Guided Sleep Meditation Let Go of Anxiety, Fear, Worry Before Sleep

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hello my name is Jason Stevenson and welcome to this guided meditation that will help you to release any and all anxiety fear or worry that may be lingering in your body in mind as you are guided to naturally let go you will effortlessly move towards a deep and peaceful sleep that will carry you through the night ahead so when you're ready take a few moments to adjust your physical body in a way that brings you comfort and ease in a lying down position prepared for a solid night's rest take a moment to straighten your spine and to open up any areas of contraction soften your belly opening your shoulders and release any tension in the forward area just allow yourself to come to a state of complete stillness aside from any growing awareness of the way the breath moves effortlessly through you if challenging emotions are present or become present at any point during this meditation just practice sending them off with kindness without becoming attached to the stories they tell to any uncomfortable sensation or thoughts that arise you might like to whisper I see you and I release you so take a few moments now to reconnect with the breath and in just a few breath cycles from now we will move into a visualization that will cleanse your body of all tension and stress and all fear [Music] now draw your attention to the center of your chest holding your awareness on your heart space just for a moment and as you breathe into this area of your body feel your heart expanding and softening with each full breath much like the belly does while feeling an energetic opening taking place when we root ourselves in the heart allowing energy to flow through this compassionate loving Center we facilitate the movement of healing energy through the body so if the mind wanders at any point or if challenging feelings come up ground yourself in the center of your heart allowing it to heal the energetic and emotional body that may be playing into whatever fears and worries are present with your consciousness [Music] I invite you now to tune into your mind's eye as you begin to visualize yourself sitting on a flat open rock close to the edge of a peaceful lake at dusk as the Sun sets behind the tree line in the not too far distance hear yourself settling comfortably beneath the golden glow that lightly illuminates the lake [Music] tune into the subtle presence of the warm air around you any forest sounds that linger in the air and the stunning scenery that surrounds you feel completely comfortable in this space nourished by the natural environment that you are aware you are an intricate part of the late summer means the lake is warm even as the Sun sets as you gaze across the still waters something is calling you towards the edge of the shore you rise from where you are seated and walk mindfully step by step towards the water's edge soon you come to stand with your toes just an inch away from the peaceful body of water but you now sense is calling you deeply into it water is a powerful divine element of this earth that as the power to cleanse us energetically it flows effortlessly sometimes rising as challenging emotions or fearful thought however it is this very characteristic of flow this effortless coming and going that allows for us to let go and release all that no longer serves us [Music] so while emotions feelings or thoughts may arise in our consciousness for a moment perhaps even bringing discomfort fear or uncertainty water helps to cleanse us of these energies if they linger for longer than is jus standing by the edge of the shore you now hear the cleansing call of water as you are prepared to let go of stagnant energies that are causing mental or emotional discomfort you have been intuitively guided here and you are prepared to surrender to the lake allowing her healing energy to help you process whatever is caught up within you so you take two steps forward allowing your feet to feel the incredibly soothing body of water before you you move forward just another couple of steps and your ankles become submerged now slowly and steadily now you move further and further into the water your shins and calves now beneath the surface and then your knees of thighs and finally your hips you are now waist-deep in this soothing body of water take a moment to breathe deeply into the base of the spine here allowing the belly to soften as it releases any aversion to letting go [Music] standing here for another moment feet planted in the sandy surface of the earth beneath you you might take a moment to allow your highest self to become aware of whatever it is you wish to release whatever fear whatever contraction whatever tension or whatever worry is no longer serving your journey hold this awareness in your compassionate heart until you feel inspired to let it all go trusting this process completely [Music] raising your arms up and overhead you've prepared to take a final leap of faith as you will come to submerge yourself in the healing water completely take a deep inhalation and as you exhale and vision yourself diving forward it first into the glassy surface of the lake you are now completely submerged feeling into a full surrender of all mental constructs that are keeping you hooked on an experience of fear or anxiety or stress [Music] take a few moments to breaststroke through the calm waters as you witness the water rushing across your physical body allow it to pick up and carry away any unsupportive thoughts that have contributed to the stress and any anxiety you have felt lately [Music] now witness yourself as you turn onto your back allowing yourself to float effortlessly atop the surface of the lake the Sun has now set behind the trees completely out of sight all that remains of it is a vibrant pink glow that invites everything beneath it into surrender for the coming night floating on your back allow any and all remaining stressful or anxious thoughts to be carried off your back sinking down to the lakes floor all fearful thoughts and energies that land here will be taken in by the natural world transformed into something new that will hold greater potential to contribute to a beautiful inspired and meaningful existence for all beings so as you stare up at the night sky which slowly fades into darkness notice your self feeling free of all earthly concerns deeply connected to the cosmos and the natural flow of life [Music] take a few final breaths here bloating effortlessly atop the water as you thank the water for its support and its cleansing energy you feel light and free here unconstrained by any thoughts that previously weighed you down [Music] now allow the imagery of the lake and the night sky to slowly disappear return to the space before your closed eyes as you return to the physical space you are resting in though you have left behind the beautiful lake that nourished you for a time honor its gifts by allowing its healing energy to remain with you with nothing left to visualize and nothing left to be released you are ready now to surrender into a deep and restorative sleep return to your breath allowing it to remind you of the steady flow of water that continually nourishes and rejuvenates everything it comes into contact with as you surrender into sleep allow the following words to carry you embody the truth of their deepest meaning letting them resonate with the cellular level of your being I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me [Music] I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention [Music] I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance [Music] I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me [Music] I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper [Music] worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me [Music] I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life [Music] I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me [Music] I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention [Music] I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally [Music] you I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition [Music] I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts [Music] I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance [Music] I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I released what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness [Music] I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper [Music] worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence [Music] I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention [Music] I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts [Music] I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I released what does not serve me [Music] I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness [Music] I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me [Music] I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me [Music] I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace [Music] here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease [Music] I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally [Music] I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts [Music] I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life [Music] I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way [Music] with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace [Music] here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise [Music] I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness [Music] I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I [Music] am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me [Music] I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be [Music] I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I [Music] confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way [Music] with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with lovingkindness [Music] I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey [Music] Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally [Music] I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition [Music] I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts [Music] I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life [Music] I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance [Music] I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way [Music] with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I released what does not serve me I witnessed my own flow with loving-kindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness [Music] I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition [Music] I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way [Music] with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me [Music] I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper [Music] worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey [Music] peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence [Music] I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention [Music] I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me [Music] I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness [Music] I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey [Music] Pease lives within me peace lives within me [Music] I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be [Music] I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me [Music] I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace [Music] beer is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control [Music] I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention [Music] I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance [Music] I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me [Music] I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper beer is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life [Music] I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease [Music] I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life you I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way [Music] with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance you I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I released what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise [Music] I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuvered through whatever comes my way you with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control you I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally you I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life you I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with loving-kindness i witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper beer is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me you I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witnessed my own flow with lovingkindness I witnessed my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper fear is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention you I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I released what does not serve me you I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts you I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance you I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper you worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness you I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey peace lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control you I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way with each exhalation I release what does not serve me with each exhalation I release what does not serve me you I witness my own flow with lovingkindness I witness my own flow with loving-kindness you you I move through life's challenges with grace I move through life's challenges with grace here is an opportunity for me to move deeper here is an opportunity for me to move deeper worries wash off my back swiftly as they arise worries wash off my back as swiftly as they arise I am moving into a higher state of awareness I am moving into a higher state of awareness I trust the ever unfolding journey I trust the ever unfolding journey Pease lives within me peace lives within me I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in alignment with a higher intelligence I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I am in harmony with the universe that supports me I continually renew myself with the power of my intention I continually renew myself with the power my intention I let go with grace and ease I let go with grace and ease I am loved and supported unconditionally I am loved and supported unconditionally I trust the guidance of my intuition I trust the guidance of my intuition I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am connected to that which is independent of my thoughts I am always here where I need to be I am always here where I need to be I trust the divine flow of life I trust the divine flow of life I am naturally in balance I am naturally in balance I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I release anxiety about that which I cannot control I confidently maneuver through whatever comes my way you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,272,610
Rating: 4.5359969 out of 5
Keywords: guided sleep meditation, let go of anxiety, let go, fear, worry, before sleep, jason stephenson, jason stephenson meditation, guided meditation, sleep guided meditation, sleep meditation, anxiety meditation, meditation for sleep, anxiety guided meditation, guided meditation anxiety, let go of fear
Id: acLUWBuAvms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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