep with you so um no Noah uh perfect right so some people are going to go there and I think there's some Credence they perfect in his genealogies his Generations that he didn't have Nephilim blood it's not corrupted um that that's part of what the Watchers the Fallen Angels were trying to do was to uh to corrupt the bloodline um to ultimately um to th the Messianic line the seed of the woman right the SE of the woman the head of the serpent exactly that Christ would eventually come from um and so well you know and the the reason I don't like this one too that uh so according to this it's you have you know with the daughters uh daughters-in-law of uh Noah one in particular Ham's wife uh that she has you know a fallen angel blood Nephilim blood a descendant of them um and then you know through them Cain and then his offspring you know become Giants uh same same overarching 30,000 foot view um God sent a catastrophic Global flood uh to wipe out everything in which the it was breath in its lungs uh but the main thing that he's trying to wipe out he missed right so I'm not the biggest fan of that one some even say you know Noah was drunk in his tent and passed out he was uh he got drunk uh because he was grieving and he was grieving because Cain had just been born ham son Noah his grandson and he was born with six fingers oh boyed and so yeah work excited I made it up made it up I made it up work exited bong pipe but uh but you know in that conception it's uh Noah like this great grief of like you wiped out U all the world God and uh and the problem's still here oh no you know and um you know and then and then they would say that and that's why he doesn't say cursed be ham because of something that ham did uh but rather cursed be Canan I can see the curse and his you know 12 12 toes and 12 Fingers um is interesting yeah it's interesting I prefer the I prefer the interpretation that he says cursed be Canaan because Canaan is The Offspring of Ham's sin right or ham takes his mother and Canan is is the product of that Union I think that tracks way better when it says uncovered the nakedness of his father this is a euphemism in scripture that's used for inappropriate sexual activity in general including uncovering the nakedness of your mother right so that to me is much more satisfactory and fits in the immediate context much much more neatly and therefore the son is cursed because it came from an Unholy right real quick before we continue with the show you need to be aware that you're merely watching one episode of what's actually a 10-part series covering all things under the banner of high strangeness the 10 episodes include the following number one the lost city of Atlantis has just recently been discovered episode number two Hollow Earth the last living dragons and primary water episode number three biblical Giants their Clans sizes and supernatural abilities episode number four myth logical Giants Hercules was actually a Nephilim episode number five everyone has been wrong about Bigfoot episode number six fairies the elemental Spirits episode number seven the biblical case for the existence of mermaids episode number eight ghost that's not your grandma that's a demon episode number nine witches necromancy and familiar spirits and lastly episode 10 Angels their classifications physicality and Sexes now all 10 of these episodes are available at free right now exclusively on patreon these episodes are only dropping one at a time over a series of multiple weeks but you can get them all available today at free plus the edition of two exclusive bonus episodes at for SLR response Ministries again it's exclusively found at SLR respon Ministries go and check them out today and now back to our program so then how do we get Giants again after the flood so now we're ready to talk about legitimate theories right the right ones which are our that's right the ones we believe everybody's wrong except for me yep there you go no so in Genesis 64 it says that uh the mighty men were in the earth in those days and uh and when the sons of men came into the to the daughters of women and and the word there for when correct me if I'm getting the terminology wrong but it means whenever the implication is at any time at any time this type of sin happened the mighty men were in the earth in those days implying and it says Before and After the flood also implying that uh the way that it happened before and after the flood was that it happened multiple times right so it happened before the flood it caused the flood and then in in their stubbornness to sin it happened again afterwards some of the and then some of the Watchers who participate or the Watchers who participated in this the first time were judged and bound by God but the idea is that not all of them participated so not all of them were bound and they were still available afterward to fall and the Watchers just to Define some terms when we say it happened again we're saying Fallen Angels again took Daughters of men and uh and created this you know this hybrid uh Unholy hybrid uh namely the Nephilim and so we're saying um it's not that the Nephilim survived the flood or uh that there was Nephilim you know DNA blood you know in um in uh Ham's wife uh but but rather that God actually was successful in eradicating what he meant to eradicate uh but that what it didn't eradicate were the Watchers themselves everything with breath in its lungs right but the Watchers having a spiritual component there we go I'm being inconsistent here but the Watchers having that's that's an inside we'll get to it later we'll get there when we get there uh but the Watchers having um um a spiritual component as Angelic beings that the Nephilim their offspring the Nephilim and further down the line Giants were uh wiped out by the Watchers themselves and Watchers defining the term there is just a classification of angels so certain kind of Angel group that fell and Rebellion against God to the Earth took the daughters of men created the Nephilim from the Nephilim come the Giants God sends the flood it wipes out Nephilim and Giants but not the Watchers because they're not strictly um or at least exclusively physical beings they don't have the breath and the lungs at the literal capacity that all uh Earthly creatures did that were wiped out uh so they they survive the flood they're able to do that they're able to take another form or they're able to fly or they whatever they they got to do um and then they do the deed again and the Watchers who had already done the deed um in terms of taking the daughters of men and creating the Nephilim they have been locked as a punishment uh locked in Gloomy dungeons but the idea is you have two two possibilities one is the second incursion another group of angels falls from heaven um I I'm less sold on that um I find it less compelling because those angels that didn't rebel against God the first time would have seen God's um judgment towards those that did and and it it seems far-fetched it's difficult for me to to believe that uh Angels righteous angels that remained in heaven While others fell and saw the Judgment of those who rebelled against God uh watched that said that's a great idea I should try it um so a second ENC that for me that's harder to believe um the uh more believable is one incursion one group of Angels at one point A large group falling from heaven but then only a subgroup so one fall one incursion one large group but then a subgroup um actually taking the daughters right and and they get locked in Gloomy Dungeons and then this other group over here are already depraved Fallen rebellious Angels which would be more likely even having seen seen the Judgment uh they would be more like likely than unfallen angels in heaven that's Sinners keep sinning Sinners constantly think that it's going to be different for them it'll work this time well for that guy when he sinned like he got hit by a Mac Truck of God's judgment but I'm special it could even be that they thought like okay we're willing to be locked in gloomy dungeons but the big thing is is to uh thwart the Messianic line and last time uh God sent a flood but we witnessed with Noah when he made a covenant and said he won't do that again so now if we can do it a second time maybe our punishment is just as severe but uh but God uh won't stop the the the product of our Rebellion namely corrupting again the line and maybe we can snuff out it's a kamakazi yeah yeah exactly well the war's desperate we've got to defeat the seed of the woman we've got Sully this line go Ram your ship into the into the aircraft carrier you know let's take him out yep and God raised a shield with a flood last time but he promised no more Shields so this time you know maybe it's the same consequence for us but it's worth a shot some of the whole subtext of the flood narrative is is saying look how stiff necked the curse makes you yeah look and and it doesn't just take a redo on creation on the on the physical part of the land to fix it it's not just the stuff that you have in front of you that's that's making you sin it's what's inside of you that's making you sin and so to me it it wouldn't make as much sense thematically for there to be another fall of angels who witness that and then say we should try it again but instead the same group because it's them basically showing what God is trying to to get across to people in the flood which is you need something more not even a global flood will save you we don't we don't just just need another Noah we need another adom we need we need a new you Noah you're a righteous man not even a global flood that kills everyone but you will save the world and even in his family you see this obviously with him right and and and that's an astonishing thing but the other thing I was going to say just to keep defining terms so the reason that we confidently say that it was the Watchers that fell as the Angelic category is because of why we know that those Watchers were Bound in Chains which is that Jude and Peter tell us so right in their Epistles later in the New Testament were told by Jude and Peter that the angels that committed this heinous sin are bound in Chains and when they're saying that they're referencing the First Book of Enoch right which tells us that it was the Watchers and we know that the Watchers exist because of Daniel chapter 4 where it says that the decrees of the Watchers will bring this about so there is a Heavenly being categorized as the Watchers and Enoch tells us that that was the ones they were the ones that fell and committed this specific ific sin and the reason we're confident that he's right about that or whoever wrote the Book of Enoch is right about saying that is because Peter and Jude seemed to think that the author of that book was right in saying that they were Bound in Chains in Gloomy dunge and they see that author as credible yes at least credible in that part of the the Apostle Paul reference Loosely references The Book of Enoch in certain places as well and sees it as a credible source to gain knowledge of how the world works right and things that happened in it right okay so now uh here's maybe just we could think and that was super helpful just as much as we can I think defining terms like not just taking it for granted that everybody knows um and so now um just again some frequently asked questions um so uh let's not do the how could um uh Angelic beings procreate with women because I think I I think we could save that for an episode on angels that we're going to be doing um and so talk about what are angels are they physical do they have seed can they all those kind of questions I think we can handle with angels um so instead of how can Angels uh procreate with human women uh another uh frequent question that's asked is how can average sized human women give birth to Giants and so this gets into well how giant are we talking so I think we can talk about that some so sizes uh but then also in terms of just the sheer physics um how how does you do that how does a you know just I don't know let's say 5'6 you know woman give birth to a a 9'9 I mean obviously he was a 9 fo9 then they not Ru when they're born yes that's safe this isn't an ad still right but still a baby that's going to grow into that size or even more so back to the uh grasshopper and Cedar grasshopper we were like grasshoppers in their eyes the the the 10 spies say that and that's the book of the numbers and it's not said that they brought a false report but simply an unbelieving um bad report and then um and then Amos you know saying uh that's actually God speaking through the prophet the amorites you know were as tall as Cedars and I wiped them out before you um so uh so it's not just uh because a lot of people that they'll really really uh lean on uh these but these are the fearful Wicked spies saying this um but that's not the only description of giants in terms of scale right uh there's another description of giants in terms of scale that comes from the mouth of God through his Prophet uh saying Cedar you person them Cedar which seems about the same scale proportionally as um them person you grasshopper sure you know what I mean so that it almost seems like a confirmation like a cedar is to a person as a person is to a grasshopper so it seems like God actually through Amos is agreeing in terms of the at least the facts not the lack of faith but the facts of the 10 Wicked spice so how do you get my point is not just 9 fo9 Goliath because I'm going to argue and I think we would agree that that's kind of a watered down giant Generations removed but but our argument is not just how do you get a dude who grows and again he doesn't start 9 foot n he starts as a baby but how do you get a baby that's still uh going to grow into almost a 10- foot giant but we're not even dealing with that we're talking about how do you how do you have a baby a 5'6 average siiz human women give birth to a baby that might grow into a 30 40 50 60 foot giant thoughts are you a Christian struggling to find companies that align with your values and beliefs well then squirly Joe's has you covered for all your coffee needs all of their coffee is hand selected and roasted fresh every day by a family of fellow Believers try them out and you'll Savor exceptional coffee while knowing that your investment supports a company committed to following God's teachings and upholding truth and righteousness ensuring that your hard-earned money contributes to the growth of God's Kingdom stop giving 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needs soap so wash yourself in the word I have a few thoughts I have some too go the first is if if the women weren't turned into mermaids okay which is ridiculous but they were but I mean but they won we're not certain but we know that this happened okay let's just we won't say for sure let's just spend disbelief it's definitively 100% what if they weren't right well I will allow I will suspend disbelief just for the record that same Enoch that we were just a moment ago saying was so credible yeah I know I know I know I know he's the guy who says that the women the the the human women who slept with Fallen Angels they their curse was to become s at least you know what at least he's bold enough to come up with an idea you know what I mean like he saw a bunch of mermaids and he was like how did this happen man in the arena yeah he's the man I thought I thought man in the arena I thought you were saying manity and I was about to have to go over there and strangle you for your unbelief Sirens are just manity no dude who hasn't looked at a manate and thought that's like a beautiful woman no dude no matter how long he's away from his wife no dude is going to say that's a hot CH I was going to say those sailors man they look in they see they start seeing Dolphins they're like look at those lines they're desperate they've been on a ship with a bunch of dudes for like Smooth six months no one's that desperate and they're like true God's common Grace I I just don't think the grunting of a manity at the surface and they're like that's the most beautiful song I've ever heard let's go over there jumping into the ocean to the mask ODS I got to hear the manate odys has just like been on anyway moving yeah he's just been on an island having a good time with like a goddess a goddess he's not desperate he's not desate not not manity desperate that's and of course the the odsy is historical narrative when we say the Odyssey we're talking about like you know there's there's like Shel Civil War volumes but seriously Josephus and also and there's the and I'm not even I'm being unironic when I maybe a maybe a little embellished definitely throw in there if you didn't list it but Plato's conception of Atlantis yes oh oh yesus yes that's all historical narrative so Ben has thoughts on how women big if none of that's true Giants yeah if if the women weren't mermaids I would be open to the interpretation of them all dying in child birth because even though they still started they don't come out 10 feet tall agre agreed but they they'd probably be bigger than your average baby yes I would assume and the world record we confirmed this last night right so this this was a Russian woman who act her husband Russ first of all of course yeah uh the Russian people are strong people they're Hardy over there they're Hardy yeah so the baby's name was Boris and Boris I have not he grew to be he grew to be 60 feet tall he ate people English men for breakfast ukrainians for breakfast no anyone that wasn't Orthodox he ate for breakfast Captain Romus so I believe it was she was 711 uh 7' 11 in tall her husband I think was 79 the child was born I believe it was uh it was either 19 or 19 to 21 pounds at Birth and now the child did die she didn't die cuz she's massive which is shock um you know but 20 uh like 20 PBS give or take and uh and the child only uh but the child was born alive and otherwise without defect um uh but only lived um I I believe just a few hours okay so let's say let's say for the sake of the argument that if you're going to give birth to a 25b baby you got to be 8T tall okay there you go sure is all right so so that's already ruled out right uh so either they weren't 20 lb babies mhh or the women died in child birth and they were 20 lb babies or there was something else that happened and I would I would put my hat in because I know you have some ideas and I'm sure you do too I have one idea that's just a possibility and that is that it seems that the punishment would fit the crime If the child of of this Union experienced dramatic pain for their entire life and so what if they actually were born a normal size but the growth rate was so fast and it never stopped and so they were constantly in agonizing Growing Pains it reminds me of in the sil melion no have you ever read that I have actually in the original Elvish I just got done with my seventh read of the silmer and I intend to read it two more no not in qu or cerin either okay well neither I read I read it in in the queen's English okay well I mean that's still based yeah so uh so in the S melan morgoth the dark lord steals these Jewels the S morals sils right he steals these Jewels because he lusts after them but he uses them improperly they're supposed to be shared with the world because they're filled with glorious light that all men should behold and he hides them away and dark Caverns under the Earth so that only he can see it says that he begrudged the sight of them to all save himself and his most wicked servants and so what he did was he put them into an iron crown that he wore but that hardly anyone ever saw him wearing because he hardly let anyone ever see him except his most close and trusted servants and it said that the crown became an unendurable weight for morgoth but he refused to take it off so the punishment fits the crime the the Judgment for sin is is pain that's what it is I think that's a fantastic Theory I I lean towards that but I think there's some Al some other possibilities but Brian did you have anything you want to I I think in the once you've removed all of the possibilities whatever remains no matter how improbable must be the truth both Spock and Sherlock Holmes said that said that roughly um so you really just have to lay out what are the options they were normal Siz and they grew really fast right they killed the women in childbirth they were born prematurely and you know one of the things that you brought up last night I don't want to totally preempt you here but this is a theme that you see running through the folklore and mythology of the Watchers and and you have to understand that this basic story of the hybrid the demigod of the Gods lower G coming down breeding with women Greek Roman Canaanite go anywhere in the world UF abduction again modern UFO Abdu you're gonna find this everywhere right one of the things that you find with it is the idea that the Watchers or these Gods gave knowledge to men technological advancement knowledge that was far beyond their ability some of some of the the things that we look at as mysteries in the past ancient technology ancient megalithic structures um astronomy some of the knowledge that they seem to have and abilities were just absolutely mindblowing to us some of the things that we would struggle to replicate today with all of the knowledge that we stand with right we're not just talking about pyramids and like wow that's fascinating but we're actually disparaging them it's patronizing it's like that's fascinating for you me under but like I mean they even in Egypt they found like Hier U how did you say hieroglyphics hieroglyph hieroglyphics perfect I'm not going to try again right because three third times is the charm but also three strikes and you're out it's not it's just not you actually legally have to leave the show they found pictures of uh batteries yeah batteries like you don't think of like electricity and Mayan and a like uh plumbing and all like very sophisticated so they've got these very sophisticated Technologies and the myth mythological accounts again and again connect it to knowledge given inappropriately sinfully right by the gods by someone from the stars the anunaki yeah the anunaki we're talking everywhere so it was fascina to me when you mention the idea that well maybe these these were premature or maybe I mean if we can do cesarian sections today who's to say and people think well that's crazy well why like we figured it out why would it be crazy or even an external womb that's that's actually not in the woman's body you want to go one step further to just say like they mastered what what our demons are trying to do today like still they were trying to do then as well right this anti-image of God anti-natalist just perversion of of God's design abut spit in God's face so I think that's an interesting theory that I never connected this particular line of questioning to that data point before I thought this question was going to be silly yeah but it's actually helping me think through this I never thought to ask question so that like that and and I thought to ask it thanks to all of you folks um because we've done some videos on the Giants and things like this before and that was just that was one of the frequently asked questions that um and I didn't because I didn't think of it it just didn't seem like oh I got to figure that out but the more people you know more and more people you know those are the two big questions how could Angels procreate with women human women but then the other one and that one I I get right I already have that question myself and and we'll address that when we talk about angels but add link um and and uh spoil alert um basically just the answer it's all it's all in the Nan Creed that's right there if you affirm if you're a nan Creed enjoyer you're going to have no problem you should be if you're a ni Den then you're going to hate come on guys just repent rep L plus ratio plus repent plus God find God yeah there you go um but but I I just noticed a lot of people were asking they weren't just curious about that but they were you know comment after comment saying no way an average sized chick can give birth to a giant I've seen child birth six times yeah and fair enough fair enough yeah fair enough so but then that that got and it's like one uh Ben Ben's theory is absolutely plausible that uh that they just kept growing they don't they didn't cap out at 18 years old or whatever but just kept growing and growing even not just growing uh for a long time but even by 18 they're much taller uh than so they're growing uh faster and longer and longer if you at the rate a baby grows in its first 18 months of Life continually yeah you would be 60 ft tall over the course of and at that time period there were longer lifespans and we've already addressed some of that primary water Theory check it out um Hollow Earth uh but you know uh so if you're growing over the course of your entire life until you die and let's say you live 300 years you know and maybe maybe they had a shorter lifespan and and that's what I'm saying 300 when other guys are living six 700 years you start to understand the the enoan mile highers the L's the 3,000 L's yeah exactly so maybe you still you know plateaus aren't necessarily calcified tree stumps maybe maybe not that unhinged you know but God bless you for those of you are listening you know but uh but you know it's it's possible we're not we're not completely Ben like we can't say that but I think I think that you could have um absolutely um to of Cedars yes Cedars are not three miles high I'm even willing to and God says it right so we know at minimum at minimum these Giants were about 14 feet tall Absolut because of Aug we have the measurements of his bed it wasn't some sort of like sex ritual bed thing from Babylon the point of saying how big is the Giant's bed was is to say how big the wasn't to say he was a normalized guy with a big bad right it was to say look at how big he is what a weird interpretation so it's 14t long 6 feet wide he's at least 14t tall and it's also not to to talk about polyamory and the fact that he you know his in his royal power he had more than one women like Abraham had more than everybody you know a lot of people did back guys Solomon had an embarrassing number Solomon's bet was not big enough for a, women 700 it's not a brag about him being a Chad and pulling in chicks like that's not the red pill guys love Aug yeah that should tell you all you need to know the P guys so that's not what it's about no he's he's a large man right so minimum 14t right okay and that's even after what I would say is some dilution from from the pure blood intermingling with with normaliz people he seems to be a Remnant a whole because he's like the last one outside of exactly so he is big for his day right and that's in giant culture if you're the king if you're the biggest it's this it's which hey I just we bring made it up we should bring that rule back well until later I think later on once you get to instead of you're the king for being the biggest it may be kind of like a situation Of Orcs And cave trolls the cave troll is not King he's a slave of the Orcs like bring in the cave troll they have a troll and when you think of it so Goliath has four there's five of them um in all and there's five capital cities in philistia and to me it seems as though the kings were were Philistines themselves but the Giants after Joshua wiped them all out the remnant the last little Remnant that remained they went to Gaza and to gath and a couple other places and so it makes me think that the the Philistines as a country when the Giants ran to them instead of just killing them all off as they were running from you know Joshua uh they kept a few and and breeded them and stuff and as kind of like their prize POS we our town has a giant so it's like here's our champion on a leash so but my point is cuz you'll find burials or you at least hear these stories of a bunch of normal siiz bones and one giant can you imagine if you had a right response giant oh yeah well we do we just we just don't talk about it the first rule of right respon that's my bad just my point Giants at a certain point I think an earlier Point like Aug in terms of timeline uh Giants I think if if you're the giant the biggest person there you're probably the king sure later on that's like a goblin kind of situation Goblin KY but then but then later on like in a Goliath situation um I think you actually might be the slave you might be the mascot you're their warlord go out and you're their their killing machine right you're the champion you're the champion that taunts the other side like what goliath did so what where I was going though is minimum 14 ft tall and that's after some dilution some generations of dilution have you ever seen a 14t tall thing it's much bigger than you often times we can think oh 14 ft well I'm six fo5 14 ft's not that tall no that's over twice your height and 65 is Big I'm pretty close 65 is H dude when I when I tow up to a giant so but so when you see these like d these these pictograms where they say like average siiz guy you know six six and then they put Aug next to him it's enormous so I'm even willing to say that Amos uh has some prophetic language and maybe it's not an exact ratio maybe it's you're as SE they are as Cedars to us they are as uh or we're as grasshoppers to them Etc I'm willing to say like maybe there's some um you know prophetic hyperbole in there and yeah I think there's probably a little bit of hyperbole but the point is it's also as if like they are as if they are seedar they might as well be for all intents and purposes there's no comp you still wouldn't ever go up to 6'6 guy even if you were 5' going B I know so so you may not say like you know oh 60 ft you may not say oh that person is I measured it it's 60 ft but you might say like I am afraid and that guy looks like a tree yeah and you'd be right to say that yep what he's so he may not be 60 feet he might be 15 he might be 25 that's might be 59 that he might be 59 all that I think is within the realm of biblical reason however um one thing that we know he's not is he's not 6'6 yeah he's not a foot taller than which and so now that brings us to now more diluted from you know from the Giants Before the Flood so I think Noah Giants were probably the biggest and then you got Joshua type Giants I think those are really big too because if it's the the Angels doing it again then you still kind of have first generation again Nephilim and the Giants one F2 so those could be those could be similar size and then uh you have a I think that's already tapering off I think a is is tapering off because he's a a Remnant he says he's the last refaim east of Jordan exactly and the refaim even in that word is contained like not just um giant it means giant but in some translations It's contained not just size and giant but uh some of these different tribes it it refers to sizes but it also refers to abilities and techniques skills so Rafa um some translate that as healer um and it's debatable whether or not you know the refaim a particular strain of giants uh with their gigantic size from that particular Watcher and Nephilim line uh if they didn't also uh have healing either Supernatural healing abilities from uh having some of the DNA of their their uh ancient father The Watcher or simply at least knew uh the technique with them because the knowledge exactly fascinating um and the Witchcraft and the yeah the knowledge Aus the fora was also the god of the serpent he had the serpent he had the gift of Resurrection wow fascina there you go so the point is so you have uh Giants at different time periods and I think in general they taper off so Goliath we're going to say 9'9 not 6'6 we'll get to that uh back up though a uh we're not saying oh he he's written down gets his special little section in the Bible because he's the biggest giant ever no no he's the biggest at that time he's the remnant of the refaim and then going back to uh his fathers the refaim in days of Joshua um easily could be also 14 foot but also could be 25 is reasonable 50 is is possible it's at least possible and then pre flood same kind of scenario and if anything maybe even larger because of some canopy oxygen you know hyperbolic chamber uh you know there's some other factors as well could be even bigger could be noad giant could be 80t tall who knows but then beyond just sizes you have different so different time periods of sizes but then different tribes that could also give variance of sizes but definitely give variance in terms of uh if not supernatural abilities contained innately within them at least techniques and knowledge and that's super fascinating yeah um deine that is really fasc um it's not one thing we know just again it's not a 6 foot6 dude and if I see any comments on this video that say the Giants are alive today they're in the NBA I I'm Banning you from the channel do we explain that where that came from no explain you should tell explain how this happened cuz it's a common argument that you will hear the re the reason that we know this is because in in Goliath's narrative we hear how he was uh you know what is the Cubit measurement three cubits isn't that or four cubits is what it says it's I think it's like three and A2 um something like that but but here's the point before we even get to Goliath in the whole scene with the Philistines we hear a little bit about King Saul the average height of the of the is Israel male around the time of King Saul was about 57 we're told that King Saul stood a full head above the entire assembly of Israel right so he's over six feet so he's a tall guy because it says Goliath was Goliath of gath there came out of the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath of gath this is Samuel 174 uh whose height was 6 cubits and a span okay six cubits and then it describes so 6 and a half cubits not three and a half it describes his male he had a helmet of bronze on his head he was armed with a coat of male and the weight of the coat of male was 5,000 shekels of bronze and his shekele was about 11 gam each he had bronze armor on his legs and a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders the shaft of his spear was like a Weaver's beam very huge thick and his Bear's head weighed 600 shekels just the head uh and his shield Bear Went before him so we got about a 30 lb Shield head about 120 lb coat of armor and he and he stands six cubits in in a span or whatever so we know that King Saul was about 65 to 68 tall guy genuinely tall about a foot taller than the fo taller than the average and we know that he was and we know that he was deathly afraid of Goliath right presumably because of the size so so King SA is going to be deathly afraid and he was a Warrior by the way King Saul is going to be deathly afraid of a guy who's actually an inch shorter SL his thousands and so here's what happened this is what happened is that the ESV the ESV so the ESV does this properly that's why it says six other translations that are basing it off the septu agent will say three cubits in a span is the cubits 18 in yeah they're about and a but but not to the septu agent writers yeah the the the span measurement in Alexandria where the tuent was written was different from the measurement of the ancient Hebrew Cub the Royal Cubit yes and so they were reading the ancient Hebrew text which said that it was six cubits in a span they're saying well their Cubit was different from ours so we're going to translate it into our measurement so that the Greek speakers know what the actual height was so they say three well then a lot of the English translations Bas that do like majority text base it off of the septu agent because it's the oldest mhm or The Eclectic they base it off the SE tuent cuz it's the oldest that we have access to M and they just say it's three cubits translated directly back but in English that's only 18 in and so he ends up being about the size of King Saul yeah but if you actually base it off of what the Hebrew writers meant originally which when they translated it back into the Hebrew from the sepian again they made this switch they say that it was six Cubit assuming the Cubit is 18 in so the Cubit for the alexandrians was about 36 in yeah and if you see it's funny if you watch with the armor weight which is 9'9 just for the is a cubit right so two cubits is 3 feet and then six is going to be 9et and a span half of a cubit 18 half of that is n 99 yes so if there's a YouTube channel that I've watched that is uh I can't I don't know if I'll say the name whatever right response Ministries other than right response it's a gun Channel okay which you've got guns every time you come on here don't get me wrong they had one of the world's strongest guys lifting the sword that they forged it's huge it's like solid steel big old sword and this guy is a Strongman Competition type weightlifter not the really cut gay bodybuilder ones that oil themselves up but the ones that like actually lift the heaviest thing and he was trying to lift this and it wasn't that heavy relatively speaking when you you heard how much it was it was like maybe 100 lb or something or 80 lb and like could not swing it properly when you understand what they're describing for Goliath's armor yeah to effectively wield it in battle he would have had to be massively strong not just 6'6 Strongman Competition strong he would have had to have the strength of mechanical advantage it would been super big enough right to for it to be proportional to him so that's another argument in my opinion that when you you look at the text it's like really and also right this reminds me by the way just while I'm you know what really grinds my gears this reminds me of like the Red Sea Crossing it was really like they crossed the Sea of reeds yeah and the wind blew the water and it's only 18 in deep there and so they were it's materialist he says it was just a strong wind Des supernaturalz the Bible and I'm like no no no Prince of Egypt Moses stood in front of the thing and whales swam by I don't even care if there are whales in the Red Sea I don't there AR but there were then the Earth was cool Goliath was not 6t tall Moses did not you know walk through ankle deep water at the Sea of reeds like Jesus really did rise from the dead like we come on guys don't you think we would have some comment in scripture that says like by the way it's pretty lame of Saul to be scared because they were basically the same they were like or wouldn't we hear something like and King Saul was a giant among the men of Israel it doesn't just says he was very tall he was much he was a head taller than the men of Israel also there was a giant over there and there was a giant one this is a tall guy the other says giant whole other class of thing over there so okay so let's get some final thoughts and then I think let's let's round out this episode just our our final word for this episode and then next episode and Brian and I will both just Ben is going to pick us up on his back and carry us I you know I can't carry the ring Mr fro but I can carry you we're going to be like a yeah we're going to be like but we'll lean heavily on Ben and and then take this giant to a part two in terms of uh Giants possibly today but then also more recent folklore and different because I think it' just be fascinating to with the cold open pick back up with like uh the Incas or talk about you know just different Giants and different realm Cyclops and things like the Solomon Islands you know all the Kandahar giant you know to talk about you love to see it so um and people did see it andol green wer allowed yeah the jolly green a terror but like but pick up the you know let's do uh so Giants today episode you know or Giants of of recent you know but let's finish this with the Goliath the 9 fo9 6' he was 9 foot n yes guys and bring it home any final thoughts for this cuz this gave us a good uh giant origin story yeah yeah I just typically absolutely massive episode guys like nothing to add W's in the chat fantastic the size of this dub as big as Goliath big as Giants Ro to the Earth and let that never grow mundane to you beautiful all right thanks for tuning in real quick right here at the end I just wanted to remind you to become a member at writ respon Ministries exclusively for our patreon members we have all 10 episodes Early Access ad free some of my favorite episodes to be looking forward to is episodes that deal with Bigfoot or fairies or ghost or Angels or Giants or particularly are episode on witches if you want to watch these episodes now and you want to watch them without any ads then you've got to join us by becoming a member at writ reson Ministries
Channel: Right Response Ministries
Views: 58,432
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Id: oSah8hDstCs
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Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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