Beyond Today -- The Jewish Temple and Bible Prophecy

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[Gary Petty] Is the construction of a Third Temple  in Jerusalem the focal point of anti-prophecy   or is God's focus on the construction  of a different, more permanent temple? In August 2020 an agreement was announced  between the State of Israel and the United Arab   Emirates to normalize relations. Some held the  agreement as an historic step in bringing peace   to the Middle East. Others felt very bad about  it, they denounced it because the Palestinians   actually felt betrayed. One of the benefits  of the accord was the opening of air traffic   between the two countries, but a commercial  by the Emirates Airlines immediately caused   such a backlash from the Palestinians it had to be  pulled. Now watch a few seconds of the commercial   and see if you can catch what was  offensive to the Palestinians. > Tel Aviv is known as the cultural hub of Israel.   And the art scene is huge and noticeable  throughout the city. Between large festivals,   private galleries, and street art tours,  you will find so much to be amused about. [Gary Petty] Did you notice what's offensive?   Look at the upper corner up here. It's a  picture of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.   They found this offensive, it's what caused the  protest. Why? We're going to look at the Biblical   history of the Jerusalem temple, some Biblical  prophecies concerning a future endtime temple,   and the real importance for God's people about  a temple for Christians about a temple. And   we will see why this commercial is  offensive to so many Palestinians. According to the Bible the original Jerusalem  temple was built by Israel's King Solomon in the   mid-1900s B.C. And it was a spectacular building  with an outer court where daily animal sacrifices   were made in honor to God. An inner room was  known as the Holy of Holies. Now originally this   most holy of all places contained the Ark of the  Covenant constructed during the time of Moses. Now   Solomon's Temple had three basic functions. First,  it was a unique place for the worship of God.   The animal sacrifices reminded the people of  Israel that they were God's special people   and there were consequences for their disobedience  against Him. Animal sacrifices were a reminder   that the result of sin was death. For God to  accept them there had to be a substitute offered   to God for the legal penalty for their sins. And  this was the reason for the animal sacrifices. Now the second function of the temple was to  be God's special dwelling place on Earth. It's   very interesting. When Solomon constructed the  temple, the people that were gathered outside,   they were a huge mass of people there, they  actually saw a cloud come down into the temple.   They called it the glory of God. This dense cloud  had such power in it that as it came down and   filled the temple all the priests were forced to  leave. They actually left it because the presence   of God was there in that temple. Now this doesn't  mean that God isn't present everywhere. He is.   It does mean that the temple was something  special in God's interaction with humanity. Now the third function of the temple  was to teach the concept of holiness.   Holiness is a concept that we don't think  about too much today. Holiness is when God   declares an object or a person or even time to  be special and dedicated to Him, which means that   this is important. Only God can make something  holy. And it's a basic principle of holiness   that has to do with God's interaction with  humanity. And it's essential to understand   what holiness is in our relationship  with Him. You know Solomon's Temple   existed for hundreds of years before being  destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.   A later temple called the Second Temple was built  in the late 6th century B.C. and remodeled by   Herod the Great. And it was the new, in the New  Testament, it's the Second Temple, this complex   where Jesus taught, He threw the money changers  out, and predicted His future destruction. In 70 A.D., the Romans destroyed Herod's temple.  The result was that for almost 1,900 years   it was the desire of the Jewish people  who were now scattered all over the world,   it was their desire to return to the land of  Israel, a land of their forefathers. And for   some of them this yearning included  the building of a Third Temple.   Since the modern nation of Israel was  established in 1948 the idea of a Third   Temple has been reignited. And one of the  most active organizations in the movement to   rebuild a Third Temple is the Temple Institute in  Israel. Through very intensive research they have   identified actual Levitical priests, they  have reconstructed many of the instruments   needed for the reinstitution of animal sacrifices.  And they've actually trained those priests in how   to carry out the sacrificial ceremonies. You can  go to the website and see how they've done this. The deep Jewish religious beliefs and emotions,  and it's this very emotional issue concerning   the Third Temple, are seen in some of the  statements of principles of the Temple Institute.   They make this statement, "At this  one place on Earth, unlike any other,   the one place that the Creator Himself chose to  rest His presence." This goes back to the idea   of the very presence of God came into the  temple in Solomon's time. And so they look   at this and say, "This is the place that  we have to rebuild for God's presence."   Their principles go on to actually predict  something based on some Biblical prophecies.   They say, "We are rapidly approaching climactic  times, in which the Holy Temple will once again   become the focal point for mankind's spiritual  focus." They're very motivated people. And this brings us back to why the Palestinians  found the airline's commercial to be so   offensive because it showed the Second Temple.  It's because Palestinian culture and education   actually denies the historical existence  of Solomon's Temple of the Temple Mount.   They see both the Jewish and Christian teachings  about the temple to be absolutely false.   And of course you can imagine the result is that  many Palestinians feel that they are victims   of Jews and Christians. And this creates in their  culture an overwhelming frustration and anger.   Two different worldviews, two different beliefs,  two different views about how God interacts with   humanity. And that's why there is no political  answers to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Now if you're interested in the Biblical  prophecies about what is commonly called the   "end times," we have a free study guide that will  help you, "Are We Living in the Time of the End?"   There is a chapter here that's very interesting,  I'll just draw your attention to it very quickly.   It's called "God's Framework for End  Time Prophecy," and actually lists   some of the important things that must happen  before the end time prophecies can happen.   And one of the important focal points as mentioned  here is the rebirth of the Jewish nation.   The construction of a Third Temple, whether  it's a massive edifice or a small structure,   a tent, an altar, it is going to be a major  prophetic event. And that's why the establishment   in 1948 of Israel was monumental in fulfillment  of Biblical prophecy. Order your free copy, "Are   We Living in the Time of the End?" by calling the  number on your screen or going to   where you can order a copy, read it online,  or just download it into your computer. Now let's take a look at some Biblical  prophecies about a future Third Temple.   In the Old Testament Book of Daniel there  are a number of prophecies about a time   when it says the daily sacrifices are stopped  and the abomination of desolation is set up.   The daily sacrifices were offered in the temple  in Jerusalem. So we know what these prophecies   are about. They're a direct reference to the  temple. Now here's what's really interesting.   When Daniel was inspired to give these  prophecies there was no temple in Jerusalem.   It had been destroyed by the Babylonians. You  see the fulfillment of these prophecies require   a future place in Jerusalem to be dedicated  to the reestablishment of animal sacrifices   in the name of the God in the  Bible. The key to Daniel's prophecy   is in understanding that the abomination  of desolation happens more than one time. During the time of the Second Temple an  abomination of desolation, which was a statue   of a pagan god, was set up by a Greek king during  the time of the Maccabees. But hundreds of years   after that, hundreds of years after that, Jesus  talked about a future abomination of desolation.   You see this prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.  Now to understand what the Bible means by the   abomination of desolation I encourage you to  go to and watch the program,   "What is the Abomination of Desolation?"  This program will help you understand how   this prophecy has actual multiple fulfillments.  And when you see that you'll understand what   this abomination of desolation is, sort of a  cryptic description, what it actually means. Let's now look at Christ's prophecy about the  abomination of desolation. It's in the Olivet   Prophecy, Jesus's disciples had come to Him  and they had questions about when He would set   up God's Kingdom on this Earth. Now when was  He going to do this? And Jesus says to them,   He says, "Therefore, when you see the abomination  of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet,   standing in the holy place," and Matthew adds  this little comment, he says, "Whoever reads,   let him understand, then let those who  are in Judea flee to the mountains."   Jesus goes on to describe His second coming. Now  the holy place here is a reference to the temple.   Remember the most holy of all holy  places was the inner court of the temple. So when we see what Jesus says here and He  combines that with the prophecies in Daniel,   which He references, we can see that before  the coming of the Messiah to rain on Earth   there's going to be an altar connected to  some concept of a Third Temple where daily   animal sacrifices will again be offered by  Levitical priest in the name of God. Now these   prophecies have led many evangelicals here  in the United States to actively support   the rebuilding of a Third Temple. They're  actually sending money to Israel to get these   different organizations to actually build this  temple. Okay. Here's something to think about.   Is it possible that the Third Temple  is going to be a place of evil? The Apostle Paul gives a prophecy about  just before the return of Jesus Christ.   And he talks about a man of sin, someone who's  under the direct influence of Satan, who performs   miracles, and actually deceives much of humanity.  Now this prophecy is usually connected in   many denominations to the anti-Christ,  the coming great anti-Christ.   Now let's look at something that Paul says about  this demonic person, the anti-Christ. He says,   "Let no one deceive you by any means for that day  will not come..." That day is a reference to the   return of Jesus Christ. "That day will not come  unless the falling away comes first and the man   of sin has revealed, the son of perdition." This  terrible person is going to wield great power. If you read through this whole chapter you'll see  he wields great power, deceives the whole world,   who opposes and exalts himself above all that  is called God, or that is worshipped so that   as he sits, listen to this, “he sits as God  in the temple of God, showing himself that he   is God.” If the temple Paul is talking about  here is the future place of sacrifice that   we've been talking about, that place is going to  be used by the anti-Christ to deceive the world.   That's something to keep in mind as you watch  world events and we look towards a time when   there's going to be a re-establishment  of animal sacrifices in Jerusalem. Now what meaning does God's temple have for  Christians today? I mean should we be collecting   money and sending it over to Israel so they can  rebuild a temple? Is that what this is all about?   Now we've touched on a number of prophecies  today that include Jesus's Olivet Prophecy.   The study guide we're offering actually has an  entire section in here dedicated specifically to   the Olivet Prophecy and what Jesus said. And it is  the foundation really of all end time prophecies.   If you want to understand end time prophecies,  you start with Jesus's Olivet prophecy. So you need to get this so you can study the  section, "Jesus Christ's Olivet Prophecy: Where   Are We Now?" In there you'll see that He predicts  a time of religious deception and confusion,   wars and rumors of wars, famines, disease  epidemics, and an increase in earthquakes.   Now the difficulties of our world today that we're  suffering from is just a small glimpse into the   calamities that's going to befall humanity before  Christ's return. You need to know what Jesus   predicted so that you're not caught off guard.  Order your free copy of, "Are We Living in the   Time of the End?" by calling the number that's on  your screen or simply going to You   can read it, you can download it. But be sure  to look at this material. It's very important. What is the real importance  of God's temple for Christians   in your life? We've looked at the desire of  many Jews and Christians to construct a Third   Temple. We've touched some Biblical prophecies  about future animal sacrifices in Jerusalem   that's going to happen. But you know, there's  another temple mentioned in the New Testament   that is actually more important in your  life than a Third Temple in Jerusalem.   Here's something that the Apostle  Paul wrote to the church in Corinth.   He's writing to a group of people, specifically  here they were having trouble with a lot of   sexual immorality in the church. And he writes to  them and he makes this comment. "Do you not know   that your body," he's talking to Christians, "your  body is," listen to this, "the temple of the Holy   Spirit, who is in you, whom you have from God  and you are not your own? For you were bought   at a price, therefore, glorify God in your  body and in your spirit, which are God's." I want you to really think about this  because we're going to zero in on this.   I'm going to read it again. If you're on  television, if you're watching at home,   I want you to read this, okay? Read this with  me. "Do you not know that your body is the temple   of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you have  from God?" That's a remarkable statement.   Let's explore what Paul is teaching  here to the followers of Jesus Christ.   Christians who have the Spirit of God dwelling  in their hearts and minds are the temple of God.   They are the special dwelling place of God  on Earth. Try to wrap your mind around that.   Try to wrap your mind around being the special  dwelling place of God, being the temple of God. Now remember we explored the functions  of Solomon's Temple in the beginning of   the program. The first point was, it was  a unique place for the worship of God.   You know the temple was a place for animal  sacrifices to remind the people of Israel that   they were God's special people and that there were  consequences for their disobedience against Him.   Here, what we just read, Paul tells Christians  to accept that they were bought at a price.   There was a substitute given for Christians.  Christians are called out of human societies   to become the special dwelling place of God. To  become one of these special people you have to   have your sins forgiven through the sacrifice  of Jesus Christ and there is no other way.   To say that all religions lead to the same God  is unacceptable according to the teachings of   the New Testament. According to Jesus,  Peter, Paul, John, that's unacceptable. You know the main tenet of cultural Christianity  is that basically if you feel good about yourself,   that you're a good person, then really  how you define God doesn't matter.   It's time for you to wake up to the  perversion of that teaching because   that's not what Jesus taught. Jesus is calling  people to become part of His spiritual temple.   He may be calling you but the only ones that  are welcome to enter that temple are the ones   who have been bought with the price of Christ's  sacrifice, otherwise you can't be part of the   temple. No human being is worthy to be called good  before God. Only God in His mercy and His grace   can make us worthy to become part  of the temple He is building. This brings us back to the second point, the  second function of Solomon's Temple. The temple   was God's special dwelling place on Earth. When  Paul taught that Christians are the temple of   the Holy Spirit, he was actually revealing  one of the greatest mysteries of all time.   In his letter to the Corinthians Paul states  that Christians have the mind of Christ. To have   God's Spirit in your mind and in your heart is to  receive the very mind, power, and love of God into   yourself. And remember the glory of God filled  Solomon's Temple and it was so awesome that the   people had to flee. The priests had to flee. But  understand it's this same power and glory that God   will give to those who enter His spiritual temple.  It's the same spirit. You don't receive the power   and glory of God simply by going to church for  claiming to know Jesus. God gives His Spirit to   those who humbly repent, receive water baptism,  and have had hands laid on them to receive   His Spirit. This is taught in the New Testament,  and unfortunately ignored by much of Christianity. Now the third function of Solomon's Temple was  to teach the concept of holiness. Remember, only   God can make a person or a place or a time holy.  Human beings can't make anything holy. Holiness is   an action of God to set aside something or someone  for His special use. To become the temple of God,   to have the sacrifice of Jesus Christ applied to  you so that you become holy is something God must   do. Now you must respond. You have to respond  to that through humble soul searching, remorse,   and desire for forgiveness and change. And  this is what the Bible calls repentance.   To become the temple of God you must seek  to receive His Spirit in your heart and   mind. To become the temple of God you must live  as a holy vessel who has received God's Spirit. The concept that God declares objects and  people and time special and dedicated to Him,   it's almost lost in our secular society and  cultural Christianity. And it is a vital lesson   we need to learn from today's  program. The priests in Solomon's time   dedicated their whole lives to God and  service in His temple. How much more   as the very temple where God dwells should  Christians, His holy people, selected by Him   for His purpose, dedicate our lives to submitting  to His direction and living by His desire for us? Now I have something more I want to talk about.  But before I do let me remind you of today's   free study guide, "Are We Living in the Time  of the End? The study guide isn't just about   knowledge. There are sections in here  called "Preparing for the end time,   and you, what can you do?" Okay? To find the  answers to that question, get your free copy   of "Are We Living in the Time of the End?" Call  the number on your screen or go to   Paul said that Christians are to glorify God in  His temple. How can you glorify God as His temple?   Well first of all you have to enter the  temple. You have to come to the cold,   harsh reality that much of the feel-good,  Jesus loves you so just stay the way you are   Christianity isn't what Jesus taught.  Real Christianity is a realization of your   nothingness without God. It is a realization  that you are doomed by your own sins   unless you become bought with a price  which is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.   It is a realization that you are powerless to be  truly good without the indwelling of God's Spirit.   It is the realization that God wants to change  your corrupted nature to becoming His Holy Child. You know here's something  that the Apostle Paul wrote   to the Ephesians, the church at Ephesus. These  were people who weren't from a Jewish background.   These were people who were what the Bible calls  Gentiles, non-Jews. They were coming into a   religion with the God of the Jews. And so they had  been outside that religion and they were coming   into it. And here's what Paul tells them. He says,  "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and   foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints  and members of the household of God." This is   what God is doing. He's creating a household.  He's creating a family. "Having been built on   the foundation of the apostles and the prophets,  Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone."   He uses the analogy of a building. He's building  a temple. The prophets, the apostles, they're all   part of this. Jesus Christ is the chief part  of it. He's what holds this temple together. This is more important than the Third Temple being  built because this is what God is doing. He says,   "And whom the whole building fitted together grows  into," listen to this, "a holy temple in the Lord,   in whom you also are being built together  for a dwelling place of God in the spirit."   The dwelling place of God in the spirit  isn't the temple that people want to build   over in Israel. It's going to happen. There's  going to be something built over there because   the Bible predicts it but that's not what God is  concerned with. He's concerned with building a   holy temple and human beings discovering that they  can be the place who He dwells. That's remarkable.   Any human attempt to construct a Third  Temple is going to fulfill Biblical prophecy   but that's not what God is working with right now. Responding to God's call requires repentance  and publicly declaring repentance through   water baptism. It also includes the laying on of  hands to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit   in you. Do you understand that? Do you  understand what God's calling you to do?   It is to be part of this holy temple. And yes,  baptism is important. And yes, laying on of   hands for the receiving of the Holy Spirit and  God will dwell in you. That's what we're trying   to tell you. That's what we want to reach out  to you and let you know what God is calling you   to do. God is building a holy temple. And the  time is now for you to respond to that call. [Narrator] Please call for the booklet offered  on today's program, "Are We Living in the Time   of the End?" This free study aid will point  you to the key Biblical signs leading up to   Jesus Christ's return. We live in an unstable  world, raising many questions about our future.   This booklet provides Biblical answers. For the  past two centuries history has reached a series   of turning points that have brought us to the  doorstep of Bible prophecy. In this booklet, you   will learn how some prophesied events have only  become possible to fulfill during our lifetimes.   Most importantly, you'll find out what you can do  to prepare yourself for the troubling times ahead. Call us, 1-888-886-8632, to order your free  copy of, "Are We Living in the Time of the End?"   or go online to to  download or request it by mail.   Jesus gave a list of specific signs to look for.  And yet he said many would still be deceived.   You will learn about God's framework for end  time prophecy, such as world conditions that   must exist when the Book of Revelation’s events  begin to unfold. Many prophecies could not happen   prior to the advances of communication and  nuclear technology in the 20th century.   Still others could not be fulfilled until  the Jewish state existed in the Middle East,   which has only come about within our living  memory today. Jesus Christ warned that many of   those who say they believe in Him will be caught  spiritually sleeping. This is a time to be awake. When you order this free study aid, we'll also  send you a complimentary one-year subscription   to "Beyond Today" magazine. "Beyond Today"  magazine brings you understanding of today's   world and hope for the future. Six times a year  you'll read about current world events in the   light of Bible prophecy, as well as practical  knowledge to improve your marriage and family,   and Godly principles to guide you  toward a life that leads to peace.   Call today to receive your free booklet, "Are  We Living in the Time of the End?" and your free   one-year subscription to "Beyond Today" magazine,  1-888-886-8632, or go online to
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Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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