A New You: Essentials: A New Standard | Mosaic - Erwin McManus

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well I want to begin by welcoming all of our campuses here it's amazing how God has taken our small community and spread us all over the world I want to welcome everyone in Seattle and South Pasadena and Venice Beach and Mexico City and Quito Ecuador and of course in Hollywood California [Applause] but we also have community all over the world we know there are people in Tokyo in Berlin and Buenos itis and then Sydney and Auckland and all over this planet we know there are people in Iowa and in Wyoming who were also part of a community wherever you are in the world we want to welcome you we consider you a part of a mosaic we're so grateful that you're here with us right now and so we're gonna take a moment we want to pray together and just thank God for this day and allow God to speak to us in the deepest recesses of our soul let's pray together father thank you so much for this incredible day and the gift we have of life the opportunity we have to come together and to Pasir hearts towards you O God we come with so many different experiences and backgrounds and stories and some are here and and in this moment they're just full of joy and hope and some guide are just holding life together barely by the strength they have left some have been through some hard and difficult times and and you're the guide who can meet us where we are who knows what we need more than we even know ourselves so God meet us in this moment and take us where we cannot go alone we thank you so much we pray in the name of Jesus amen come on let's just thank God one more time for this day so we just began the series called the new you and what we're really talking about is how to make the transition from wanting to be different to actually being different because we all we all know how many times we've said to ourselves this is the year this is the year I'm gonna change this is here everything changes this is a year where I take on new habits new patterns and and the problem of course is that if it were easy to change we would all change by the way but the things that we need to change the most are usually the things that are most difficult for us to change that's why they're set in patterns so we have to kind of dig deep and ask yourselves the question what are the what are the changes that need to be made at the core of Who I am I always like to minimize things sometimes you do a lot of things to get a little done you ever done that I'd rather do a few things they get a lot done so we want to do is look at those those critical breakpoints in our life that change us so last week we looked at at optics having new lenses for life how to see life differently see ourselves differently see the world differently and and if you can get a new lens it will change everything your life because you cannot go where you cannot see you have to begin to see the future you want to step into and that's how you begin to move there and but I want today to move something a little bit different and we looked at optics last week I look at essentials this week I want us to talk about how do you set a new standard in your own life how do you raise the bar or elevate the bottom so you can also change the level of your ceiling in life now not what other people expect of you how many of you have lived your life under the expectations of other people have you ever just felt like other people knew exactly who you should be exactly how you should live exactly how you should act that's called childhood by the way and a huge part of parenting is to tell you who you're supposed to be but the funny thing is that as parents we usually tell our kids to be who we're not we're trying to fix our own personal flaws we project them on you and we tell you how you should live your life and and the problem with with obligation is it doesn't last very because when you're obligated you you may actually submit to what you're told but it isn't who you are there is a difference between submitting to a particular standard and actually integrating that standard in your essence that's what I want to talk about essentials because the only changes it will last are the ones that actually become you so there's this moment in the life of Jesus with someone I think so many of you are familiar with his name is sue kiyose and and I really do like the kiyose cuz he's really really short and and I don't know why but so many of our staff are really short and I think the job requirement every one that mariah has ever brought her team seems to be particularly small I'm not saying nurse size I'm just saying that there's there's the kiyose in Luke chapter 19 beginning in verse 1 we're told this Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through a man was there by the name of Sookie as he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy he wanted to see who Jesus was but because he was short he could not see over the crowd so he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him since Jesus is coming that way when suckiest reached the spot he looked up and said to him Zacchaeus come down immediately I must stay at your house today so he came down at once and welcomed him gladly all the people saw this and began to mutter I love that word mutter it's a we use that every day right the be in the mutter he has gone to be the guest of a sinner but Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord look Lord here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor and if I have cheated anybody out of anything I will pay back four times the amount jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a son of Abraham for the Son of man came to seek and to save the Lost and what happens so often times when you have a scenario because when you have an encounter like this is that you you look at the response of the person that Jesus is met and then you begin to apply that to everyone's life say well this is what you should do any when end up happening is we end up imitating behavior rather than then allowing behavior to emanate out of our being you have a moment here where Jesus is passing through Sookie's hears that Jesus is coming and he knows he's too short to see over the crowd so you know he's industrious you know he's clever because he climbs a tree and prepares for Jesus to come that way and he's in that perfect sea and Luke who's telling us a story really doesn't say much about Zacchaeus he just tells us enough for this particular story what was important to know about tsuchiya's was that he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy he wasn't just a tax collector he was a chief tax collector he wasn't just a chief tax collector he was wealthy and what but everyone who knows the environment that time knows that means that the kiyose was unethical he was corrupt he was using the Roman oppression as a way to gain wealth from his own people he was at go-between the Romans needed someone to collect their money and they didn't want to chase all the Hebrews around collecting their money so he they would actually find a corrupt Jew given the position of tax collector and then they would use that position to gain the wealth of the people and in the middle of that you could glean whatever you wanted there was a really an exact percentage that that the tax cutter would get you just worked it into your own system it was an underground economy that was openly acceptable so he wants to know he was a chief tax collector he was he was powerful and he was wealthy he had taken from those who had less and created himself great wealth on the backs of the oppression of his own people can you imagine the level disdain and hatred there must have been for circus and so then as he's up in that tree and this is who he owes you he is Jesus sees him and he looks up and he says the kids come down immediately I'm stay at your house say which would have shocked everyone that not only that Jesus saw him but that Jesus would acknowledge him but that Jesus would say I need to stay at your house too that which by the way it isn't really what we're gonna focus on but I want you to know that that Jesus is incredibly invasive he will invite himself into your house he will invite himself into your space and I think a lot of times we don't mind visiting Jesus we just don't want Jesus to visit us we don't say you know where we're at we're okay going to any place where where it belongs to Jesus so we'll go to church or there's some spiritual environment but we just want to leave Jesus there because we want to go visit Jesus where it's safe for us but we don't really invite Jesus to go with us because we're going somewhere probably Jesus isn't going to go so we we need to realize that this is a moment where Jesus wasn't just inviting Zacchaeus to follow him this is a moment where Jesus was asking so the kiyose can I enter into your world and he came down at once and welcomed him gladly when all the people saw this he began to grumble he is gone to be the guest of a sinner everyone knew who Zacchaeus was he was not worthy of God not worthy of acceptance not worthy of love and it must have confused them that Jesus's holy man would even give secure the time of day and circus looks up and what's what's Timmy's fasting what motivates the kiss is not a conversation with Jesus and the reason I think is so important what's about to happen here is that what motivates it it Sakhi is here's other people maligning Jesus's reputation and his name because he has invited so kiyose into proximity with him so when he hears he has gone to be the guest of a sinner sickies wasn't arguing with that he knew exactly who he was they are exactly right that's exactly what Jesus just did so he says Lord look Lord here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor and if I have cheated anybody out of anything I will pay back four times the amount Jesus never asked him to do that it would it be great well I actually don't know who'd be that great if if that was the part of the requirement okay you can follow Jesus but whatever you have you have to give half of it to the poor wherever you're at right now you might see if a time the poor can I get half but wherever you're at if you come to Jesus have to give half and then if you've ever wronged anyone you have to pay back four times what you've wronged he was not establishing a system and in fact it was not even Jesus's idea which is where I want us to go today I cannot tell you how many times people will ask me well okay if I give my life to Jesus do I have to do this if I give my life to Jesus do I have to give up this and it's almost as if we're always trying to figure out what's the least I need to do and still get proximity to Jesus and his acceptance and his love so what I want you realize is that Jesus asks the kiyose of nothing except to come to his house the only of it the only ask Jesus had was will you invite me to your home and what happened after that was not on Jesus it was actually completely initiated by tsuchiya's so if you're in a place in your life where you're still going what does God require of me or what does God demand of me for me to be okay with him you're not in that place where the new you is emerging you're living out of obligation not out of essence so if you're gonna ask the question but what do I need to do so you've ever had that thought what do I need to do next to be okay with God what and if you're brand new in your faith what I need to do to build move forward well here's my answer you know what to do that that's to me the most frustrating thing in the world see you already know what to do Jesus did not have to tell secures what to do he did not need a map to tell him what to do he needed that did he have to read through the Torah to figure out what he needed to do he wasn't going through the ten commands way which ones have I messed up he he had an encounter with Jesus and he knew right away what he needed to do and if you want to step into the new you here's the first thing you need acknowledge you already know what to do and if you're asking people it's just cuz you don't want to do it you're hoping they don't tell you you need to do that and by the way the very thing you ask you already know it why would you ask it well you know if if I follow Jesus do I have to yes I don't even care whether this you fill in the blank whatever it is that you decide it was the very thing you need to talk about that's it then got talking to you about Zacchaeus was wealthy that's the one thing Luke wanders no he had taken all this money and this had defined his life and the moments aquellas heard that Jesus reputation was being ruined because of association with him he knew what he needed to do he knew what to do and III look back now I've been following Jesus for what 40 plus years and I didn't really need anyone telling me what to do I knew what to do in fact in some ways I knew what to do so much that it was almost overwhelming at times and people ask me I'll say well why mosaic don't you talk to people about their sin you need to be telling people what's wrong with them my life experience is that I'm pretty clear like such you don't know and you don't need someone telling you everything you've done wrong usually be listening to the little voice in your heart that tells you what you need to get right as you know what to do and even if I think it's what you should do but it's not what you know what to do you're not gonna do it anyway if you do it it's not gonna change you because it's just gonna change me because I'm the one that wanted you to do it it has to come from the essence of who you are has to be essential to your life you have to come their place you realize oh I know what to do now for some of you who may be a relationship in your life you know what to do I that's that's almost like arena number two where people go well you know I'm in a relay yeah I don't even you don't have to describe do you haven't no let me tell you the details I don't even know the details see the moment you're bringing it to me tells me God already brought to you and you're just hoping that I'm not clever enough or courageous enough to confirm what you already know so why do you want to put it on someone else and by the way that's how a lot of times you you you become moralistic because you go to someone you ask them for advice and it's on a moral issue in your life and you already know what to do and so the moment they tell you that's what you should do you blame it on them so stop forcing other people to be moralistic in your life you set a standard that's essential to you you know what to do and if you're here go I don't know what to do maybe you need to be listening not to even people who believe in Jesus and not even in this sense to Jesus listen to the people who know you that don't believe in Jesus where they're telling your story and it doesn't match the story you want then you know what to do and I've seen that so often times in my life you know what to do but but also ease once you know what to do and because you know what to do then make it right he's not that complicated what is it right now that you know you should do oh there's so many things I know I should do it's been it's just been such a frustrating season for me I know I mean I know and I need to lose 15 pounds it's just so clear to me I I want to stop wearing big clothes and and and and and long sleeves and a guy I know see I know I I need to lose 15 pounds it just mean it means more treadmill and less bread rolls and like it's not that complicated I can't cook God to see I could just go in Jesus help me is like I I can't help you while you're eating that burrito you know it's just some things that that you cannot pray into existence you have to actually act into reality and so once you know what to do then make it right just do the right thing he says lord I will now give half of my possessions to the poor and if I love this and if I've cheated anybody out of anything I will pay back four times the amount and really that that dynamic word is probably better translated since and since I have cheated because I have cheated people have something but if I've cheated anyone that if anything if anyone is out there and says no you cheated me I'm gonna make that right see it's beautiful because the kiss is not saying no if I believe I cheated you know if you come to me and you tell me I cheated you I'm gonna make it right and it's a beautiful thing since I'm and I'm gonna make it right I'm gonna do the right thing and you have to ask yourself okay what is it you know to do right now so maybe that's a that's step one for creating a new standard a baseline of dealing with your essence what is it right now that you know you need to do and then how do you make it right how do you realign your life around what you know you need to do because you will not do the new thing if you don't take new steps so what do you need to do today and one of the things I've just seen over never came out if you ever noticed that that thinking about like grand changes doesn't really help you I'm gonna do this see ya I'm not going to become an Olympic athlete if I can't even get on the treadmill like I I'm not going to make relationships right if I'm still impatient and angry with everyone there there are just small incremental steps you have to make to make the long scale changes that you want to see your life so let me just bring it down something small what is the smallest incremental change you could make right now that will help you become the new you what is the smallest standard you can change in your life right now that will change everything it's I think sometimes hard for us to feel like we're making big changes when we're just making small decisions but the reality is that people who make big changes they always begin with small decisions they just make a little adjustment they get up just a little bit earlier or they say a little bit later or they just they take on a new action in their life and for zacchaeus it was I need to make these things right I'm going to repay first you suddenly get half our possessions to the poor so it's almost as if you said look the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a sweeping statement of Who I am now this is the new me I was greedy and now I'm generous a new declaration of Who I am some of you you need to make a first step sweeping declaration of the new you you need to make a step so dramatic that it is a declaration of an end in the beginning it's not taking half my possessions that I'm giving it to the poor some of you it may be I'm gonna go to every single person I've ever wronged I'm just gonna ask him for forgiveness and you go do I have to do everyone not just telling you do everyone so that you don't miss anyone you know some of you you just you just a terrible employee am I allowed to say that you just you always show up late you never get you're not ready for work here and you need to make a sweeping change see an incremental change in that moment is not gonna be visible the kiyose begins by saying giving half on my possessions to poor cuz he wants to do something that communicates to everyone my life is no longer the same there's a new standard in my life and then it's after he's given away half he says and now if i wronged anyone I'm gonna give four times what I've done now I'm gonna start making things right in my life every great task I've ever conquered in my life I had to break it down to small challenges I've been working on on this book and and it has been eating my lunch and it's just been so difficult and it's been over you know holidays and over sickness that have you ever been to lists a lot of reasons why you failed I've realized that I'm usually preparing myself for failure when I have an inner list of all the reasons why and I had to have a conversation yesterday with my new editor from a new publishing company and and and I just like I just threw myself on the mercy of the court and this is how I've messed up and and I didn't I wanted to give them all my my reasons but I just said this is where I'm at this is what I've done and and if you want to defy Urmi as a writer you can and you know I'll pay back all the money and I was ready like you know whatever I need to do I walk on my hands and knees to New York I owe you know whatever penance I have to go through and and then he was so graciously said why don't we remove the arbitrary deadline and let's talk about how to get your best book and like yeah that's good but I had to begin with the other end of going hey this is on me this is no one's responsibility but me whatever the consequences are I deserve them and and but I said but this is and so this way I've been breaking it down it's like a book for me is around fifty thousand words and so I just speak okay got to I got the 1000 words that was like my first big break point that's four pages 250 words that's a page so maybe 20 50 words ago progress progress progress turned into the page just turn the page and I got the five thousand five thousand that's that's it and I do the math 20 20 pages that's you know and and and each time and and I give myself K by Thursday I'm gonna have I'm gonna get to 10,000 words by by Monday I'm gonna get to 12,000 words and I just been pushing myself pushing myself and I go okay bye bye bye bye Sunday I'm gonna get to 20,000 words and I was and I was just at 18,000 words and I had to I had to speak here on Sunday I to write an entirely new talk and I stayed up throughout almost the entire night I think I I sent my my update with over 20,000 words to ELISA about one or two in the morning because I held myself to these time expiration deadlines saying you have to get there to be able to eventually get where you want to go life is a lot like writing a book you never have a whole book until you write one word I have to put one word on top of another word and another word then you get to put a period or a comma the commas are really not a writer's friend and then you have to put the second sentence and the third sense and you have a paragraph then you have a page and then you have a chapter in it just finish five chapters and I'm going fire but I'm not quite halfway there and then with 25,000 words that's like that's that's like the breakpoint when I get to 25,000 go I'm halfway there well I could say oh wow I have to start all over again it's another 25 thousand words but you just get closer and closer and closer what I found in my own life I found this to be true for everyone I know if you don't break down big dreams into small goals you will never attain them it's true even just in your personal life see it's impossible it feels impossible you ever thought like it's impossible to lose 20 pounds but it's not impossible lose one pound I mean even I could lose one pound right you know and I think oh and it's in there's options eat less exercise more exercise more sounds good to me and so I'm like you or do both or even hear that drinking water is is is really helpful and then when you start adding multiple strategies to accomplish one goal you actually begin to find that you become a new you and and then there's so many other things that you have to you have you can't be around the same patterns you were before because you have to establish new ones in your life and what Sookie has teaches us is that we know what to do he didn't need anyone to tell him what to do he didn't need Jesus laying out for him who he's been he knew exactly what he needed to do and then he began to do what was right and then he did more than was required which by the way if you want to become a new you have to decide to do more than is required it's not the same for everyone this is where life is not fair if you're a person who let's say struggles with with drinking you you have an issue you maybe you're not an alcoholic but but you're just not able to to drink moderately and and you find yourself over and over again crossing at line you're I'm talking about you know see if you're that person you just can't go into the bar see the other guy who doesn't have a problem with it they can have one drink and then they can go home and they're fine that person go to the bar you can't and Matata salvaged these these black and white rules going are we allowed to go into a bar maybe maybe you are not but someone else is are you allowed to walk into that bakery see all right see some people can some people can walk into the bakery and they'll be okay and and you know when I'm at my best I had to tell you I have this like strategy and I can say I traveled the world I walk into bakeries and I only smell and I stay for a while and I just and Kim all say do you want to buy something no no I just and the people say can I help you I go no that you are helping me yeah this is like this is all the help I need because I see I I know I know how to almost step in but not cross that line and I just need that that aromatic experience that moment and I have a very vivid imagination so that's all I need it's like I'm I'm walking out hi I'm satisfied but if you're not if you're not one of those people who know how to like tap out right before you cannot walk into the bakery and and there's some of you you cannot walk into conflict because some people know how to mitigate their their temper their impatience their conversation and they're really good at conflict resolution and then and then there's others that that you just accelerate you know and and and and it's it's not good for you it's not good for the other person and you need to realize that that you and a conflict is like someone else in a bakery or someone else at a bar some of you you may have other issues like um you know it might be in your relationships where you just know that they're just lines that once you cross them you don't know how to come back across them and you don't need anyone telling you you know how they destroy your soul your anyone trying to moralize or anyone else giving you rules you just you have to decide what are the areas in my life that I want to see change and then what are the those areas of witness that are like my Achilles heel and how do I push myself to an extreme at the other end so that in that area of weakness it actually becomes my area of strength and you know III think that probably when I first started working a lot and leading a lot I was not a great encouraged ER and in fact a lot of like the psychological assessments of like my personality say that I'm not a I'm not a person who really would like naturally encouraged and in fact one of the things that that I can create a great sense of frustration because I think that achievements are expected and and so you know if you like create a planet I will celebrate you you know but but you know if you show up at work I'm just not the guy as I turn you on Wow you showed up all five days and you know I'm so happy for you you know and and and early on people would say to me Haley we just really like we're suffocating for your encouragement we're you know we were thirsty for some affirmation and and inside me I'll go yeah do something spectacular and I will affirm it you know and give me an opportunity to do that and and so then I I had like a transitional period right you said you're doing a great job you're doing a great job you're awesome it was always really general that way I wasn't really like you know nailed down those specific you know and then one day I just I I got the feedback hey we love how encouraging you are but it doesn't necessarily feel genuine because you never identify anything we've done that was like really spectacular or awesome and I'm I know hi it says because III can't identify it and I just know you're awesome you're awesome and I know you're awesome but it wasn't my natural strength and and so what ends up happening is that there was this juice place over in East LA and it's where I would take staff people now I thought it was like awesome I take you we go get a Hulu you know I get some fresh you know sandy yeah you know some alone we're having this great time and then I would like talk about like where your job was you know not meeting my expectations and you know I'm anywhere you're not executing at a level and the standard that you know was needed and and I felt that was a very affirming loving relational time because we were having juice and yeah and and and then people started talking about hey did you think you you know for a juice and one day I overheard some more than you staff person don't go to the juice and be so honest I thought it was like this warm beautiful place where everyone would have great memories of our ties together and and I I realized oh this is like seeing like you know the place to be avoided and and I had to learn how to identify and celebrate people in their moments of achievement so I became an extreme on the other end liking a lot of you know me now know me is like man he's always like affirming and always encouraging he's always looking for a way to cheerlead you cuz cuz he I knew I had to to pay back four times the amount see when it's an area of weakness on your life if you want to change you can't just change a little bit and the only reason you'll be tempted to just change a little bit is you really don't want to change it at all so if there's an air in your life you say I'm no longer gonna be this person you have to go four times you have to be an extremist on the other end so like the kiyose if your problem is greed you can't just okay I'll start giving 1% see that's just a greedy person giving 1% you can't just go okay you know we'll we'll just see what we have left over well you know we always say things like oh you know it's a price of one latte I kind of hate that because it diminishes how generosity transforms us and see if you're a person who struggles with greed or maybe you struggle with fear and so it manifests itself as greed because you hold on to what you have because you don't trust God for your future but you have to did you have to become a four times person and so whatever the area may be in your life if it's courage see maybe a person going I'm a fearful person and I want to be a courageous person one thing I would say is you probably need to go overseas with Kim and that will like traumatize your fear okay and to begin with because you have to give half your possessions to the poor see if you want to make a radical change your life to be a new you you have to make a sweeping shift and then you have to start making incremental choices that keep the pattern going in your life so you have to own that you know what to do and then you need to begin to make it right and aligning your life to what you know you need to do and then you need to do more than is required what would happen if all of us instead of asking what's the least I need to do begin to ask what's the most I can tell like and I just want to do more than is expected of me and I think it's what great challenges that we could have in our lives how can I do more and your boss will not know what to do with you your wife your husband will not know what to do with you and your the people in your life will not know what to do your friendships will get stronger because they'll know you're the kind of person always do more than is required by the way that's the only way deep meaningful relationships ever sustained it's the only way lifelong friendships are ever built it's the only way marriages ever last and it's only way your faith will ever be vibrant and real is if you do more than is required see there's a new standard in essence an essential that has to take place inside of you and it has to be internal it cannot be someone else because it cannot be sustained by someone else's demand on your life so I want to free you from any life of obligation because what we see in this moments the kiyose is that obligation is not sustainable but essence it will last forever and then just by the way just one last thought if you're going to establish a new standard in your life you need to not not just do it's more more than what's required but you then you need to establish your rap you need to establish your reputation I love I love what the kiyose does in this moment he establishes his reputation based on the reputation of Jesus what would happen if you began to establish your reputation based on what people say about Jesus because of you now by the way some of you think well no one ever says I think that about Jesus because of me do they say anything about Jesus because of you see that's the more important question is is your reputation and Jesus's reputation interconnected are there interwoven in such a way that cannot be separated because Jesus made a decision here to have his reputation be completely affected by Sakhi is's choices in the same way you need to make a decision to affect Jesus's reputation of the choices you make here and now I give half my possessions to the poor and if I have cheated anyone out of anything I will pay back four times the amount jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a son of Abraham it to me it's beautiful how it says Jesus saying it he's really saying to everyone who's listening who has a story about tsuchiya's this is one of the amazing things about Jesus is Jesus is willing to destroy his reputation on your behalf he is willing to let other people say terrible things about him because of his association with you and with me so then we need to be as urgent and passionate to change what people say about Jesus because of us and so when Zacchaeus declares this he's not just declaring it to Jesus he's declaring it to everyone who's thinking less about Jesus because of Jesus association with them and now Jesus is making his declaration to everyone not just the stickiest but to everyone who's ever thought something about the kiyose so there's some people who will not actually want you to be new they will not want any of you because they want to hold your old you accountable and responsible for your old life in some ways it's almost frustrating if you become a new you it means you're now free from your old you and there are people who are so stuck in your old life and they don't want to new you because they need you to be an old you and this is where those moments where people then get to decide which story they're going to step into and Jesus then lets them know for the Son of man came to seek and to save the Lost said the kiyose is exactly who I came for there they were you cannot be coming for his case why in the world are you associating with them and Jesus is now saying no you don't understand this is exactly who I came for and the way I can know this is look at his response his response is not a responsive obligation he's not trying to do the right thing based on what I'm telling him he's responding me out of the essence of his own being because he wants to be who I created him to become and what I found in my own life is one of the best ways establishing my standard is if I look at my life as a reputation of Jesus and if you can begin to ask yourself the question one do people even know that me and Jesus are in a relationship he's come to my house these are part of my life and then what then do I inspire other people to think about him and and I think this is where sometimes we've miss understood how our story is supposed to play out sees the chaos didn't have to hide his past life he didn't have to hide the mistakes he made in the past he did he didn't have to pretend that he wasn't who everyone said he just owned it and I know I've talked to so many people who in in this era are so afraid of their past catching up with them because you can if you tweet something in 2008 they can come back and haunt you in 2028 what you did in the past people will want to pull it into your future and what you have to realize is that the only power they have is if you deny who you were but why would you deny who you were because the miracle is that you're not who you were that there is a new you that has emerged in your life which by the way is what brings us all together it's the reason that we talk about Jesus every single week there are there are people who if they knew you completely might not choose you and is that sort of a terrifying thing sometimes you've had relationships people that you love people that you were close to and but you kept things from them because you didn't know if they could really bear the weight of who you are fully and and a part of the dynamic of friendships is you only tell people what you want them to know and you only show them what you want them to see and and you show them your best self so that maybe they might choose you and then as the relationship progresses you you try to reveal a little bit more of yourself that isn't as attractive a little bit more of yourself that's a little more broken a little bit more of yourself that maybe is more weighty and and some of those relationships they see it through they stay with you but some people go yeah I'm tapping out but here's the beautiful thing about Jesus is that he begins the relationship by knowing everything about you so there's nothing he will ever learn about you that will shock him see there's nothing that you can ever disclose to Jesus that would cause him to reject you because he already knew it you're the only one that was hiding it and to be known fully and to be accepted completely is the gift that Jesus gives us so if you want to be a new you best place to begin this by placing you in the hands of the God who created you by crossing the line of faith and trusting Jesus with your life so I'm gonna ask you to do just for a moment in every campus across the world everyone who's listening to the sound of my voice I just want you to bow your heads right now just close your eyes wherever you are and if you're watching from your home or from a restaurant or from your office I want you just to look up at me for a moment if this is the day that you are done being the old Jew and you're ready for a new you you're ready to trust Jesus with your life and to allow him to make you a new creation to do what only God can do and yo now invites you to cross the line of faith with me right now I want to invite you to open up your life to Jesus to receive his life by giving your life to Him so I'm Allegiant a simple prayer is just one son's if you're ready to cross the line of faith and give your life to Jesus would you pray with me right now Jesus I give you my life right now just tell him Jesus I give you my life that's all that's where it begins inside everything you and guide will talk about there's a lot of conversations that are coming but it begins by giving him your life just tell him right now Jesus I give you my life I'm gonna ask all the campus pastors to come forward right now what I'm gonna ask you to do right now wherever you are if you just prayed this prayer Jesus I give you my life if you just cross the line of faith what I want you to do is I want you to raise your hand right now and make a declaration this is the beginning of the new me this is the beginning of my new life the beginning of my new feature right now just hold your hand up high we're gonna pray for you right now wherever you are right now raise your hand that's a declaration I just gave Jesus my life right now let's pray together father thank you for all the women and men who in this moment have crossed the line of faith have opened up their lives to you got a pray that they would know but this is the beginning of new things this is the beginning of a new future of new dreams new relationships and new hopes of new life because it's a new of them pretty god that right now you just wrap them up in your love and let them know that they belong to you that you'll never leave them or abandon them I pray Jesus that you would become their greatest reality that they would know that you are with them wherever they are that you're going home with them that's going to work with them that you are walking with them through life and you will never never be further than a breath away we thank you Father we pray in Jesus name Amen we just thank God for all those who just respond to him so God what a great day guys I want to turn it over to her campus pastors right now we're so grateful for what God is doing in your life and remember there's a new you waiting to come to life next week we'll pick it up from here god bless
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 10,719
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: 2019, erwin mcmanus, mosaic, mosaic church, mosaic los angeles, los angeles church, la church, mosiac
Id: P3-7G_skzHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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