BHP | Underground Mining School of Excellence

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you [Music] we will teach you how to become a miner you don't need any experience it doesn't matter where you're from we've got farmers nurses teachers baristas anyone can come to the folder of mine Oh idea the school is to get their feet before they have to go out there we saw the need for change the morning school gives him five weeks of intense training and gives him that that star but you know that won't look back coming into a mining situation I've never mind before in my life so just about everything is new to me we come in he'll be teaching us pretty much everything we need to know once we go into our role where we've fully prepared to go and start work straight away the amount of stories and knowledge they passed on to us through the training school was amazing every time we learnt they knew about pumps water but there was a story toward it it was a good stepping stone to get into the job for someone like me who didn't have money in experience didn't know what I was gonna do coming straight down there they were really good they're really encouraging to work with everyone from different cultures and everything yeah I hope to make a career out of it I'll see myself being here for a while [Music] it's the medium which enables us to take people who haven't had any exposure to mining particular underground hardrock and it teaches them the language that they need to be able to communicate with the rest of their work lives and their supervisors you know our workplace environment is different it's not in office so the way we communicate is really important making sure that we understand each other you know you compare someone who's just come into underground it's quite you know it's it's a very different work environment they're quite quiet they don't speak up now what we're seeing is they're very vocal they've always got something to say and they're saying it with the right lens it's the introduction to everything mining we go from the rocks in the walls all the way to the process of extracting the copper on the sheets it's a great great initiative that they've taken they've actually put a step forward to teach people since I know guys that didn't go through this school and I'm telling them new things I've got all the tools necessary to complete my task for the day and stay safe and that's what matters I get a lot of good feedback from students their rap for the fact that they haven't been strong in the deep end virtually so I get the ship bosses come back and they're saying that the students are coming to them that they love it because they're actually hitting the ground running the schools providing us entry-level minors that are trained confident they can go out into the workplace they've got all the tickets necessary they know the morning language and they walk out into the field productive having people better come and hit the ground running means that we're starting to see a productivity upland so typically when we have new starters and it takes some sort of three months before they can they sort of give back to the group and now what we're finding is they're coming in there I would have pick up the tools and get to work a lot quicker when you talk to some of the the teams that welcome the new starters in then they go they showing up and a lot more positive sense and then so when they get out into the field and everyone's learnt the same things the same way it just makes that transition from really green into the start of a employment a lot easier as teachers we're learning as well better and smarter methods to teach them and I hope that in the future that we just keep evolving this school to be better and better it's just gone strength the strength has been identified now but with it with an OD is the way forward [Music] you
Channel: Fuller Brand Communication
Views: 31,634
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Keywords: bhp, fuller, marketing, public relations, production, video production, design, adelaide, south australia, fuller brand communication, film, story, video, branding, studio, videographer, olympic damn, mining
Id: 3rEca-GVWqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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