Bible Study on Genesis 6 | Study the Whole Bible with Me

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Bible Study on Genesis 6 | Study the Whole Bible with Me up until Genesis chapter 6 so verses 1 through 3 talks about age in humans so prior we saw people living two ages at least 300 notch was one person that God took away from the earth at 365 years and there were even people who lived to eight and nine hundred years old so this these verses talk about God saw humans as being corrupt and he stated that we will only live to a hundred and twenty years and now when he said that it didn't go into effect right away of course because there were still people who live very long lives but you will see that you know pretty much after God said this people start to live substantially shorter lives and I actually googled the oldest person recorded in the modern world at least have ever lived and that was actually to 122 years so I think that is interesting that there hasn't been anyone to live to like you know at least 130 years because it's written in the Bible so it holds true till today of course as with everything else in the Bible verse 4 it's unclear what the felon really meant and I actually tried to look it up on Google and you know scholars are not really sure who the Nephilim are and what it really means if I did find that that word is related to the Hebrew word Nepal the fall which means to fall so some people kind of speculate that the Nephilim were men that had fallen away from God so I saw I was reading some text that suggested that they were angels some other text suggested that they were giants I'm not really sure it's not of great importance to scripture but I just thought it was curious I want to look up who those people were first 5 every thought was evil all the time and so when God is talking about the earth here I guess I kind of thought of it as they have you ever seen Game of Thrones it's definitely not a Christian movie at all it's definitely for adults when I think about that show and some scenes in that show I think that's probably how the world was in the beginning like how just absolutely disgusting and evil and corrupt and just polluted and you know that's I feel like that's kind of a really good depiction of how the world was before and of course I'm not endorsing you know I'm not suggesting that you go watch Game of Thrones I'm just saying you know that's what comes to my mind like that's how awful the world was probably verse six the Lord had regretted that he made humans and I thought that was interesting as well because you know God does it make mistakes so just to clarify that God doesn't repent he cannot repent because he doesn't change or waver so we as humans repent because we are not a stable as God is he doesn't change he makes up his mind and he says what he has to say and that's it you know it's always right but we make mistakes and so we thought those mistakes translate into sin and that has causes us to end up repenting so God doesn't repent he doesn't change her waiver he didn't change his decision on man but rather he changed his way of man and I got that from the Benson commentary and what I took from that was so God could have said oh I regret making humans and wait the whole earth clean forever and that was it and then he'd be done and then you know none of us would exist today but he didn't he just kind of wanted to start over so you know he said these people are corrupt so he wiped the earth clean except of Noah and his family which we'll talk about and he changed the way that people were brought into the world so I thought that was really interesting that that was placed there in the text verses 7 through 8 God wanted to rid the earth of humans and animals except Noah because he was different and that says something so if you think about how many people around the earth at this time on the earth was numerous and all the people were corrupt and so for all those people to be so extremely corrupt and know it to be so you know in love with the Lord until it's such a radically different life I can imagine how much he's done in society you know so that must have been higher than me and I think that goes true now lots of this it's this extreme all the time but for Christians today we kind of stick out right we do things differently than the world we don't see things the same as the world does so you know I think a part of being a Christian and loving God and following the Lord is being different and that's okay and that's actually a good thing if you blend into the world and you know how much are you really putting forth to the kingdom verses 9 through 10 Noah and his family loved God he had three sons Shem ham and Japheth verses 11 through 13 the entire earth was corrupt and God will destroy it 15 through 16 God gave Noah specific instructions and then I wrote don't we wish forgot to do that for us as well so I've never had a hard time where God you know you feel like God is telling you something but you're not sure and don't you just wish that I could kind of be like know why he gave Noah very specific instructions on how to build the boat and you know sometimes I feel like we wish that God could kind of give us specific instructions as well but I think one thing to note here is that even though he gave no of these specific instructions on the boat the one thing with the Bible is everything is just written you know there's no timeline so we don't know how much in advance God gave Noah this dream and put this on his heart and told him this is what's gonna happen we don't know how long they were prayed for and you know sought after God to get these answers that he got a lot of times you know in the Bible will say you know Noah built a boat and I was it and you know in our minds we kind of think okay he built a boat but it probably took him years or you know I don't know I'm speculating I honestly don't know but you know it took a while to build the boat end you know I imagine that it probably took a while for Noah to get these instructions over time through God telling him and that's how God operates when he speaks to us he tells us a little at a time now of course he's gotten he can do whatever he wants and he can tell us all at once you know I'm not saying that that's you know he he has to tell us only a little bit at a time but I just want to bring a tent bring forth the attention to time in the Bible you know it says it's God gave him these instructions but like I mentioned we don't know you know how much time Noah put into the word and seeking God's face and you know asking God you know how do you want me to do this and and over and over and then you know eventually you know what got his answer and you know he got specific instructions and verse 18 says that covenant an agreement we agree with God first before we act so the scripture did say they entered a covenant together or an agreement and then no one went about doing what God wanted him to do so he didn't say you know God how am I gonna do this or what am I gonna you know you didn't ask a bunch of questions he didn't just go out and act first you know he agreed with that okay God this is what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it for you and then he went about doing sometimes we try to get ahead of God without truly agreeing and I think agreement with God has to do with aligning with his word so when we agree with God we are agreeing with his plan and along with agree with his plan is agreeing with his timing so you know Noah was in agreement with God he was agreement with God's Way he was an agreement with God's timeline and he just you know he never asked God well why are you doing this and why are you doing that and when you know he just agreed with God and then he acted and Noah's family also benefited from his obedience to God and I thought of the scripture in proverbs 22:6 train up a child in the way that he should go and he will not depart from it and you know that I think that is a powerful statement you know you instill these scriptures and the word and to your children they will hold on to it and you know that doesn't mean that they'll always make good decisions or the right decision but you know the Bible says that they will not depart from the word the word will not depart from their hearts and even if they are about their making their own decisions they'll feel that they'll feel that kind of repentance and that struggle between flesh and spirit so no one was instructed to stir away two of every kind of animal and all food and then the verse 22 no all had already stood out from the rest which I talked about up here because he was different he followed God with his whole heart despite all the corruption going on and he probably looked crazy he was probably afraid but he obeyed God anyway we must act radically forgot so it's kind of like what I mentioned and referring reference to verse 8 Noah stood out from everyone else and you know he was building a bowl and God said he will destroy the earth with water I mean in this time they didn't even have rain so imagine how crazy he probably looked he was building a boat and you know he was putting all these animals on it and all this food and he was already the odd ball in the hole you know what of all mankind so far I'm so imagine how you know crazy you know it must have looked but I think that every once in a while we have to look a little crazy for God right we have to do what's right and sometimes we look a little crazy there's been times where I've been with people and and I went through a period of time where I know God was you know trying to test me and see what I would do but there'd be times where I would accidentally walk on the store and I swear this happened probably like every time I went to the store and I would the cashier would forget to ring something up and I got to a point where I was checking my my receipt very thoroughly to make sure that they didn't forget to bring anything up because then I would have to go back in the store and pay for it as I know God wanted to kind of refine me and see you know what am I gonna do and that was during a time of financial hardship also I wanted to add that so and you know God I feel like you know Tommy a lesson during those times and that was one of them and it's always the hard route sometimes to be the odd person out and to choose a narrow gate but in the end the reward is our Father sees us and as long as he sees our efforts and sees what we're doing and what else really matters who what else doesn't matter what someone else cares about us and that's something that I need to often remind myself and that was it for Genesis six again I feel like this is pretty quick but that's okay I don't you know it doesn't have to be a long video I what I'd rather it be meaningful than long so thank you so much for watching thank you for commenting you know every single person that comments what they've read for that week I really loved reading it and learning from you guys as well and I will see you next time
Channel: Bible Bujo
Views: 3,551
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bible bullet journal, bible study bujo, bible bujo, bible study for beginners, christian bullet journal, bible study with me, study the bible with me, bible study journal, daily bible study, learn more about the bible, bible study bullet journal, bible study, prayer journal, prayer bullet journal, bible study on genesis, bible study lessons, bible study on genesis 6, Study the Whole Bible with Me, do bible study with me, old testament, jesus christ
Id: UyU1xeT-WWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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