Beyond the Curb home tour with @LibbysMovieHunt 🍃

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hello everyone i'm christina dandar of the potted foxwood and i am here with libby at her beautiful home that has so much history here in the park cities libby thank you for having us yes thank you for coming i i enjoy following your instagram so much it's such a blessing and it brings joy to the world every day which we need more of so thank you so much love potty box you're here oh we're glad to be here livy actually has an amazing instagram where she talks about it's called libby's movie hunt i'll tag it and she talks about the latest shows and movies and critiques them so i'm always going to her instagram to find out what to watch on tv so so fun to be here now tell us about this house it's beautiful okay this house was built about 23 years ago governor clements and his wife rita built it and the builder was richard drummond davis with the architect and they built it in oh like i said 23 years ago but governor clements was a very well-known governor in the 80s and he was so beloved because he just was a real character he was a republican whether either side of the aisle you were on you loved governor clements and he was just we always were a fan of his so it's kind of fun to own the home that they built after he was governor after he was governor though he actually moved to preston and then they built this later in life there's this was their grown-up house and now our grown-up house oh you can just tell immediately when you walk in all the millwork and well the details we love it so i've been talking about how this is really a historical home tour but the house is not that old technically no 23 years old but they made it look old and we we just love it and we my husband and i love history and collections and this was our very favorite thing about the house this is zubair which most of you probably know it is hand-painted in france it's hundreds how many years old i don't know i have a book on it but each panel panel is hand painted in france and this is the american revolution and what's fun about this wallpaper is actually what is in the white house and a lot of times you will see the president's standing in front of this wallpaper um you know giving their daily briefing or something when they're not doing their official podium at the lectern deal they're standing in front of this wallpaper another fun thing about this wallpaper if you've ever been to the greenbrier in virginia yes it's covered the whole downstairs dorothy draper famous dorothy draper is the one who put it in and it is just our favorite our other house we had zoo bear also but it was more we've always loved colonial homes we have more of an exotic wallpaper i believe it's called hindustan that may be wrong but this is the american revolution each little panel tells a story above the mantle and above the buffet is the niagara falls so that's fun so we love it and then uh okay this is a fun thing about this house too if you've been to my other house my whole other house was blue and yellow literally everything from our old house worked in this house but i mean it's the craziest thing that we didn't have to change many curt that's what was just so fun everybody who knows me they're like libby and ben has been here they're like this house was waiting for you and your husband to move into it it just was it was a god thing it was meant to be it's just too crazy we left the curtains we bought this table from governor clements and his wife with their family because they're deceased and the chairs and these this table is oh well over 200 years old and we bought the apern from them all the chandeliers came from either governor clement's home on preston obviously not from the governor's mansion but a lot of them got transferred from their other home and a lot of the outside ice outside pieces a lot of things that we have our families have been passed down like our silver service um but my husband and i are just big collectors so i absolutely adore it and then again all the details like on the fireplace yes the lion and then i'm sure there's some story to that i i wonder it has to do with the line you know a biblical story huh it very well could be uh rita and bill's designer was gloria nakood and she is still living and fabulous and she's a very prominent dallas designer and still designs and still designs and then oh i'll say my my so my old house we put columns in our old house and i really wanted it to be historically accurate and so we hired paul garzotto a dallas decorator to help because he has a degree in historical architecture to do that and he helped us with some of our furniture but then later my good friend and decorator perry henderson helped us and then he helped us with this house and um i'll show you some wonderful perry things that he did oh i would love to see it these responses are beautiful over here they were here so you really had a lot to work with already already these chairs were here these chairs they had on either side of the dining room table which we do sometimes uh my husband has bought bought our a lot of our pieces at auction because he likes a deal he loves a good auction so it's fun we found those fun lines on the ground at an auction one more look at the dining room here oh yeah they're so right cool favorite thing about this house probably besides that room it will have several things is this entry hall and um perry henderson our decorator helped us find these avala oblas and they are from russia and i just i love it because they're wood they're cool i love them they're very cool and my husband found these oh we got a lot of our antiques at tomlin antiques down at the design center and he gets them from all over we got that wonderful table and an option my okay so this is a funny thing about my husband too he only likes english furniture very traditional but he's letting me sprinkle in like we did the french mirrors that we bought you know so and another thing you'll see as you go through the house i love blue and white i i and this what's been fun about this house is i can spread out my collections absolutely now collections in this home are just i jaw dropping really okay this is our living room and um this room was this color and i always have you ever you know james farmer the famous decorator author gardener he always calls this color as his mother said carl so i always think about james farmer because it's carl and uh some people want to say it's pink i say it's carl or coral or salmon i like to say salmon it's honestly a fun mix of them both i think but in my mind i've already labeled this your amari room yes well that was so much fun to do with my amari because it worked and so this was another funny thing perry did is he said i go what are we going to do we bought that mirror from the clements i go what are we going to do with my amari he goes we are going to whomp it up we're going to just wamp so that's my new where we're wamping it up on the wall and boy did he i think it's just spectacular it really i mean i'm not you know it's him not me and um so this room all my furniture was yellow velvet and so what we did is we just switched it all to more of a salmon color and we did we have four toony all throughout the house because i love mixing fortuney's you know you'll if you'll see they're all different fabrics and so and i um have found a ven a lot of my fortuney is vintage and i my my mom and david's mom are big antiquers and we we scout around everywhere and my sister and a lot of these pieces are vintage pieces of fortini oh yeah what a neat fact yeah so that's kind of fun that is very thank you so you i feel like collecting really runs in your dna well i think both my husband and i collect because our mothers did you know and we've learned i just feel like i've had a degree in design but what's fun about mixing my libby's movie hunt my love of entertainment is my other love is entertaining and you know so this is the this is our grown-up house we're going to grow old here has a downstairs bedroom and i can just a way so really and the secretary we found in the pagoda and it's fun these this gold piece above the secretary was one of my husband's uncles and so that's fun everything throughout the house is really either we bought or something from the family that somehow we made work the secretary is really i like it i mean it's incredibly beautiful i really i really like it clothes let me show you but but um you know i don't know oh i like it open too i like it i like it both ways because the inside the really to see that beautiful red color that complements so beautifully to the coral walls salmon walls we'll come up with the right color i know the is what's too we buy we go to a lot of steak cells and these little men were dick basses who was my father-in-law's best friend and his first his wife was rita clements who then later married governor clements oh my goodness so funny so there's a lot we have a lot of dicks thing from his estate when he passed away um and again the millwork i mean richard drummond davis they did a great job i could show them we'll show them all the hardware too oh yes yes that i'm sure gloria nicood it's uh cheryl wagner all throughout the house just such a treasure and i don't think i appreciated it much until i got in here and realized how wonderful that the hardware was and you know like you said the molding and you know and i feel like there's such a beautiful transition between the rooms and also everything looks comfortable enough to sit in well i was telling you the other day that our house may seem formal but we are very casual i grew up in a home where literally my mom would like let me take her silver service out into the backyard to play with so she had a saying she goes people are more important than things i agree and so we put our feet on the coffee table we eat in this room which you know some that's a no-no in some families we eat on our bed i mean we just we live in our home and if something spills it spills if red wine is poured on it or you know we just that's the way that we have to live in our homes right so this is fun this is the one all this furniture came from my other house that is totally blue and white and yellow so it all just worked and we reworked perry reworked the curtains so they worked in this room i love the curtains and just get there it feels very fresh right the between the curtains and those two lounge chairs i was trying to update my other house a little bit and um because has my you know like i said my husband likes the traditional but i think i think this looks more updated but here let's show them the mantle so this is one fun thing governor clements and his wife did this is the state capital of texas oh my goodness that's carved in there just so people can see this is i mean truly carved wow and i wonder who did this mill work on that well or the hard you know we'll we may have to find out well yeah i have to find that out because that is a true somebody hit with true talent and then the six flags of texas right a lot of people know six flags amusement park but not a lot of people know that there were six flags that once stood over texas and i think we need to figure out a way to like this and then um this is the governor's mansion oh wow how neat i mean look the columns are even stick out i wonder if the home was designed with some resemblance to the governor's mansion because this almost looks like it could be your house here oh it does isn't it i love a traditional home i guess you would call this more gothic revival or definitely revival revival new orleans right and our other house was definitely traditional colonial with columns but it's funny because we were going to build our dream home and this literally the outside of this house with the upstairs balcony and columns is what we were going to build and then hello you know oh did i say this that yes that everybody's like this house was waiting for you like our stuff just worked well that's wonderful when you don't have to totally redo everything and have a big project and um and if it was in today's day and age with the shipping of everything that you'd be set in gold well all our rug we we collect cerus and mahal rugs and all our cerus and mahal's worked i mean we only bought one rug it's like a palace size for the dining room and we bought that from the clements that more salmon uh rug and they worked with ours but my cute husband like people they were tearing down some building downtown and he went and they were demolishing and he went up i wish i knew maybe it was a public bank building and he got it salvaged that eagle wow you know i mean just fun just fun history yeah fun history throughout and these chairs look so comfortable they're bro and they swivel so we can turn around watch tv now do you like having swivel chairs they love the hot debate love them and then you just because you can turn around watch tv here and then we collect boxes and love this card table oh my god that was my mother this is perfect for playing majon which i've gotten very into definitely and i put a fabric on it i think my mom helped me with that we wanted something to look old and needle pointed and i believe it's i did a lot of brunswick and fee in my old house um i believe that's what all this this is either bro or schumacher or brunswick's wig and pit but i i kind of switched over in this house but it's kind of fun and the ceiling alone i focused on that a little bit it's really nice the ceiling's just beautiful the um obviously i love plates one decorator was like don't buy another plate but i can't help myself oh we need to talk about two real quickly uh one thing in my other house perry came in and and my mom helped me too so i'm with this is we redid all my lampshades and we went to melissa woody at the lamp shop love them and trimmed them and lined them and got wonderful finials which i didn't know was a word and so all the finials if you look are really fun on their little rocks and and they fall off very easily a lot of the acrylic bases i've noticed on a lot of your lamps yes okay so that's the one thing i wanted to update everything and look a little more modern so we we did a lot of acrylic here and there on stuff like this fun egg it looks like a fabric of egg that was got i got that from dick bass's estate when he passed away it's just really neat i love how it all ties together i do too i do too so okay we'll go this way i love the little pop of red in the bar here last time and we um i had a bar just like that in my other house so perfect perfect yeah perfect and then this hallway is beautiful you're sweet we love this little um you know what do you call it on the wall no just the collection the display the blue and white yeah i collect blue and white old chinese and so that's that's been a fun thing to collect but again i need to stop with the plates then we have a lot of plates but they're all so perfectly put together that piece of furniture at the end of the hall you'll probably get to it is uh one of our first pieces of furniture that might it's real real old so just the chest of drawers real wood but we don't see a lot of these days right so that's fun oh this is lovely and this is our grown-up downstairs bedroom that we we hang out in and the curtains were here we did not change these are pierre frey and we loved them so we made it work our other bedroom was all blue and white tall and so i kind of had to totally swish gears and do yellow we kind of did the walls like a little buttery yellow it's a soft it gives it's like the perfect amount of light in the yellow it was white and i just thought oh we need a little color and uh go rita clements apparently had lots of meetings in the sitting room like set up a table and laura bush would sit in here and have visits and but uh so it's kind of fun this is my little hangout room this is where you watch your movies you watch your movies in here and yes yes and we and i my husband and i collect staffordshire and he loves that because his mother loved it and i'm trying to get really old pieces but you know i just don't know much about staff sure i'm trying to learn but this is a fun thing i showed you the other day uh the i said what are perry what are we going to do with all my hair and i love my hair and he goes look let's put it on these little sconces so our brackets i guess you call them brackets and um so we displayed my hair in that way i i've never seen that before i thought that was cute what a clever idea and i love the again the carving the mill work the wood yes this look at this fireplace it's really pretty it's really and i like the the lighter wood kind of the bleached or no that's really beautiful kind of fun the plan was to set a table in here maybe like david and i would have breakfast in there but no that yeah sometimes we gotta get out of the out of the bedroom and then we're gonna take a quick peek into the bathroom because the wallpaper is just so sweet in here and again look at the hardware i can't i mean yeah well how lovely to move into a house that already has such beautiful hardware this wallpaper was here and i i love it it's fun it's above the even above the uh tub and the the you need to get a shot of the faucets they're really fun the swan oh i love it what a great um just to even see the millwork in the bathroom is amazing and then the door handle here oh my gosh how beautiful and show the door handles on all the house i just noticed recently they're all little mermaids oh my gosh okay hold on sorry guys we're getting um your hair let's see now oh that's really neat and you turn it this way to open it like this yeah oh wow how fun to wake up with that i love everything look at my little mermaids every day oh my gosh we're going so it's fun um more hair this is what i copied from a mutual friend of ours she had put brackets with steps or dogs on a whole wall and then my husband wanted some color so we put staff sure on i just thought i might cover the whole wall i don't know but i love i love that i feel like you might as well if you're going to get beautiful things you might as well just keep keep them you know everywhere and put together in groupings right and we're looking for something above our bed kind of fun that's beautiful i just love hearing the history behind all the details we've really had fun with it and then the doors too i feel like yes just seeing how these doors are made it's really they're so pretty with the the hardware the hardware it's so fun oh it's really cute and we have a place for a big pot oh and these we have to talk about i don't know if i've ever seen a blue and white pot that big tomlin antiques again we got those and oh we just we're in love with them and it's they've been a lot of fun they're beautiful i was trying to make this whole area what would the word be like a solarium like a green so i filled this baker's rack with oh what was it uh hydrangeas and how that do i don't have a green thumb they died my husband's like i knew that so all my delft we decided to move out here and i i love it and i in fact i think i'm gonna again shouldn't buy more plates but i think we might go up i love it feels good i thought these were so interesting because they're written in german and i um my niece is married to a dutch german guy who speaks seven languages and said that he said they talk about cows oh interesting um yes fantastic and i love again how you use the acrylic risers yes i put all those olives that was fun too uh do you want to get this little madonna oh yes that's really beautiful so that's fun we had had that piece of marble made for it and that you know that wasn't as expensive that was not pretty there's somebody the design center that'll do that that's really to make a marbled stamp stand yeah perry can hook you up oh we thought about putting it on uh acrylic but that was more expensive really yes i'm surprised now we've got to take a little peek at this this is one of my favorite parts of the house the the bathroom is de bourne wallpaper and of course yellow which is my favorite look did you get the ceiling yes love the butter i we're big butterfly people i love butterflies too and i just love all the little sconces in here and again the doorway the hardware all the sconces were here wow all the light fixtures kind of fun beautiful it's really pretty and all our paintings throughout the house you'll you'll see um they're not you know spectacularly expensive museum quality but they're they're good that's all that matters is that they work and they fit in the space and you like them yes this is the breakfast room and this is another funny thing about this house our old dining room had this fabric on it and look it worked in this room this again coral color and um it worked this is divorne and i think it's one of the pretty i i really have always been a gracie girl and i've actually never had gracie but it was like but i'm thinking i'll really love do gourmet too i love divorning i love deborah and gracie you really can't go wrong i would love to do something with blue gracie like maybe some panels somewhere at some point in my house and then again we're it's a nice way to um display our staffordshire and we that that woody buffet welsh dresser we had in our other home and it worked in that space it's crazy it works perfectly yeah so fun we found that painting in an estate sale so again the rugs everything it's just fun they all this blends together the inside room is a little dark and um but i think it's we made white lampshades and i think that helps i agree and i think just as having that kind of the baseboards because yeah and the molding the white kind of off-white cream the paint color in here is beautiful let me tell you all about entertainment so i entertain all the time and i think a lot of people don't want to entertain for this reason they're worried about their baseboards being dirty they're worried about cobwebs y'all nobody's looking at that stuff entertain have fun just go with it like just don't worry about i think too many people worry about stuff that nobody's looking at you know i agree completely and just you know people are not looking at details this is we are today yeah we are well or you know yes yes this is um just the kitchen was here just like this my other house my this was on my chairs in my other kitchen it worked really beautiful fabrics everywhere and i don't know who makes this wallpaper but it is probably will be here for 100 years it is very durable it's almost made out of like what you'd put on a kid's place mat or something you know so it's fine and i collect blue blue willow and actually i have way more than this and it just my other house had it over every single wall and i just didn't have anywhere to really display it here blue willow i love the color yes the blue the blue marble and then the tile and you know it looks it doesn't look old or dated you know in my other house i put in the white marble which everybody's doing which i by the way worked for me i it didn't stain you know like everybody's worried about but i liked this and my mom has always had tile in her kitchen so that felt familiar to me did you get the tile above the on the range i think that's real pretty it's really beautiful and then it's so neat to pile on the sides here and the i love uh religious pieces like this old needle point uh i have a few more there may not be out right here i i was collecting samplers i believe is what you call them and that this was simply to be i clean um but i've always you know i mean i don't have a room i gotta put some of it up beautiful i can i'm excited to show the tile in the bar yeah yeah it's fun this is real fun so this is the butler's pantry bar and they put uh again governor clements and his wife put all these little tiles about things about texas a lot of county courthouses oh just historical places state capital our state bird which is the mockingbird and the alamo and someone who taught third grade texas history even though i'm from florida i do appreciate this just a lot bishop's palace i believe is in galveston maybe governor's mansion hopkins county fort worth union station really administration building old red the university of texas yes wow i i just the history is very neat my aunt betsy price was the mayor of fort worth and she thought this was a lot of fun because it has some footwork things in it oh i really do think it's great so she came over and just got such a kick out of this and there's a lot more of these tiles that i think i need to find something to do with right and again this was they pulled this over into here so it's great for parties you know just go back and forth absolutely and i love this kind of sit sitting area right here in the hallway well when the kids we've had parties i've found my my kids are all in their 20s and i'd find some of them sitting out here in the hall so this yellow velvet was my whole other house with the blue that was the whole look of the other house that's right and then i again the blue and white old chinese so it's fun it's really beautiful i love this this mirror i guess they call them kind of a pillow mirror you might want to take a little shot of this i thought this you don't have to get up close but i collect soapstone and i'm like what am i going to do with that i came up with that i decorated that on my own and then this leads to is this a back stair back staircase upstairs yeah like people need to see just the the collections and the layer but again the the way the doors and the moldings and the mill work it just really adds such a shot at this store look this goes you know obviously from the kitchen into the dining room this is like a little cat or is it a cat or a dragon i hope it's not a dress i know what it is i think it's more like a cat it kind of looks more like a cat this is the only thing that makes it look like a dragon yeah but stuff like that is just and then you can close that off while you're eating and they make it unique and special they're beautiful and just this grand entry i love it i'm going to give one quick shot of the blue and white on the top of the stairs here and this was another thing we always wanted to build on home but we were like the problem with building a staircase like this is it takes up a lot of square footage but you know it was already done so we didn't have to worry about that you didn't have to worry about it and this this i think this is an italian piece but we like it it's really beautiful and then i love kind of all the layering of stairs and steps and now we can kind of really see out from up top here and i'm thinking about covering that whole wall with blue and white but but we'll see well we can take a vote on it i think that would look beautiful i really really do just to have a great overall view of the house from up here is amazing and the light fixtures maybe we'll have a wedding here someday well that would be fabulous we got to get those the children married right nobody's married well libby thank you so much for touring us through your beautiful classic home you just love it so much i loved having you all thank you for coming and touring i'm such a fan of the potted box and i have been for years you bring so much joy and light to our world so thank you oh well thank you and i definitely love libby's movie hunt i'll tag it below definitely look out for when she post movie critiques and show reviews it's been really helpful to find what to watch on tv i love entertainment and i love entertaining and i love having you all here so thank you christina we're so grateful thank you and thank you all for watching bye
Channel: The Potted Boxwood
Views: 56,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BD4DC4RWcm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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