Beyond Oak Island: Gary's Jaw-Dropping Incan Gold Discovery (Season 1) | History

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the greatest treasure ring ever found  in america unbelievable that thing   that is beautiful that is spectacular gary 22 and  a half carat inca gold with nine flawless emeralds   wow what might something like that be worth  worth a cool free course of a million dollars   just found on the beach yep wow gary is  spectacular find like that you must remember that   day like yesterday i'll never forget that day i  was in one of my favorite sites and i saw that the   treasure salvage guys were blowing to sand off  the reef really close to shore but the one thing   that i noticed was there was a heck of a lot  of shells and i had a feeling that those guys   you know they might have blown a treasure coin  close to shore i start metal detector within feet   i get a 1694 juan raila silver coin i  think oh i don't get any better than this   the research paid off so i was like in heaven  but then when i got to the end of the shell   pile i got the signal it sounded like a tin can  it was so loud and i dug i knew i'll be honest   i nearly gave up i was thinking oh it's just  a tin can and on the last scoop out pops this   fantastic piece of gold colored metal and i  thought oh no i was disappointed at first what   i thought it was a champagne bottle top right yeah  like it's just that's about the size of it isn't   it yeah like a wire bale and i'm like oh no and i  picked up turned it over oh man i feel crazy just   thinking about it now when i saw that inca gold  and nose green emeralds my knees just turned jelly   so wait a second what's incan treasure you know  doing on the coast of florida hurricanes mate   one word oregon like the san miguel by the  mid-18th century hundreds of spanish french and   portuguese treasure galleons attempted to navigate  their way from south and central america back to   their home nations and their monarchs a lot of  treasure was smuggled if the manifest said 100   million dollars it might have had 200 million on  it there was a lot of hidden treasure because they   didn't want to pay taxes once jewelry was not  taxed at the same rate as bullying by the crown   so they would make jewelry out of everything  they could which is why they would wear   17 pounds of gold on them they would  tax cheats just like we have them now each spring a fleet of spanish treasure ships  embarked on the often harrowing journey back to   spain the galleons were heavily fortified against  pirates but had little protection from bad weather   and the storms took a devastating toll after  the seventeen only one treasure flea the 1705   fleet that was laden with  treasure got back to spain   in 1715 king philip of spain found himself  in a personal quandary that motivated him to   launch a new fleet of ships to bring gold  silver and jewels back from the new world   so king philip gave out wood i need  the treasure because he was married   to isabel and isabelle wouldn't consummate the  marriage unless she got the dowry of jewels   so poor old philip he's like i ain't having any  of this i need that treasure so he gave the word   to set sail the 1715 fleet consisted of  eleven ships six filled with treasure   while the others were heavily armed  in order to protect the precious cargo unfortunately the 1715 fleet they  made it through the florida straits   but they were ripped by an horrendous  hurricane on july the 31st 1750 the entire fleet and billions of dollars of  treasure including the queen's jewels was lost today some 300 years later this stretch of florida  coastline near vero beach is known as the treasure   coast due to the vast riches that often wash  ashore i knew what this was this would have been   destined for queen isabel it has to be i i just  could not believe something so beautiful has been   rolling around in the surf for 300 years but one  thing i do know this ring is the king of the bobby dazzlers this treasure ring was part of queen isabelle's  dowry oh yeah this was intended for queen   isabel of spain that is pretty cool she was  supposed to wear that ring yeah you got it oh   yeah it must make your wife feel pretty special  yeah it did and my wife put it on yeah she did   so instead of going to queen isabelle of spain it  went to queen jennifer of florida well said gary you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 359,806
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Keywords: history, history channel, history channel shows, the curse of oak island, beyond oak island, the curse of oak island clips, the curse of oak island full episodes, beyond oak island clips, beyond oak island full episodes, marty lagina, dan blankenship, david blankenship, oak island clues, Treasure hunter, beyond oak island season 1, beyond oak island se 1, beyond oak island s1, Deep Water Gold, remarkable story, Gold Discovery, discovery of 24 carat gold, treasure, Water Gold
Id: twgJo6idmXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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