A Day In A Life Of A Driller's Offsider | Recruitment

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[Music] i'm sean oliver from web drill and i'm an offsider i didn't have a lot of idea of what the industry was like to be honest with you to start with i learned a lot more as soon as i got on site i didn't actually apply for web drill through the main normal channels i actually got a call from someone i put a post on facebook about trying to get up away in the moment so my process was a bit different i emailed my resume through to the supervisor and then went for my interview and medical and all that was up within a week but um most of the time obviously you're applying i had applied for other jobs before that on the internet and um seeking all that sort of stuff emailing things away uh leaving home to site you're probably getting up early in the morning to get a plane for say 5 30 6 o'clock depending on where you are um so depending on where you live you're up even earlier than that you know packing your bag and all that probably the night before getting everything ready trying to get a good night's sleep because as soon as you hit the ground you're you're at work so that first day is going to be a very long day but yeah you know you've got a long commute to the airport or even if you're close you're at the airport and then depending on what site you're on it could be a five minute drive down the road uh it could be an hour and a half minute down the road you know it could be a long drive ahead of you as well it's a long day the first day but that's pretty much what what will happen every every time you fly up [Music] i'm pretty lucky my partner is pretty good with me working away she's very supportive and family's very good as well a lot of support behind us um so initially it was pretty hard but you know especially with a young family and stuff like that but we've kind of got used to the fact that that's what it is now we're doing it for a reason and um you know we have our moments where we it gets a bit tough it gets pretty hard sometimes but support support with your family if you're all on board with it and you're there for a reason it gets pretty easy [Music] your best bet is as soon as you're out that door flick your mindset to work because that's where you're at um so you're obviously a little dogger you know sometimes you're like enough to have tv with reception and a nice comfy bed and it's clean but other places aren't as great i never really knew what to expect oh yeah you're up early um you know quite early in the morning sometimes pitch black you can't see much you'll get your breakfast from the mess depending on where you are um some sites might actually cook you up something if it's a really small place um but most of the time you'll have it in the mess and you'll be able to get your lunches and that done up made up make whatever you want take it with you yeah it's normally pretty good food and that sort of stuff so you can set your day nicely definitely offsiding you want your energy so it can get pretty hard out there you're not going to be eating cereal and fruit and all that throughout the day if you you need to sustain some energy so you need a good breaky definitely you'll uh basically once you leave your room you're sort of ready to go to work so you pack your lunch in the crib room have brekkie and then straight away you're in work mode you'll leave to go to site [Music] first thing would be your cross shift if you cross your fair if your other offsider so you'd have a chat with him about how the day went any materials and things i need down there consumables [Music] [Music] white [Music] you'll probably try and do your inspection on the ute get that done so your roots ready to go underground that would be your main priority and just talk to your cross shift about you know any problems or anything that's going on [Music] apart from that that would be the first [Music] thing [Music] i'm kind of used to it now but it can be a bit sort of daunting first time um you don't know what to expect but you know there's sometimes a lot of traffic in that coming out as well so it can be dusty wet slippery you know depending on where you are it could be quite a small portal as well so you could be you know in a quite small feeling sort of space other ones quite big so it feels a bit more open but um very dark very wet and yes i'm used to it there [Music] yeah some people have sort of gone in there gone that stuff that i'm not doing it it is quite dark as soon as you get in there you can adjust your eyes [Music] and like i've heard people obviously being absolutely fine with it and then other people freaking out gone that i'm not doing it and back on the plane so [Music] so specific roles you will be in charge of cleaning core pulling out your tubes making sure your running gear is ready to go so your job is to basically be there for the driller to make sure he can he can draw meters as well as possible so making sure everything's running smoothly making sure you've got everything you need down there for the day because you don't want to be coming up and getting extra stuff because that'll slow things down you want to be able to get there and get the job done get it done safely but also efficiently so you want to make sure you've got everything you need for the day your water water bottles you probably fill up your drills water bottle you'll make sure you're maintaining all of the gear so all your back ends and stuff you'll learn all this sort of when you get there but making sure the rig's clean as well that's a big one [Music] what's the lunch break um you are able to have lunch but you'll find that you will try and eat when you can so if you are pumping out the meters you're not going to be stopping and having a break you'll be working flat out so whenever something does slow down or you know you get a run that's quite slow you try and grab a bite to eat grab a drink um your driller will probably look after you a bit as well make sure you you know you keep eating and drinking when you can he'll let you know when the sort of breaks coming up most of the time so you can eat and drink but it's sometimes pretty hard to get a bite in so you want to take something that's not you know there's no microwave meals and stuff down there it's you know sandwiches rolls things like that nice quick that you can grab and eat um sometimes there's toilets nearby underground other times um not so much and you're not going to be able to drive underground to go to the toilet back up to the surface so you will be shooting into a green bag or if you're lucky enough to have a next bucket that you've got for the months and stuff you'll make a bank shift toilet and you'll be shooting underground and then wiping it all off with a handful of rags salty water is a bad one you can uh obviously get salt everywhere and by the time it dries off it starts scratching against your skin and stuff that can get pretty uncomfortable you can get you know come up with saws and scratches and all that sort of stuff your skin doesn't really like any of that um other places you could be hitting water so you've you know you're gonna get covered in water all day every day uh you could be working in mud in you know slop you know you could be underwater your feet could be underwater all day you're working in wet boots straight away um and some places are just boiling hot you know and you drink 10 liters of water a day so it can get pretty tough um but you know you've got to got to make sure that you can stick through it get through it anyone that can't sort of stick it out and think they're used to doing that then there's no point really going for the job the hardest part would probably be the longer hours and when you are on your feet all day every day doing a lot of meters that gets pretty tough especially if you're not looking after yourself with food and water and you know eating right drinking up another tough one is family so if you don't have that sort of good relationship or you don't have things going well at home it can get pretty tough but it's a very hard exhausting job at times so that's probably the worst part of it that would be the hardest part for me but yeah depending on your conditions i mean you could be having a slow day it might take you know seem like a really long day if you're working flat out it can go pretty quick but it's very exhausting you know anyone doing 12 hours a day sweating all day wet and you know cold or whatever can get pretty tough um you will climatize to it as well you'll get bet you'll get used to it but it can get pretty hard sometimes [Music] i suppose it takes a while to get used to the fact that you're you're lifting weights every day all day and you're using muscles you didn't probably ever think you would use especially on some of the angles you're on and just because of the amount of things that you're sort of taking in and the information you're taking and on how to do your job better it can get a bit stressful and sort of mentally frustrating at times [Music] eventually you do get there and you'll you know you'll pick it all up but it can get pretty tough [Music] definitely definitely a hard job probably one of the hardest jobs going i would say a lot of people said to me at the start you know it's a young person's job or it's one of the toughest jobs going i haven't seen any job that's actually worse than i don't think you know if you've got the grit and the determination to stick through it then it's pretty rewarding too like it's you know you can have a really day and have one of the worst days ever to get out of that go to work the next day you think well i can't be as bad as that day so you know it's it is a tough job don't get me wrong but i like it so i personally like trying to get as much sleep as possible because you don't know if your next day is going to be a really long one but that comes with the job really you have to push through it no matter what um i suppose on a big day you may lose a bit of motivation but you've also got to remember that you know if you're there for the boys you're a crew so you're a team so you've got to push through um team will pretty much they'll push you through anyway you know they'll make sure that you're ready to go most of the time but um can get pretty tough and uh i'll probably be you know by the time you get out of the hole it could be 6 6 thirty sometimes you're not back to camp till seven seven thirty so you're straight to the mess for dinner sometimes i'm calling the mrs and the kid quickly and then i'm going to bed like depending if you have to shower back at your doorman as well i'll go to bed pretty early because you're up again pretty early as well um so yeah i try and get some rest to be honest i thought the pay would be a bit more when i started off but you have to look at it as what you're saving while you're away what you're not spending and what you can earn as you progress um it is a tough job but like the benefits of the in the long run so i mean it wasn't quite what i expected but at the same time what i wasn't spending while i was at home and what i was saving on was it makes a big difference um and then you gotta look at like the big picture like you know within a year or two you could be on a rig earning some killer money so that's that's what you have to look at if you i think if you've got a goal towards that that that makes it easier stick it out uh definitely think about if it's a job for you if if you're not willing to put in the long hours and bust your ass then i wouldn't bother you will get you know you're going to have shitty days you're going to be wet you're going to be cold you're going to be hot you're going to be sweaty you're going to be stinky covered in if you're not willing to do that day in day out then it's not a job for you but if you think you've got what it takes then like give it a go and stick at it like you'll have days where you want to quit but don't keep going keep learning and it does get easier um but make sure you you know it is something for you to do because like once you're here you got to do it and definitely really think about it if it is a job for you you
Channel: Webdrill
Views: 36,129
Rating: 4.9065418 out of 5
Id: wPLnalKeukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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