Beyond the Curb home tour with Maggie Griffin Design

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hello everyone I'm Christina dandar of the Potted boxwood and I am here with Maggie Griffin of Maggie Griffin design and her beautiful house in Gainesville Georgia Maggie thank you for having us thank you so much for being here I'm so excited I'm so excited because we're all decked out for Christmas wow it's so great I love just your home tell us more about it so when we were designing this house we chose to really hone in on a tutor style I've always loved this tutor style I feel like it's warm and cozy and so we tried to find modern ways to honor the uh the design of the house and so we have three boys and we truly use every inch well it's just so pretty this whole just the scale and everything of the home I'm I'm struck by this Garland though is this real is it so so this is one of my favorite holiday hacks so I took a beautiful pre-lit Garland um and some friends of mine who were here helping me decorate for Christmas we just stuffed it full of beautiful live things dried hydrangea um you know as the Magnolia turns it will turn to the most beautiful shade of brown the smile a will dry out but you know it's easy to replace something that looks really dry and then replace it right before you have a holiday gathering oh that's so smart and the hydrant is such a unique touch it's really pretty and the finish on your brick is also beautiful well thank you so much so this is a great brick it's called Old French Quarter it's designed to look old so I loved that we chose kind of a thicker messy mortar line with it so that the contrast really stood out you know everyone's painting their brick these days but I really wanted to have a traditional brick home oh it's fantastic and has a fun ju to position with the more modern front door and then okay we're immediately in this beautiful sort of barrel SE ceiling entry way yes so the one of the characteristics of a tutor style home is lots of meal work so we found ways to kind of have a couple places in the house where we could have this cool Arch we've got the paneling on the walls you know you'll see um kind of throughout the house we have some treatments on the ceilings and then we chose taller baseboards and thicker Crown moldings because to me that really reads very warm and that was something that we really wanted to portray with the tutor Style oh it's fantastic and immediately we're greeted to this lovely tablescape here all decked for Christmas all decked for Christmas so this is our formal dining room we use this room all the time just last week we had a bunch of friends here and we had a very casual dinner but to me it's a space that I can have comfortably um a dinner party for right now it's set for eight or I can just have a couple of um a couple of girlfriends over we can pull chairs away we can add chairs that's one of my favorite things about an oval style table is that you can kind of just keep adding friends to the mix um and I chose a lot of different colors um this is a new combination for me on the tabletop I loved the uh the mint green with the gold um the mint green plate is um those were my in-laws that was their wedding China and so it's very special to us and then the beautiful snowflake dessert set was a gift from a friend it's antique l um and one of my favorite things to bring out during the holidays and then of course I've mixed it with some very um some beautiful colors of my still um glasswar collection these are the champagne CS which I think are just so fun and then a great little goblet and then these are uh vintage water glasses that just beautiful were just gifted to me from my sister-in-law and I think they're so fun and are those copper um cups they are so they're copper julips that are holding our floral arrangements um those were also a set that belonged to my in-laws and I love mixing Metals so you can see on the table I've got my fine silver um here as with my flat wear and then I've got the copper and then the little Sparkle that's from the glass of the candle sticks and you know and then at night when you light all the candles it's just magic oh it really is magical what a pretty tablescape and then I love this pearly nativity set so this is one of my favorite nativities you'll see I have them all over my house but it's kind of a little mini collection that I have um this one I would say is my most dressy one but when I found it it had so many great pieces and a lot of the times you know it's just a handful but this was found um at an antique mall in Middle Georgia where I'm from and a lot of the treasures in my house have come from that area and this was something that I just really loved I have a feeling it was some sort of kit that you could buy a long time because I believe this is someone's last name here and then you could paint it or you know you could have painted these uh fun little the the figurines and then someone um obviously glazed these which I think is so fun it keeps it a little dressier and sparkly it really is dressy and Pops against this wallpaper this wallpaper is fantastic thank you oh what a beautiful warm and inviting and layered dining area and look at all your silver here in this cabinet that's so beautiful yeah so I chose to use a lot of glass fronts on my Cabinetry and then of course this is an antique piece I have just realized about myself if I don't see my things then I won't use them so it reminds me it's a little gentle reminder to pull out that beautiful stuff every day don't save it for a special occasion don't save it and now we're in this fun moment here yes so this is our wet bar that's right off of the dining room so I have easy access to it when we're entertaining um it's kind of our you know beverage Bridge Central so we have a place to store wine we have our cocktail machine we have drink drawers and we have to just talk about this cocktail machine for a second I'm going to link this because it's amazing but tell us about it so it's called a bartisan and the easiest way to describe it is a curig for cocktails so it's really foolproof you have four vessels for kind of your main four Liquors we don't mix a lot of cocktails around here but this is kind of foolproof so it comes with these fun pods so it's just very easy you add the pot in just like you would with a cure egg coffee maker and you know Tada your drink is made Tada oh and the color in here is fabulous and I love the size of your pendant here I love oversized lights so you'll see that throughout my house um when I had the opportunity to go bigger I did and this color is one of my favorites it's called Knoxville gray by Benjamin Moore um I think the name is um not true to really how amazing and what depth the color has to me it doesn't reg gray at all it's this really cool kind of deep eucalyptus uh blue green teal and then of course with the brass hardware I just I love it keeps it warm I love the brass hardware and the pretty rug to follow suit and then we're sort of kind of I love how each room sort of enters into the next in such a gracious way oh well storage was a big deal for us so that was something I really wanted to make sure we had plenty of this is our mud room so this is where we come in from the garage at the end of the school day um this is kind of our more casual friends entrance and I chose a really hardworking slate on the floor it's a big tile it has a lot of movement I thought that that was so fun that um and again I chose the um a dark color this is Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore and to me it has this really interesting kind of dull black to it that has some fun um kind of almost a deep green but I chose um you know a really hardworking Granite for the counter tops you know this is the place where we kind of plop and drop a lot of things so I've got storage for the boy shoes we put backpacks behind a cabinet door to me it just makes a lot of sense and it helps me feel like I have a sense of um tidiness at the end of the day yes cuz you have three three young boys yeah you're you're a boy Mom this is just an Entertainer's dream in here so of course my um you know bunny Williams has the most beautiful pantries um and so this kind of reminds me of a teeny tiny little version of hers but again I wanted my things to where I could see them so I would use them and it brings me so much joy to create a tablescape with the things that I have things that have been given to me things that belong to my grandmothers to my mother my mother-in-law um and then to pull a vase down that I can arrange a a beautiful set of flowers for the middle of the table in um we have space for all the snacks here for the boys CU you showed me earlier this is so smart look so we did these handy little cutouts um and so it's really easy for the kids to grab whatever they need but then I also have lots of things stashed you know down low so that they can reach those but this is a place where I can arrange flowers you know we can um kind of put spillover in here if we're entertaining but also I love just pulling from the wall and creating my table Scapes oh it's just a really great Pantry do you like to cook a lot we do we cook three meals a day oh you do it all truly and and you're a full-time designer with the team and everything yes it's a lot of fun so our kitchen was really important to us we needed a space that was big enough for our family and then when we have our family and friends here um I just I love to be able to talk to my friends and family like if I'm finishing preparing a meal or my husband you know I just wanted the space to do that so we we cook a lot like I said you know espe on the weekends um and our weeknight dinners so I wanted to make sure I had plenty of room for everyone to sit around the island we have two dishwashers so that I have a constant turnover of of dirty and and clean dishes um a big sink you know that overlooks the pool so I can watch the boys during the summertime so that was all really important to me and then you know one of my favorite things about the holidays is I don't I try not to just have holiday Decor everywhere so just a couple of punches and my girlfriends that were here earlier this week designed these for me and I just think that they are so funable they're really really fun just to have the different um you know Greenery and texture and the Magnolia and the branches and these vases are unbelievable those are fabulous thank you they hold a lot and I think you know Magnolia feels very inherently Southern and then we touch those um made those pop really with the kind of coraly red of the isix berry is just one of my favorite color combinations it's so wonderful and this we have to talk about this moment right here because you it's kind of unique you just have one bar stool here facing out on the four bar stools there so what's the thought behind that yeah so you know I borrowed this um from a client I did a project with a client and this was something that she wanted and I thought that it was one of the most amazing things that I'd ever seen because she said you know what happens is you get all of your people and fed on the other side of the island but you end up standing and so she Incorporated a small space for a stool for her and I thought how fun and so I did that for myself too and this is truly has been one of the most you seats I mean it is all the time so line up the boys line up the boys and sit on down okay and then we'll go into this area as well look at I love how you did the tile by the way all the way around like the whole kitchen just has tile yeah so to me it kind of um the sort of impact of it is really fun but it's also really practical you know so you can just kind of spray it and and wipe it down with those everyday life spills that's great and then this here is just I mean you can see the fall leaves outside this breakfast room is fabulous so this is where we have our family meals at night and it's just to me I feel like I'm in the Treetops it has been so beautiful to watch these leaves change you know we have not been in this home um for a even a year yet we moved in in May and so we're kind of experiencing all the seasons here for the first time and it has just been so much fun to watch these leaves turn from green to red and orange and um and I love this little cozy spot this is where we eat as a family every night and your sense of color Maggie really strikes me I mean you you have all these beautiful shades of greens and putties and I just the texture and layering it really is um it shows your talent off well thank you I love a I love kind of a a Dusty color I love a color that um I'm probably not quite as drawn to pastels but I do love variations of jewel tones and this is a color it's called antique peor by Benjamin Moore um I get asked about this color via direct message or email um in person all the time it's just a really great color because it reads differently in so many lights and then this was my mother-in-law's uh Pine Hutch I grew up with my husband so I have been in I was in his family home growing up over the years and this was at their back door um you know really in my some of my core memories of that home and so when they were downsizing I had to make a space for this and I just love it um it's got my creamware collection on here and um all of my just little old beat up mint julips that I've had forever that I love to pull and and Tuck a few flowers in it's really special and I love that you Incorporated family pieces as well and beautiful draperies too and then again love all of the holiday touches and you can see more of the trees so you built this house from scratch correct we did um we designed it from scratch with Greg Bush he's a an amazing architect in Atlanta who does work all over he and I have a wonderful working relationship we worked on lots of things together and he helped us bring this um this Vision to life for us and this porch was at was you know one of the top priorities we needed a space where we could have you know our our boys um friends over during the summer our our family and friends on the weekends and just to have enjoy the north Georgia um fun right right now it's so pleasant and mild and we really can be out here a lot of the year we can build a wood burning fire um you know we have space during the summertime for all the kids to swim and you know to even be outside when it's raining has been so nice oh that's fantastic to watch watch football games that's exactly right go dogs and his swim and I love how you have just this whole Oasis and then the umbrella in the pool which is really nice so this little ledge has been so wonderful for our youngest uh John Reese is 14 months old so he was you know quite little during the summer but this was a place it was so shallow where we could sit with him of course we're right there with him but to have the shade too with the umbrella has just been so nice um and then of course my big boys they're 10 and seven just swim all day long oh this is fantastic absolutely love it really good outdoor entertaining and it seems like you entertain a lot right you said you had 50 people over the other day a casual 50 person we hosted a party um my youngest just turned one we had everyone here for his baptism and and his birthday and nothing makes me happier than having the people I love most in my house oh wow they can it comes across in your design as well and so back through the kitchen here into sort of your more formal living area but also not formal because that's a TV above the fireplace correct that's right um the Samsung art TVs have just been such a um an amazing you know invention for myself but also my client work because they can just kind of be disguised a little bit little bit easier no it really is wonderful I have one as well and I love it love it love it now again you I noticed the dusty the pretty dusty colors and the Dual tones so what was your sort of thought process on this room so this room you know is kind of the Hub right here connected to the kitchen so you know I can have family and friends here um and also be cooking and still feel like I'm a part of the space which I think is really really important um but I also I love like this is where we can all Pile in you know if if we're here during the summertime and the kids are playing outside and then we can be sitting here or even just you know kind of wind down time after the baby goes to sleep at night it's just been great and I love having everything decorated for our first Christmas here you know this tree has a lot of the ornaments that we have collected over the years um from travels from you know their gifts and and things that we are you know I love pulling out every year and being reminded of of something that we've done or the person that gave it to me oh no it's really truly ESP special and I love how you all have your stocking holders and and then for the boys oh the boys just they think this is so fun they're they're very very excited for our first Christmas here oh well I would be too it really just kind of is an homage you know all of your florals and just all the trees and everything just kind of Everything feels warm but not overwhelming you know sometimes you can walk in and be like that's a lot these light fixtures are great too and then we'll go into this room tell us about this room yeah so right off the front door um when you walk into the front door if you turn to the right uh this is a study it's right across from the dining room so it's to me it's a really cozy room I went with a dark color on the walls this is Dakota Woods green by Benjamin Moore so it's on the walls the ceiling and the trim it's the mantle the bookcases I really wanted it to feel very um kind of a standalone room so our main keeping room is very light and open and I wanted this room to just feel more cozy like a library and so this is um kind of where if nap time on the weekends or just you know if we can't agree on what the boys want to watch on TV um one can come and here but it's it's been great um you know my middle son uses this room quite a bit and they were actually asking me the other day what room will Santa come into and I said well you just tell me if you want him to come to the study or or in the main living room but I love that it is a place that's cozy we can we can still have you know all five of us in here or um another couple and have the fire on it's just been great oh it's and it's a really neat fireplace how you know the shape of it it's unusual I wanted it to feel a little bit sleeker um but I do love the Limestone surround kind of that uh contrast with the paint color absolutely what a great room and then sort of hidden under the stairs here and let you do the honors Under the Stairs is our powder room so it's easily accessible for our guests but it's a little tucked away spot that I put um some of my favorite pieces of art here um you know some things that my friend Alison James she did the print um my Sally King Benedict face um a local artist um Anna Dempsey did the Einstein this beautiful lady with the black hat on is from um a trip and this is my grandmother's living room it's a rendering of her living room wait that's amazing as it was when I was growing up well it looks fabulous I can see where you got your good taste from it's a beautiful space and I really think we should have a moment for this vesal as you walk in to your bedroom because so many people now are painting wood and I just love that you went with the grainy exposed wood like that it really it it adds some Antiquity to the home being a newer house I thought it really Drew your eye here at the end of this hallway um I love the warmth of the wood and I think a little a little Touch goes a really long way this is um hand stained White Oak that my Builder um who is I just love and adore we worked with with Canada Builders here in Gainesville and he um John he made this room happen for me and I just think it's so fun it's just a little moment with these stained white oak doors and then um he also designed this wrapping station for me so you have to show us a little bit this is one of um this is just such a little it it's just a happy moment for me so it's a place where I can wrap a gift really quick if I'm heading out the door to a kids's birthday party or if I need to grab a Hostess gift um he designed this whole wrapping ledge for me so and then I can just slide it right back in and then he did these beautiful drawers for me on the side that will fit a fullsize um standard wrapping roll and I just I love that I can hide all these things here but it's also right um easy for me to access this is genius so what a great Builder everyone needs one everyone needs one oh but now comes this beautiful moment I mean the paper in here the colors tell us about your bedroom so my bedroom um I really just was so inspired by the wall mural their panels from schacher and it's a a newer colorway of this beautiful pattern I really just loved the whole thought of you know kind of waking up in the trees even outside of the windows you can see we kind of um it feels very much like we're in the Treetops but I wanted our room to feel cozy a lot of it we've had for a really long time and I kind of keep repurposing and recycling you know don't look too close because there's chips and Nicks on things but you know that to me makes a house a home um but I wanted it to to feel like a little cocoon and um it's got some of our precious pieces of artwork that just really mean more um something to us and a couple of my favorite antiques but also you know all the boys can pile in here too and we can watch a movie on the weekends oh it's really just so serene and yet the touches of wood make it just so rich but for the most part we have to talk about this because I think this is the one of the coolest pieces I've ever seen me too so when I first saw this piece um I think my mother is actually called me about it she saw it first and then I went to go see it I wish I knew more about it um you know I mentioned that there's some great antique malls back where we grew up and it's in Middle Georgia um we grew up in Middle Georgia and there's a Air Force base near there that I feel like a lot of the families who are very who are transient kind of may leave behind some things so I actually have quite a few Treasures that um I I would love to know more about and this is one of them but you know it's got all these really fun little drawers yeah show us show us a little bit we would like to know the purpose like this this has to have a purpose to it of some capacity right and then big um you know kind of open places in the in the middle of the three sections so it's almost like look at this is clearly writing a cabinet yeah this cool so there's this section um is kind of the same so it was it clearly stored something um obviously and has I mean all of these are drawers so if anyone out there knows I'd love to know we're going to get to the bottom of this for sure we have to we have to find out more information about it just really beautiful and I love this chest here it's just so neat that you know you're able to collect beautiful pieces like that Shin re inspired things from your own Hometown that's right and who knows where they came from yeah well this bathroom is beautiful I love seeing the wood with the paneling with the touches of there's touches of modern just in the you know kind of the almost fluted what what would you call that so these are we call these readed fronts um so they're readed fronts um on the White Oak van ity I you know in my design work and in my in my personal home my favorite thing to do is mix things together I think it's if you put something beautiful besides something else beautiful it really doesn't matter if it's from the same time period or era or or really um style but I again in this room I wanted it to feel it's a it's a light filled bathroom but I think the paneling on the walls and the white oak on the cabinets keep it really warm um and it's just kind of a little Retreat back here and I love again I've mentioned this in Tory rubinson tour how you have the shower hidden um because so many people have their shower so exposed and I've mentioned before a lot of you know lot of people don't want their shower out you know you don't shower in private even you know so it really makes it nice and I love the brass switch plates those are fantastic and I love how you colored the door as well yeah I know that's one of my favorite colors this is is called um dark peor um I only know all these colors CU it still feels very fresh in my memory you just did it well I will tell you right now the followers are going to love that you're sharing pink colors well if I can remember I certainly am happy to oh and the shoe marer wallpaper is really something special and so how many bedrooms total do you have so we have five bedrooms um you know we have three boys and we wanted a guest room for um when our comes to visit so you'll see our uh John Reese our baby his Nursery is um a tiny little addition room and um and then Samuel and Henry each have their space too and I love again how you continued so this is again a little um holiday hack so these are faux garlands that um they come in six foot long increments and I just this is two sections together and we just put in you know some beautiful live greens and then these gorgeous dry hydrangea that are kind of all over uh the South right now the dried hydrangea is unique I really haven't seen that a lot and I think now we're going to want that I love the brown tone and I love it mixed with the under side of the magnolia leaf that is also Brown um I just I love it when you know we can reuse those things and and the the natural element that it brings and you told me something interesting earlier this this was not not supposed to really be a landing like this right it was just supposed to go all the way around but instead we have um our Swedish um our third boy John ree so we were able to squeeze in a little space for him here at the top of the stairs so he's a little bit more private we um he has a little room that's just filled with character we did the paneling on the walls and on the ceiling and um just gave him a little space upstairs for himself oh it's so precious and he's 14 months he's 14 months old yes and and I had um I had saved our baby bed from the first two so this is really sweet and special I loved this bed from the moment I saw it 10 years ago and and our glider is is very worn in and and loved U we've spent a lot of nights there reading books and rocking babies and then his little tiny bathroom we squeezed in and I just wanted it to feel like this fun little color punch um it really is look at this wallpaper tell tell us about the wallpaper so the wallpaper is from Schumacher and um it's just got all these fun little Whimsical animals and I love that he loves looking at them and I chose um fire engine red by Benjamin Moore as the trim color just for something really unexpected it is unexpected cuz his his Nursery itself is very you know subdued and calm and I love the slope ceiling like that it's it just adds interest it reminds me of like an old like a southern porch yes yes it really does say and then you have these two steps here that lead to such a pretty Landing oh thank you we decided to continue the paneling um up here too just to give it some warmth and to kind of tie in with downstairs but this space upstairs is really oh boy you know it's it's for my three boys and they have fun up here and they play with their friends and and most of the time um it's kind of a wreck and and I love that they use we use every inch of it every inch of it and now this is not a boy room this is not a room this is the guest room um that you know is I hope a a retreat for our friends and family who come and stay with us really my mom stays here a good amount and I just wanted it to feel cozy for her so I did this chocolate brown grass cloth on the walls um from TBO and it's one of my favorite just really fine patterns and it just adds some great warmth and texture to the room um this is these are just a combination of Linens that we've had you know everything's very soft from years of use and then my sister-in-law found the screen for me and I had it in storage just kind of not knowing what to do with it for a long time and then I just love it in here it's perfect in here it's fun especially against the the brown grass cloth and and this I just I always want to point things like this out sometimes for people that just don't maybe know as much about design but I love it's a true art to be able to layer all these patterns together and have it looks so beautiful it has a lot to do with the scale right the scale of the pattern um really just wonderful this is a doar coverlet it's very thin um it's from Mila and Rome it's one of my favorite Brands and I just I love how thin it is and just adds a little bit of texture here at the foot without being heavy duvet and then this beautiful fabric is from my friend um Beth lafield very talented Atlanta textile designer she designs pillows and fabrics and it's just I love this um kind of it's called her Swedish blue background Swedish and um might be my new favorite color I know it's just that great like kind of French blue gray and you know a little I love a little animal print but a little goes a long way agreed agreed it looks but it looks perfect in here and then the paper in here the floors tell us about this bathroom so our guest room um is just to me it's a really feminine space in our house and I love that our guest you know we have an extra tub in here we need to throw extra children in here and um I loved that we could have a room where I a bathroom where I could put a piece of furniture this has been with us for a long time during our marriage and and I did the little bamboo accents on the vanity and this color is called um Half Moon Crest oh it's pretty a great Benjamin Moore color that is you know this fun blue gray and we use it I use it a lot in my projects um and obviously here and I I love the way it looks with kind of this tone onone pagot wallpaper um and again just a lot of things like I've had these since I was in in college and I can tell you stories all over our house but just things that I've had along the way and and when we were building the home we were in a rental house for over two years and so a lot of my pieces were in storage so I kind of got to play with everything again when we moved in you had to see it all again what what I love too is you've got a lot of great pattern but nothing seems cutesy which I I I appreciate it's has a sophistication you know in every room even even the boys rooms which I'm excited to see even in this playroom now tell us about this playroom so the playroom is just a really hardworking space um I you know made sure to not put anything in here that was too precious I did the board and button on the walls um this color is a Benjamin War color and um I'm drawing a blank right this second but you can see in the window kind of when the sunlight hits it it pulls different shades of blue and green which I just think is so fun but I loved that because when you do a wood treatment like this around the bottom and then the walls and the wood are painted in a satin finish they're much easier to keep clean so the grass cloth probably would have been rubbed very quickly um with you know footballs being thrown around and and having fun in here but we also designed the window seat um it's almost the depth of a full-size bed so I can just pile kids in here um my my boys get up there they um you know they love to read and then when their friends are here it's great space for them to Pile in too but um the baby he has his little Playhouse in here and all of his little toys and so um it is really a very hardworking room for three boys and it gets a lot this is great rug too yeah so this is just a fun um it's an it's a j and denim uh braided rug which is soft um it was a really it was a bargain find online and it has been great for for this room oh it's fantastic I love it and now we get to see one of the the boys rooms let's see okay this might be the coolest thing I've ever seen let's take a moment for the dinosaurs take a moment for the dinosaurs um this is Samuel he's my middle and he's on seven but he is just my dinosaur lover and I knew that I wanted a place for him to have them where he could reach them easily but also he just loves looking at them he knows all of their names can tell you a fact um they're kind of mixed in with some other you know sea creatures here and there and we've got a tiger too but really he just loves dinosaurs and I wanted to just nurture that for him um the day we moved into the house I picked him up from school and this is the first thing we did together so oh he was so excited let's take a quick peek look at the little nods to Christmas in here I love that pretty wallpaper and you trust your boys with the wallpaper I do you know wallpaper paper has come a long way and um there's some of it that's very expensive but some of it that's very economical and so I thought you know what let's just put it in there and let them enjoy it if I have to replace it in 10 years then then you can then we can and that's fun too right right you know and when they get older they always want something different that's right but okay the color in here is amazing but also the ceiling I mean it's so unique tell us about these little like kind of arches and lines so when the plans were drawn for the home typically you lower ceilings on a second level and they were drawn at 9 ft and my Builder who I love and adore he said if you would like for them to be a little taller and you're okay with kind of these fun Corners he said I can do it and and I said of course and this room to me feels very tucked away the color is uh Brewster Gray by Benjamin Moore it looks different again in every corner and um in the light but it's so cozy for Samuel and we did the vertical shiplap on the walls and then we did the tongue and groove on the ceiling and to me just those wood tones just read very handsome and boy yes and he is as you can see loves his dinosaurs but also just an animal lover he has his little managerie um the drapery is part of uh teal Duncan's new um fabric line and I just I love what she did and he's got his you know the little dinosaur prints on either side of the window and then my talented friend Elaine Burge who is an amazing artist in Sandersville Georgia she painted the uh the dinosaur for Samuel that's really really neat oh my gosh this is the dinosaur lovers dream the Cil rugs you have a lot of Cil I noticed around because it's pretty durable it's so durable it's been great for the boys it's these are um a really kind of thicker woven jute and they're soft underfoot so I have them in the bedrooms and they're still comfortable to walk on oh that's great that's absolutely great and then we have What a Wonder these are wonderfully sized rooms and the paneling just makes such a difference yeah so Henry um he's my oldest he's 10 and so he's kind of my sports boy he's into hanging out with his buddies and we um and he also his favorite color is green so this is actually antique peor the same color as the breakfast room um another Benjamin more color but he just he he loves his you know his Trinkets and his things and I wanted him to have a room where he could hang out with his friends and again Elaine bird she painted the um the amazing ugga above his bed um for him after um we won the first national championship um but yeah the Linens and everything are things that we've just had they're all really worn in and I do love mixing patterns especially on beds to give them a little bit more personality I agree I agree and just having the the Deep wood tones and the sconces by the bed are a great touch too and then this is a sweet bathroom I love this green tile and the wallpaper again in the bathroom yeah so a stripe is just classic to me it's very boy I feel do feel that it will grow for a long time with him and then like I said he's my green boy so we chose this really inexpensive um just Square emerald green tile you can see it has a lot of variation in color which I think is really fun and the polish nickel fixtures uh from the shower to me really pop against the green color and then we also have some of my favorite um pictures in here of our family farm this is um Beyond The Barn at Sunset and and he loves going there so I wanted him to have some of those one of the fields beside the house and then this is a painting of one of the the dirt roads um oh my gosh so yeah he he loves those so many personal touches and and you I feel like you as a designer had learned that about your clients as well right how to incorporate things that are meaningful to them because you've done it so beautifully in your own home it looks so good I love this color and the sofa well Maggie this has been such a treat um we well we have to take a quick peek too at this laundry room and now are these all your homes yeah so these are um we've done this a lot as you can see and this is one of my favorite ways to tell our story we've been married for almost 15 years and so we've moved a lot and renovated a lot and and it's just been great and I think the David and I both would say we we enjoy doing it together but um yeah that was just a fun spot to tuck those away but my favorite wallpaper leou from Benjamin I mean I'm sorry from brunwick and fee in the blue colorway and um you know this is where a lot of laundry happens a lot of laundry happens oh Maggie thank you so much for having us here I mean there's so much to take in I'm just going to keep looking and rewatching over and over again to get more inspired oh thank you all so much for being here and Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Channel: The Potted Boxwood
Views: 141,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BeV8lggVovQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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