Better Call Saul Season 1 TIER LIST & RECAP - Retrospective

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[Music] hey guys kiwi here in this video i'll be breaking down every episode of better call cell season one and ranking them in a tier list warning spoilers for better calls season one and let's jump right into this first i want to preface that better across all season one was very much a test season season one feels like they didn't really know what kind of show they were making in regards to the direction of the plot and the characters in other words this was them finding themselves season one is a standout to most and it holds a special spot in my nostalgic heart without further ado let's rank the pilot episode 101 uno the gene scene grabs your attention right off the bat showing a sequel at the beginning of the prequel i love it i also really like the song and dress unknown it's just so fitting i'm a big fan of the ink spots due to the fallout games in the first gene scene all we really get is an introduction to gene's life including the cinnabon and jeans house we do get an interesting glance at jeans shoebox to reveal his old saw commercials and as you know if you've seen future seasons there's a little bit more in that shoe box than you initially think now i could do an entire video about the gene scene alone so let's just move on the intro to the jimmy mcgill timeline is a slow burn leading up to a decapitated head [ __ ] it's boring for casual viewers but if you pay attention wow what a payoff at the end of the court scene so since when does that matter they had sex with a head some casual viewers may miss this all together but as seasoned breaking bad viewers know this isn't a show that you can throw on in the background every detail matters anyways saul does a song and dance to near perfection but still loses to the prosecution saying nothing and just showing the video evidence we also get mike's toll booth job reveal which is amazing and it leaves me itching for more mike and his stickers backing up i have to back up i need more stickers don't have enough stickers fun fact saul talking to the cops there was improv employee of the month over here yeah hooray give him a medal don't do anything guys just relax all right and then ah the kettleman dynamic you can really tell who wears the pants in their relationship i absolutely hate to love these characters the actors do a great job then we get the skateboard kids unexpected jarring and initially confusing saul calls them out giving probably my favorite line in the episode furthermore does does a steaming pile of crap scream payday to you huh the only way that entire car is worth 500 bucks is if there's a 300 hooker sitting in it kind of surprised we never see them again in the show i love saul pretending to be his own secretary in a shitty car along with being embarrassed of his own office in the back of the nail salon cucumber water for customer only in saul's teeny office we get the overdue bills cliche but with a subverted expectation he has a check for 26 thousand dollars and rips it up why now i love the way that they tease chuck in the meeting with howard and kim before actually meeting chuck which creates curiosity and the mystery behind it in the pilot episode we get the introduction to kim as the cigarette girl which makes viewers wonder the mystery behind her relationship with jimmy are they dating did they used to date is she even a romantic interest or just a friend not even the show creators knew during the first few episodes and honestly i think it helped it creates curiosity for the viewers while the creators have more freedom to flush out the relationship over time depending on what direction they feel the show is going and it's not until season two that they really figure it out now the chuck reveal damn those lanterns foreshadowing from the pilot episode they did a great job introducing the chuck jimmy brother dynamic chuck is righteous and jimmy wants a payout the money is beside the point money is not beside the point money is the point then we get the setting up of the skateboard con with the slip and jimmy backstory i'll point out one of the most unrealistic things in the series the skateboarders following abuelita by hanging onto other vehicles just feels like something out of a cartoon you felonied my brother this episode ends on a high note cliffhanger begging you to come back for 102. episode 101 gets an a tier even though it has some slow moments that's to be expected from a breaking bad prequel it sets the stage amazingly and really hooks breaking bad fans in the best way episode 102 miho tuko so glad to get more tuko screen time you can tell that the skateboard kids were screwed the moment they called abulita bizmatch the crazy old bismatch who ran over my brother for what you did i love how the show jumps back to show everything from tuco's perspective and each movement that saul and tuko make when they first meet matches up exactly to the 101 ending synced up timelines are tight jimmy has to convince tuku is not punking him similar to walt and jesse with tuko and hector in the beginning of breaking bad season two [Music] are you punking my ambulator we get a classic desert scene i love everything about it and i could break it down but honestly lala does a good enough job in season five you know tuko told me about you you're the guy with a mouth you know the tuko i know he would have skimmed them alive and let the buzzers eat their eyeballs there you were you go blah blah blah and they walk out of there i mean it's amazing really they wheeled out actually i love the way jimmy talks down tuko from killing the skateboard which is breaking away each or as jimmy says a death sentence to six months probation there you go here you go easy easy you are the worst lawyer the worst player ever hey i just talked you down from a death sentence probation i'm the best lawyer ever i love the montage of the pretzel sticks cracking giving jimmy ptsd of the skateboarder's legs breaking this isn't the last time we'll see something normal give jimmy ptsd on the show but i'll be sure to point it out again in future tearless we get the first reveal of chuck's symptoms acting up due to jimmy's phone i love the originality of chuck's condition along with the many debates that it brings throughout the show chuck does care about jimmy that being said he purposely makes jimmy feel bad in the morning with the space blanket just sitting there waiting for him to wake up the constant push and pull we see throughout the show just continues to get worse and worse now chuck puts back on the space blanket after jimmy leaves showing that it wasn't just all for show but that chuck does really feel like he needs it jimmy lies to chuck convincing him that he's not backsliding into slipping jimmy but chuck isn't eating up his bs this becomes a major theme as the show continues and then we get the famous it's showtime folks reference followed by a jimmy lawyer montage which introduced bill oakley as petty with a prior guy also more mike sticker shenanigans this makes you feel real important huh not enough stickers or stickers i forgot how much i love the way that they cut all of jimmy's court cases together into one incoherent sentence it's just great breaking bad always had great montages and to be honest the ones from better call saul are just as good even if it doesn't include cooking meth jimmy's nail salon office is hilariously small with many great small moments such as jimmy moving all of his furniture to lay down just to have to put everything back the second he does lay down such a relatable i just sat down but gotta get up for something cliche nacho is my favorite better call saul original character as i've been a huge michael mando fanboy ever since far cry 3. you right you die and that too yes this ending really had me curious for episode 3 episode 102 gets our first s tier in my opinion it's even better than episode 1 which was already really good the first two episodes of the show were definitely meant to be watched back to back episode 103 nacho this starts with a flashback to chuck visiting slip and jimmy in jail and i really like whenever better call saul uses flashbacks for its cold opener to an episode good character building showing their past slipping jimmy neglect's family and only uses them when he's in trouble the flashback isn't initially all that interesting but the chicago sunroof story does come back in a later episode jimmy's at the nail salon alone at night in the current timeline and he's looking at nacho's number i like the misdirection of them making you think he's gonna call nacho but then he calls kim instead this episode also expands jimmy's relationship with kim where they do confirm that they've at least flirted and talked dirty in the past oh and the robot voice was tom schna's idea which honestly makes complete sense gentlemen you're in danger they're coming for your money bye jimmy needs to get out of the parking lot to go to the kettleman's house but mike won't let him we know it's urgent for jimmy but as the previous montage is revealed jimmy never has his stickers for mike jimmy hits the button himself which results in a domino effect the next time they meet i like how the stickers joke eventually evolves over time instead of just being a one-liner although i do love the one-liner like a troll under a bridge kim is suss at jimmy for seemingly knowing the kettleman's disappearance the night beforehand although the kettleman season 1 arc is a great mystery the amazing payoff in my opinion doesn't have much re-watchability maybe it's just because i've seen season one so many times but i always want to rush past all the kettleman stuff to get to everything else that being said credit where credit is due and we'll discuss that more in a future episode saul freaks out trying to call nacho but he gets no responses nacho's already in police custody since jimmy says the pay phone number that he's at the cops find him and bring him in this moment of jimmy being in danger starts out really cool but the twist of them being cops kind of makes this pointless especially for re-watchability i love season one nacho and i miss him being so intimidating i still love nacho in season five and six was just less intimidating in the later seasons due to the pressure on him causing him to fear for his life i mean it's understandable and in a way it's considered a good thing towards the evolution of his character arc nacho starts out on the show as the intimidator but as the show continues he becomes the intimidated this also corresponds with nacho being in the game at the start of the show but then eventually wanting to get out as the show goes on the officers and kim invite jimmy to the kettleman's house to get him to crack and admit what he knows about nacho but jimmy can't do that without admitting what happened between tuko and the skateboarders and everything else when they leave the house jimmy does tell kim half-truths about nacho wanting to rip off the kettleman's and that jimmy warned the family himself but he leaves out the tuko desert situation jimmy uses the opportunity to find clues on where the kettlemans really are he comes up with the theory that they kidnap themselves but no one believes him that is until he eventually tells mike after jimmy screwed over mike at the tollbooth they get into a confrontation which results in mike taking jimmy down after he pokes him i love the whole i laid a finger on you line okay here's the deal you assaulted this man give me a break i barely touched the guy but you laid hands on him first finger i laid finger on him along with the fact that mike stops letting the cops use them to blackmail jimmy into talking mike and jimmy's storylines don't come together often but when they do it's always pure gold i love how mike believes jimmy and helps him figure out the kettleman mystery i also like how mike mentions he was a cop in philly it helps explain why mike stopped letting the cops use them against jimmy in the situation and it foreshadows mike's own backstory episode jimmy goes off on an adventure to find the kettleman's and eventually succeeds let's do this here's johnny the end of this episode is amazing with betsy and jimmy fighting over the duffel bag having it ripped to reveal all the money fallout the kettleman singing bingo is also foreshadowing to their season 3 deleted scene this episode gets a b tier not quite as good as the first two but still great to be honest the first three episodes a better call sol is probably why i binged the entire first season the first night i ever saw it i watched it the year season one came out but i waited for the whole season to air first episode 104 hero the intro to the episode is a slip and jimmy slash marco flashback i love this because one it explains the saul goodman name pun it's all good man and two the jimmy slash marco fake watch scam is a good season one finale foreshadowing now back in the current timeline the kettleman's being so incompetent results in jimmy accepting a bribe for them concluding the 103 cliffhanger what the kettleman say to jimmy regards to not hiring him is absolutely brutal considering how delusional the kettlemans are about being guilty themselves i'm sorry you just just what you're the kind of lawyer guilty people hire although kettleman's are annoying they're written very well and a broken record the actors do a great job jimmy tells mike the good news and thanks them mike and jimmy is a love-hate relationship never gets old nacho tries to intimidate jimmy when he gets released and i love how jimmy is now bold enough to turn things around on nacho and call him out this is quite a memorable moment and it's the last time nacho and jimmy speak for multiple seasons you should be thanking this good samaritan because whoever he is he did you a favor jimmy then launders his bribe through fake transactions as a lawyer and uses the rest to steal howard's likeness to get back at him for not wanting jimmy to use his own last name even though that was actually chuck jimmy loses the battle for the billboard against howard but he knew that was gonna happen so he uses this to his advantage he stages a situation where he saves a worker taking down the billboard conveniently getting it all caught on camera we also get the introduction of the camera crew who i love as reoccurring side characters always great comic relief jimmy's publicity stunt works and he starts getting business i also like how kim smiles at the publicity stun after howard walks away upset about it showing even this early on into the show that kim enjoys the corrupt side of jimmy jimmy doesn't bring chalk to the newspaper with his publicity stunt on it as chuck would recognize it as the work of slip and jimmy this plot leads into the beginning of the next episode since jimmy is chuck's brother he's known him his whole life so he knows when he's lying jaime's suspicious sudden boom and clients plus the lack of one of chuck's newspapers leads chuck to somehow put two and two together one thing i love about this ending is the contrast between chuck's intensely painful experience running outside to get the newspaper compared to his neighbor's calm point of view this episode gets a b tier it's still good but not great it's kind of an aftermath episode to the whole kettleman slash nacho situation so it's more of a wind down leading into the second half of the season episode 105 alpine shepherd boy this episode starts with chuck being tased and arrested by the police for stealing slash buying his neighbor's newspaper without consent although chuck seems like a wacko that was kind of a caring move for his neighbor to pull chucking tased is about the worst thing that could happen to him considering his condition i remember being very concerned the first time watching this episode and this leads to chuck's condition being proven false which we'll get into in a moment so jimmy goes to all of his new clients most of which are delusional and a waste of time for him and the audience jimmy eventually ends up with irene giving the idea to get into elder law which was actually suggested by kim these hummel figures are what the episode's named after well after they couldn't get the name jello because of a copyright issue and jimmy's knowledge about the hummel figures also foreshadows a minor story arc in season 4. i do love how much jimmy cares about these elders throughout the show which i guess we'll get more into during a season 3 tier list so kim and jimmy rushed to the hospital to help chuck after howard calls them about it jimmy instantly turns off all electronics and eventually the doctor gives him the benefit of the doubt this scene has the doctor prove chuck's condition is in his head and it's also the scene where marie from breaking bad was supposed to cameo in marie was supposed to be the one to prove chuck's condition was in his head but the creators decided against it as the marie cameo would have distracted viewers from the importance of the scene and what it means for chuck and this scene has a ton of importance from the first season it's proven that chuck's illness is all in his head this is a huge deal and a lot of viewers could miss it his illness gets debated for multiple seasons so it's very important for the creators to have a doctor scene with chuck and i think they pulled it off perfectly due to the domino effect jimmy hiding chuck's newspaper resulted in chuck getting tased and ending up in the hospital even though chuck decided to steal his neighbor's newspaper on his own none of it would have happened if jimmy was just honest also once jimmy gets chuck back home he's correct in saying that chuck's condition gets worse whenever slip and jimmy does something questionable these are just a few small examples in the back and forth that is the jimmy vs chuck relationship which to be honest would be a great video to do in the future although i could easily see it being over an hour long so it'd be a huge project hell exploring what caused chuck's illness condition alone is enough for an hour long video maybe i could do both in the future one day let me know what you think this episode ends with mike getting confronted by the philly police leading into the next episode this episode gets a b tier as well i don't mean to sound like a broken record but this season is very middle of the road i enjoy this episode a lot mainly chuck's condition but it's mostly exposition about chuck's condition and set up for future arcs speaking of which episode 106 5-0 this episode shows mike's past before he came to albuquerque we see how and why he moved along with what the deal is with his home life in regards to his family the episode also cuts back and forth between multiple timelines as we see different time periods from mike's past along with the current better call saul timeline with jimmy helping mike get the philly detectives off his back mike's family relationship is believable and heartbreakingly so it's revealed that mike was a corrupt cop but his son didn't know when his son was pressured into becoming corrupt himself he showed hesitation which resulted in him being killed as mike says at the end of the episode he broke his boy and they killed him anyways i broke my boy he went to hoffman he took the money but he hesitated i got maddie to take the money and they killed him two days later mike tricked the corrupt cops that killed his son into wanting to kill him too just for mike to turn the tables on them and kill them instead mike still gets shot but survives the situation instantly moves to albuquerque as he's still shown suffering from his gunshot wound when he first arrives in albuquerque the mystery of what happened to mike's son along with why mike moved to albuquerque is sprinkled throughout the episode with his only really knowing as much as stacy does and slowly figuring it out alongside her until mike finally spits it out himself by the end of the episode we never do see maddie as an adult mike's son the only time we see him is in a flashback as a kid but that's during a future season and i'll mention it when the time comes this backstory completely deserves all the praise it gets i believe it's the highest rated episode of the season and one of the highest rated episodes of the show in general this is the mic backstory we needed in our lives i know better call saul knew that they were getting a second season or not but this is a good example of the show giving everything they've got in the first season because they might not know the future that they have this episode gets an s tier easy this is my favorite episode of the season i love mike he's my favorite breaking bad original character and seeing his backstory was absolutely incredible if they killed maddie who killed them what happened you know what happened the question is can you live with it episode 107 bingo and after mike told his daughter-in-law the truth he left the option up to her on whether or not she'd rat him out to the philly detectives i appreciate mike doing this and explains why the philly detective stopped chasing him for his past along with indirectly answering mike's question last episode that yes his daughter-in-law can live with what happened moving on we begin the arc of chuck trying to get better this brings hope that maybe chuck beats his condition just lives to be out of the picture by the time breaking bad happens i have to find a way to get better i've got to i have to get back to work sitting here rotting away this is no kind of life for me for anyone i need to be useful again jimmy then leaves some of his elder law papers at chuck's due to the lack of storage at his tiny little office but he does this on purpose that chuck will not only start working again but also do some of his work for him jimmy wants nothing more than to work together with chuck but as we know that's the last thing that chuck wants chuck realizes what jimmy's doing but he falls for it anyways then we get a new office that's wishful thinking cliche where the main characters check out a fancy new office space that they never end up getting and just when you've almost forgotten about the kettleman's their back i kinda like how they broke up the kettleman arc to give it a break during the middle of the season if they did the entire kettleman arc back to back it would have been too much in regards to rewatch ability even still i can feel like it's a bit too much at times that being said splitting up the kettleman arc was the correct choice the kettleman's fire hhm and go back to jimmy jimmy eventually convinces them to go back to hhm and take kim's deal in order to do this jimmy has to give back the kettleman bribe in full in order for the cattleman's to fully return the stolen money what are you doing the right thing i do love any scenes of mike being sneaky and putting his detective skills to the test in this episode he's the one that steals the kettleman's money in order for jimmy to force the kettlemans to go back to hhm jimmy confronting the kettlemans and forced them to go back to hhm was clever and satisfying to watch after dealing with their delusions for the entire season it was just a great payoff [Music] now i was gonna put this in the beach here but i think that this episode better fits into the sea tier it's not necessarily a weak episode but it just didn't have enough to stand out to make it a b tier as i've said i personally remember really enjoying some moments during my first watch through such as mike stealing the money and the kettleman's getting confronted by jimmy but that's about all this episode i was going for it oh you don't tell us what to do you stole from us we will have you arrested i i can see how upset you are and even on a good day you and logic are but think about what you just said criminals have no recourse and you two you're criminals episode 108 rico in a flashback we see kim and jimmy working together in the hhm mail room after jimmy secretly passes the bar kim kisses him showing that they did have a thing in the mailroom days although jimmy only passed the bar to impress chuck chuck doesn't want jimmy getting an easy job at hhm chuck hates it when jimmy takes shortcuts but because of this chuck doesn't help out jimmy when he honestly should howard ends up telling jimmy that they won't hire him at hhm even though secretly chuck who didn't want to hire jimmy this flashback proves that jimmy has a long history of hating howard for things that chuck made howard do he's called darth vader but he's really not then chuck comes in because chuck's really darth vader so you find out that howard's not uh now back in the current timeline howard and kim celebrate the kettleman's making a deal gum bask in the glow and jimmy goes to visit irene at sand piper when she doesn't have enough to pay him for her will he starts questioning her about her allowance this is the beginning of the infamous sand piper settlement where jimmy realizes that sand piper old folks home is scamming their residents effectively taking advantage of the elderly chuck admits that jimmy playing tom sawyer worked on him in the last episode but jimmy insists that chuck looks over the sandpiper fraud overcharging their residence jimmy is banned from sandpiper as they illegally shred documents i do want to point out how much i love saul trying to write out a demand letter on toilet paper but it just gets thrown out anyways telling you guys big mistake jimmy goes dumpster diving after hours even though the shredded papers weren't even in the dumpster they were instead in the recycling bin beside it thankfully the shredded papers aren't cross-shredded so he brings them to truck and they start putting them together this is the rising action before the climax stab in the back at the end of the season seeing chuck and jimmy happily working together is so heartwarming but short-lived and i love it when they actually get along for once it gives viewers hope for not only chuck but also his relationship with jimmy we get the introduction to rich schweikart from schweikart and coakley and i do love rich's character quite a lot i think his actor is really good speaking of which i saw him in like two episodes of shameless and i wish he got a bigger role but anyways back to peter call saul i liked this chuck plus jimmy vs rich meeting that happens at chuck's house in regards to sandpiper again it was really cool seeing jimmy and chuck team up going against sandpiper it just really makes my better call sole addiction kick in if you get to this episode it's smooth sailing through the finale as far as entertainment goes the ending to the episode cliffhanger is amazing one of my favorite moments of the season with chuck so wound up in the sandpiper work that he walks outside to jimmy's car to grab more papers without even realizing he's outside effectively not reacting to his allergy of electricity check chuck yeah this episode gets a strong b tier i originally gave a few of these episodes a tier but then knocked it down to be i swear i'm i'm not trying to put all these in bt right but you know to break the b tier streak let's go to episode 109 pimento episode 109 starts off right after the 108 cliffhanger with chuck and jimmy sitting at a nearby bench enjoying the outdoors the way that they integrate chuck's condition into the story is so intriguing and it really makes me care for chuck and jimmy jimmy wins in a court battle against rich schweikart but when he gets back to chuck he finds a mountain of paperwork turns out schweikart is just keeping them busy in distractions so they can never fully succeed chuck convinces jimmy to sell the case to hhm as it's become too big for just the two of them fine so the case goes to hhn hail satan i submit to the dark side jimmy accepts but he's initially reluctant because working along with chuck on such a huge case means a lot to him along with the fact that jimmy hates howard and doesn't want to work with him jimmy jokes to chuck about getting an office right next to his but as we know that's the opposite of what chuck wants i guess i'll have to get an office right next to yours this is when chuck makes the phone call more on that later mike starts doing work for caldera and there's not much to say at first until the scene that the episode is named after pimento the type of cheese mike makes his sandwiches with so are you packing a pimento sorry what pimento sandwich mike meets fellow thugs mountain man and stephen augs in a parking lot hired by some pharmacy nerd who goes by price in order to illegally sell some pills on the side steven oggs asks mike what's in his bag assuming it's a gun mike just responds with pimento i love this moment when price arrives steven oggs tries convincing him to ditch mike as he doesn't even have a gun but what mike does here in response is just amazing take my gun from me let me see it here i'll make it easy for you you can make it not so easy sure thing you got it what the son of a dog mike takes steven ogg's gun from him and hits him in the throat with it mike then hilariously takes the rest of his hidden guns and throws them all in the trash but not before offering mountain man a gun causing him to run away in fear these creators just know the perfect ways to make mike look badass i love this scene taking out the man with a gun who's much taller and younger than him along with making a mountain man run away like a little girl wow just wow top five better call saul scenes of all time hands down also definitely my favorite scene from season one mike loving pimento is just so iconic from this that they even did a non-canon mic pimento sandwich cooking tutorial and fun fact mountain man ends up becoming the pimp bodyguard for the escorts that we see jesse spying on at the welder shop in el camino now back to jimmy he helps prepare chuck for returning to hhm for the first time in almost two years and it's quite the iconic moment they turn off electricity in the entire building for him and confiscate everyone's phones everything's going along just swimmingly in regards to them handing over the sandpiper case that is until howard tells jimmy that they still won't hire him the way that chuck pretends to be on jimmy's side here is just truly disgusting considering he's the one that's making howard say this these words are actually chucks and howard is just the puppet i don't know what to say i am very disappointed i really think you should reconsider i'm sorry but no i think it's best if jimmy takes the of counsel feet we could probably up it a bit keep in mind he will be well compensated in the back end knowing this ahead of the reveal actually makes you look at scenes like this in a different way which does help in regards to rewatchability jimmy yells at howard to tell him why but of course howard can't say the truth and this is where jimmy calls howard a pig great moment very wholesome kim tries to go to howard to convince him to hire jimmy but howard still doesn't budge on the truth now howard tells off kim to deter her from the truth which is kinda brutal he really seems like a bad guy here i believe that you're way out of your depth in this matter so the next time that you want to come in here and tell me what i'm doing wrong you are welcome to keep it to yourself because i don't care but then he ends up stopping her before she leaves and the scene cuts with kim closing the door at first it might seem like howard is going to fire her but instead he actually does tell her the truth about chuck which is honestly surprising howard just can't take pretending to be the villain anymore after all these years now back to mike's side of the story him and price meet nacho which is just a great scene as well to be honest i don't know if i could hate any scene with my two favorite characters mike and nacho so i'm definitely a little bit biased in that regard what i will say is that this is a great first introduction to mike and nacho meeting each other for the first time a mutual business relationship that comes in handy during future seasons and then kim confronts jimmy at the nail salon and does all but admit what howard told her tim tells jimmy to take the deal because she knows that's what's best and jimmy gets mad at her which sucks to see but it's only because he hasn't clued in yet you come here peddling that horseshit on me god you take the deal so until jimmy goes to sulk in his back room that he realizes why his phone was dead first thing in the morning when he brought chuck into hhm chuck used his phone to call howard to tell him not to hire jimmy and then left it on by accident this is where we get the penultimate climax for the season the iconic chimp with a machine gun argument and slipping jimmy i can handle just fine but slipping jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun jimmy confronts chuck that he's been secretly working against him this whole time not just during season one but ever since jimmy moved to albuquerque to become a lawyer at first jimmy leads chuck along into saying how awesome it would be if they could work together then jimmy calls them out for being the reason why they aren't working together once chuck finally comes clean the way that jimmy tells chuck that he's on his own is just so perfect chef's kiss i got you a 20 pound bag of ice and some bacon and some eggs and a couple of those steaks that you like some fuel canisters it's enough for three or four days after that you're on your own what a way to end the episode honestly i was gonna give this episode a strong a tier but after thinking about it a bit more it definitely does deserve an s tier we get all the mike pimento stuff chuck returning to hhm and then everything with the sandpiper case leading up to the chuck versus jimmy climax just so many good moments it definitely tips the scale into s tier it's a very strong episode and i found it incredibly enjoyable episode 110 marco the season 1 finale starts with a slip in jimmy flashback this happens right after one of the previous flashbacks earlier this season where chuck got him out of jail for the chicago sunroof and convinces him to move to albuquerque to work in the hhm mail room in this flashback we see jimmy go to his main bar to say goodbye to his best friend and con partner marco the guy that we saw jimmy running the rolex scam with and yet another previous flashback but then back in the main timeline jimmy returns to hhm to give the case up and strike a deal he's confronted by both kim and howard about chuck's true intentions kim didn't tell jimmy because he didn't want him to hate his own brother jimmy tells howard that he found out about chuck's true intentions on his own that's about time jimmy apologizes to howard for calling him a pig [ __ ] and hands over the case papers when jimmy hands over chuck's grocery list i appreciate how impressed howard is that jimmy's been doing it every day for over a year this is where you really start to see that howard isn't a bad guy jimmy tells kim that he recognizes his brother as a scumbag now there's nothing he can do about it he seems fine that is until he goes to bingo now whenever i think of episode 107 bingo i think of this scene but this doesn't actually happen until the season 1 finale after rolling b numbers for bingo over and over again jimmy has a mental breakdown while announcing the bingo numbers to the elders this is where we get the chicago sunroof story which was referenced in that earlier flashback quick side note when jimmy keeps getting bees he mentions belize which is his code for killing someone in breaking bad sending them on a trip to belize the chicago sunroof confession didn't do any could in regards to jimmy winning over the elderly as clients the whole reason why he started working bingo days for them in the first place so you asked why why if that's how i feel why do i live here why [Music] a quick question who here knows what a chicago sunroof is after the chicago sunroof breakdown jimmy goes back to cicero to relive the glory days with marco i love how they're connecting all the flashbacks together in the finale during the current timeline marco welcomes him back with open arms especially since he doesn't have anything going on in his life in a flashback at the beginning of the episode slipping jimmy told marco that it's time to grow up but marco never did same goes for you man you want to spend the rest of your life on that stool slip and jimmy asked marco if he wanted to spend the rest of his life on that bar stool and sadly he does so jimmy marco go on a montage binge of scams after scamming some guy with a fake coin after the famous kevin costner scam you are not kevin costner i was last night jimmy says it's time to go back to albuquerque but marco begs him for one last scam saying it's all he's got when he says one last scam he really meant it we see their rolex scam go down the same as in the previous flashback except this time marco doesn't respond or get up the person they're scamming runs away and marco gives a few final words before dying due to his heart problem that was foreshadowed throughout the episode and now we know why along with now realizing why the episode is named after marco after marco's funeral kim calls jimmy saying that she's got him in office at davis and maine because the elder clients love jimmy so much clifford maine becomes his boss in season two but more on that in a future video jimmy returns to albuquerque now wearing marco's pinky ring which is symbolic of his time in cicero as slip and jimmy along with obviously being in memory of marco i do also love the closing scene to the season with jimmy pulling up to mike's tollbooth and asking why they returned that money instead of taking it and that he's never missing that opportunity again but more on this in my season 2 tier list this season finale gave good closure but nothing too spectacular it concludes the sand piper deal with hhm for now along with setting jimmy up for a job in season 2 working on his case after all all of the marco stuff was really good too i do really enjoy his character and all the slip and jimmy flashbacks the season 1 finale gets an a tier the thing about breaking bad and better call saul is that it's widely known that they get better and better each season this means that technically some think that season 1 is the weakest season to better call saul and i'm not sure i agree and also just because season 1 is the weakest season doesn't mean it's a bad season like season 1 is a good season it's just that all the other ones get better i try to be critical on the episodes and i'll try to be critical going forward and future tearless which is probably why i gave so many episodes b tier instead of bumping them up to a but hey that's just me let me know if your own tier list for the full season in the comments below now i hate to say this because you know i love better call saul so much but i don't know if season one is my least favorite season there's two other potentials for my least favorite season and we'll get more into that during future tier lists and we'll see how much i really like those seasons and i'm being vague here because i don't want to spoil anything but you know we'll get more into that in future videos and about my tier list in general i know this seems kind of unorthodox because usually a tier list is just someone sitting in front of an actual tier list and kind of shooting the [ __ ] and putting whatever their rating on whatever categories they want while looking at the actual tier list i feel like i might be over editing some of this and i was originally going to do this as a live stream but i just wanted to give this as much a detail as i could and also use it as kind of a recap for the season in general so in a way i guess this could be just as much of a recap as it is a tier list anyways in regards to better calls all season one although there were a few weak moments i did thoroughly enjoy it and it did do a really good job initially hooking me into the show well that's the end of my tier list how do you rank the episodes as i said let me know in the comments below i'd appreciate a like on the video if you've enjoyed anything that i've said today and if you're new to the channel or just haven't yet already subscribe and hit that bell notification to stay updated on when i post new content on better call saul and breaking bad i thank you all so much for watching and until next time i'll talk to you guys later peace out [Music] oh [Music] thank you the lesson is if you're going to be a criminal do your homework wait i'm i'm not a bad guy no i didn't say you're a bad guy i said you're a criminal what's the difference for when you figure out you're in the game i'm not in the game i i promise it's just you know you assume that criminals are going to be smarter than they are i don't know which kind of breaks my heart a little you let them go just let them go you stupid you can go home today with your money and never do this again but you took something that wasn't yours and you sold it for a profit you're now a criminal good one bad one that's up to you
Channel: TheVividKiWi
Views: 182,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: better call saul season 6, better call saul, better call saul season 6 trailer, better call saul season 6 teaser, better call saul trailer, better call saul teaser, better call saul season 6 release date, better call saul season 6 episode 1, better call saul 6, better call saul recap, better call saul season 1 recap, better call saul season 1, better call saul tier list, better call saul reaction, better call saul season 6 official trailer, saul goodman, breaking bad tier list
Id: XSNDE-pH38g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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