Beverly Hillbillies Season 1 Episode 3 Jethro Explains Fast Women 1962

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get home yeah Uncle Jack now you're gonna be keeping company with a girl there's any questions you like to ask me what kind of questions about girls how much you know about girls they softer boys written speaking and they shorter and round her yeah and the hairs longer and it smells sweet when you snug those up too so you've been doing some snuggling heavy I've done more bad I reckon you better tell me about it who was she prettiest girl in the Hills big mouth Bradshaw no burners girl I heard tell she's kind of fast is she ever uncle Jed I was walking past the cabin and big mouth she calls out the window to me she says howdy Jethro she says my Ma's just made a big batch of cookies come on in and have some and I says sure your mom won't mind she says mas gone and so's pop I'm here all alone well uncle Jed I was in that house before you could wink and I see they're blaming no sooner was I inside the big ma she puts a music record on phonograph machine and commences to sashay in around twisting and a turn dancin yeah reckon so she says put your arms around me Jethro and I'll teach you the two-step what'd you think I says listen big mouth I says here we are all alone your MA and your pop gone and you think that I'm going to waste my time dancing I say is not me sister bring on them cookies what she said well yeah you and Jethro can start digging the will that city woman brought us some pumps that's right granny we get right to it when that Bradshaw girl say when you said bring on him cookies well she just held up them cookies like this here kind of blinked her eyes at me and said Jethro which do you think it tastes sweeter these here cookies on my lips well uncle Jed rot venom bears when I found out she was fast I grabbed them two cookies and it took me two miles to outrun that gap oh it's real I'm one of these days you and he's gotta have a long top
Channel: Bobby J Frederick
Views: 164,296
Rating: 4.8292685 out of 5
Keywords: Beverly Hillbillies, Jethro, sugar cookies, fast women, Uncle Jed
Id: TonTGAfn2zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2012
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