Remembering Norvel Hayes

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[Music] 1979 I was pastoring at a little Baptist Church 180 seats little wood frame building that we had constructed I think it costs about $80,000 to build and in five acres of ground a little hilltop and little picturesque town at that time with few thousand people called Pickerington set up on top they healed with a steeple on top with a bill that Arirang on Sunday morning if you please and I was preaching the gospel as best I knew how and God was blessing people were coming my mother had been attacked with a heart attack massive coronary heart attack which is 29 years old she had severe heart conditions her heart was failing she was on a tremendous amount of medications my sister had been in an automobile accident that drove her femur bone through her pelvic girdle and lodged it in next to her womb when she was six months pregnant they had over 20 major surgeries she was given three months to live put on thirty prescribed medications a day I can palm a basketball in my hands but it took two hands just to hold her medications for one day she had a standing order at the emergency room for all the shots of Demerol that she needed whenever she needed them the thing progressed to the point that they were giving her boxes literal hospital boxes full of vials of Demerol and needles so that whenever she needed it she could just shoot the Demerol herself which is the second strongest narcotic drug available she would shoot it in I've seen it happen and has seen it in the hospitals when the nurses would try to give her a shot they would shoot the medication in and it would squirt back out her body her muscles were so pwned because of all the medications she'd had she was given three months to live and sent home to die they said there's nothing we can do for where give her all the medications that we can to keep her as comfortable as we can at the same time she was going through a tremendous ordeal in her personal life that we had there too for know nothing about she lost out her experience with God her life was turned over completely to satanic operations we didn't know her anymore she was like a wild person and that's the condition that my life was in while I was standing in a pulpit every Sunday morning preaching the gospel as best I knew how we got a hold of some friends some lifetime friends we told them our story they came to visit us they said there's a man going to be an Indianapolis Indiana in a few short weeks if we can get him on the phone and if you can get her in that meeting I am telling you that God will heal you of your heart condition and God will heal that girl I guarantee you she will be totally and completely delivered in her mind delivered in her spirit and healed of her physical infirmities well we didn't we didn't really believe that we sat at dinner one day and we were talking about it again this man said you've got it you've got to go you've got to go to that meeting in Indianapolis Indiana in fact I'm gonna go in right now and get the preacher on the phone I'm gonna get him on the phone will you talk to him I said well yeah we'll talk to him so we got on the phone we started to tell the story he said no no no no no no I don't need to know nothing about that he said I'm telling you what to do you bring her to my meeting in Indianapolis Indiana and you stay the whole week and now guarantee you God will set her free well we didn't know how to respond to that we didn't know from nothing about that set her free you're not living with her you don't see them vodka that she hides in the garage you don't you don't see how she doubles up and triples up on her medications you don't see how she stands in the family room and screams at us that she wants her medicine and takes her fists and strikes us in the face you don't say that you don't understand what we're going through you know if the only ones ever drank a cup of sorrow if you're in this building today and tragedy has struck your life you're in the right place at the right time with the right people to listen to the right person about the right Savior to set you free we started to hang up the phone I was on another floor listening he said wait no no wait just a minute wait just a minute you pastor a church yes go brother before you hang up you have to make me a promise all right anything there's not much pride when you're trapped inside is slowly sinking ship you do anything you said we'll do anything all right make sure you don't tell none I remember him he's from Tennessee you don't tell none of your religious friends or family that you're coming all right I remember the day we left for Indianapolis used to be a bill Knapp's over there on Livingston Avenue I guess the building's still there but they don't serve food anymore they had the best fried chicken in town I don't know what they were out of business but that's another sermon anyway over there buildings there Bill Knapp's it was us it was a Sunday and we'd had church and now we're going to Indianapolis and we stopped over there for for lunch we don't tell my sister about anything we have a nice lunch we're getting ready to get in the car and all of a sudden do you ever see something just hit somebody all of a sudden just something hit her she went wild now we haven't said a word to her about we were going anywhere she all she knew we were coming home we got suitcases packed they're in the trunk she knows nothing about it all of a sudden we start to put her in the car you ever seen olive oil spread out with it she blew toes trying to pull her through a door [Music] she's spread-eagle like that get in the backseat of the car she turned around with a glare that only the devil can have and said I'm not going went to screaming and kicking I grabbed her eyes she only weighed about 95 pounds and I grabbed her I put my shoulder right in her belly and knocked her down in the back seat the car and jumped on top of her and I reached out and got the car door with my foot and pulled the car door and I screamed to my mother go we took on headin for Indianapolis Indiana with a Tasmanian Devil in the backseat screaming like a wild person sounds funny now honey it wasn't funny then wasn't funny then wasn't funny then when the car seats were getting stained with the blood from where she'd shot herself up with needles so much wouldn't funny then we went to Indianapolis Indiana we went to the first service this man came up to my mother afterwards said what do you think it was over at 12:30 at night we're Baptists there were people doing this they're all doing that little charismatic thing it all looks like a line that all doing that thing people were falling down in the floor I mean nobody even touching them they were sitting on folding chairs all of a sudden you just hear folding chairs go flying it really people then they grow around on the floor and the tears would squirt out of their eyes and they were they were going like this I thought the same thing then a lot of you people are thinking this morning so yes yes he has my mother what did you think about the service she said one of two things either either this is the greatest thing and this is the Bible and I just been deceived all my life or you are the craziest man outside a padded cell and she told him that right to his face all this stuff and go on and he just sit up there on the platform and tap his fingers and laugh I do that wow this is all going on about Tuesday or Wednesday of that week let me come up to the front he didn't know anything about me he said there's a Baptist preacher back here or over here come up here God wants you to dismiss in prayer [Music] I walked up there took a microphone gonna pray a nice little Baptist prayer like all Baptist boys we did I was only about 21 years old and all of a sudden something hit me and I went to say I went like this I went thus saith the Lord did you ever come stand outside your body and wonder what you're doing say if the Lord and I said some bunch of stuff I don't know what I said and afterwards we saw him at a restaurant and I went over to his table and I apologized if I said I'm so sorry I said I don't know what that does say at the Lord I am so embarrassed I don't know where that came from I don't know why I would say something like that and he just looked at me when it's all right then the next night he said I want everybody sick in this building run up here my god it was like a stampede they got him all in a line I didn't know what they gonna do to you got mine you see that line this morning just as plainly as I see my hand in front of my face so then I got that line there's that learning I remember him saying they were right up against the wall oh listen all the way around that big horseshoe now then he said I want my little Baptist boy Rob Rob come up here Rob they said Ron Dailey was standing on the platform singing he wrote out a little note and he laid it on the pulpit it said his name is rod that not Rob brother normal took that he looked at it he said seven I don't care what his name is I don't want his name I just want his hands my life changed at that moment at that very moment my life changed forever he said Rob call me Rob the rest of the night I want you to start over there Rob just lay hands on all these people God's gonna heal now congregation now congregation watch this now this is a Baptist preacher 21 years old don't know from nothing watch now God's gonna heal all these people it sounds funny then that's one of the biggest meetings I'd ever been in I mean people standing outside trying to get in people staying at a hotel to go to a church service can you believe that I've never heard of anything like that my life bingo crowd all these people standing there all kinds of look at people one ladies over there her jaws off on the side of her head like that God's gonna heal all these people Mison I came here to get my sister well she's sitting back there drinking vodka every night and you're up here playing around with me what does this have to do with anything just let your hands icing up there sitting up there just she's doing this morning just sitting there grinning sit there grinning he said now lay your hands on them well at that point I went to cry and you ain't seen anything do you see a Baptist full of 21 years old go to crying I went to crying tears run down my face why well I didn't know what he's talking just lay your hands on them what does that mean I've been to Bible College I don't know nothing about that [Music] I had a 3.6 average in Bible College I don't know about that I've been asked to go out on the president's preaching team of the university I don't know anything about that that's right run to him crying or standing right over there I stand right over there I was crying I turned around to him I said I don't know how did he just learn when he got up and he walked over he's got the biggest old hands big long fingers and he took a hold of my left hand have you ever seen me lay hands on people what what hit into I'll a auto lifting I'm all righty one left him why he took my left ear in his eye and he spread it out and he said now just take it like this just real gently do that share one thing just take your head just real gently now congregations now he teach us the whole time he teaches the whole time he said no the Bible says they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so the Bible says it's right here the sixteenth chapter the Gospel of st. mark did you get that that's what he teaches watch this congregation watch this he lay my hand right on that first person's head and the minute my hand touch that first one everybody in that line two seconds later was on the floor that wouldn't have been enough but that lady with her jaw up on the side of her head something cracked like you'd snap a twig she went to screaming why her jaw came all the way she was bad you had been born that way I mean it was a really odd looking thing she had had she had no jaw mechanism on this side of her body just solid solid bone like that but she had a jaw on this side but it didn't help because she couldn't move this one but all of a sudden God put a whole new chopped bone in her body and it was there and she's up running around screaming couple of nights later a lady came back she said I was in that healing line she said my husband and I always wanted to have a baby but I had a disease in my female organs and the surgeon had to remove all my ovaries and had to remove my womb and did a complete hysterectomy and I didn't have anything left but you don't understand I said well I'm sorry about that what do you want me to do about it I'm a Baptist she said no but you don't understand I went back to the same surgeon he had examined me just like two days before that now then I went back after I was in that healing line the other night the same to examine me he said I don't understand this I was the one took your womb out he said not only is your womb back you're three months pregnant there's a three-month-old baby inside there tell you don't you be talking to me about my God answered prayer [Music] the last night of that meeting I watched him every night I watched him every night he'd have somebody else take over he had some of his Bible College students or someone to take over the service you know do something or he'd have me up there doing something and he'd just go over and stand against the wall way over on the side like that wall over there way on the side of the auditorium he'd just stand there and he didn't have to do that at that time he was having meetings with ten thousand people in them he'd go and stand against that wall put his face toward the wall and beat the wall with his fists and tears running drip off his face and he'd say I won't let you have it you can have it I won't let you have her devil you can have her do you understand me I won't let you have her thank you Jesus Deb yes he'll take you God Debbie as healed I say with my mouth Debbie is healed he'd get up from that congregation and make the congregation say everybody this is Debbie everybody say thank you Jesus in it good Debbie's heal look Debbie is healed hallelujah everybody say WSU I get so mad Popeye man I'd get mad man him up there saying that he's not back to the hotel room was her say it's easy I didn't know anything I didn't know anything I didn't know you could have what'd you say I didn't know you're snared by the words of your mouth I didn't know the power of life and death is in your tongues I didn't know that mark 11:22 2-24 said have faith in God for verily I say a new that whosoever shall say shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shut up doubt in his heart but shall believe those things that he say it shall come to pass one who shall have whatsoever he saith I didn't know that nobody taught me that we got a little girl over here in a wheelchair raised her entire life in a Pentecostal Assembly of God Church came to world Harvest Bible Institute and searching through her computer and her by on her computer and ran across isaiah 53:5 with his stripes we are healed she came running in my mother's office the other day in their wheelchair he was running off her face she said I found it I found it I found it what you find honey what'd you find Laurie I found it isaiah 53:5 says with his stripes I am healed I found it I found it the Bible says I'm healed she was raised her whole life in a Pentecostal church never knew isaiah 53:5 I think it's time to get back to Bible basics get back to faith get back to prayer get back to the gifts of the Holy Ghost get back to it last night the last night I don't remember what time it was it was after 1 o'clock in the morning he started praying for her he held her in his arms for 2 hours and 45 minutes he never let go for 2 hours and 45 minutes he screamed at the devil you can have her I won't let you have her I never saw anything like it there wasn't anybody standing it was like war had just been declared people fell out of their chairs all over that building if they went to what I now know is intercession I didn't know what it wasn't there I thought they were all just really upset they were crying and rolling on the floor some of them were beating their stomachs doubled over in the floor and her saw the thing grown people wealthy people and her saw nothing like that this man prayed for 2 hours and 45 minutes for my sister about halfway through it I wish I could tell you the whole thing but I can't take time to tell you the whole thing I guess I should do it sometime you know I guess I should put it in a book I guess I should preach it all over America [Music] halfway through she was facing him like this he had a hold of her around here like that holding on to her she only weighed about 93 94 pounds all of a sudden she started screaming no I won't go with you I won't go with you no I can still hear her shrieking oh you don't understand you don't understand the whole story you don't understand that same angelic looking entity had appeared to her and told her throw her little year to half old baby in a swimming pool and then go and throw herself down the stairs that it was God's will for her to die well the devil can't lie to you all of a sudden her back leg went out of the 90 degree angle I can't do it I can do this only her leg was the other way that way at a 90-degree angle three grown men got on top of her leg and tried to push it down they couldn't move it as the devil was literally trying to pull her out of his arms and him screaming all the while I won't let you have her I won't let you have her she's heat up thank you Jesus she's healed Debbie SEO she's healed right now I'd say she's healed with my mouth I say she's healed devil you can have her I have authority over all devils and to cure diseases thank you Lord Jesus whatever I say with my mouth comes to pass I believe that Jesus I believe you Jesus you are a healer Jesus with your stripes we are healed take your Lord Debbie is he'll see us heal not for three minutes not for 20 minutes and then give up on the kingdom of God's sake God fell off his throne for two hours and 45 minutes and all of a sudden all of us all of us all of a sudden God all of a sudden he was just like somebody just took a picture and just went like this she looked up and she said where am I she looked over there and my dad was laying on the floor weeping she said daddy it's alright I'm back now [Music] [Applause] totally completely delivered just do you know what it's like when God does a miracle right before your eyes not somebody else's miracle your miracle I came back to that little wood frame building that was late Saturday night we drove through the night I got home just in time to take an evangelist shower and throw a suit on and run to that Sunday morning service and that little wood frame building I got up in that pulpit and I said this is a Bible anything that happened in this Bible I remember forget what I said is not only possible in this church from now on it's not only possible it's probable whatever happened in Matthew Mark Luke John and the book of Acts is for this church right now I said now anybody that's sick get up and run down here and God's gonna heal you in a Baptist Church it's a dangerous thing to say everybody's sick well I don't mean that it's facetiously I mean we're all we all had something we could show your our scars oh you got a scar there well look at this one I got you know we glory in that kind of thing glory din our infirmity leave me alone people this is my day it's my miracle and the devil has done his best and when I just talked about this I realized if God be for you I came back got that pulpit said if you're sick run down here but this is a Baptist Church we didn't lay hands on the sick or nothing else you listening we didn't have no healing services don't know anything about that how many of you from a background like I'm talking about all right we had one center aisle everybody clogged in that center aisle and they all started running down the front they get to right here in the front where these two pews are the front pews and I was gonna lay hands on because I found this new thing you know laying on hands I've learned that that week and they came running down there when they come running down there they get to right here right here at the front where these pews are and it was like they just ran into a brick wall right there well I know now what it was is the anointing and I just went to fallen over they've fallen over the pews they're falling over each other people have their heads and other people's armpits they got their on top they're rolling around on the floor I never got to touch one of them they all just sure sure now in that moment a church was born in that moment a ministry was born a ministry that has carried me to preach the first open-air crusade in the Soviet Union where the gun name of God had been damned for 70 years that little 21 year old Baptist preacher that went to Indianapolis Indiana in 1979 and found out the Bible was true I preached the first open-air crusade in Soviet Russia in 70 years the first three people I laid that left hand on the least of which had been in a wheelchair 22 years jumped up out of those wheelchairs went running around in the Soviet Union that well that's what was born that day in Pickerington in a little wood frame building where this man taught me that I could believe this book that God never changed that Jesus was the same yesterday today and forever and if he ever did it before he'd do it today if we just have faith a ministry was born that date that saw over a hundred thousand first-time conversions to Jesus Christ in the last 12 months a ministry was born that day that would raise up a Christian Academy of over 500 students world Harvest Bible Institute online this year we just had a visitation day this week online this year to have a thousand or more full-time students in it from 36 states and 12 foreign nations out of that day a television ministry would be born that 5000 people in a day would call in and believe these people know how to get a hold of God for my miracle then people ask me what do I think about Norvel Hayes sometimes he ought to just come and stay about a month and maybe he could get something in you because what he's got you don't you don't get it in 15 minutes no you have to sit there and sit there and listen and listen and listen and listen and listen and if you listen long enough before you know it you say I believe that and when you do he'll will tuck its deal [Music] he's gonna let you out of here at 12 o'clock I don't know what that is don't really care he's gonna let you out here at 12 o'clock because I want you back tonight but I told him last night I said brother Norville God has been dealing with our church about prayer I mean God has really been dealing with us about prayer and I don't know anybody that can teach people about prayer and believing prayer you know God doesn't answer prayer the Bible doesn't say God answers prayer the Bible says God answers believing prayer whatsoever you asked in faith believing I will give it you that's the kind of prayer God answers how many of you would like to help me and welcome brother Norvel Hayes [Music] [Music]
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Views: 17,279
Rating: 4.924933 out of 5
Keywords: Norvel Hayes, Rod Parsley, History, Legacy
Id: hTraj0K1wF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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