BIBLE STUDY WITH ME: JAMES 5💛...#faithfriday

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[Music] [Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel if you are new here you're tuning in for a Faith Friday video I post these videos every Friday here on my channel it's just a faith related video to help you grow your relationship with Christ or to help you grow your relationship with Christ just based off of what I learned from the Bible this week and hopefully just to drop some encouragement on the YouTube platform you know want to start it off with saying that I don't know everything I'm not perfect at all I'm not preaching I'm just simply sharing with you what God put on my heart this week and that's it I'm a flawed human here a flawed human that's it if you're not new here welcome back we're going to be finishing up our study in the book of James this week where we yeah James is a pretty short book there's only five chapters in the book of James but the chapters have been jammed packed full of knowledge and truth bombs we have been going through this study for about a month maybe a little over a month now so we're gonna be closing this up and then I'm not really sure what we're gonna do next whatever God leads me to and we'll do that on Chapter five of James and the way that I kind of do these Bible studies is I start off by reading all of the scripture out loud which may be kind of uncomfortable kind of weird who knows but I think that it's helpful just to include all of the scripture that way there's no room for misinterpretation or maybe you don't want to wipe your Bible out you can just read along on the screen or maybe you can have your Bible out and read along as I'm reading with you translations may be different I use the NIV translation not for any particular reason it's just what I use please do not come at me in the comments I have a lot of people who come at me and tell me that the translation of the Bible that I use should be different I don't have any comments so I will just start off by reading and then we'll kind of break it down by chunks and topics and then wrap it all up in the end so James chapter 5 the little subtitle says warning to rich oppressors now listen you rich people weep and wail because of the misery that is coming to you your wealth is routed and moths have eaten your clothes your gold and silver are corroded their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire you've hoarded wealth in the last days look the wages you fail to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty you have lived on earth and luxury and self-indulgence you have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter you've condemned and murdered the innocent one who was not opposing you and then the little subtitle for verses 7 or 12 patience and suffering be patient then brothers and sisters until the lord's coming see how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains you to be patient stand firm because the Lord is coming near or the Lord's coming is near don't grumble against one another brothers and sisters or you will be judged the judge is standing at the door brothers and sisters as an example of patience in the face of suffering the prophets take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as you know we count as blessed those who have persevered I've heard job's perseverance and I've seen what the Lord finally brought about the Lord is full of compassion and mercy above all brothers and sisters do not swear not by heaven or earth or by anything all you need to say is a simple yes or no otherwise you will be condemned and then verses 13 through 20 is under the little subtitle the prayer of faith has anyone among you in trouble let them pray is anyone happy let them sing songs of praise is anyone among you sick let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well the Lord will raise them up if they've sinned they will be forgiven therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other see you so that you may be healed the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective Elijah was a human being even as we are he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years again he prayed and the heavens gave rain and the earth produced its crops my brothers and sisters if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back remember this whoever turns a sinner from the air and from the error of their way will save them from death and cover a multitude of sins that it's the end of James to be completely honest with you I'm a little bit nervous about this one just because the beginning I feel the beginning of chapter five gets taken out of context a lot a lot of times so I did take a lot of notes I did lots of cross referencing cross studying just to make sure that the information that I give out is true in the beginning you notice that James doesn't refer to the people as brothers and sisters 4 through verses 1 through 6 he does not use that term once he just keeps saying you rich people your wealth has rotted you've hoarded wealth you've mistreated your workers you've mistreated your people you fatten yourself on luxury and self-indulgence you've condemned and murdered the innocent one who is not posing you and so I feel a lot of times people take mentions of richness and wealth out of context from the Bible and they use it to say that or Christ followers shouldn't be wealthy and they shouldn't be well-off in their finances we should all be poor and I that's not true God wants us to have abundance and have it in full it's what you do with your wealth obviously but that's a whole whole nother video it's how you get your wealth what you do with your wealth are you blessing people or you glorifying God are you recognizing this from him type of thing but the reason I wanted to bring up that he doesn't call them brothers and sisters is that is kind of a good point to bring up when he's talking to brothers and sisters he's talking to believers and Christ's followers so that first chunk of Scripture talking about the rich oppressor is just a huge huge warning to me and to you to not become too materialistic not live our lives completely focused on what we can get out of our lives not live our lives completely focused on stopping all over people in the course of money and wealth and just chasing you know Fame live a life led by greed and selfishness and money and fame and power God does not bless that you are stomping all over his people and the process to get to your goal think about a life led by greed and selfishness glorifies God and the end and so to me that's just a huge warning to always be checking my priorities and making sure that my life is not revolving the things that I have and the things that I can cumulate and as much money as I can make and the name I can make for myself rather the love that I can show to people the love that I point back to Christ and giving gratitude for what he has given to me already and then moving down to the little subtitle patience and suffering verses 7 through 12 this chunk of Scripture is so encouraging to me especially right now because in my life right now I feel like I'm in a season of just waiting and kind of confusion kind of waiting on you know knowing the right decision to make with God's timing and it just it always feels so unsure and whenever I'm trying to figure things out it never makes sense it never works out and I feel like I'm just waiting like I'm just in this waiting period and sometimes waiting periods could last a month two months six months a year two years you just never know and that is a huge encouragement to me to just persevere whenever life is confusing or feels unsure or challenging or like you're in a season where you are just you know broken down it's a huge encouragement to me because he says right in here be patient brothers and sisters until the Lord's coming see how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains you to be patient and stand firm because the Lord's coming is near as an example of patience in the face of suffering take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as you know we count blessed those who have persevered you have heard of jokes perseverance and seeing what the Lord brought out of it if you don't know a story of Job you need to read it it's probably gonna scare you a little bit but the story of Job is just kind of crazy and I think that we forget about the fact that that actually happened and how insane it is that at the end of all of what happened to job that he was still able to hit his knees and worship and praise God because every single thing that job cared about and valued and loved was ripped from underneath him like literally every single thing that you could think of that you love and cherish and care about and want to keep in your life forever was ripped out of job's hands and still God was enough it says that to point you back and put it into perspective that that is how we're meant to persevere through trials is that's how your faith gets deepened that's how people see God through the way they act during a struggling season during a hard season how you persevere if the second one thing goes wrong a Christian hits their knees and they're sobbing they're like oh poor me how am I gonna make it through tomorrow like blah blah blah blah does that show that you serve a powerful Almighty God who can do literally anything no that makes it look like you're God it's absent your God doesn't care about you and your types of trouble rather taking the stance that job took and hitting your knees and worshiping when literally your entire life around you has fallen to the ground that speaks to people that shows people who Christ is that shows people that makes people want to ask you why do you serve that guy like I want to know more about this guy it's just a really huge encouragement to me that perseverance isn't for nothing perseverance brings blessing perseverance brings other people to Christ perseverance brings sharpens your faith and that's kind of the ultimate goal here is to constantly be sharpening our faith and so I just want to encourage anybody else who feels like they're in a waiting period right now in their life or just a period where you're very unsure of things and it feels like nothing's kind of going your way one be okay with that because your way is in God's Way and I mean it's a huge blessing in disguise for things to not go our way sometimes because God's Way is better but to think about what God will bring out the end of it think about what God's gonna bring out the other side he brought so much beauty out of job story and job literally had nothing at the end of the day so let that be an encouragement to you that though times get very hard we're called to persevere just as patiently as Christ is waiting to come and take us all back and to come back for his people were supposed to patiently wait for him and patiently not only patiently wait for him but hopefully and confidently wait for him and just know that like he's gonna do what he said he would he's gonna take care of you he has promises for deliverance and blessing and safety and rescue for you and it's your job to patiently and confidently wait for him to fulfill those prayer of faith he says is anyone among you in trouble let them praise anyone happy with them praise is anyone among you sick let them call on the elders of the church to pray over them the prayer of the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well this is something that I've talked about in the last few videos I feel like it's something that I struggle with praying confidently not just praying like iffy little prayers and this came up a few times this week more than a few times this week and my quiet time that I prayed little prayers because I have little faith not like and I'm being completely honest here I know that God is capable of doing incredible things he's done incredible things for me and people around me but I have so much doubt sometimes that it hides in my prayers and I'll be like god I know that you can do this if it's your will could you make this happen like it's just a really iffy prayer when I hear other people pray and they're like Lord we know that you will fulfill this for us and we are so grateful for when you do that we are so confident and excited to see what you do with this those are probably about examples but you know when someone prays very confidently it's like they know that their prayer has already been answered they pray as if their prayer has already been answered because they know that God answers always God is a guy who follows through he's not flaky he doesn't change he always follows through with his promises his promises still stand like every single promise in the Bible still stands for you today and will be fulfilled but so often we sit and we pray with no faith behind it and we pray these really small prayers because it's safe and comfortable and we won't be as disappointed when we pray a small prayer but God is asking us to hit our knees and pray the big prayers and pray with confidence because there's nothing worse than someone doubting you and your abilities it almost makes you wanted to point them anyways at least that's how I feel so I imagine that God kind of like just shrugs his shoulders and it's like really like when we pray these prayers and he sees our heart and knows that we don't think that he's gonna follow through so I'm trying to work on changing my heart position to knowing that he's never not followed through for me never not shown up he has never not followed through with his promises to me he has never disappointed me never once the only thing is that I get impatient with his timing and that's my problem I need to have a heart in the position to pray bigger prayers and bring them confidently verse just points it out so clearly the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well when we pray with big faith behind it God blesses you Elijah was a human being even as we are and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three-and-a-half years like it literally says he even goes out of his way to say Elijah was a human being just like me and you and he was able to pray big prayers and God followed through for three and a half years like he literally not only did he answer Elijah's prayer but he answered it in full and then and then again he prayed and the heavens gave rain and the earth produced its crops like that's a God who answers he literally answered Elijah's prayers exactly I do want to say it's not just to say that you should pray these big prayers and then if God doesn't follow through the next day to give up on them sometimes you have to pray big prayers for years for years that's why I think it's so perfect that before he mentions up the prayer of faith and praying big prayers he mentions perseverance because they go hand in hand we can't just be praying and then be really mad the next day that God didn't answer right away because that's how we are we're immediate gratification we want the answers now and sometimes that's not how God works it's all his timing and his timing perfect so I think that that's really beautiful how he mentions patience perseverance strong prayers they go together you need to be patient in your prayers pray them big and don't lose hope while you're praying them don't stop praying for that thing but also be willing to wait because God's timing is much better than yours anyways that's all I have for you guys on James chapter 5 that is a stinkin rap like oh man we're done with James that's so crazy I hope that you guys really enjoyed going through this Bible study with me I encourage you to go through it a few times I encourage you to go through on your own and your time James is a book that I have read over and over and over again and it's still just as good every time I still learn something from it every time that I am working on applying all of these things to my life as well you guys want to see more Bible studies like we just did with James please leave a comment down below and I will try to see what I want to what to do next I'm not really sure leave a comment down below if you want more Bible study videos if you ever have any prayer requests you are more than welcome to comment them down below or you can DM me on Instagram I'll put my Instagram handle right here I do take prayer requests every Monday but you can also message me any day that we give this video a thumbs up make sure you hit the subscribe button if you haven't already to join the happy soul tribe and I will catch you guys in the next video make sure that you go out of your way to love on someone today and make them feel extra special just because you are and I will see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Celest Rayanne
Views: 10,749
Rating: 4.9938931 out of 5
Keywords: christian youtuber, christian vlogger, milena ciciotti, milena ciciotti bible study, bible study with me, james 5 bible study, how i study the bible, how to study the bible, bible time, devotional time, jesus time, morning routine, morning routine with jesus, faith friday, faith related videos, jess conte, haley pham, kristin johns, how to pray, how to grow your faith, deepen your faith, bible journaling
Id: _PCVooJ5QIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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