Bible Class - The Lord's Prayer

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uh with that so i hope everything is going well for everybody welcome back after a break from easter and hope it was a great easter for you mine was wonderful i spent it in south texas watching a little grandbaby grandson crawl over and then you know it's crawling all over the place i mean he is everywhere and then we get a video yesterday and now he started walking i mean he took his first steps avery sent us a video uh and so it is a uh and he's nine months old uh so i'm like you just better you better get a hold of that real quick if he's that determined at nine months i can't imagine what he's gonna be at 18 to 2 years i hope he's i hope he is a very strong-willed child because his mother was [Laughter] and you know i said you know you get that will started in the right direction early and there would be nothing stopping them and just got to shape it early so i asked a mentor of mine when she was about 18 months i was like i said i just feel like i'm spanking all the time for anybody who doesn't like spanking sorry it's what worked and uh we used it sparingly but uh it was a uh i said what do i do he said keep spanking and so we did and it turned out pretty good she's pretty good kid um with that and done very very well but i do hope jude has a strong will as she does and she can shape it her and nathan can shape it because he really doesn't have much of a chance and i hope they're watching this he doesn't have much of a chance to have a strong will because given his mother that i helped raise and given his father who actually has a strong will too um it's uh that kid's going to take on the world if it gets those genetics so we are going to if you want to go ahead and start turning your bibles we're going to be several places today but we're going to start go ahead and turn to matthew 6 and then you can turn if you want to uh in luke 11 and hold your hand there um with that that will be uh where we where we start we are starting our study four weeks right now uh depending on how far we get each week planning four weeks on the lord's supper uh lord supper that'd be a that'd be all you can eat smorgasbord right there the on the lord's prayer uh for four weeks and depends on how quickly we get through the material it may turn into five or six weeks so uh with that incidentally this is just an aside karen don't let me forget my wife karen is in the back there that plant is yours right there and that is from ryan you know some ladies like roses you my wife's heart is a thornless blackberry bush and thank you ryan hammett for bringing that to her i might just got you in trouble and a lot of people may be asking you for thornless blackberry bushes [Laughter] i he's got a light if you need a thorn this blackberry let's check with ryan um with that so i didn't want to forget that and it'd dry up this week so uh sitting back there the lord's prayer um is some of the most loved words in the new testament uh and we're going to say it together here in just a minute and it's a it's spoken at graduations there's actually some some song renditions of it that i've heard that are and we do it at gatherings it's how we close celebrate recovery every friday night with that over the next few lessons like i said thinking for may turn into others we're going to dive in and unpack these words and the implications for our life and i tell you um as i've been studying and i've already shot the first two videos the video section of this with our small groups i'm telling you what now i'm getting into the third lesson this week studying and getting into it very very challenging material when you really start to pack it down and unpack it and and break down what what's going on i want to give a shout out to rick ashley who is the preacher at the richland hills church of christ over the fort worth area i went it really helped shape my thinking on this about four years ago we did a a lunch bible study called lol lessons over lunch and there was a lot of laughing out loud because gloria madden was part of it she's not here for me to pick on today but so there was a lot of laughing with that as well but we listened to that his lessons on the lord's prayer and then discussed it and let me tell you it's very very i mean very good material it would be well worth your time to go listen to it and get a better version of what i'm teaching you for sure but it's still online it was about four years ago he did that really helped and lori was part of it and as well so it was a it was a good a good lesson it would be worth it so how did you learn to pray again hearing others hearing others pray how else how many just learn to pray by by reciting or hearing others pray and say what the yeah okay most of us any others how you learn to pray any anybody grow up in a tradition where you memorized a certain prayer and and said it oh yeah yeah so that was that was that was us you know the bedtime prayer and arrow lay me down to sleep my i pray the lord my soul to keep if i should die before i awake i pray the lord my soul to take it's a little morbid you know uh you know you're teaching your you know two-year-old if i should die now they're now great i have anxiety and fear you know what um and then then we would go into the god bless um part of it and then uh and then and then uh along with that the the the uh the mealtime prayer god is great god is good now we thank you for our food and i forget the rest of it anyway you know more it was or god bless this mess amen again you know uh was more really what i was thinking let me get through this so we can eat uh that so different things there and i know different different traditions will have different prayers that you learn to pray with that ours did not growing up it was it was not a rote thing or a ritualistic thing um we all learn to pray and a lot of times we imitate what others pray it's funny because uh in it been in different churches through the years visiting and different things and you may hear the same phrase throughout um throughout different churches because it becomes a tradition even though you may not have those those memorized things it'll be it'll be said it throughout traditions because someone picks it up and then they say it and then it said somewhere else with that we listen to others we memorize simple prayers most of us and then there's different types of prayers that we'll pray we mentioned going you know bedtime prayers and prayers over food and and then there's the the hail mary prayer not in the catholic sense if you grew up in the catholic tradition not the hail mary thing but but the hail mary you throw up a prayer uh in the football sense you know they're throwing up and hopefully this will happen lord help me on this test that i did not study for uh lord help me make it through this situation help me help me help me to stop you know if you're in a bad situation that you're like i'll never do this again lord i promise get me through this and then you do it the next week you know i mean it's one of those things that happens uh with that i as a cynical boy young boy i always was always there were people in church that i was like oh i don't want them to pray because they would always ask us to stand and they would pray a really long prayer and so as a as a cynical child i was like they're praying you know and uh it's like it's like the person that said well we'd have been here sooner for lunch if they would have had no baptism after at the end of service you know you know that you know sometimes we can get that way with that you know and hopefully we grow out of that mature and you know spiritually mature out of that too uh with that there are a lot of different directions to go there's postures of prayer those that kneel and those that that you know you're falling before your face and doing different things there uh before god and hands lifted high and head bowed uh and then you have those your your your eyes lifted to heaven and you know the different postures that maybe we didn't think about or we've observed and and i encourage you to do that there's a lot of ways we can go here um keith roberts who is one of my instructors here at uh school and and also has preached for ever at the calhoun church of christ i don't know how long jason how long has he been there you were you grew up out there 50 years almost out there great guy um and um and but he has devoted his life and ministry to the study of prayer uh and this does a great job with that um so here here it is with the with the with the with the lord's prayer let's let's just say it together here and some of it now now i'm going to read it uh friend i'm reading from the niv and you're going to quote if you can quote it you're probably going to quote it from the from the king james that's okay because this will be really really fun uh with this how we do this so let's say it together our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our trespassers those who trespass against us or debt doors oh yeah and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one okay for amen now if you're reading along the niv you're like where's that verse you know we're going to get to that in just a minute and we're going to deal with some of those translations and though i know some of us are like what's debtors and debtors let's get trespasses that uh we get that um with that so where the lord's prayer let's look at some things in context before we jump in the lord's prayer is located in two areas matthew chapter six and what led us to this study is that it came out of our study that we just finished a couple of weeks ago on the sermon on the mount and whenever we got here we're like okay we're going to read it but we don't have time to unpack it because there's so much so we're subsequently of doing the follow-up lesson is just on this one section so for matthew it occurs right in the middle of the sermon on the mount where jesus is teaching what true righteousness is about so he says the righteous pray this way this is what the righteous pray for this is what truly righteous people want in their life and in the very first words our father in heaven hallowed be your name which we're going to break down today your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven that is a praying to a god that will reign in our life and and we talked about that that kingdom living kingdom reigning in in this as we looked at the sermon on the mount is a praying for is is god rain this is what our life looks like when god reigns and this is a praying for god to reign in our life now there are a ton of implications for that and it very very much gets into some heavy meaty things in my life with that as we as we go through the other place it occurs so is in luke chapter 11. and and just flip over there in fact look here uh before you flip to luke 11 look here in in chapter five excuse me chapter six verse five when jesus says when you pray do not pray like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men i tell the truth they receive their reward in full verse seven and when you pray don't keep babbling like the pagans for they think they will be heard because of their many words that's exactly as an eight-year-old boy what i thought that guy was doing when he prayed for 10 minutes and i'm standing up which it really wasn't that long you know i've grown out of that but i'm still working through it verse 9 this then is how you should pray all right look here in verse chapter 11 of luke one day jesus was praying in a certain place when he finished one of his disciples said lord what teach us to pray just as john taught his disciples now so if you look at both places that occurs matthew and luke it is a teaching moment it is it actually occurs in a larger teaching moment in matthew but it is it's a moment where people are coming in like hey i want to learn to do this and that is that is where we are with that no matter where we are in our journey of faith prayer should be present and a major part of it however none of us are born or if we're believers in here reborn good prayers no one is just born a natural prayer it is something we learn to do my eight-year-old cynical self was like that guy praying too long guess what i needed to do learn that don't make fun of people when they pray you know it's like making fun of people when they worship that's never a good thing doesn't bode well for people in the bible when that has happened and so you know learning to pray and learning to appreciate when other people pray is something that we are learning to do none of us are born good prayers or reborn good prayers with that we we are as we as we grow we see we hear people practice uh in practicing prayer yet these people are rather these people as they grew they grew up hearing people pray just like us but when they heard jesus pray they realize something's missing in my life and you know i enjoy i love being part of times that we pray you know you ever have been a time where where you've been in a circle or a small group or something and you pray at first you're like okay it's a little awkward for me it's a little awkward let me just put it personally it's awkward okay i kind of what i get to thinking about what i'm going to say in the direction i'm going to go because i'm kind of performance driven in my in my my mind and i shouldn't be i'm working on that one too but but as as it goes on and i really can tune in and listen to what people pray i am blessed and i learn so much when i hear other people pray um a lot of you been through rooted our rooted time we had the prayer experience with that that was some powerful stuff hearing people pray praying together praying individually it is really a powerful powerful time with that when you hear that we should do all night prayer sessions at camp and they were they were some of the most powerful times and turning points in a camp session with that and so hearing people pray is so important to do so a couple of things i want to step aside from this i want to address some of the translation differences with that and also discuss a little bit of just some bible study stuff one if you look at the translation differences uh our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done give us their daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors our trespasses you know we can get those you get down to this point where uh in the newer translations like the new international version uh or the new american new american they don't include uh the part we probably like the most for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever you know we get like yeah let's go you know uh type dilithium that's not included so much in the newer translations but it's usually included in the footnote so if you if you have the niv or a more modern translation you'll see it now the king james they put it in there and that's what most of us learned our father who art in heaven i mean i you know we don't say art we're art thou we don't say that anymore but that's how they talk back then and not in jesus time but back when they in the 16 1700s when they when they translated it but you know why is it not there well there's some reasons why the trans some translators use certain texts to translate and some use other trans uh text don't get caught up on that all right we'll deal with all that at some time don't get too hung up on on the differences there but it's a it's a very noted difference when you do the lord's prayer it's very noticeable if you if you don't frequently quote or read the lord's prayer very often you don't really notice it that much but one thing i want to encourage don't get don't get too hung up on it because it doesn't change the meaning of what jesus is doing uh there are some translation differences you know one of our favorite stories in the bible is john chapter eight the uh where the woman caught in adultery it's the same and they'll if they'll put it in they put it in there every translation has it but in the newer translations it has a note about some early manuscripts don't have it and some do it's the same thing here so if it's in there or not it doesn't change the what is happening here in the prayer it doesn't change the implications doesn't change the meaning at all i like it there because it is one of those ramp up and you know let's go let's go take on the world for the kingdom of god you know one of those things and and i like that um but also the temptation uh delivers from evil in the more modern translations has the evil one there are some translation differences but again don't get hung up on it with that the other thing i want to talk about and if you want further discussion on that come holler at me and we'll talk about it um with that um the other thing is is understanding the difference between matthew and luke and how and when it's used so a lot of people will take a lot of people people who are skeptical uh and and really want to pick apart the bible and try to find discrepancies will will take the gospels and say look the stories don't line up this story happened in mark and they used it at the end of his life and luke uses it at the beginning what's the deal there's there's too many discrepancies in the bible for that and they'll even use things like this uh with the with the ending of the lord's prayer and and have it as a as a discrepancy and it's not so let me help you understand just real quickly and this helped me in my study and understanding of of the of the bible especially the gospels the gospels are not biographies matthew mark luke and john are not biographies of jesus's life to give detail of everything that jesus did in fact john even says that he said if we were to write down everything he did the books of the world wouldn't hold it they're not biographies but as as several writers have said they're periscopes of jesus's life so if you uh or the events of jesus life from a certain perspective so if you take a you know a submarine you know up periscope and you look you're looking through a viewfinder and you're seeing a certain area and you're looking around at a certain area that's what matthew does he takes he takes a point he wants to make jesus is the messiah i'm writing to a particular group of jewish people and i want you to know that jesus was who he claimed to be was the messiah or is the messiah now how do you know that well look at the stories and the events from his life and his teaching look at it here and see how this fits together luke i want to give you this historical picture of this here's the man the son of man that that came to change that history hinges on and change the world here's the stories with that and how it fits together with my purpose okay so that's what why the stories may be used at different times and in different settings they all happened but the writers have a particular purpose now if i were to tell you the story of of someone's life and you tell me the story of somebody's life we may cry you do a chrono chronological thing of that person's life and it would be very very similar that's not what's happening in the gospels okay we do the same thing all right we do the same thing today let me give you an example of this okay yesterday hey deny your story yesterday hayden my youngest and i went fishing and uh we caught we caught seven fish and it was a good day we had a great time good time a little sunburn asked me where'd you catch them at well we were fishing shallow water oh really yeah we're fishing the shallow water fishing this and this location we lead a whole direction or i may come the next conversation is really you know i was fishing too and they they just weren't hitting it real hard after that cold front you know they weren't they it's like you didn't even know they were there and then your line started moving you had to set the hook and in fact hayden he caught three in a row and got him to the boat and they let it go so what that so i might even tell you that in the first story but that was all happen at the same trip that all happened at the same time but different conversations and different reasons to the story will make me say different things in the story does that make sense how we do that so for some of you may not care if if a bass had eggs or not some of you're like oh they still got eggs we hadn't missed the spawn okay you know and then some of you're like yeah cold front i wasn't sure well you know they were a little lethargic that could mean this and they're not hitting it hard and then they were just nibbling the tail of the bait and you know whatever it is but that's so if you take that and you put it right here with the gospels matthew uses the lord's prayer in the middle of the sermon on the mount and you'll hear sermon on the mount teachings throughout the other gospels because they have a different purpose in writing and use the same stories to illustrate different purposes does it mean that it's unreliable or that it's a discrepancy not at all but it's important remember the three most important words in bible study are what yeah miss linda's not here to say it context context context understand that the what my dad the first half of the trip three to nothing and then i pulled up yeah yeah hayden would say i i i skunked in the first three hours of the trip and and then that but i would have skunked him i hadn't if i'd landed all three of those fish that were just nibbling on the tail i couldn't set the hook on them and then i would have said i shoulda should have set the hook on him i didn't have a problem i didn't mess with it you know but uh and then i would have said i pulled for those of you who know jeff thomas um was a basketball coach at ocs years ago uh we kept fishing until i won uh with that jeff thomas kept practice going until he won the game and then it was like over with so as soon as i as soon as i went one fish passed him i was like all right wiggle with that but i did win in the end i won in the end because i got to spend about seven hours with my son yeah good come back and when you're when they're 21 and get their own life you just take every moment you can for sure you see i saw that look mama gave you thomas oh for sure spent all that time you can't uh so let's jump in here let's jump in our father in heaven hallelujah be your name let's break down those phrases today as we in the last 15 minutes here uh if you have any questions further on that i know i spent a lot of time on that but it's so important to grasp context and how things are you know the word father can run the gamut of pictures and emotions in our in our minds positive pictures with a father produce positive emotions those that maybe have a negative picture of a father produce negative feelings and so to call god father can can stir up a lot of different things in people in different ways um i i don't pray well i don't i i struggle to pray i struggle with consistency i struggle with what to say i struggle with distraction that's why to me tell me how you feel you know all this sort of stuff and uh and and so it was it was a challenge with that so adopting a view of of of father a father view of god based on earthly experiences one will always fall short no matter how great of a dad you may have had or are that we're always going to fall short always going to our their view because we don't have a perfect father and and those of you with young children are learning to be great dad so watch older great dads that's what's what i did i didn't have a picture so i watched older great dads do things and um and and maybe i was halfway or a fourth of the way there and maybe the rest of it they'll figure out on their own uh without too much uh that i uh messed them up with but adopting a god view of a father view of god based on our earthly pictures will always fall short and it's unfair to god because a good father is always trying to go for that ideal and a good father will always point you to that father don't be like me be like him with this so part of our learning to pray is learning to have a true picture of of of a father of what the god our father is now when jesus said father what it is what is original here is here go back to the context what did his original people hear your view of father was not good um or or non-existent like it was in my case to to fall back to that a lot of people a lot of several people i've talked to don't say a lot of people several people i've visited with and talked to is like i just can't approach god because he is father and i so it's it's a it's a it's a fight taking that and melding that uh or is is is a challenge not just in growing the prayer but growing spiritually and healing and letting letting a true picture uh come in that's why the adoption metaphor is so powerful you've been adopted into a father situation there was a story that sticks out to me just kind of came to mind if you can get a hold of this book it's called the original title was achieving success without failing your family it's not in print anymore i found i found four copies i had i had a couple and i found four copies and i gave them all three of my children uh and kept one for myself um uh the the retitled was raising faithful kids in a fast-paced world written by paul faulconer and i don't know if dr faulkner's still alive or not but but great great book he he interviewed people in life in business and careers uh coaching one of them was gene stallings who had successful families too and that was a big thing he did and wrote the the book and one one of the stories that he he talks about was this this girl that this family adopted and she was she came in she had been it was severely traumatized severe behavior problems they adopted her and she was she was as is just as rough as it could be silence holes in the wall and here they're sitting this this as an adult she's sitting there in front of dr faulconer in their life he's looking at her like this and i know what you're saying but i told her she belongs to me she belongs to me and i'm not giving up on her no that's the father we have that's the father we have the father that jesus gives a full understanding of so what did his hearers hear it was not an uncommon thing for jesus to be or for god to be known as father to the nation of israel in a large sense a patriarchal sense moses told pharaoh let my people go israel is my firstborn son go israel go so that he may worship me in isaiah israel finds himself once again in a situation where they're separated from god but this time because of their own sin and and isaiah says you you have been our father we have had your name but now we're like people who never had your name in john chapter 1 jesus comes to give a fuller sense and understanding he came full of grace and truth a fuller understanding with that he's a father that doesn't throw stones to condemned children he's a father that sees beyond one's past and see he's a father with the least of thee coming after his children yet intimately touching each one and loving them in in a way it's it's that i'm laying you down and i'm praying with you and i'm going to sing over you while you go to sleep tonight it's that it's that one guy said it's that perfect balance between steel and velvet that that's what you want and it's an old book title i think man of steel and velvet uh that that as men we become like god full of steel and velvet it's that balance and that is the picture of god we need to have some people will say the god of the old testament the god in the new testament were two different gods and that's not the case god but a full picture of who want god to be disciplined and at the end of the day you're glad he does it you're glad he does it but the same ones that are armed assistants that are not and make them seem as though they always were we can pray to a god who moves mountains because he's the god that made the mountains we can pray to a god to part the sea in front of us because he's the god that made the cease that defies the laws of physics yes it does but guess what we pray to a god who designed the laws of physics if he wants to change him he can because he's god in heaven god has viewed we have a limited perspective we see right here i mean we see right here right here is what we we pray to a father that has the beginning and end because he is the alpha and the omega sees things that we will never see that is our and we're not only influenced by this but we're greatly influenced it's all we can see but we're also greatly influenced by our past and so many times our past will dictate our future for us but we have a god that can forgive that and redirect the path because he sees it we don't catch him off guard we don't we don't inform him of things he already knows our prayer hymn of god working this situation is basically saying our father in heaven you see what we don't see work in ways that we can't understand and we will follow you we let you reign trust him he even says if i if if you who are evil know how to give good gifts your children what does that say to your father about your father in heaven who is good finally hallowed be your name uh hallowed is not a name uh uh not a name not a word we use very often these days uh i encourage you to try to use it in sentence this week but it'd be a big challenge it's it's a church word but literally it means we are declaring your holiness in this first phrase um is not an ask but a declaration a lot of times we ask lord please give us this lord help us do this lord please do this and this and this it's not a it's not an ask but an affirmation of who god is learning to pray uh is learning to acknowledge who god is and when we get at then then the ask comes later in the prayer why is this important because hallowed be your name carries several implications it's one of honor it's one that declares you are god and i am not so when we pray uh god you're god and i'm not lord i want you to do this but hallowed be your name your god i'm not lord please fill in the blank but hallowed be your name your god i'm not and it's it's almost like job at the beginning of job when he said lord gives and the lord takes away blessed be the name of the lord i don't understand what's going on but you're god and i am not hallowed be your name does that so what did his hearers hear as we wrap i want in this in this that we'll do in here i didn't do on the video is is one of there's so many old testament correlations um in the lord's prayer to the uh uh that refer back to that that their hearers being first century jews would have heard and been like oh wow that's what he's doing there so the first the first phrase is think about this our father in heaven hallowed be your name sounds very much like the first several verses of exodus 20. listen to this the lord spoke all these words this is the ten commandments i am the lord your god who brought you out of egypt out of the land of slavery i am your father and i am you shall have no other gods before me i am god and i am in heaven hallowed be my name you shall not make for yourself an idol in any form or anything above heaven or waters below verse 7 you shall not misuse the name of god hallowed be your name and remember the sabbath day to keep it holy you honor god on this day very the first the the very first words their minds go back to the first four or five commandments in the in the deca log they call it in the beginning of the law where they were saying we want you to reign you have delivered us out of bondage and we followed you out of bondage and we want you to reign the same thing is true with us we have been delivered from bondage by a father that has the power and authority to do so in bondage we don't think the only thing that has power and authority over us is sin but whenever we are delivered with by from sin it's like the israelites being delivered from pharaoh there is a greater god there is a greater power that is delivering me he has the power over sin because he conquered it and delivered me from it ransomed me or redeemed me from it learning to pray is not something we ever stop doing the lord's prayer can be viewed as a goal as opposed to a model i have some some translations we walk helps us in our view of god the enemy can get in our head and do some crazy things about our view of god how's my relationship father as we grow in christ so will our prayers to god so as we grow keep praying for sure let's pray father we thank you for this guide that that challenges us that that leads us in a in a relationship with you thank you that for for your son jesus that that redeemed us that gave us the the the right as children to be called children and to approach you as we study and as we learn i pray father we grow in this intimate discussion with you through
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 1,193
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: syqL1vHgQ2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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