Everyone Has Been Wrong About Bigfoot! | Episode 5 w @hauntedcosmos_

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[Music] there's no small debate regarding the origins and essence of Bigfoot what is he hundreds if not even thousands of theories have been offered but over the course of time three dominant views have emerged as the most popular consensus Bigfoot represents a previously undiscovered species of homon this notion initially appears plausible considering the vast expanse of dense forest and remote mountains where such creatures could potentially reside however sustaining a viable population becomes problematic among the Lakota in ojibway communities Bigfoot is viewed as a spirit guide and messenger signaling the necessity for change or purification believ to exist in a separate Dimension these entities can manifest in our reality when compelled to do so researchers eventually observed A peculiar correlation between Bigfoot sens and unusual aerial phenomenon this led to the speculative Theory suggesting that Bigfoot's elusive nature stems from its arrival via a spaceship leaving behind Footprints before departing however the connection extends Beyond mere statistical OB observation in certain instances Bigfoot appears to be influenced or controlled by another extraterrestrial species numerous reports describe aliens emerging from vast hovering dis shaped UFOs and strolling into the forest accompanied by a towering hairy aplike creature which exhibits signs of subservience towards them [Music] Bigfoot confirmed Bigfoot Bigfoot and I cannot emphasize this enough confir confirmed confirmed yep so these are the three most popular views we're not saying it's the three of our views right but these are very popular views if you get you know look into Bigfoot look into videos look into podcasts look into all the you know they usually fall into some variation of one of those three what do you think oh man I so the first thing that I think is helpful to do is address the question of whether or not Bigfoot is just an animal some kind of homed type ape species that we haven't found yet I like how you didn't even start with whether Bigfoot actually exists at all oh well I mean like we're not such dollar we don't believe Bigfoot exists at all here's the thing viewer if you're watching this and you don't believe that Bigfoot exists what are you doing I don't know what to do I can't help you and I have to I need to be honest and confess first time Ben talked to me about Bigfoot I was like no there's no such thing that was recent Joel first time that well it was seven months ago that's recent that's recent but a lot can Jo you can get radicalized in these these days in the 2020s memes alone yeah in the 2020s you you can go yeah so anyways anyway we're going to make the blanket assumption that bigot let's just assum first of all let's just assume what is obvious the thing is is that's not a big assumption that's an obvious pre I firmly believe that because of the number of eyewitness accounts that I think are credible that have seen this and not only that but also across folklore yes for thousands of years in across continents I do believe that Bigfoot is a real thing the question is what is it functionally a Bigfoot character probably not called Bigfoot because that's the most walkietalkie type name that you could walk walkie I walkie I talkie it's a walkie talkie it has a big foot it's Bigfoot uh but most cultures have a a Sasquatch type character Yeti Etc skunk cape Road abominable snowman yeah Sasquatch Sasquatch yep said that one oh Sasquatch is another one right thereat there's also Sasquatch there's Sasquatch too serson it's actually a place so no sasquat aan dude I just we're locked in right now goad I think that uh I think that the The Helpful thing to do is first settle where we stand on whether or not it's an animal or something else yeah can I can I weigh in a little bit on that is that fine cuz I do agree the the big if you're doing a genus of ideas here physical animal merely on the level of a bear Labrador Retriever in otter or platypus there are weird things in God's world one of those things I just mentioned in that list has a bill is a mammal lays eggs has a poisonous spur on its foot that's a real thing it's called a platypus so before we say like there's no way obviously away please see exhibit platypus second there's it could be any spiritual thing at all and then it's a whole big bucket of worms that we can get into I do although want to say that I heard a compelling view that has given me pause in my conclusion that it was real and a spiritual which is already that's my published opinion everyone knows that is that it's real and it's spiritual there's actually another option that I've found recently somewhat compelling and it's the idea that there was such a creature that was an animal um that was uh similar or at least the idea or the inspiration that has died off in the last few centuries in North America at least that there was a population of these creatures that really was an animal and that also latched onto the animal in a similar way that we have with dragons and with other creatures that are really physical animals that did exist or do exist and that they were particularly um usable vehicles for Spiritual deception and that now the native population has died off in North America maybe as recently as the second half of the 20th century and that now all that is is a spiritual deception Ben what do you think about that that just seems so convoluted dragons that's what we think about dragons makes a ton of sense dragons because it's a dragon but you don't hear Satan coming to Eve like I a big hairy man hang on no no no but think about the useful evu coming to Native Americans the reason that's what I'm Joel part of the reason that I that I stick with the real and spiritual I don't know if I believe what I just I just heard it it was it made me think like what if that's a genuine possibility the guy sound so confident dude it's on the chart of things that could like the big wall with the strings I am worked slick it be guys guys I but anyway I just think so the reason that I stick with the real part well the reason part of the reason that I stick with the real spiritual is because of the gilgames story with inadu as far back as the earli story in the world we have the wild man who's made by the gods who are clearly by the way demons they're demons so I I I'm I'm sticking with that partly because of the gilg with with the animal view just real quickly you you have figures in the Bigfoot research world today like Jeffrey Meldrum at all and their basic theory is that Bigfoot is some kind of hominid and gigantopithecus Australopithecus these kind of um large evolutionary byway between neandertal or hum some prehuman into Homo sapiens and they will very seriously pursue this as a physical creature and this is one of the reasons that I think the deception is it's so Swiss army knife it can be look I have a way that I can deceive modern Americans with this Bigfoot thing and also as a nature Spirit to the OJ and the GLI people that I descend from chipa M it's a multi-purpose to I get the darwinian stupid moderns and I can also get the piote the stupidest ancients in the world weeded out we can get my people we can that that's one of the reasons that I think that uh this is such a common Trope and common spiritual deception is because of this evolutionary link that can be used so conveniently to deceive moderns what what better way to convin like to convince modern evolutionary Americans or show them allegedly here's a living missing link right it's clearly intelligent it's clearly related to our family tree of of uh upright bipedal ape creatures but it's not quite either right convenient convenient well there be anything that could convince you that it is just an animal oh yeah like like I said I actually think it's compelling that there may even have been an animal like this what would it take cuz cuz I think that the the thing that I would accept is that originally the bigfoot was the dweller a dweller of Hollow Earth exclusively okay wow we just took a left turn what I love about this real quick before we go down cuz we got to go down I'm not ready we need to spelunk the but what I love about it is that uh Ben just like laughed at Brian for a good bit uh with his the pretty aggressively and then and he's like now let's get serious all jokes aside ran my view what a dollar is that he exclusively lived in Hollow Earth uh by the way by the way I got a plug real quick go check out our Hollow Earth it's our probably our longest episode um and it's Mondo and it's primary water it's Hollow it Shield its dragons its sea serpents and we have a second Hollow Earth episode only available as bonus content for patreon supporters yes all right Hollow Earth so that is a great point though I said there could have been a native population of these creatures that the big that the demons later used as in like a tool to deceive that lived in North America which by the way North America place we know exists all we know we don't know we don't know to what degree we know it ex you're like what a silly Theory now they might have lived in Hollow Earth I'm just saying you know how we do believe in okay look here's what I'm and and look maybe this gets into I don't want to jump ahead this might touch on the fairy subject and it may be a distinction without a difference but I'm going to go for it anyway okay I'm thinking of this right now okay okay and you raise a fair point I'm going to say that but but what if it was a hollow Earth dweller exclusively okay the same way that Ransom and paralandra saw the saw the the creatures under the Earth and thought Oh no they're never going to know that they have a king and then he's like n they're just there cuz God likes them what if that was supposed to be the thing but then Richard bird but well no but then we fell and we fell we fell and and and all of all of the world fell with us and so they primarily still dwell in in the words of gimy he fell gim also in the words of gimly toss me I cannot jump the distance very dangerous over short distan Park let's just quot for the rest of the show uh anyway and then I don't are you not entertained okay go ahead and then what what if as dwellers of the hollow Earth you know what I'm no keep going keep going you're in they came up this would explain the this would explain the one learn the lesson learn the lesson cuz all this is unhinged um I'm here for it and and it may be true but it would have you you would have had a lot more sympathy if you hadn't just do very reasonable was going to stop possibility but what but what if as a hollow Earth dweller and maybe actually maybe the same could be said for Dragons I'm about to propose just as ridiculous as a theory as that dweller and a primary water Drinker right so and maybe and maybe they were sort of a uh sort of a a spiritual animal m where where they're they they're primarily Spirit but they have no reasonable Soul let me just say this Ben first of all first of all and then they and then they manifest as big feet the idea that an animal could have strange abilities like the ability to cloak itself which is I didn't make that up that's something that people talk about a lot with Bigfoot it can cloak well chameleon can do that yeah I was about to say just like look at the things we know animals can already do right before you laugh at the idea that unknown animal could do something crazy and then say the same thing but crazier but say something really crazy yeah so I think we're we're we're kind of circling around it a little bit but for us this just really isn't plausibly at least a primarily physical phenomenon mhm it's probably some I think it's real but maybe maybe but with a unique spiritual component some of the maybe some of the stories though like one or two of why people even think it a physical creature might be helpful like ostman yeah in his kidnapping by Bigfoot real quick he was this was like what 1920s it was sometime in the 20th century I think it was later than that early yeah like he gets he was a prospector who was on vacation and he took his vacation in the Canadian back country and he's out there camping or whatever and and every night for like three nights he's thinking someone is rumaging through my stuff while I sleep because he'll wake up and everything is like rwn about but nothing has hurt him not like a bear would do though right so he's thinking it's someone some person some hobo is coming in taking my stuff while I'm sleeping so the next night he decides to stay up with his rifle in hand and he's going to stay up all night and he's going to shoot this thing or scared away maybe not just outright kill it immediately but he ends up falling asleep wakes up from the same sounds and sees that it is a Bigfoot and he was actually a known in public Bigfoot denier at the time publicly denied Bigfoot multiple times before this the Bigfoot kidnaps him yeah throws it over in his sleeping bag throws him over his shoulder in a sleeping bag so he's like bouncing around in a sleeping bag he's you know the Bigfoot is running and jumping over ridges and stuff moving very fast eventually throws him down on the ground and he uncovers himself to find that he is surrounded by a family of big feet bigots bigfoots big foots and there's a wife and a husband and there's two children and for the next five days it's a it's like a week it's five or six days he is sitting there with them he's fed substances he's given Sweet Water to they eat all di interestingly that's really interesting he's given really good water don't they eat his dip well no that's how he escapes so he's like I really want to get out of here not cuz I'm afraid anymore but because I have I have a job and so uh the the dad Bigfoot or whatever the one that actually took him is rumaging through his napsack and finds his bag of snuff and just starts eating it the whole thing and the and the Bigfoot gets violently ill yeah as one does that'll do and so the the mother is out like Gathering berries or something you don't want to eat it and the children come and and care for the father and so the Austin just runs away and he eventually it's stumbles on a road you know Heralds a truck it's like The Goonies when they take all the dip and then they go on the carnival rides that's what happened to the big that's actually Sandlot so here's the oh Sandlot that's what I here's the other thing dude that was my bad never say that my bad I actually yep my bad real quick before we continue with the show you need to be aware that you're merely watching one episode of what's actually a 10p part series covering all things under the banner of high strangeness the 10 episodes include the following number one the lost city of Atlantis has just recently been discovered episode number two Hollow Earth the last living dragons and primary water episode number three bibical Giants their Clan sizes and supernatural abilities episode number four mythological Giants Hercules was actually a Nephilim episode number five everyone has been wrong about Bigfoot episode number six fairies the elemental Spirits episode number seven the biblical case for the existence of mermaids episode number eight ghost that's not your grandma that's a demon episode number nine witches necromancy and familiar spirits and lastly episode 10 Angels their classifications physicality and Sexes now all 10 of these episodes are available at free right now exclusively on patreon these episodes are only dropping one at a time over a series of multiple weeks but you can get them all available today at free plus the addition of two exclusive bonus episodes at patreon.com SLR response Ministries again it's exclusively found at patreon.com SLR response Ministries go and check them out today and now back to our program so the other that that seems like here's a family unit gen clearly an animal according to the story right second second piece of evidence I would point to in favor of the animal Theory also an animal with a lot of intelligence that's a key point and not none of this it could all still be a deception but but in favor of the animal the other one is and people might not know this there there is only one piece of evidence that has been film evidence that has been scrutinized more than this piece of evidence and it would be the zuder film of the JFK assassination the second most scrutinized piece of film evidence in history in history is the pgf the gimin film which is like a thousand frames or it's you know a very small number of frames on a a camera a real camera that seemed to P capture about a 6 and 1/2t tall female Bigfoot right it's the famous scene where you've seen the looking back and this is the one that like supposedly she has a um the male would have a Crest but she has a hairo a beehive haird no she has breasts she has breast right I know but I'm talking about uh Crest not she has a Crest on on on her right but i' I've heard some theories that say well this doesn't make sense because the crest would be on the head would be belonging to the male but she has breast she's clearly a female and soag and so she's highly intelligent because that's not actually a Crest upon closer examination she has her hair did wow she has a weave she's a girl she's extra feminine yeah she's like right and and the thing is you can laugh at it if you see it initially go you can look up a stabilized silly but there are we we talked about it in our multi-part Bigfoot series we did on Han Cosmos you can look up up to I mean 13 hours on astonishing Legends podcast they examine the Patterson gimin film and point to some very compelling reasons why it'd be highly difficult for it to be a a suit at the time that it was made it would be all but impossible all but impossible genuinely and they have the N the premier costume designer on the show on astonishing Legends episodes who designed the Planet of the Apes costumes we're talking about at that time $100,000 costumes The Cutting Edge that are hide suits still they don't have spandex at this time they can Flex there are features in the film itself that are very difficult to explain by costume design and there's muscles jostling as she walks it's also at a time period that today any film evidence you can't believe just period you cannot believe film evidence today because of CGI and what we can do in this was at a period of time when that was not possible right so it's this Golden Era really where you really could have film or photograph evidence me something and even audio evidence with the Sierra sounds that is which we don't have time to get into but just understand that when when I say that I even allow for the possibility that there was some kind of population of actual physical creature that maybe was used and has been used as a vehicle let's not play the C sounds no let's perform language all great that's much just to say it's not totally silly you're welcome you're all welcome it's not totally silly to say you say that after we just did the Sierra sounds that it could there could be a physical animal is not a like I I know Christians who still do believe that there are aspects of it that may be deceptive or whatever that also think yeah yeah but there's there's there could be some kind of it's not out of the realm of possibility God did some crazy things things there are some stories that help us confirm in our minds that it's not thank you because I have it's not just what it's not just physical it's not just it but there's something more I think you need to lead us into this because when you start uncovering the evidence for why you should think that this is not just a physical phenomenon it gets compelling now a couple disclaimers the everything in this is eyewitness testimony and yeah you and it's okay but at some point when you start to mount eyewitness testimony with common denominators from people that did not have exposure to this beforehand you actually start to get a compelling argument and very little re like people who have professional lives that are not AED by being associated with Bigfoot in fact their their careers are or their reputations are hurt by this like people that then go on to be like I'm not talking about this anymore I'm sick of it so one of the most compelling stories that I've heard and the reason it's so compelling is because not only is it an eyewitness testimony but it's from someone who is in our sort of circles on Twitter yeah at least yeah uh this is an an Evangelical Christian woman and she was interviewing a friend of hers for a Blog that she has and this story came up where this guy claimed that his dad often times would go on Bigfoot hunts when he was younger and his dad started he got more and more obsessed with it more and more obsessed with it and so finally his son was like I would like to go with you because I want I want to be with my dad I want to be into what my dad's into every every son and so his dad's like let's go let's go and so they go out there and the father tells the son okay here's what you got to look out for we're going to uh once it gets dark we're going to turn the fire we're going to we're going to douse the fire completely and we're going to immediately get into our sleeping bags open air we're sleeping under the stars that's how you have to do it and once the smoke dies down and you just start to begin falling asleep you'll start to hear sounds and then you will know that they're here and sure enough okay the the the kid is he's like I was 12 years old I was reasonable I know that this happened the smoke died down I was not close to falling asleep my dad was wrong about that but I heard the pitter patter of feet coming up and they were like big feet I saw black eyes looking down at me they didn't reflect light I felt uh smaller feet stomping on me not in a way that was like they're trying to injure but like a kid playing almost you know like really bizarre and that was it okay that was it and so the the girl who's doing this interview is like all right I got to talk to the dad and so she finds the dad and at the time he no longer was doing any of this and she was she was curious as to why and he said that the last time he ever went on a Bigfoot expedition was the last time because he realized that it was demonic he finally understood and what happened was he went out with a group of other Bigfoot researchers or Searchers whatever and they were going and it's the orgon Wilderness okay and they're sitting under the stars it's the same setup that he had with his son but what's interesting is that during the trip he had hurt his arm really bad like you know tore a ligament in his elbow something genuinely really painful would have been a trip Ender except that everyone else said no no let's still do it trust us and so he goes into this you know they do all the setup correctly and they tell him that when you see the Bigfoot or when you know that it's there think in your mind and ask it to heal your arm the people with him telling that people with him these other experience the the the the other experienced researches and so he's like okay and so he he goes to you know they do the thing he's starting to fall asleep sleep he knows that they're there and he wakes back up and he's fully alert and he can see some of the Shadows walk and he starts to think in his mind please if you can heal my arm and he feels one of them touch his arm and it's healed it's done and he wakes up the next morning and he can move it all around he can do everything that he wouldn't have been able to do the day before he was widy doing the gitty Widow we doing the gitty and so they start hiking off the trail he's kind of freaked out cuz he's like that's a little in intense and and he's asking one of the other guys like how did you know and the guy said that's how they get you in they tagged you now and they know you now and so you can summon them anytime you want they've picked you and as he's saying this as his friend is saying this he looks up and he sees orbs following them through the trees which is interesting in itself yeah you see and there's usually a connection with and you pointed this out light phenomena or phenomena even UAP and so then this is where the story ends he oh I think I've heard this yeah it's it's from you wild so then he gets back home at home yes and he starts to get really concerned about this and he is not comfortable with the fact that they've tagged him and he's Chosen and they're around him all the time and so yeah because thus far it's always I go to them if I want but now it's like they've got a Tracker device on me in my elbow you know or whatever like Bel you belong and so he's trying to test it and so in order to test it he sets a cot out by The Shed in his backyard mhm and he and he just kind of says I'm going to be here tonight come find me if you're really there come find me and then he gets a call on his phone and his son who's old now is like hey come see your grandkids play basketball at the church tonight you know and so whatever he goes and he comes back he's tired and he's like I'll go out there tomorrow night I want to get some sleep and in the middle of the night the shed starts shaking and he hears the ladders that are that are inside falling over and it's this loud crashing sound and he looks out and he sees the silhouette of a shadow there and he hears in his mind my name is coup or what I can't remember the name some bigot sound C I don't know and he hears my name is my name is whatever and the guy says in his mind flee leave from me I never want to see you again in the name of Jesus Christ something that that to that effect and he never sees them again and he never has any other intrusive thoughts or anything like that but he knows that it was a Bigfoot right the silhouette he felt the presence he heard the voices he felt the touch he knew his son saw the eyes his son saw the eyes his son also confirmed that all of this really did happen that his dad completely changed his attitude after that because it wasn't a fun little experiment no no no this is the thing that people need to understand like one of the even criticisms of our show before we've gotten is people saying like you need to be careful not to take undue interest right and that's absolutely true like we it's one of our principles there's a distinction between we want to be able to to tell stories really well because we think story is one of the most important weapons that the Christian has in a story a universe that is a story told by God to actually wield as a weapon of light uh against the the enemies of God but it is correct and people need to understand that we don't tell these stories so that you can say man that's great we're going to take an interest and we're going to go become a Bigfoot researcher we're going to start doing ghost hunts and try to get EVP on our our recorders and we're going to try to go and make contact with a with with alien beings no it's like you need to understand that these things are real right they're very real they're spiritually they're spiritual and they're they're deadly you should not at any point attempt to contact and people don't know people think oh I'm just engaged in this or people think it's harmless you remember the story of the old woman oh yeah oh yeah in the cabin and God bless you know Bigfoot's like I love you Bigfoot's an angel I do not think big for the record this is where I think we should go if we have time maybe a retelling of of the old woman's story at the very end of the episode but we need to hear from you Ben in regards to the Fairy Oh yes okay so my favorite category for we talked about animal hom it and we've talked about kind of spirits that you know demon type but that's not the only Spirit category so I'll say this I think that it yeah it could very well just be demonic and and that's it and that's the whole explanation but I also think that there're is great reason to believe that there's a category of an elemental Spirit type being and I think from scripture yes I think that from scripture the Nile you know the god of the Nile is is a good example that is an elemental Spirit by all means um and it's Fallen which I think is interesting but every culture up to about the Puritans in the 17th century and actually including them so it was after them that this went away thought that there was a category of being called a fairy yeah that was the colloquial term for it longy now yeah the longy the long livers that which not like organ yeah not like a really life liver liver but living for a long time yes yes and in we we'll do an episode on fairies in that episode I'll go over the the different conceptions of what they were but the basic category ranges anywhere from a neutral spiritual being which I think is flawed in a number of ways up to a a spiritual animal that has a range of abilities but has no reasonable Soul uh but but can can take different forms and things like that that's the general conception of a fairy and I I would propose with King James who wrote the king or the one who commissioned the King James Bible he didn't write it but he commissioned it uh in his pamphlet on demonology he categorizes fairies strictly as demonic he didn't like the idea of neutrality which I understand um but I think that there could be some that are fallen and some that are not and I think that one explanation for bigfoot is that it's a spiritual being without a reasonable soul that has that is just doing its thing that it's responding to threats and that is Fallen yes and so because everything is cursed but with animal characteristics animal instincts is it possible though that there could have been melding a couple of these views here that they could there could have been a fairy that um that tethered itself at a certain point and really melded with a particular North American type of animal that was a hominid that was strictly an animal like what Brian was saying earlier and now that animal has even died off but the the fairy Ripple you know um reflection of that animal still exists except now it's more spiritual than it is physical although there are some physical components and it's malevolent and not yeah I think that that's really possible I also think that the fairy of category or the the category of fairy could uh could still include a reasonable Soul or or something or a reasonable intelligence and so you could have overtly malicious like Fallen not just they are affected by the curse but they have actively Fallen they have sinned they've rebelled yes I think that that's also totally possible but we would conceive we would conceive of that as just a demon right yeah but but older people would conceive of that as something else that it would be a fairy and the and and because it was never an angel right and it was never The Offspring of an Angel it was always something else right it's not this the the spirit of the Nephilim The Offspring of angels it's not an angel itself but maybe when God created the world before things fell um before s into the world that like there really were River Spirits are you a beef jerky Enthusiast well then stop it seriously stop it because bong is superior to beef jerky in every single way it's a traditional South African meat snack but it's free from all the preservatives the sugar and the soy it's like the wagu of jerky now here's the exciting news from farmer bills Provisions farmer bills is introducing their brand new prod product line for your enjoyment we've got right here the traditional beef slab you've also got if you want a smaller portion you've got the slices it's just as much meat but you're able to eat it in increments this 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but that's one of them we know there are angel or Angelic beings that are very much focused heavenward and we ones that are more uh concerned earthward in terms of their assignment by God right uh so Watchers Messengers there's lots of categories of angels and we don't know all of them I think it's safe to say so they're they're very well could be a category of spiritual being that it's almost impossible for us to really make the distinction between this kind of right and what what there is an Angelic being but its primary domain from from inception was Earthly rather above angels are here in Heaven different classifications types of angels uh but they God actually uh created some not just as Messengers with with you know momentary visitations but some would actually like a guardian of a forest yeah that's their job they just like a guardian of a river or a guardian of a mountain and to the modern mind you're like that's crazy that's ins Ben's this is how literally everybody thoughts and the says like God has compassion on all he is made God God loves flowers and he loves bees and he loves Birds the sparrow does not fall without him noticing and and the implication there is he notices and he cares and he simply cares you know um exponentially more for you and I but it's not that he doesn't care God likely I don't know if I can make this argument I think I probably could uh that God cares more for sparrows than than than we care for our fellow man often times well God's care is always perfect perfect and it's not because he idolizes sparrows you know anything he cares about them in their proper order but he cares about them in their proper order he cares more about people and we actually don't what I'm saying is not that God cares for SP disordered affection I'm not saying God cares for sparrows more than God cares for people but God cares for for sparrows more than we care and so anyways but the point is like so that that God would create a heavenly host of angels to to to be in heaven but that he would uh if he loves the world it is good it is good all these things that he's made to a point some as their natural habit that nature Spirits nature Angels Forest ones mountain ones you know this and that and the other water like it's not a crazy no well idea I I don't want to like interrupt but I want I'm tempted to leave it there yeah I for we're going to talk more about so much we're doing a whole thing on fairies we're talk oh snap yeah and so I let's leave it there's there's a lot more that can be said but I if I'm not careful I'm going lose so faor going to say it in favor of bigf as more demonic I think you have multiple lines of evidence um putting the fairy thing aside I think you have the story you just told is a great example um we have their association with other things that I think are clearly overly demonic like the UAP and alien phenomena to your point in the cold open one of the popular theories is that Bigfoot is either an interdimensional being or an alien from outer space which are melding more and more or like an alien slate yeah but those ideas are melding even more and more where one of the very popular rising conceptions of alien phenomena is not that they're extraterrestrials but ultraterrestrials that they are interdimensional beings not purely physical beings from another planet or Galaxy but uh a spiritual or an ultra-dimensional being that is able to um travel via dimensional travel portals things like this and the association you see we get into it in our second big episode I think yes where you can go listen to the whole story about the there are sightings where there is a UFO and then there is a Bigfoot and you see uh you see a lot of the things that go with aliens that are overtly demonic things like a feeling of dread of existential dread in their pres uh smells that are demonic smells that are associated with witchcraft necromancy Bigfoot sightings and Aliens they cross over with Satanic ritual abuse stories as well so there's this Nexus of phenomena that has similar um forensic fingerprint you could say that it to me is the fingerprint of demons and it crosses over heavily with bigfoots to where I think it's probably likely that it's demonic in its origin that at least um cuz again demons can show you what you want right they can show you the face that you're expecting superstitiously as well so even if part of it is just Bigfoot right demon Bigfoot type of stuff I think there's good reason so all that being said it sounds like I think what I'm probably most sold on is the fairy explanation and so we need to go there and we're going to record onir uh what I like the most is the hollow Earth and so what I feel like what we need to do is we need to land the plane and do a whole episode on fairies and see if by the grace of God we can somehow just weld together fairies but also a hollow Earth conception but is there final word from you been on on this or maybe even leaving The Listener with a story yeah i' I'd love to tell the story of of the old woman from Kansas wild I actually think it's it's an amazing story so I I don't know the dates I don't know the names because it was all Anonymous so take that for what you will but there was a woman who lived in Kansas City and she was married to her husband for many years she was an older woman and she really loved the outdoors her husband did not so long before in their marriage they had settled on a deal where every summer he would drive her out to their cabin in the woods and he would leave her there for a month and he would just go back to Kansas City it's the strangest scenario that I have ever heard for a marriage but whatever yeah that's not good yeah it's not not good not not good fruit but so she goes out there she's looking forward to it she's settling into the cabin again she's you know dusting everything because it's been so long getting used to the smells and she decides to go sit on her front porch and read a book and as she's reading the book starts to kind of Shake in her hands and she can't quite hold on to it and so she starts clenching a little more and and it stops she's reading again and suddenly the book just lifts up out of her hands and is floating in front of her and then it throws itself across the porch and slams into the wall she's freaked out naturally and in her Panic she's looking all around and she looks out in front of her and sees that kind of uh it's far enough away to be down behind this grassy null there's the she can see the silhouette of a man's chest and head or at least she she thinks it's a man but she knows that it would be an incredibly large man and it's completely dark not like a skin color just like it's shadowy she she she can't tell what actually she's looking at but she starts to hear in her mind words like hello from a voice that's not her own as if she's hearing it outside but it's just in her head hello I'm your protector I'm here to help you I was playing a trick very like juvenile sentences almost like a one of those my first Reader books where it's just three-word sentences over and over and they seem redundant and unhelpful but she then starts to try and communicate back but she can't really stuff like this keeps happening day after day she sees the same figure she realizes that it is really hairy and she starts to conceive of it in her mind as a Bigfoot like she's heard about mhm but she never knew that they could communicate just telepathically and so she starts to actually be able to communicate herself with this Bigfoot and she's constantly and this is important inviting the Bigfoot up to be with her oh she's concerned that it's going to be cold she's concerned that it's dangerous out there that's this is the sin of empathy yeah it is dangerous because and so but the Bigfoot to his credit where's this husband yeah I know yeah the Bigfoot never obliges never comes up and says I am meant to watch you from a distance that's what I'm supposed to do so one night she wakes up in the middle of the night actually no she she didn't wake up she was smoking a cigarette and on the back porch and she uh sees two men kind of shadowy figures behind the shed and she starts to freak out because clearly they don't want to be seen she notices the first one and then that first one is yanked back behind the shed by someone else so she starts freaking out she goes inside locks all the doors puts out her cigarette turns off the lights and goes and gets the 22 long rifle that's under the floorboard in the bedroom and she thinks I'm going to have to kill somebody or they're going to kill me right so she goes and hides behind the chair that's right next to the front door of the cabin and it's backlit by a full moon and she can see the silhouette of two men with top hats and cigarettes walking up on the porch and they start to jostle the door handle and they're jostling and then nothing's happening and so they start trying to like beat on the door a little bit and Fiddle with the lock next thing she knows they are screaming deathly screams of pain and Agony and they are sprinting away from the house and she doesn't get up until they're completely good she can't even hear them screaming anymore and goes outside and sees her friend now the Bigfoot walking back into the woods and he sends her a message that says you're welcome God bless you yeah he says God bless God bless you and that's when Brian said maybe Bigfoot's an angel yeah and then and then we said on social media now everyone is gonna say Brian thinks Bigfoot is an angel which everyone now does but he isn't which I do not believe for the record but the story ends with a pretty alarming situation so one day her neighbor down the road is is running up to her house frantically and and she says you got to leave you got to call your husband you got to go back to Kansas City and the old woman's like what what are you talking about why and she said did you not see the light SL last night the old woman says no she was asleep and from her neighbor she learns that the night before there had been a huge light show over the woods that that was around the property uaps red blue green white all of these lights that were dashing about they were making insane amounts of noise they were making the trees almost fall over with the wind they were producing but they had no sound they had no like helicopter sound right and and it wasn't safety lights from a plane it was a u it was a UAP it was a UFO and the husband of this neighbor starts thinking well I got to go get to the bottom of this cuz one of them starts to descend into the woods and so he goes out with his gun and his flashlight and then he comes running back with pale face and expressionless look in his eyes and his wife asks are you okay what's going on and he just says we can never come back here again and he goes inside and the next morning she goes and tells the old woman and they leave and right before the old woman calls her husband the Bigfoot Peaks his head out from the woods and says that was me and the old woman doesn't know what to make of it what do you make I don't know God bless apart from that it's nothing good yeah could here's the thing as we said all these eyewitness encounters some of them are completely made up people make stuff up you don't know Li people lie but people don't only lie people lie but people don't only lie so you don't you there's always the element Theory like w that was a good that was too good of a story right like there's too many elements that are just that that are coming together but this is why I also like the idea of Fallen spiritual entities whether it's a demon or a Fairy Type playing different roles right and and they actually are bound in some degree by a role that they have to play and so a demon and a UAP are always Associated because they're on the same team but they're not the same players I like that this is a Ben Garrett Theory yeah it is all right well tune in to uh future episodes we're going to be talking about fairies so we kind of you know began to scratch the surface of that but we're going to do an entire episode on fairies um if you want to see episodes ahead of time so right what we're doing is every Friday once a week at 4 pm central time we drop an episode uh it'll be available at WR respons ministries.com our website it'll be available on Youtube it'll be available on Twitter uh but if you want to watch something um ahead of time you can actually get all the episodes they're all pre-recorded and edited produced you can get them all in one foul swoop by joining us on patreon and not only can you get early adree access to binge watch the entire season uh but you also can get some bonus episodes that go into more detail about Hollow Earth and some other topics as well all right thanks for tuning in real quick right here at the end I just wanted to remind you to become a member at patreon.com respon Ministries exclusively for our patreon members we have all 10 episodes Early Access had free some of my favorite episodes to be looking forward to is episodes that deal with Bigfoot or fairies or ghost or Angels or Giants or particularly our episode on witches if you want to watch these episodes now and you want to watch them without any ads then you've got to join us by becoming a member at patreon.com writ reson Ministries
Channel: Right Response Ministries
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Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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