'Beyond Stillness Meditation' by Tony Samara

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okay I hope everyone was there and present to this transmission today being the foreman wonderful day to allow for some moments of contemplation and meditation sometimes it's very important to just look at things from a neutral perspective in in that you just observe your life for the activities that are happening in your life from the very neutral perspective on the perspective where there is no judgment or reactive emotional response to what you're thinking about what you're feeling you're just looking at things in the same way you may look at things if you're walking through a forest and there's a rock and there's a Trillium there's waterfall and you don't get upset that the rock is in the wrong place where the tree is growing in the middle of someplace that you don't want it to be growing and it's just there so observation just means and so now the situation to be as it is and just watch come aware this is especially important during the full moon and you know why you know during the formal even if you may not be conscious or aware of such during homeroom and there is a lot more coming up to the surface subconscious coming up to the surface your conscious mind in are aware my emotional Reynolds of whole situations coming up to the surface sometimes we looked at or understood in a different way I saw what bubbling up to the surface live so this is the case it's for most human beings this is the case then a way to understand have not to be overwhelmed by the situation or by the what is coming up to the surfaces through just applying consciousness within the activities of everyday life and then whatever you are doing this is the intention of today's meditation build stillness creating an activity that is anchored within consciousness within the state of deep awareness as you breathe in and breathe out I go all the little things that are going on inside the mind or difficult things that you may be feeling or just the distractions or noise it may be happening in the background inside of your around you so you let that go just imagining yourself the beautiful place that's sunny and bright full of light you breathe in this lightness into your body a sense other space it comes so much all free so much more easy to appreciate so much more easy to communicate within just notice the lightness creates even more freedom but freedom to do things in the same old way just to observe to be present and to appreciate through observation and awareness through presence to appreciate certain qualities that normally remain invisible to breathe in breathe out in to appreciate the wonderful aspects of life such as gratitude and thankfulness and sometimes are not present in our activity just quite go for breathing just thankful for being here just grateful for this moment of stillness - thankful be in the life being part of this miracle of life continues in the meditation in stillness to just highlight this gratitude is thankfulness in all and everything that comes to that bubbles up to the surface every little thought or feeling every little aspect that you become aware of as you sit in stillness bubbles up to the surface just greeting and meeting this aspect where thankfulness would gratefulness [Music] feeling this sensing this in your body does not just a conceptual thought there is an energy that meets every situation that is thankful energy that is just blissfully quite grateful for all and everything the affirmation is all is perfect you need to change or create change simply appreciating and being thankful that all is perfect the line may come up where certain little arguments or reasons as to why things are not perfect but simply appreciate and be thankful and grateful for mind even being able to do such wonderful night and I'm thankful and grateful for its capacity to discern and sometimes to just get caught in all and everything and to try to untangle and see clearly through many many layers of human experience as I'm having positivity in action [Music] we breathe in and breathe out everything's met who greeted and embraced with this thankful wonderful positively new attitude but allows you to just be here aware and present [Music] [Music] [Music] deep breath who would protest to be appreciate even the stillness quietness spaciousness freedom so that every prayer to repeat entail by knowledge has this positive free attitude it allows the mind to move beyond at which those the old paradigms to move to this spacious light positive wonderful clear attitude deep breath the next to make sure your body's totally relaxed part of embracing life in its perfect state of being making sure that you're not reactive there is any tension in the body the muscles your shoulders are tight or your face is holding on to a fold or a feeling just make sure that you observe this so that you're aware of the tension the jaws or in the shoulders on the lower back your posture let go by coming back the state of gratitude being positive and firming the spaciousness of being the lightness of being keep grass under POTUS to be here present and aware even aware of tensions in the party it's wonderful to be free enough to have a choice through awareness to let go come back this state is natural state of receptivity your posture and your body reflect your state of mind there's any tension in your body often reflects attention in your mind the mind compact a receptivity is vital posture is an alignment with freedom with spaciousness I think of tensions letting go of anxieties letting go stresses biochemical imbalances just coming back to its natural state or freedom every little cell in the body recognizing this freedom letting go attention karmic tension physical tension emotional tension there are so many layers to tension that you make up one becomes easier to let go the other you breathe in and breathe out natural for the body to the tired weary of new structures to come conscious of the back being straight and the shoulders being relaxed but opens that the breathing is more profound breathing is more full and complete natural for this to perhaps feel a little bit the experience a little bit unusual so much easier to slouch and to hold your body upright your body has become accustomed to starting take a little bit of energy a little bit of awareness to come back your body where by the structure is harmonized with receptivity expect all to flow right in this moment because expectation can create tension in itself you have to do more but relaxation is letting go this need to do just going in depleted by this tension that is created within the mind but it needs to do this or do that activity flows naturally just like a river it's no need for the river to become different than what it is a river flows naturally moves its vitalized by its movement and misses why it's a river doesn't need to be a river don't need to get to one place quicker or slower or do things in a way that makes it more special River than another river consciousness flows naturally consciousness for space where natural choice is made were freedom I guess soon as you become reactive or tense 1-quart mundaneness of echoic drives and desires and needs and the activity becomes depleting this is the activity we're used to learn we're used to creating this activity even in our spiritual practice or our meditation please be aware of this this happens simply embrace on the positive attitude of being thankful being grateful coming back to this moment [Music] deep breath [Music] so wonderful just create a space of course life continues directed it has we to eat sleep then you must need to work and do practical things that take up your time energy and even distract our thoughts and feelings but for this next month you may wish to create a clear intention clear communication within a loser in the clear message at your body-mind energy nervous system communicates to the world so you become a clear reflection of your intention assume this intention is something that resonates deep within yourself in tension just being free intention of just opening up this likeness for spaciousness this state of receptivity you can create this intention in the way that cables moves comfortable that speaks more deeply to yourself intention can be something as simple as every time I notice my body turns every time I notice my emotional body reactive every time I notice we give energy to the mundane rather than to the sacred space of stillness / then I'll embrace some positive attitude within myself embrace with activity relaxation breathing in more deeply correcting the posture of the body letting go of tension the intention then becomes clear mirror of activity rather than feeling guilty or putting yourself down the activity of the ego creating a victim situation out of selection and flowing or isn't working in the way that you would like it to you're allowing for the river to flow in a very different direction and in its natural direction [Music] that is to come back to a state of receptivity where you're open to freedom the choices to the possibilities to the potential within the experience rather than reacting in the belief or in the paradigm that there is only one result there is only one outcome so you look in your mind you're opening your body you're opening the energy centers within your body to potential to the choices of course this to happen one needs to come back to state or the deep relaxation wherever there are tensions that reward the spiritual practice can be to let them go and see the possibilities open oneself to the possibilities simply create intention that allows your heart to celebrate this is a wonderful practice for the next level the new moon the full moon become wellstones for markers on the journey whereby we remind ourselves of the celebration of the joy the happiness of the Bliss that spiritual practice truly is a transcendence towards consciousness that allows our life to no longer be mundane but for every activity to be a sacred aspect of our inner growth of spiritual journey deep breath the intention becomes more clear within the heart she breathe in and breathe out they wish to sit in stillness for a few moments just allow body to integrate this intention that you've created deep within your heart to integrate this clear space that you've created within yourself but every step that you take in whichever way that you take post it becomes a celebration becomes wonderful useful reminder it's great to be alive it's wonderful to be here thank you you
Channel: Tony Samara
Views: 49,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Relaxation, Satsang, heart, guru, healing, love, realization, spirituality, enlightenment, evolution, god, ramana, freedom, growth, tony samara, master, health, nature, peace, happiness, divine, energy, Meditation, yoga, Awakening, osho, Poetry, Mysticism, Hafiz, Soul, karma, vlog, stress, anxiety, chakra, guidance, abundance, angels, Rumi, breathing, depression, emotions, brain, neurons, kundalini, quantum, mantra, om, reiki, third eye, vibration, shamanic, zen, Happy, Consciousness, Self-Realisation, Ego, Gratitude, Healthy, Awareness, Wisdom
Id: -H8tCFZU3t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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