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[Music] when he told you you're not good enough when he told you you're not right when he told you you're not strong enough to put up a good fight when he told you you're not loved when he told you you're not beautiful [Music] is [Music] he is a liar [Music] you'll never and you should be ashamed when he told you you could be the one that grace could never change [Music] fear in the fire cause fear he is a liar [Music] is [Music] let your fire fall and cast out all my fears [Music] is [Music] your is good evening good evening how's everybody doing all right all right they're doing awesome here and i hope you're doing awesome there as you are online welcome to wfr church this is a church that loves everybody oh they know it they know we're going to try it again because some of the people there are not convinced so you may not be convinced either so we're going to try it again at wfr church we love and i hope you're ready to praise him and and uh we we're excited about a great evening and so we're just going to get started shall we here we go we shall assemble on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] until [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the mountain [Music] is until [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are beautiful beyond description to marvelous [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] how can i ever say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will live is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] how can i ever [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we come to you as children of that kingdom people who know that we are loved and we thank you for that father may we take that message throughout not only here but beyond for those that are online to those that are in this room to those who are in this building worshiping and studying your word help us tonight father help us tonight paula to find that peace to find that joy to find the comfort that we have knowing that we are loved by the king for many us many of us father we're happy so we can't help but to sing so we want to keep doing that we ask this prayer your first son name we all said let's all be standing for this life here we go these are the days [Applause] and these are the days [Music] [Applause] and darkness and swords [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] and these are the days of your service [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] salvation [Applause] good evening how's everybody doing today i uh my name is ryan i am not mike kellett you didn't notice much better looking i mean you know mike mike's watching by the way so mike that was ken dorsey ken dorsey so go ahead and put that in your notes uh uh mike mike i know you're watching so i just want to give you a shout out man love you i know you're having a hard time right now so y'all pray for for mike uh send him some encouragement um but uh he wanted to be here tonight but so you guys have stuck with me instead so sorry about that but uh i wanted to spend some time a little bit and speak uh about one kingdom we are uh getting into a uh a season where we're gonna um we're gonna celebrate all the works that's going on all over the world with one kingdom sunday uh but first i want to say thank you to terry davis i don't know if he he walked harry davis i love when terry davis sings a quick story about terry when i was a freshman at harding university a long time ago i won't date both of us but terry was the dean of men which means for if you're a student that's the guy you go to when you get in trouble so me and terry got to know each other back in the day uh but uh i was when he came here several years ago i was like oh no secrets so uh but i'm so grateful to uh to have terry and our our church family and in our community he's such a such a light and uh and i'm all for uh energetic worship leading if you know me so but i want to talk about one kingdom october 3rd is one kingdom sunday it's a day that we are going to celebrate all that god is doing all across the the world tell you a little bit about some of the works going on but uh really take a focus on uh raising support for this ministry as well as as many of you know we our church whites ferry road operates on a 50-week budget and one of those weeks out of the 52 we dedicate for missions and we have for a long time it's one of the reasons why i love being a part of this church family is because this church has always been so outward focused uh we're not so much about uh making our you know our i love this building but it's not the prettiest of buildings right but i love that we we send a focus uh to uh our community to our our nation here and then to the ends of the earth and that's uh that's something that our elders our leadership uh have a strong commitment to that has been passed down from generation to generation and i hope that it continues to pass down so we're going to talk a little bit about one kingdom but i also realized that some of you guys that are new or uh you know many of you on our live stream you're familiar with what what we do but but maybe maybe not exactly who we are so i want to tell you a little bit about who we are first of all one kingdom oh i should turn this on uh one kingdom our our mission is to equip and empower local leaders to share the gospel in every nation and every language that was started many years ago by our founders alton howard and bill smith and a host of other men that decided we can do we need to take the gospel out further than just white's ferry road and that the every nation every language part that was something that they had said we need to have the gospel preached in every nation and every language so we carry on that legacy today um they started world radio and world radio the the idea being let's let's get the gospel out everywhere and let's not just do it from here let's do it in that country's language let's let's let them let's let the person who's speaking the the gospel look like the person who's receiving it talk like the person who's receiving it be indoctrinated into the culture so there's there's several different ways to do mission work and there's really no wrong way to do it right but our philosophy is that we we could go send you know american missionaries to live and that that in fact we we do partner with some uh american missionaries who who live abroad but for the most part our focus is to support leaders that god is raising up in their communities like i said if um you know we live in in louisiana right i'm not i'm not really from louisiana so when i came to louisiana uh i didn't i didn't necessarily talk like you guys i now when i visit some of my old friends and they're like hey ryan your accent's drawn out a little bit you're starting to stretch your words a little bit because i've been with you all too long okay but you know uh if if um if you if especially for those of you guys on live stream that are not from i know we have a lot of people in pennsylvania a lot of people in uh ohio and and and northern parts of america you come down here we're gonna know you're not from here if you uh so we've been uh we've been talking with um uh other church leaders where you know there's the hurricane ida hit south louisiana and i was describing um a city that got hit so if i said a city that started with an l l-a-p-l-a-c-e how did you say that laplace all right all right well you can't imagine how many times i've heard a little place okay well i've been talking to people right so immediately when someone says yeah there's there's flooding in the place we want to help like you ain't from here it's laplace i act like i'm from here you know but you know but you see what i'm saying it you can immediately tell when someone's not from your area right and that's not always a bad thing of course we're a little bit of a melting pot here in the united states but in in you know other countries it's not always that way so we believe that god is raising up leaders all across the world and we want to invest into their visions into their uh into their work not necessarily come and say hey here's what we think you should do because we don't necessarily understand your culture right we want someone who's living there inside the culture understands the people uh is gonna live there stay there and they are better suited to reach their communities than we are does that make sense so that's that's our mission uh we work in over uh 68 i say over 68 to 70 nations and we work with over 100 people across the world and when i say work with that means we're partnered with and helping to support works going on with over 100 partners and that obviously affects that many more we're looking to create what we call doorways to discipleship and doorways to discipleship meaning any way that we can get you brought brought into community and into discipleship we're interested okay so that takes shape in a lot of different forms you know and you guys when we talk about raising up leaders we've been you know mike's past us now but mike was just in a study in daniel so if you guys have been coming to be the week he's been in daniel in daniel chapter two uh daniel you know he says praise praise be to the name of god forever and ever wisdom and power are his he changes times and seasons he deposes kings and races up others he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning so god is interested in raising up leaders he's he wants to uh invest in you and invest in leaders around the world so we're interested in finding out who that is okay so when i say a partner around the world that's somebody who god has raised up who is has believes that the holy spirit has given him or her a vision of what how to reach their community and we want to invest into that that makes sense so i look at this map and if you can see this map i see a lot of red pins which i'm very very excited about i love seeing how widespread our reach is but what i'm more excited about is the places that don't have a red pen you know one of the words i don't know if you guys are like this but um sometimes in the new year if you hear you know people like to have a word right like a word like this is my word for the year you guys do that anybody do that right uh so our award at one kingdom is expansion we're looking to expand we're looking to expand the kingdom any way we can so we we do that through uh reaching new efforts trying to a lot of times we'll do that through our relief work a lot of times we'll do that through uh different connections that we have around the world uh to give you an example uh we expanded into nepal several years ago through an earthquake so an earthquake happened in nepal which is just north of india well we have partners in india so our partners in india went up to nepal to help with the earthquake relief which we couldn't necessarily do so we sent relief money to our partners in india they met the people in nepal and then through that a world radio broadcast has started and many of you guys especially in our live stream have noticed that pramad if you guys know pramod he's been in our comment section that's our world radio speaker in nepal so that that's kind of how that works if that makes sense so we have three areas of ministry uh biblical worldview training disaster relief and recovery and cultural development so what does that mean what does that what does that really look like biblical worldview training biblical world retraining when you think about world view world view is one of the most important things that shapes you how a person sees the world has more impact on their development as a human being than anything else so if i put you like this so so maybe safe to assume that most of us in here are believers in jesus christ amen okay so you would have a pretty decent biblical worldview so if i told you if i um to answer the question why do bad things happen to good people you heard that question before right that's a common question for especially non-believers you know when they're struggling with trying to believe in a god that would let bad things happen to good people well when you have a biblical worldview you have a better understanding of that right why do bad things happen to anybody good people bad people a lot of bad things happen well to give glory to god to grow us to learn us to mature us right when you have a biblical worldview you understand that when i'm going through a challenge that's actually developing me and sanctifying me as a christian preparing me for a greater challenge maybe ahead or building me up with knowledge so that i can teach someone else who's going to go through a similar struggle later on right you see when you have a biblical worldview you see things through a different lens than the rest of the world you know you think about when i think about world view i think about first john this is a popular verse that many of you may know first john chapter 1 verse 15 do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world love for the father the love for the father is not in them for everything in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life comes not from the father but from the world the world and its desires pass away but whoever does the will of god lives forever so it's it's as when we're talking about world view a lot of times it's a world view of are you worldly or are you godly okay so if you're worldly a lot of times your worldview is through seen through selfish eyes okay i'm sure nobody in here has ever struggled with selfishness right none of y'all i have so i'll i'll take the bluff i've struggled with selfishness when i'm looking through the world view of a of selfishness i see things like why do bad things happen to good people well how does that affect me right so something bad happens to a good person that i know that i love why does that happen to me because that affects me because that makes me hurt i don't understand the growth that god's actually trying to trying to grow us through that trial all right so we understand worldview does that make a little sense is that tracking we do a lot of this through world radio so uh world radio like i told you it was started a long time ago back almost 60 years ago and the purpose was to preach the gospel in every nation in every language and so we continue to do that today and again a world radio to us is a doorway to discipleship world radio um it allows so many of our partners get on the radio and by the way radio when you know when you think about radio us americans we don't really think about radio as you know who listens to radio anymore does anybody listen to radio so yeah we got some radio all right a few radio listeners good good good i like it i like it still relevant well in other other countries especially impoverished nations radio is the main medium radio is still the most popular medium in the world today uh and we will continue to put people on the radio preaching the gospel until it's not and that's evolving even right now so it's now what's looking like more so how many listen to podcasts right we got some podcasters in here i listened to that duck haul room the other day man y'all are nuts but like you know what i'm saying pot so it's starting to look different right uh how about uh youtube videos right youtube videos so it's starting to evolve in the same way we're starting to evolve so i want to tell you a quick story about what this looks like how we're training uh worldview you guys are familiar a lot of you may be familiar with our work in athens in athens greece so to give you a brief summary of what's going on over there if you don't know um okay most of you guys should be familiar with what's going on in afghanistan right it's so bad over there people are are grabbing onto the outside of planes and trying to get out of there at the risk of their own lives right that's happening that that didn't just start by the way that's just because you got to hear about this because of uh what what happened at the kabul airport okay but that's been going on for years in afghanistan in iran in iraq in northern africa and egypt okay people are fleeing islam because it is it is uh it's dangerous it's violent they're they're fleeing oppression uh violence towards women if you if if if you go anything against the belief you risk your life so people are fleeing out of those countries and trying to get away so the most logical place for them to go is to east into europe well the problem is the only way to get to europe from those countries from those areas is to cross the aegean sea and go in through athens greece and so a ministry there that we've partnered with through larry bulls which many of you are familiar with larry bowles larry bowles has preached here several times um one of my favorite speakers so if you're listening he may be he may be on here tonight uh love you can't wait to be with you again um but he he started what's called the acro center which was basically a a way to teach former muslim refugees about jesus and to teach them that jesus is king jesus is lord jesus is the son of god these are such critical elements that teach people who goes against the every fiber of their being in fact the first time they hear it many of them are angry many of them are are upset at hearing this word because it's it it goes against everything they've been taught for their whole lives but there's something about the power of the gospel there's something about the power of the gospel that just sticks in their crawl and they can't get away from it and questions are asked and lives are starting to be changed so what's going on now is that what larry started an american is now being run by iranians and afghans isn't that nicole former muslim refugees they are are are are teaching the acura center material uh they're also speaking at um at meals and and uh you know because they're what happens is they'll bring in a group of of refugees feed them clothe them give them medical attention but then also share the gospel with them and this is all being done by former muslim refugees living in athens pretty cool stuff but what's even greater is that these guys there's a group of guys um um i'll tell you javad is a name that uh and i don't think he's he's worried about his name being out there but i'll just give you his first name for now it's javada's a good friend of ours he's from iran and uh lives in athens now and he is so passionate about the gospel that he wants to take the gospel back to his home country in iran the problem is it's too dangerous for him to go and if and and having a family now uh it's it's not safe for him to to go to iran and he might not be able to get back so what they've done is they've started a world radio broadcast aimed at the middle east and they do it through youtube and facebook live i told you it's evolving it's wrong we don't necessarily have a radio station that can get back to where they're going but they're they're using youtube and facebook live and other mediums to get the gospel out and let me tell you i i saw the comment section one time he we were over there and he was showing us the comments and showing him showing us some messages of what he gets there's something about the power of the gospel alan robertson always says when you preach you better leave a mad glad or sad because with the gospel the gospel demands a response it demands a response if you're apathetic to the gospel then you've got issues you've got some cold you've got some cold hearts that you've got to deal with okay but what happens is i'm looking at the comment section and there's really just two responses thank you i'm free i want to know more you know a positive response or there's i'm going to find you and i'm going to kill you that's it when you read the comment section on their stuff those are the two responses they're getting freedom or death threats but these guys feel so passionately about that they don't care they don't care and i love their attitude about it they they say look if if that's what it takes for for just one person to come to know christ in my home country then i'm in and i love what they do there um okay so our our uh our second area of uh ministry disaster relief relief and recovery many of you have joined us on the on these efforts um on our disaster relief efforts a lot of you guys raise your hand if you've been on a relief mission in here before we've got a bunch in here um our disaster relief team is another doorway to discipleship our philosophy there is that whenever there's there's a disaster be it hurricane flood tornado earthquake it's an it's another opportunity to point people to jesus so our philosophy is that the face of relief should be the local church so when we come into a city to go help the last thing we want to do is go up and and you know raise our one kingdom flags and say don't worry one kingdom here to the rescue no no what we want to do is we want to inject life into a church that's already there again we believe god is raising up leaders right so if we truly believe that then we know that god is going to provide the right leaders at the right time we want to partner with those folks and and and just come in support of them behind them let them be the face that way when we're meeting people in fact i was just in new orleans we were providing a generator uh to a family who uh is bobby i don't think bob's here tonight uh there she is hey bobby um bobby bird and she she had talked to us about her daughter being without power and i spoke with her son-in-law ryan great name easy to remember and uh he said tell you guys you know who you guys with my response carrollton avenue church of christ now i don't go to carrollton avenue church of christ but that's who we're partnered with because i want ryan and stephanie to know that the the carrollton church avenue the carrollton avenue church of christ which is in their backyard is here to serve them right because what does one kingdom mean to them okay so these nice guys from this you know wearing red shirts showed up now i'd rather them understand who is in their community who's in their own backyard that will point people to jesus that's our main philosophy with disaster and relief recovery why help without pointing jesus we can do that with some other big organization right plenty of different organizations out there you guys heard me say before i'm not gonna you know they do a lot of good works i'm not gonna mention any by name but you know there's some major organizations out there that do great work but they don't point people to jesus our whole goal is making disciples empower and equip right empower and equip uh so giving you an example of that many of you guys joined us in monroe just a year ago y'all remember it right category one hurricane actually hits here it hit as a five in lake charles and then came up here did all kinds of damage we were actually sean tonjes and i were packing up with our trucks packed and we were he had a boat getting ready we were ready to go and go roll down to lake charles and then hurricane was like uh-uh i'm coming to you i called sean and i was like hey man i don't think we're i think we better hold off on this and uh sure enough came right through monroe west monroe uh did plenty of damage but you guys as the church family rallied and again pointed people towards jesus through disaster relief it's a doorway to discipleship we're at your house man i'm just thinking about amanda had a giant biggest tree anyway that wasn't fun did i i shouldn't get off on a tangent but all good at the house perfect uh again it it and and kenny kenny was there making me wear earmuffs for the chainsaw protecting my ears yeah he said huh for those of you didn't hear uh but i i that's one of the things i love about disaster relief is that communities band together and and friendships are formed all of my closest friends i don't know about you guys all my closest friends i serve with all my best relationships are somewhere that like we we've grown tightness through service and that's another just benefit of serving uh the community but we're also in the middle of disaster relief right now hurricane ida just rolled through we were just in new orleans dropping off supplies i gave you that story about bobby's daughter and right now we're turning our focus to laplace but we've also are dealing with an earthquake in haiti many of you guys are familiar with that you guys heard about that i just spoke with luchner pierre one um which is our partner in haiti and uh he is he was there by the devastation had to come back now we're sending he's he's going back this week to continue to provide food clothing supplies and construction materials as they begin to start rebuilding uh but that's that's one of the great things about our disaster relief ministry is that they're they're kind of they're connected with our mission organization right so when the hate when the haiti earthquake happened our first phone call was to lutner lukner who's a world radio speaker in haiti also shepherds over several churches and and and and runs a school does all kinds of great work but when it came down to it he's like i got to drop everything because i've got to go help my my fellow haitians okay and of course we want to help them do that so we've already got boots on the ground you could not get into haiti um you couldn't you just you just couldn't you couldn't fly in with that and and and also was quite dangerous they they're uh it's not safe for americans right now in the southern part of haiti so we couldn't go there and help but lupner was already on the ground we didn't need to go right we don't always need to come in we can go help the people that are already there that are that are helping all right our third area of ministry cultural development all right what what is cultural development what does why does that matter so what was anybody know the first occupation in the bible in the first occupation in history anybody gardener gardener that was adam's job right so adam was given dominion or the garden of eden and said and and he was he was to steward over the land right so what does this really mean what does it mean to be a gardener i i don't see adam as like a park ranger right it wasn't like he was guarding the area he was there to work the fields and to reap a harvest right he was there to help create it wasn't like he was just gonna uh he was gonna live off the land but he was gonna have to replant right he was gonna have to work it so we were created in the image of a creator if you're made in god's image one of god's you know one of the characters of god is that he's a creator he's creative he likes to make he likes to form so if you're made in this image shouldn't you enjoy that too you are you are a creator it's why we have innovation as human beings that's why i'm talking on a microphone we've got screens and fans and air conditioning right we were created to create so we want to teach that as a philosophy too you know exodus 31 i'm going to read a couple names and i'm i don't consider myself a biblical scholar so i might butcher these names and since kellet's been preaching and butchering all kinds of names in uh in romans i'm gonna i'm gonna say that i'm gonna be good too so this is exodus uh exodus 31 then the lord said to moses see i have chosen this bezalel i had it earlier and i butchered it see i told you bezalel son of uri the son of her of the tribe of judah this is verse 3 and i have filled him listen to this i have filled him with the spirit of god with wisdom with understanding with knowledge and with all kinds of skills what does that mean all kinds of skills you ever know anybody with all kinds of skills right so he was given wisdom understanding and knowledge and then with all kinds of skills what was the four verse four to make artistic designs for work in gold silver and bronze to cut and set stones to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of crafts moreover i have appointed o holyab son of ahisamach of the tribe of dan to help him also i have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything i have commanded you all right so god has given these guys skills who are these guys have you guys ever heard of like bezel l and o holy ab right it's kind of ones you just kind of glaze over if you read exodus exodus is you know there's a lot more interesting stories in exodus right but but these guys are are are set to make the tenta meeting and the ark of covenant and and and the uh tabernacle these guys are are have been given skills to build and make god has given you everything that you need to be to have a flourishing successful life you know even god himself you think about ephesians 2 we are god's what handiwork for his handiwork you ever had any handiwork bill i know you got handiwork right i know you got you you have projects like this is we are god's handiwork he created us with purpose and with design and with intent so why shouldn't we be the same way with what we're doing does that make sense right so when i when i think about cultural development nowhere in the bible does it say that you should solve the world's poverty problem okay it does say to to feed the poor and help the widows right there's some obstruction there but is there anything about like jesus coming and solving world hunger because get because he could have done that real easy right he jesus could have just snapped his fingers and we all have full bellies he never said that and so so we're not necessarily our goal is not to solve world hunger but our goal is to is to lead people to kingdom life see if you're living in kingdom life then you know that you live with a higher purpose that you're not meant to just sit in poverty and sit in in in generations of famine so so let me tell you one of the problems with poverty one of the problems with with world hunger it's not that they're hungry and gonna die and that may be sound a little callous okay we're not trying to necessarily save anybody's life from world hunger what we're trying to do is when when you're hungry when you live in a nation where all you can think about is your next meal where's your next meal gonna come from how can you dream how can you hope have you ever been like crazy hungry like i'm not just talking like like maybe you've been maybe all been camping or something like that and the food ran out or or maybe you fasted and i mean you ever been like what's some phrases for like hungry as a what i can't think you know hungry is a hostage i think it's the is that hungry is what a bear right because bears hibernate and do the whole like you're like all you can think about is like like my kids are like that because they don't understand you know like they can't rationalize that there's that they're not really that hungry okay i do feed my kids so calm down but you know daddy i'm hungry i'm hungry oh my belly hurts oh you know and of course i'm a dad now so i got to go with dad jokes so it's like you know daddy i'm hungry i'm like hey i'm ryan all right it's a standard dad joe ryan's with me but you understand like you understand when you're that hungry you can't think about anything else you can't you can't dream you can't hope for the future you can't build you can't actually think about other people when you're hungry you're not thinking about the guy next to you that's hungry all you're thinking about is how to feed your own belly right so the reason why cultural development is so important is because we want people to understand hope and that their only hope the only hope they have in any world the only hope that any of us have is jesus christ so when when we can take care of that and understand that jesus didn't just save you from death he saved you to life he saved you for a purpose for a calling he saved you because you're a priest you're a king you're an ambassador you weren't meant to live in poverty that's not the design it's not that he's trying to solve world hunger he's trying to say that i have something greater for you son i have something amazing for you child another something that you can't even fathom daughter but you have to understand what he's given around you you always say use what you have to make what you there's too many places out there that are uh there's too many countries and nations and communities that are living in poverty because that's what they were born into and that's what they feel like they're supposed to do because again it goes back to world view if your worldview says my parents were poor you know my parent my parents didn't work their parents didn't work they we just scrapped by this is just what i'm supposed to do i always think about the uh the israelites as they're fleeing egypt they've been enslaved for generations their parents were slaves their grandparents were slaves their great-grandparents were slaves what happens when they get into the desert what they want to do they won't go back to being slaves that's all they know who would choose that life in the same way people who are enslaved to poverty choose poverty because that's all they know so one of the things that we do and we work through our partners on this is to help shape their minds to understand that they don't have to live like that that they have god has given them everything they need around them to flourish give you an example in haiti i spoke about haiti earlier it's my friend lutner pierre i spoke of him earlier he's doing right now he's neck deep in in earthquake relief but when he gets done he's just received a machine that we sent him that makes compressed earth bricks compressed earthquakes what's that okay so basically it's a mix of relatively speaking and then two it's not very sturdy and so for a country that experiences a lot of hurricanes that experiences a lot of earthquakes this poses a problem well these compressed earth bricks are about 10 times as sturdy as the cinder block and it only uses about 10 percent of the mixture is cement so you don't have to use a whole lot of cement if you get the right dirt some really good strong bricks and you can build and it's cheaper than a cinder block so what we're doing we're providing this machine we're going to go down there in a few months as soon as as soon as the dust settles on on the earthquake relief and we're going to help teach how to operate the machine which is going to also provide jobs which will also provide construction the first thing they're going to build we've we've bought some land in this little spot called a cool de nord which is just uh south of cap haitian which is in the northern part of haiti if you're familiar and they're going to build a church and we're going to build a little area for the machine a little a little production area and they're going to start building around their community and it's going to be a little bit of a business for them but guess what the business is going to fund what first thing we're going to build church it's really hard to provide a preacher salary or anything like that in in other countries so they're going to start providing a business that will help fund the church so they can bring more people in and then as that grows hopefully more jobs come and then communities around them are going to see hey they're actually doing good work maybe we can do good work see the thing is you can't change a whole nation at one time you can help change one person who can help change one family who can help change one community who can help change one city who can then change a nation it's it's got to start slow i may never see it in my lifetime i may never see a flourishing haiti in my lifetime it's a tough place but maybe my kids will maybe my grandkids will i don't know so that's my hope i have hope because my hope is in jesus not in the things of man so you have to remember that the bible talks about this all over the bible is filled with cultural development if you think it's not a biblical um idea the bible's filled with them i'm going to read you some a man reaps woody okay uh at the proper time you will reap a harvest uh the farmer was scattering seeds a plus for all y'all okay he nailed it the bible is littered with all this we just sang a song about the vineyard we just you know like the the bible is filled with cultural development god when he when he gives parrot when jesus gave parables what did he talk about he talked about the birds and and and the grass and the tree you know what i'm saying like he he he wants us to understand that this earth is not just a place that we're living in it it was it's useful to us okay it may not be our home but it's useful to us while we're here right and he's given us everything that god is always a provider he's always a provider that's one of his names jaira he provides that's what's who he is that's in his nature but bottom line our our mission at one kingdom is the great commission it's the great commission matthew 28 go and make disciples go and make disciples it's an action verb so we are men and women of action go and make disciples it's not just about converting we don't want to just go and and baptize and leave we want to disciple train teach lead grow these are things that we can't necessarily do in every country because guess what i'm i kind of like living here i want to say i want to take my kids to little league and that kind of stuff right but maybe i can help somebody who's living there do and go and disciple and and be more effective than i ever could be living somewhere else right go and make disciples it's not just about uh feeding the poor it's not just about converting to jesus but actually having a life lived in jesus a life that was promised to you to flourish never say you're going to be rich this is not ain't no prosperity gospel here okay but god's given you everything that you need to flourish and that's who we are so one kingdom sunday is coming up october 3rd i'm going to close with this uh october 3rd is one kingdom sunday i am so excited to share with you more and more about what's going on all around the world something that you guys are all a part of you're all a part of it maybe we can't all go and travel but we can all help not only with our financial resources but let me tell you some of you guys that have been conversing with some of our one kingdom partners through facebook you don't know how much that goes to know that they they feel encouraged they feel loved they feel like they're not alone in their fight they've got a church family here that's praying for them encouraging them loving on them so we're gonna we're gonna do that also having some exciting news to share yeah i told you you know we're we work with over a hundred people we're gonna start on october third a prayer journey a 90-day prayer journey in which we will spend 90 straight days together as a family praying for specific men and women around the world you're going to pray for every one of those people that are all 100 and whatever it is i can't remember the count but we've got them on a list every day for 90 days and we're all gonna spend some time praying every day for each of those each of those folks i'll tell you more about that on one king sunday also frank you looking good in that t-shirt homeboy you're looking good are you sporting the blue i'm going to just give a plug every year we design a new t-shirt our theme is going to be speak jesus speak jesus and so we're asking you to um to buy a t-shirt all of the proceeds are going to go to a radio program in senegal which is in west africa it's going to it's going to help our brother arnold saw who is who has been constant in his work shepherding over his church and also speaking the gospel but our theme speak jesus i we thought about this for a long time and and and to me i had just we had just gotten back from the dominican republic in which i speak a little bit of spanish okay i speak a little i can you drop me in the middle of dr i can get by i'll get but but there's still a lot that's lost in translation right it's very difficult you know language barriers are just are just tough right but the one language the one language that covers everybody that that that breaks down all barriers is jesus christ he's the one thing that unites us he's the person that unites us all the blood of jesus why are we all here together in what world would we all all this crew be hanging out together on a wednesday night right but because of the blood of jesus we're all here together loving each other hugging each other encouraging each other praying for each other jesus is the one language that breaks all barriers we all understand who he is so october 3rd we're going to speak jesus together thank you guys for your time i'm going to pray us out and then and then we're going to go father god we love you thank you thank you thank you thank you for jesus thank you for what you did on the cross and um but more than that lord i thank you for raising back to life and giving us hope our hope is in you and you alone and i pray that that hope reaches every corner of the earth lord for all the unreached people groups that are out there lord i pray that the gospel gets there and we ask you boldly that you use us use each and each and every one of us in this room those online use this church family here in just little west monroe louisiana to reach the world we know that that's only because of you there's no way there's no way any of this work could be done if it wasn't for you and your spirit guiding this ministry so i pray that your spirit guides us leads us teaches us grows us we trust you our hope is in you and we thank you so much for how much you love us and that you call us your sons and daughters we love you so much and your sons holy name we pray and the church said amen y'all have a great night three four [Music] your forgiveness is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's like holy water on my skin [Music] today man walking safety and i wanna know about being born again i need you oh god i need you [Music] you take me to the riverside take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] symphony [Music] my [Music] i don't want to abuse your grace god i need it every day is the only thing that ever really makes me want to change i don't wanna abuse your grace god i need it every day it's the only thing that ever really makes me wanna change i don't wanna abuse your grace [Music] [Music] is the only thing that ever really makes me wanna change your forgiveness it's like sweet sweet honey on my leg yes it is like [Applause] [Music] it's like holy water [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like holy water on my skin [Music]
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 460
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kljJ-kMtSkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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