Beyond Limits | Erwin McManus - Mosaic

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[Music] to or [Music] No [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] are you guys excited to be in church yes okay okay I want to say what's up to all the online people we love you we can't hear you we can't see you but we love you but we want to shout out some campuses here first if you were from Bozek OC could you do a little okay we're you know we'll get better next time mosaic Venice paths make some noise pastor john thomas going crazy out here okay i see you and to the best campus in this whole entire great United States of America mosaic Hollywood okay so we're gonna introduce ourselves really quick my name is Mariah and I serve here on the warship team my name is Jake I also serve on the worship team here at the woods my name is Keisha and I serve on the pastoral carrots my name is josue I serve on the Connexions team here at Hollywood we have a little bit of a problem and us way because he said something insane to me earlier is in front of everyone oh but okay okay so we're talking about Thanksgiving cuz it's the week of Thanksgiving come on and he said that he doesn't think most people even like Thanksgiving Thanksgiving it's like I do say I hate it I just think it's not the best okay okay okay so if your hunk comes to is to eat him okay okay people like being thankful Josue every day of your life okay guys okay so if you're like this when you don't like Thanksgiving you can stand up and get out to people I saw two people yes okay well you said that no one liked Thanksgiving but last week we had friends givings all over the city and at the one that I attended 145 people showed up but one way that you could find out about events like that happening on the city is through our connect cards which are on your seats right now or through mosaic that org slash connect also you'll see this prayer and praise card that you have down here we were just we'd love for you to know that you're in here your family if you're going through something that's rough we want to be praying for you if you have something to celebrate we're gonna celebrate with you so please fill it out okay holiday we can agree on yes three one two three mostly okay one more time one with that word one two three we have some important announcements on Christmas guys who doesn't love Jesus that gifts who doesn't love that okay well next week Hollywood will not be having their 8:00 p.m. service I know I'm sad Oh everyone here is sad I heard the ah it's fine because we will be having the 10:00 a.m. and the 12:00 p.m. service so you guys can all pull up everyone has to come everyone I'm gonna expect everyone here 10 a.m. 12 p.m. but there is rumors that we might have hangs all over the city of Los Angeles I don't know you got to check the app or the Instagram follow it please and follow pastor Kevin Liu get him at 50 K is the Christmas tree lighting you saw the lovely enormous Christmas tree that we built every year and we get to light it as a family and to bring in the Christmas season together so this is a super easy way to invite your friends invite your family everyone always likes a Christmas tree lighting just don't tell them what happens before and show up here at 8 p.m. and that will have church and no alight victory so be here December 8th after the 8 p.m. gathering and will light the tree together speaking of things that rule who went to conference last weekend but if you didn't you missed out but you have a chance to go next year and you're gonna see a slide oh there we go next year it's called sight we'd love to see you but also right now you can go ahead and register maybe give it a gift for someone for Christmas just go to mosaic conference calm so that's my gift to you for Christmas so now all I've done with Mariah for Christmas but yeah please come to conference you're gonna love it so that was a lot of information but if you download our mosaic app you can find everything that we spoke about tonight and more but we also have humans for you to talk to so if you are a section host would you please stand so each one of your sections has a host that you can talk to ask questions about any of the things that we talked about getting connected anything that we talked about you can talk to these people they have all the answers and if they don't they will help you find them and yeah it's gonna be amazing guys we have 90 seconds talk to your section host and then come on down for worship it's gonna be amazing let's go [Applause] we want to invite you to worship with us so come to the with your hands come on come on you [Applause] all right here so let's do this come on we run in the dark who cried liver the bridge the claws you are the prince see even the darkest days you are the air all of the time and space you are the air thing out you the megastar time and space cannot contain you you are the air the beginning - very good still within my reach as far as I can see you close to still me you are the everlasting would you help me see this out come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus very so grateful that you don't cause us to stay where we are forever when you pull us into the new with you and you promise to surround us from all sides but you are protecting me you see let's sing this out together you are all around you're my protector you have always seen me you have our scene you live I see sing it out with hearty whistle see I will always love you [Music] I don't feel like we've absorbed what it means to do something with heart and with soul we're saying I will always love you but it's not a passive love and it's not a weak love it's a strong love it's it's a hard love it's a soul love do you understand how strong that is that with everything that you have heart and soul you would pursue Jesus Christ and that might not be a reality tonight but I would hope that by singing this it becomes your hope it becomes your destination it becomes your journey and so tonight tonight what I would hope for the APM Gathering is that for us we would pursue heart in soul what Jesus wants for us that we would pursue heart and soul what Jesus has for us and that we would give all we have and it shouldn't take me coming up here telling you what it means heart and soul you should walk into this building and feet heart and soul ready for what Jesus has for you and so tonight we're gonna sing that we're gonna sing with heart and with soul we will always love you because that's what we hope for that's what we pursue that's what we want in our life so come on raise your hands we're gonna pray Jesus with hardened with soul we pursue you with everything that we have god I pray that our heart and our soul would be strong enough to chase after what you have with all the fear and all the doubt and all the insecurities that we might with all of the the pain and the heartbreak that we might have and with all the celebration and hope that we might have heart and soul we give ourselves to you tonight so let's sing this out come on [Music] [Applause] talk to someone on your way on your long journey to your seat okay APM I have something very exciting for you right now are you ready she's standing right here I don't know if you know Keisha but she is so special and so powerful she like honestly you could run this church you're doing everything you never see her because she's doing the things that people people that people feel are beneath you because you are that kind of servant you're selfless and you're kind you're so cool it's crazy and it makes everyone feel insecure because it's like dang and then you just love people and you love Church and you sacrifice so much and so much of conference was because of you and your your eye and your heart and your your just everything that you do is so selfless and so much like Jesus and so we are so excited to hear from you about giving because of the way that you give all right hi so the scripture that I'm gonna be reading from is from Hebrews chapter 13 verse 16 and it says and do not forget to do good and to share with others for with such sacrifices God is pleased so a few months ago I was unemployed didn't know how I was gonna pay rent and any of my bills but because of this community and the church I decided that I wanted to still sacrifice and to give because of what I've experienced here and I wanted to make sure that someone else experienced that through my sacrifice so you know did that sacrifice I [Music] just like through that oh yeah so just you know through that sacrifice I knew that what I experienced here which is like I found some of my greatest friends God really showed up through a community you know in my time of need and I knew that there were people that needed to experience what I experienced so I just want to invite you all to give because through that sacrifice you're painting a space for someone that you may not never meet but creating that space gives that person hope that maybe lost or lonely in the city so you sacrificing and just opening your wallets and generosity just creates community and hope for those people if you want to get there's so many ways that you can give the buckets are gonna be passed right now you can give him the buckets you could text mosaic two seven seven nine seven seven you could give on the app yeah that's it you've got it you're amazing Thanks I'm gonna get right after this because of you so right now if you would like while you're giving while the buckets are being passed if you could take out your phones and silence them another way to sacrifice practically right now is to turn off your phones and to make this a distraction free zone and so that's something really practical that we can do to just make sure that anyone that's that's wanting to cross that line of faith tonight cannot be pulled out of a moment because of an alarm or a text message so just be really intentional about that and intentional about the space and then we're gonna continue to worship so let's stand I've been broken within I've been faithful we'll see this from your home before and I was before I was allowed with grace to spare for all my No don't deserve this it's kind of love this who you are it's a grace I can never add to be somebody you still won you love me as does make you me [Applause] before and Oh I don't deserve this [Music] it's a grace I can never add up to be somebody you feel this I'll sing it out no see ya don't is somehow [Music] who you I can never [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I love that line what a declaration his love is too good to leave us here by the way there's some of you here and here is a great moment you're having the best moment of your life you I want because I want to be laughs right here and but here's here's the great news no matter how good this moment is even if this is the moment you feel like I've just peaked this moment is supposed to be a baseline for how extraordinary your future is so you don't want to get left here and even in a good moment and there's some of you you're here and it's a really bad moment that's why you're here it got that bad you decide to go to church and this moment is more than a moment it's turning into a life that you've been stuck in and that's the promise that those moments that seem like they've held you captive every moment you can remember those moments that have defined you and paralyzed you and held you down they don't have to have any power in your life when you walk out this place tonight so I want you to know this moment is yours to choose you can stay in the moment or step into the future the moments waiting for you promised by a God who knows you and loves you and is excited about your tomorrow let's pray together and just thank God for the night if your hears or Gaston we're just so grateful you've come if you're here still on a spiritual journey trying to figure out who Jesus is and we're so excited you're here if you're here and and you know with it not a place where you believe in God maybe you're a little cynical or maybe just a little confused or just questioning I'm just gonna ask you to do one thing just posture your heart to where you're open to the possibility of more father I thank you so much that you meet us in moments and you pour the eternal into time I thank you that you see all of us but you also see each one of us you know us intimately in every detail you know all of our shortcomings and all of our brokenness you know all of our fears and doubts you know everything about us that makes us think that you would never want us and yet you want us all the more it's my prayer tonight is that that you would meet us in this moment in such an overwhelming way that that no one could deny they've had an encounter with you and you've heard to the depth of their souls that Jesus is your name they would step into your love and find their life they've always longed for God I'm just convinced that in this moment lives are going to forever change and we declare that in Jesus name Amen don't just think of one more time for tonight and you can have a seat I remember when I was new in faith and I was trying to catch up as fast as I could to what it seemed like I needed to know so desperately and they handed me a Bible and they told me to read the Gospel of John and I did and and when I finished John I I wept because I thought I might never read anything so beautiful again in my life and and like so many people it takes longer to read the Bible than any other book you can read a book ten times larger but the Bible it just seems to take time and so it was about a year in and I don't think I've made it that far but I was working my way through it and I I was hired by the community of faith that led me to Jesus as an intern it was really a slave and they paid me I think $50 a month and they overpaid me because of my lack of skill or experience or character and but they invested in me and built in my life and and they gave me charge of a very peculiar thing they had Wednesday night gatherings and there were about 10 different interns and they let me be in charge of when everyone would speak for the first time in their life and I was one of them so I put myself last because I was terrified to speak when I came to faith in Jesus I was an extreme social introvert and incredibly socially awkward and afraid of crowds and never imagined myself to ever be in front of anyone at any point in my life and it was finally my Wednesday I'd put it off as far as I could and and I could feel the anxiety and fear and distress inside of me and and even my own family was shocked that I was even willing to stay in front of people and talk and this woman named Barbara Price came up to me and handed me a gift it was something she had framed and crocheted and it was a particular verse in the scriptures that I had never seen because it was in the book of Philippians and I had not made it that far and so when I read it it absolutely astonished me it said this in Philippines chapter 4 verse 13 it said erlin can do all things through Christ which strengthens him I was so excited I was in the Bible I could not believe it it was the most exhilarating moment of my life and then later when I read Philippians it was very depressing to realize that she interjected my name where there was a pronoun I but it allowed me to read that particular declaration in a way I perhaps would have never seen it if I had not seen it with my name in it and so I want to take a few moments but I want to encourage you to interject your name into this declaration even if you do not yet believe in Jesus even if you hear and you do not believe in God I just want you to try it on for a moment and see if it might fit you better than you thought Erwin can do all things through Christ who strengthens him now I'm going to unwrap a little bit about what this verse does not mean but then I want us to focus on what it does mean because I'm convinced that God is inviting us to live beyond limits but there's a little part of me that's always a little cynical there's a skeptic inside of me I know everyone says that we all have an inner heckler and we're supposed to learn how to silence our heckler but I found my Eckler to be very helpful so whenever I read the Bible my heckler goes crazy you really believe this I can show you 50 ways to prove this is not true so my inner heckler always has the conversation before we have the conversation with you so when it says I can do all things let me just stop there I cannot do all things and I added Jesus to my life and it did not change that I could not do all things and anyone who thinks they can do all things and they think that's what this means is not really thinking through all things I know without any doubt that I'll never be a ballerina it's just not going to happen and there's really nothing that God can do to change that about me and I think there's a reason for that because I was not designed to be a ballerina I will never be an opera singer never really wanted to be one but I'll never be an opera singer I just do not have that composition I am now convinced it's been a slow process that I will never play for an NBA basketball team even the Knicks I won't even get picked up by them so I can look at so many things that I will never be able to do and if you look at those you might actually discount what this declaration is trying to speak into your life so you cannot do all things that you're not supposed to do so the problem so oftentimes is what we want to do is what someone else is doing that's called envy and so if you spend your life trying to do what you are not created to do you will never have the time to do what you were created to do and so you'll never do what you are not creative do and you will not do what you weren't creative do so you'll do nothing but stay with me so I want you to be really clear this is that declaration that whatever you want to do whatever just pops into your head whatever your particular dream for this moment is that's what you're gonna do and God's gonna make it happen I hope you've been alive long enough to know that's not what this means but it still means all the things I can do all things and it opens up with my which is a little confusing if you happen to be a person of faith there's a lot of times when you come to Jesus people tell you no it's not you it's God I think to have people say there all the time they'll do something really wonderful I say thank you they go no wasn't me look like you somewhere along the way we completely distorted the scriptures and and we've told each other if it's you it's wrong but you it's bad it's got to be God so everything good you do is God and everything bad you do is you kind of like not really fun to be you but actually here it says I can do all things see the Scriptures are not pulling away the incredible possibility that you can do something extraordinary in fact what it is saying is even when you connected Jesus we should expect that the I will be more powerful that you can do all things not someone else not God not some ethereal magical power you will do it I can do all things through him that's Jesus by the way through Christ so this particular declaration has this basic assumption that what is going to come out of your life comes out of the relationship that you now have with the God who created you that Jesus will somehow transform you to give you the strength to do all things now I love the way different translations lay out the nuances I just write I can do all things through him who strengthens me a different translation says I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength but I really like this one Christ gives me the strength to face anything see what Jesus wants to do he wants to give you the strength to face anything but then what does that strength look like and how do you get that strength because so many times we read these epic declarations and we have no idea how to actualize them in our life so we we just say them like a mantra like a chant I can do all things I can do all things I can do all things couldn't do that I can do all things I can do a I guess Jesus wasn't with me because it didn't happen and we don't really know how to identify if we're getting stronger by the way anybody go to the gym me I haven't been there in a while I think there's like a poster of me am i a have you seen this man it's been a while but I have to tell you I've thought about going to the gym every day some closer I'm closer but I haven't gone in in quite a while and but when I go there's all these mirrors which are very discouraging for some of us and and there's always all these guys I think it's ten to one ratio men in front of marriage to women ten to one and do you think that they're there to pick you up but I don't know how a guy could be there to pick you up because they're just looking at themselves the whole time and and they're and they're looking at me or have you ever noticed that the guys they just get jacked like you know and as justice huge and thereby system triceps and forums are just Jack I mean they have a washboard then they have like chicken legs their lights can't even support the size of the upper body or like somebody will hold that man up and and I realized is at home all you have is a mirror that goes up to your waist that's all you can see it and so equinoxes and all these other the training organizations they put full-length mirrors to go look at the whole thing but we don't because we want to look good we're gonna look strong and then have you ever noticed that that these guys are like jacked but they're they have no backs it's cuz they don't work on their back so what's a back machine let me tell you every time I go the back machines are available it's all the bicep and tricep and chest and ab machines everybody just crushing the hose back machines they might just clear them out why because when you look in the mirror you don't see your back that's why they put double mirrors in those places so you have to see your back when you're looking at your biceps you see your back and the other one go oh who's that and you realize it's you but then you hire these trainers you don't even know you hired a trainer you thought you had a conversation with someone next thing you know you have ten sessions where you're now buddies and and then they start talking about all this mythology you've heard it don't believe all the lies it's like Roswell the sport that the health training Roswell is called your core you need to work on your core where's my core show me my core and I'll work on it your core is in your core so you cannot see your core I don't believe you I think you're trying to make me do these really horrible exercises that have no putt the file measurable effect on me let's focus on triceps no no no we need to work on your core I think the core is a great lie it's the weight of keeping you working out because you never know it's my karate no matter what the injury is oh I hurt my back at your core I pull the glute which just means you pulled your butt right it's like you know that's your core pulled a hamstring core burn my neck core everything is about your car if you strengthen your core it all works out how many of us get up in the morning I'm going to go work on my core today today is car night all these guys walking the beach look at my core see this is the problem is that we we measure strength by what we see not what we are and the challenges that we hear this verse I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me and we expect him to make us look better but Jesus really isn't focused on making you look better he's focused on making you better and the strength he gives is a core strength it's found inside of your core at the very core of who you are so how do you measure your strength how does Jesus give you the strength to do all things I want to talk to you for a few moments about your internal world about the self limiting beliefs that get established inside of you that limits who you are and the life you live and if you're here and you've been on a journey of faith and you've tried to do one thing after another thing it may be that you've been working on the external visible attributes and you've never developed your spiritual core and you thought that the strength Jesus would focus on is making you look better rather than just making you better there are three crippling dominating limiting beliefs we hold that will establish the parameters of the life we live and the first one is fear it may be the most powerful self limiting belief and all of us struggle with it even people who don't believe in God believe in fear and I think it's fascinating cuz I talked to so many people who are atheists and agnostics and and and very intelligent really thoughtful people and they'll tell me I just I just don't have room for faith I believe in science I'm an intellectual and I just don't believe in faith how long's askable do you believe in fear oh yeah I believe in fear now it's odd that that your internal mechanism generates fear but you don't think it can generate faith because fear is just a dark side of faith see faith is projecting into the future a better world a better life a better you faith is believing that tomorrow is going to be better than today that you can actually do something about that fear is a negative projection into the future fear is actually an act of faith in the future that says it's all gonna go bad you know people like that even with these are going good they say it's just temporary even when when life is working out you know it's not gonna work out cuz you know better because you do smart you know things are gonna go wrong fear is just a negative projection of faith so if you're gonna actually actualize fear why don't you just dig in there and actually pull out faith because your freedom is on the other side of your faith or your fear and if you allow fear to hold you you'll never step into freedom your freedom is on the other side of your fears everything that you fear has mastery over your life and your fear will establish the boundaries of your freedom so the more things you're afraid of the few more things will allow you to be free and there's some of you here you walked in and you look free but you're actually a prisoner of your fears I wonder what fears you walked in with that you need to walk out on and Jesus came to destroy the self limiting belief that your fear is a real limitation your fear is not a real limitation now I want to be really clear sometimes fear will save your life because danger is real but fear is the emotional response and so sometimes fear is rooted in reality but most often it's not because most of our fear is a projection on a negative future now if there is an angry tiger and it's loose and it's hungry and it sees you and it licks its lips and it looks at you with love in its eyes you should have fear fear is a positive thing fear will motivate you fear will allow you to run faster than you've ever run in your entire life fear will allow you to not think about going past the person who's forwar than you because you know that will make you were likely to succeed and to live and you'll say I'm so sorry but you go when fear is attached the danger it may actually save your life but the problem though sometimes is that fear does not allow you to think at the highest level and so you move into your most primal self but when we don't have a real danger we project danger because of fear and there's some of you here right now and you have so many fears in your life and keep wondering why you never step into your freedom you keep wondering why this kind of declaration is never true in your life that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens me you're not even looking do all things yet you're just trying to do something but you're so afraid you're a prisoner of your fears when I was processing some of this I I knew right away what my first and overwhelming fear was that was I was terrified of speaking publicly and and everyone who knew me was terrified of me speaking publicly I had I had stage fright I would just sweat profusely I'd be in the bathroom 10 15 times before I spoke now I'm down to five after I would speak I would feel so much embarrassment and shame I would go hide in a room because I didn't want anyone to see me and there was nothing inside of me that wanted to stand on a platform not because I didn't want to make a difference in the world but because I didn't want to live a life of humiliation and that fear was limiting my life because whenever you are afraid you do not have the courage to step into the transition into the process to step into your freedom and there has to come a point in your life where you realize if you keep running away from what you're afraid of you're building a smaller and smaller and smaller cage for yourself and what Jesus wants to do is he wants to give you the courage the internal structure to live a courageous life so that when you are afraid you look at that fear and you realize that your freedom is on the other side and you don't run from that fear you run in joy you step through it and you realize it's a false boundary in your life you've convinced yourself and limit you but it can that it stop you what are you afraid of right now what are the fears that imprison you right now what's your strategy to find freedom from that fear because that's why Jesus came to create in you the internal structures to live the life God created you to live so give you the strength to overcome your fears now what happens so often times is that when we're stepping into our fears our fears become reality we step into something we think I knew that was gonna happen you ever you ever just finally convinced yourself I know it's gonna go bad I know it's gonna go bad but I'm gonna try it they told me to step in my fears and everything that that was gonna go wrong went wrong see stepping into your fears doesn't eliminate the reality of what you might have been afraid of but it allows you to step into it and to see it for what it really is what fear does is it creates three different responses to the future paralysis procrastination and paranoid there's some of you here and you're paralyzed because you don't know what the right choice is you don't know what the best choice is you don't know what the shared choice is so you don't make any choice at all so you're so afraid to make a choice that doesn't bring you success that you make no choice and the guarantees you will not experience success and what's so frustrating sometimes is that as you're stepping into that freedom your fears become a reality and so they reinforce it so you step back and go I knew it I knew it I knew everything would go wrong rather than realizing that stepping into your fears may actually for the first time in your life allow you to see that what you're afraid of is not as big as you thought it does not have the power to control you it doesn't have the power to confine you and if you are paralyzed right now you know what you know what paralyzed people do they always critique other people paralyzed people are always for taking other people who are failing they critique other people who make the wrong choice they make the wrong decision they have the wrong idea you ever just sit around and go yeah you see I knew that wouldn't work you see I knew that wasn't a great idea you know the reason you can do that is because you're doing nothing because you think that successful people always make the right choice successful people do not always make the right choice see successful people make the wrong choice and another wrong choice and another wrong choice and they just keep moving forward through their fear and you can look at them and use it as your validation that you should not try but it'll be your validation that you'll never live the life you're created to live some of us are paralyzed but others experience procrastination not just paralysis now I'm supposed to be writing a book right now and I just put it off and put it off and put it off you know why we procrastinate it's not just because we're lazy we want to give ourselves a valid reason for failure so when we're afraid we procrastinate because we do not want to step into our fears there's some of you you've been talking about doings for years you've been talking about the choices you're gonna make you'd been talking about the life you're gonna live you can talk about the risks you're gonna take and that's all you do is talk see I know so many big dreamers this is this is a city filled with big dreamers all over the planet big dreamers let me tell you if you have big dreams and no courage you will have no future because when you have big dreams if you do not have the courage to back those dreams up they'll just be fantasies all your life and you'll blame God I've gotta have this huge dream but you never made it a reality in God's sense it's because you never had the courage to take the rest that would create that dream because you procrastinated some of you gonna die and you're still procrastinating and then you become paranoid see when you are afraid you are not driven by love because perfect love casts out all fear and so when you are free of fear you're able to celebrate other people but when you are driven by fear you think everyone's against you everyone's holding you back and in fact you blame everyone else for the reason that your life is not making progress but it's all internal it's a self limiting belief that your fear is the boundary but the moment you realize that your freedom is on the other side of your fears you'll begin to live the life that God created you to live and Jesus will give you the strength to step through those fears the second stuff self limiting belief is pain see pain creates a false boundary from which we think we cannot step past so pain will make you experience life smaller and smaller and smaller I'm not talking about physical pain although physical pain is a part of it it's extraordinary to me how two people can have the same injury physical injury and recover completely differently I've talked to surgeons who who've operated on world-class athletes and I'll ask him what's the range of healing from this surgery and they told me three months to two years to never said how is that possible for the exact same injury that suggests they said it's the internal mindset or the person who's been injured so there are people coming here with this injury and they recover in three months and they're back on the court there some it takes them up to two years recover and they never quite regained their same level of play and there are others who never recover because the pain of recovery became the boundary of their greatness because in the same way that your freedom is on the other side of your fears your greatness is on the other side of your pain hi I have a hard time with it sometimes because you know I play ball with all these young guys and I cannot tell you all the injuries that people have I broke my ribs really broke your ribs yeah yeah he went by in greased me and you know I broke my ribs and other people go down or like they have to carry them off what happened I broke my leg like there's no compound fracture if you can't see the bone you can come back in you know we you're gonna make the numbers odd we need you for this game and they're like oh no and I I know I know I'm cynical I just arrived with nothing's broken go to the doctor he'll confirm it you're broken by the bone isn't broken pain has taught you a lesson that this is your limitation but most of us are not limited by physical pain we're limited by emotional pain relational pain psychological pain it's the internal structure of the pain we've experienced throughout our lives that limit our ability to live life to the fullest so some of you've experienced pain because you love someone and it didn't go out so now you're afraid to love again you trusted someone and they betrayed you it was too much pain so you'll never trust again some of you have have put your faith in God and something went bad in your life something left you devastated and so you can't trust God again now I want you understand that that's real pain but it's not a real boundary and if you want to step into greatness and there's so much conversation about greatness but but no one tells you is that your greatness is on the other side of your pain so I think a lot of us have thought oh if I can find what I'm great at I can avoid pain because if I'm great at it it shouldn't hurt right and that's why we envy other people because we see their greatness but we don't see their struggle see we see their greatness but we don't see their sacrifices we do I want to do that because that looks easier than this but let me tell you as long as you allow pain to be a self-limiting belief you will never actualize the greatness that's inside of you and I'm convinced this greatness inside of everyone but that greatness may lay dormant all of your life because you simply will not step through the pain and the same way that God reestablishes a structure in us and gives us courage you step through our fear God will give you determination to step through your pink I remember when I was young and first step into leading here and she would talk to very talented people and then have conversations with them and say you know you should get voice lessons I'm sure she said they're very kind and diplomatic why and and said you know it'd be really great if you got some voice lessons she would tell me almost every time the people would be insulted like who does she think I need a voice lessons what was amazing to me is that Mariah was clearly more talented than them and she was going to voice lessons where I always went to voice lessons and I thought it's so interesting because as I started noticing the more talented people were the more they went after a teacher after a mentor the last out that someone was the harder was to convince him that they should get someone to mentor or teach them because you see when you have a voice teacher you're paying someone your money to tell you everything that's wrong about you think of it that you're paying someone money to critique you most of us spent our entire lives surrounding ourselves with people who only tell us what's awesome about us and if someone critiques us if someone tells us the truth and someone speaks into our life we eliminate them from our circle because you can't trust them how many of us here right now actually need to hire someone to tell us the truth because if you want to achieve greatness then you want that input in your life you want that critique in your life you don't want people just telling you how awesome you are you want people to tell you what you need to do to become awesome and pain could be an incredible learning tool you know how you can be a little kid and you see a fireplace and the fire looks so awesome but your parents are always trying to keep you from the things that really matter things you would enjoy so much just trying to suck the life out of life and so you're about to put your hand that fire and your mind goes no don't do that she's reprimanding you for curiosity for exploration for investigations it's just understand your genius and and just don't do that and so you you you you comply but you do not really agree so the moment she leaves you wander over to the fire and you put your hand in it let me do that why wasn't she here it's because you needed the pain to teach you to think at a higher level but I hear this all the time I know I know I know I know you're giving me counsel I know you give me advice I know you give me your wisdom but you know I just got experiencing for myself you heard that you know I just I just got to do this myself you do not understand the genius of having siblings they just happened to be the older brother which I was not see the older brother has come here come here buddy look at that fire he looks so good right look how it's dancing you know I see I was think about putting my hand in it to see how it feels but I'm gonna let you do it because I love you I'm your big brother and I just want you to have this experience and then you go oh no didn't know noted and pain is involved and see if you can't learn from someone else that's actually called stupidity if you have to experience everything for yourself it means that you have a limitation and your capacity to learn see I would rather learn through the destructive choices of other people well yeah I'm not gonna do that don't need to jump off that building don't need to drive with my eyes closed there's just so many things you can just learn from other people don't eat truffles so you know whatever it is right or not all mushrooms are truffles you can learn from other people's decisions and choices and actions but the power of pain is in the wisdom of knowing how to step through it what pain you need to avoid and what pain you to step into there's no one who has ever achieved greatness that has not embraced pain and the strange thing about world-class athletes is that they end up almost like being addicted to pain they love pain I have not had the most productive three months in the scale of my health journey I haven't been to the gym so long I've driven by again I've thought about it on a daily basis I have had days I almost made it a days I actually throw on my like my workout clothes and then ate Donuts or got a pizza or I've been into ice cream sandwiches and I just keep thinking to myself why do planks but I could be eating ice cream sandwiches it's just they just bring these so much more joy right now in my life and because you know what drives me crazy about greatness it's not it doesn't sustain itself atrophy does fine without you paying attention to it because let me tell you something now in 2008 I was like lean I look good mm maybe like 2012 13 episode student doing really well now I worked out all the time III sacrificed all the things I wanted to eat I exercised all the time I was in the gym I had a trainer I did all that hard work and look at me now I'm like why did it not sustain why did that moment of greatness not hold me for the rest of my life I should never have to workout again I should be able to die jacked and lean because of what I did ten years ago but it doesn't work like that does it but honestly if you're like fat five years ago there's a good chance you're still fat there is everything that makes you the lesser you you don't have to work to change you just stay that way but if you want to become the higher you you have to work at it every single day the greatness you had in the past does not ensure the greatness that you need today and the greatness that you need today will not ensure the greatness you'll need tomorrow because every single day has to be a choice to be great to be your best to go to the pain the sacrifice the suffering with a termination whatever you need to do to actualize the greatness inside of you and if you're not willing to get up every single day and make the choices to activate the gifts and talents the intelligence the potential they got is placed in you do not blame God because you live an average life that greatness was waiting for you to get up every day and say I choose to step into this and the third soft limiting belief beyond fear she's your freedom is on the other side of you fear and pain because your greatness sense is under the sight of your paying its failure see when you finally break through that fear barrier you realize oh this is just a self-limiting belief it's not really like I can step through my fears into my freedom and the moment you break through and realize oh it feels like I'm at my limit by the way all the psychological assessments tell us that that when we think we've endured all the pain we had we can we're only like a 30% that we could endure so much more and when you break through that pain barrier you realize it that pain is a part of the discipline and sacrifice of actualizing the greatness that gods placed inside of you you might think to yourself now I'll never fail no now you're finally in the position to fail well I I would love to tell you all you break through the sphere barrier and you break through this pain barrier now you've got it you're going to succeed it's gonna be awesome but it's more likely that you're gonna have a huge failure because it's the first time you've lived at that level and you're gonna have to get used by the way isn't the first thing when it says I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me so you okay it's Christ who strengthens me so I need Christ to live at this high level because he gives me this internal structure for strength but have you ever just looked at the world and thought to yourself why are people without God doing better than me oh there's my heckler it come let's be really honest I know I'm not supposed to say this but people who do not believe in God are like they're just crushing it's so frustrating right they're making more money than you and me they're more successful than you and me they're more famous than you and me they have everything we want but we're supposed to pretend that they're not more successful than us and we're supposed to pretend we don't want their life or don't want their success or don't want their fame or don't want their skills but the reality is that humans are designed in such an incredible way that even when you don't believe in God you can do incredible things so let's just accept that see even if you don't believe in God there's still an incredible amount of potential in you but you know that guy who's saying I'm crushing it he's gonna get crushed by it too you see what you have to realize is that that when Jesus strengthens you from the inside out he's not trying to make sure you never fail again because again he's far more interested in who you're becoming than what you're accomplishing and he's not trying to get you to be as successful as that person without God so you can prove that God is awesome he's not trying to get you as rich as that person without God so you can prove that the God wins you see God does not need you and me to compete with everyone else to prove he's who he is what you need to realize is that God's focus is on strengthening you from the inside out so that you can be the kind of person that whatever you step into you will have the strength to bear it to endure it into karya and so whether it's success or failure I think a lot of times we think we have to get strong enough to bear failure but really it takes a lot more spray to bear success and I want you to come to the end of your life going I have lived a full life and all the success and all the wealth and all the fame and all the power and all the accolades and all the stuff in this life that you've ever attained will be meaningless in comparison to the person you've become and the world you've created because of the worlds inside of you but you need to realize that failure is never the end of the story that that your future is on the other side of your failures and if you spend your life trying to avoid failure you're gonna actually spend your life avoiding your future see if you're afraid to fail you're actually afraid to live and if you think that Jesus has the strategy or you're never gonna fail you do not understand Jesus because I can tell you having been a follower of Jesus for over 40 years now he seems to be really comfortable with my failure in fact there's been times okay this is the moment where you show up I put all my confidence you all my trust in you I'm walking with you nothing say I want you to stand that sometimes God just lets you sit in your failure because that failure becomes the material that God uses to create your future I start thinking what is the greatest accomplishment accomplishment of my life and my greatest accomplishment is so clear to me it's being married to my wife Kim for 36 years it is the greatest accomplishment of my life but I want you to know getting married I was full of fear I was full of fear up to the day we got married because I didn't know if I could be the kind of man to stay true I had never seen a marriage succeed all I knew was a world of divorce and brokenness I was afraid I could not be enough I had to step into that fear to step into my love and we've been married for 36 years I can tell you it has not been absence of pain I have caused him so much pain even today I'm still good at it and if Kim had decided to live a pain-free life she could have bailed a long time ago but our greatest accomplishment could not be accomplished without paying and so I'm so grateful that all the times I caused her pain that she decided to lean into that pain and believe that our greatness was on the other side of him and I can tell you there have been a few times in our marriage where it's been really painful for me to be married way long time ago very rarely and always my fault but there have been times where it's been painful and and frankly there were times I just I had thoughts I thought you know this is too hard this is tough and it would've been so easy to convince myself that I shouldn't have to ever experience pain in a relationship hey what really struck me is this week I was a meeting over at CAA and we're working on this television project and and and the person from CAA after about an hour just looked at me and said so are you married you have kids I said yeah I'm married to my wife Kim and I have a son named Erin and a daughter named Mariah and she's married her husband name's Jake and and and then she thought she goes same wife that what an odd question at CAA same wife I said same wife for 36 years and she smiled she goes that's wonderful I could have explained same wife but 36 different women you know she's like she's changed every single year so I I've not been married too technically the same woman for 36 years because she just keeps becoming someone else and and I'm looking forward to meeting her in 2020 see a lot of people think that they're great lovers because of how many people quote they loved so you're just like a rock skipping at the surface of an ocean when you've loved for 40 years one person then you can talk to me about how deep you know the power of love but we've had so many failures together and most of them have been mine and she's had to endure them with me over the past few months she's she's cried a lot she's cried a lot and and and then she's cried because of Hollywood see I'm standing at the intersection of the greatest success the most important accomplishment outside of my marriage in my family of my life I'm standing at the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and LaBrea were a thousands of hundred thousands upon thousands upon thousands of you have had a life-changing encounter with the God who created you who've put your trust in Jesus and found that his words are true who found healing and hope and for me this this spot will always carry the memory of every single one of you but standing and reveling in the greatest accomplishment of my work life but it's also the epicenter of my greatest failure it's kind of unavoidable a year ago I so that's by this property we have the opportunity to buy this property and it cost twenty million dollars twenty million dollars is a lot to me but nothing to God let's all do this together over six thousand of us gave together we went public did a GoFundMe get got the message out to the whole world and and then we came down to it we didn't even get close and as I kept working with it and were thinking there's gotta be a way there's got to be a way there's got to be a way cuz I don't give in to failure easy when I fail I've given it everything and you know you know how we do this like little little loophole thing I didn't really care about it I didn't really try well you know I other misplay me know in fact I've had so many people talk to me I try to console me or ask me deeper questions and one person came to me said yeah but you didn't really want the property right no I really did and they got but really like deep down inside you didn't really want to go yeah no I did it just chucked I really really wanted this property and and then you know the conversation yeah yeah yeah but like you're aren't you relieved aren't you relieved that you didn't get it no no I'm not I'm not relieved I'm disappointed that I think that that relief feels different than what I'm feeling see everyone know you know if you didn't get this property guy has a better one that had that's why we it's our spend it's our faith spend how about this is an awesome property an incredible intersection where the most influential intersections on the entire planet that a hundred years from our thousand years from now when there's no church er it will actually have made a significant difference there will be a vacuum and the culture of Hollywood and I did everything I knew how to do see sometimes you go away and it wasn't the investment no I gave everything I had I made every choice I thought I should make I I had conversations I didn't think I would ever have I learned skills I had never gained and by the way I've grown so much nothing grows you like failure let me tell you but I'm standing at the app-v center of my greatest failure and I'm not gonna write it off as it wasn't really a failure see I want to stand in it this was the greatest failure of my life and I'm gonna wear like my ass on my Superman costume because I want to stand here let you know that failure cannot steal from you your future we need stop acting like we're too weak to fail you're too fragile to fail because if you do not find the strength to fail you will never step into your biggest life because your future is on the other side of your failures and by the way the only people who will critique you and criticize you and condemn you when you fail are the people who have never had the courage to try because everyone who succeeds in life they failed and when they see you failing they have a just a cold respect for you because they know the courage and determination and resilience it took to step into that possibility and by the way if you're gonna fail do it like this big bold public undeniable then suck it up don't blame anyone else take it on yourself you're gonna watch me get up because if you're impressed with the mythology of the Phoenix you're gonna be just absolutely blown away but the future I'm subbing into some of you some of you you're just so young and your journey and you think you've had your greatest failure you'll just have little baby failures you just have warm-up failures some of you you're trying so hard to get your 20s perfect you're missing out on the decade where you get to fail all the time and no one will remember it one day because I thought you were in your twenties and somehow in the midst of all those failures some things in a breakthrough and you're gonna look like a genius because no one will remember your thousand failures you're just gonna remember that one success Jesus wants you to live beyond limits I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me everything I was created to do I can do whatever was placed within me with intention and purpose it has been given to me as a gift but it's out to me to actualize it and to live it out I want you to know inside of you there's an eternity of talent there's an eternity of gifting you have everything within you to become everything that God imagined at you to become but you have to attack those self-limiting beliefs and allow Jesus to strengthen you at your car Fira can no longer hold you your pain will not limit you failure will never define you because you you have the strength and you know that your freedom is on the other side of your fear and your greatness is on the other side your pain and your future is there on the other side of your failure but I don't want you to miss through him everything you accomplished in your life everything you're capable of there is a youth that you will never know if you're not connected to the God who created you there's a strength that only Jesus can give you that will make sure that while you're crushing it you're not crushed by it you are never created or designed to live your life disconnected from God and when you trust your life to Jesus it reconnects you to the source your strength without Jesus no matter what you do you'll never have that core strength he becomes the core and everything flows out of him and it's a new you you just take a moment and just bow your heads with me just close your eyes you may be here in this moment and he is tired of doing this alone no one else sees the struggle the battle inside of you but you know it's there you need the strength that only Jesus can give and you're not embarrassed or ashamed anymore you're ready to own that that you need God Jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago so that you could live he will be your strength but you have to give him your weakness you have to decide to cross the line of faith to put your trust in him to give your life to Him completely without reservation if you're here in this moment and you're ready to entrust your life to Jesus I want to lead you in a simple prayer just one sentence or you can open your life to Jesus and give your life to Him would you pray with me right now Jesus I give you my life that's it right now just tell him Jesus I give you my life Jesus I give you my life if this is your prayer this is your moment if you just cross the line of faith and said Jesus I give you my life I want to pray for you and in this moment I want you break through all the false barriers that keep you from the life God created you to live now I want you in this moment to find the courage and the resolve and the resilience and the strength right now just to raise your hand and says and say I have given my life to Jesus I just prayed that prayer I just said Jesus I give you my life right now if that's true just wants your hold your hand up high if that's you Jesus I give you my life beautiful beautiful right now without hesitation Jesus I give you my life just hold it up I Jesus I give you my life beautiful wonderful anyone else beautiful anyone else Jesus I give you my life beautiful father I pray for the women and men who in this moment have opened up their lives to you I've crossed that line of Phaethon if whispered this prayer Jesus I give you my life this declaration to open their their life their soul their heart to you and to receive your life in them I pray God you just wrap them up in your love just let them know that they belong to you that you live within them that you've come to dwell in them but you will never leave them or abandon them and I pray God that your strength would become their new reality that you would change the internal structures of who they are so it's fear and pain and failure can no longer hold them we thank you Father we pray in Jesus name a man let me just thank God for all those who just responded to him say this with me just repeat after me stand with me Jesus gives me the strength to face anything let's try to get in Jesus gives me the strength to face anything now let's try it the other way I can do all things through him who strengthens me one more time like you mean it I can do all things through him who strengthens me now let's go can we together thank castor for that incredible talk thank you so much for setting such a beautiful example on what it means sort of a courageous and heroic life there's nothing you won't take on if it means someone can meet Jesus through it and we thank you for that that I have seen you fail big like he's not lying it's big my whole life for 27 years I've watched you and I've never seen it ever define where you're going or limit your life and so I know that every time you feel like you failed that God has so much more for you and it's just amazing to watch that as your daughter and be able to I'm gonna cry see you tell everybody that because you've lived it out and so thank you for living that life for failing big so that we can know that it doesn't limit who we are that isn't limit how God sees us I love you if you cross that line of faith tonight and you said I'm all-in with Jesus we have a Bible for you we want to know you we want to be part of this with you there's a card in here and it talks about how to follow Jesus so if you really want just a practical first step this is a great way to do it but also there's a human holding this Bible and nothing is more valuable than a human connection and so I hope that when you grab this Bible after you've raised your hands that you can actually talk to a person and share with them what you've gone through and if even you didn't raise your hand tonight and you're curious more and you want to know more about Jesus this is a great place to start so we want to know you and one last reminder and no 8 p.m. next week so we'll see at the 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. next week yeah love you guys see ya you
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 13,962
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Mosaic, Church, Los Angeles, Mosaic LA, Erwin McManus, Joe Smith, Mosaic MSC, Faith and fear, how to get past your fear, I can do all things through christ, beyond limits, mosiac, beyond limits erwin, mosaic hollywood church
Id: _cRmVIIS2J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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