Beyond Oak Island: HOLY GRAIL SAN JOSE SHIPWRECK *Worth 20 Billion Dollars* (Season 1) | History

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here's how it all comes together maddie  if you look at the statistics in england   apparently in the last recent history 90 percent  of the historical artifacts that now sit in   museums so the population can see them were found  by treasure hunters wow and that's an example of   a good policy that works not archaeologists but  treasures treasure hunters yes not archaeologists   you know we've spoken a lot here about principled  individual behaviors and unprincipled behaviors   but there's a case a treasure find off the  coast of columbia a ship called the san jose   and it speaks eloquently to what happens  when governments become unprincipled what   it comes down to mandy is what we learned  as kids finders keepers losers weepers   not necessarily true when  it comes to treasure hunting two thousand feet beneath the waves off the  coast of cartagena colombia near a sandy spot   called isla delta soro treasure island lie  the remains of a once great spanish galleon   the san jose known as the holy grail of  shipwrecks the galleon was sunk after a   disastrous naval battle with the british in 1708  but what makes the san jose particularly notorious   is its cargo an estimated 20 billion  dollars in gold silver and jewels and   so far as anyone knows the vast fortune  is still in the ship's watery hole the san jose was in panama looting gold brought  up from the west coast of south america and it was   there for a very long period of time so it stored  a lot of gold along with several other ships   and they all say looked for cartagena colombia  at the same time san jose would have carried gold   would have carried silver from the  mayans potosi would have carried emeralds the british government was aware of this fleet and engaged in a battle which resulted in the  san jose being targeted and hit by several   shots from the british ships and ultimately  exploded and sank for nearly 300 years one of the   largest treasure horns ever to set sail was lost  but never forgotten in 2015 maritime archaeology   consultants contracted with the colombian  government and the woods hole oceanographic   institution the same organization that located  the remains of the titanic in 1985 to find the   wreck one of the men on board when the hunt began  was woods hole research engineer jeff kaley an   expedition of this scale is incredibly complex and  it really comes down to having a really good team   our team was archaeologists we had researchers  from woods hole members of the columbian   government all bringing their specialties  together where any one of those components   by themselves wouldn't have been successful  it really was a huge collaborative effort our first mission in the summer of 2015  was successful at finding where the san   jose was not and then later that year at  the end of 2015 we had a second expedition   which was successful in fighting the san jose   but finding the san jose was not the end of  this treasure hunt it was only the beginning so there's an interesting thing about  this even if we know that the treasure is   there whose is it spain wants it because it was  a spanish galleon that sunk colombia says it's   theirs because it's in their waters then again  it was taken from the incan empire the colombian   government causes the colombian waters probably  has the strongest claim to the wreck which i'm   sure has the strongest claim they also have the  biggest navy down there they have the biggest   gun so they make the rules and then you have spain  who's saying well it was our ship it's our gold we   stole that fair and square the san jose is one of  the most sought after sunken treasures in history   but a protracted legal fight has so far prevented  those who discovered the ship's whereabouts   from recovering its precious cargo and  property from their labor quite literally   we're talking about billions of dollars in in  treasure i really can't see any of the parties   that are going to be willing to just throw  in the towel on this at the same time more   treasure the more trouble the most profitable  part of the san jose is the lawyers from the   day after it sank lawyers are making money on the  san jose that's the truth but there is one force   that is more powerful than any world government  and it is even more destructive mother nature   while the fight over the san jose rages  on land the treasure worth billions of   dollars is slowly dissolving in the warm  salty waters off the colombian coast   every day goes by another day there's less of it  it's the law of nature it just happens saltwater   environment is not a conducive environment to  man-made objects i look at it as we're just   clearing the ocean floor of previous man's clutter  it doesn't belong there let's get it out of there   i mean when you see a story like that guys does  that give you pause in how you proceed here   who you deal with well who we deal with  certainly you try you always try and find   people of integrity i mean how do you know  you know rick and i have a saying that uh   when it comes to shysters the good ones are good  really good well yeah they ooze credibility you   know so you have to be on your guard but you  know generally speaking most people are bona   fide yeah they're principled yeah and i think  good karma attracts good karma i guess is one   somewhat naive way to say it but it's true i  mean if you behave with honor and integrity   it draws people to you and  i lay it at the feet of that principle you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history channel shows, the curse of oak island, beyond oak island, the curse of oak island clips, the curse of oak island full episodes, beyond oak island clips, beyond oak island full episodes, marty lagina, dan blankenship, david blankenship, oak island clues, Treasure hunter, beyond oak island season 1, beyond oak island se 1, beyond oak island s1, HOLY GRAIL SAN JOSE SHIPWRECK, Gary Drayton, San Jose shipwreck, Butch Cassidy, Finders Keepers
Id: _p1al_589Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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