Poker - PART 1 - With the Grumps! - Table Flip

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magic games and your fashion friends come on everybody this is table welcome to table flip hosted by the lovely Susie and the impeccable Barry with special guests Aaron Ross Danny come along and let's flip tables Texas Hold'em is abetting in bluffing card game for two to ten players the goal is to win as many chips as possible by making the best hand of five cards or by forcing all the players to drop out of the hand known as folding before the showdown play begins with the first two players to the dealer's left placing predetermined blind bets the first is the small blind and the second is the big blind usually double the small blind each player then receives two cards known as pocket or hole cards these are dealt face down and kept private betting begins when the player left of the big blind who either calls by betting the same amount as the big blind raises by betting at least double the big blind or folds by dropping out of the hand action continues clockwise to each player until all players have had a chance to act and everyone has either bets the same amount or folded once all bets are in the dealer burns the top cards of the deck by discarding it and deals three community cards face up on the table this is known as the flop the players now make the best hands they can by combining the community cards with their personal pocket cards and another round of betting begins where each player is given the chance to call raise or fold after each player has acted the dealer then burns another card and deals one more community card face-up on the table for the players to use this is known as fourth Street or the turn players assess the best hand they can including this new card and a another round of betting continues if there are still players in the pot at this point the dealer burns another card and deals the final community card known as fifth Street or the river after another round of betting any remaining players enter the showdown and must reveal their hats starting with the first player to bet during the last phase of betting as a strategic move if a player realizes they have a losing hand they may muck their cards at this point conceding the pot without revealing what they had the winner then collects the pot and adds it to his or her pile and another hand is dealt a player is eliminated when they no longer hold any chips and the winner of the tournament is the last player at the table all right everybody so the game we're playing today is No Limit Texas Hold'em we are going to be doing 10-minute levels you each have 10,000 and chips in front of you okay and the blinds and antes will be increasing every 10 minutes so let's draw a card for the dealer button oh sure eenie meenie miney mo this one this one's mine she's nine shows ah sure we all know that I am The Joker that's not the jacket we all know that I'm the jerk we all know that I'm the how to play poker what's T looks like I know jack all right everybody so we will be 25 and 50 to start and the clock begins now good luck everybody thank you thank you very much thank you says luck has nothing to do with it doesn't need any luck very true damn I don't need no C for mission are you a devout believer in the concept of poker yes thank you best and I've ever had oh and don't joke about that huh guys sorry joke oh sorry sorry series brah I'm is it the first warning yes no sir all right what's the minimum coming in is 52 call that's one of these what that is a one of those rocks it's best property um hit that does not apply it does for players we're players I can make whatever noise I want to proclaim over damn mm-hmm who this in green oh man I will raise well 500 Oh that's raised to 530 dog let's do it what are you doing boy Booker Gray's 450 to go over 450 for 30 more 450 more so I thought her total 500 total terrific police what are you guys doing Rosalyn it here we go oh my god oh damn holy jolie moly golly Wow does I mean oh my god he's got that name what's that what's the difference yeah you can just tap twice on the deadly yeah the best movie check you guys really checking on a straight come on when do we do the thing we have to show the cards is that soon after this uh will you make a decision on your hand first either you want to put in 500 more than 500 salt for every gallon raining every thousands I'm gonna fold hmm I'm crazy but this crazy things are happening oh one of these days it's one it's you never know across mm-hmm a bunch of checks and then 3,000 on the Queen he knows no Xia's next ray nobody wants to be pushed around by Ross that's what he knows vivo for Texas last summer hasn't it yeah I know I know I can't do that show it anyway yeah sure you did have it you skanky [ __ ] oh my god I'm sorry that about I'm sorry I called you a skanky [ __ ] that was so you had that on the turn and then check I'm just trying to see if I could scare you come on Nick there was something good yeah 200 is back stoop for ya there's a lot of black chips you salty saying you say there's an origami class because I can't stop folding no no you can't Pat for us that's your own joke all right never mind that's pissing bad poker oh I'm asking you shall receive sir ruff oh okay um oh I don't know like 200 to say okay I wonder if he's pretending that he has a bad hand and actually has a good hand yeah we got Ross you're so red strong hands here Oh Guido rumor this changes everything changes nothing oh I'll check oh I put in money 505 out of this book call I really want nowhere else to do it because he's like I can't enter but I will then he raised the best exact same amount on the flop checks on the turn and then puts in a lot on the river on a moon lien we're all there yes there really curious right yeah do it Holton this is high oh you got that queen of the burger a [ __ ] oh wow you polish canteens with [ __ ] thank you Wow okay hi guys good that make sense that's what I'm great read yep it's king of five it was a good I'm full cuz I just told everyone the cards were absent mindedly said it out of that embarrassing come on big numbers well my life is over folks and you got three hair jacks and a straight oh my god Ross higher straight you are though you are the weirdest way the weirdest player hood Sam if any ideal Ross is doing 50 for everybody please ready oh yeah let's write that could actually do it yeah thanks for taking my chips man what I'm super just thank you for doing his job oh that's what a shitty hand looks like I learned something check 400 [ __ ] iPhone so much no shoot play anymore I'm just gonna wait up here - I got a pair oh wow we all did nobody not happen whoa no she is the state auntie still three and six hundred 300 and 600 600 why wait are you the deal enough sorry oh it's rigged to explode it always lands on heads he's gonna get you kicked out of the casino so he's trying to I don't want me take out of this you cuz you know what are we gonna do ah I'm a pineapple sorry let's do this it's but because of you okay you look like a genie out of a lamp for some boy oh yeah I want three wishes I wish the [ __ ] dealer like nocturno Oh hey Carrie okay it's like I want you had to be planning the ground of the microphone in how much mode just pull it all the way oh boy yeah you look like the shrunken head guy from beetlejuice yeah it's gonna be hard for mystics Robson was kind of sure you can check jackings here QC needs I don't use turns I'm not I'm hold it or maybe I'm not glad unfolded hm yeah I saw you cover all my bases there 1000 is the bet 1,000 I am going to raise 2 mm mm that's good nice and open what's it going be so you're super lazy beatboxing just like right cheers Chris look it's uh Komachi with you lucky I'm gonna go another mm oh oh good I'm back in the game piece nice work you samurai topknot works every time did a great job it is really good chocolate blow to my head cool auntie's Joe little panties jeez guys me put some poker yeah yeah you're right you know what I'm gonna do it you know what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it do it do it I'm feeling lucky are we doing fault options are answered my own question all right check mine I'm just like man I'm just not getting cards in it what's your will start bluffing sir ty yeah rap puffin gonna go uh Michael's out what those like exactly yes then race to look at that here's you that you see that bear Kings watch Game of Thrones pop three they're all take it Wow oh you look like someone from outer space all right thank you thank you very very nice I am a I'm very generous whatever a big box like 300 and 600 what the f are you serious are you for freaking serious Oh 300 this is sparta Jesus Nick and little bling it's all your fault buddy good one okay can you get a pair you got a pair of cards it's nice to say that much 600 that's a lot of money you did it I'm into ops I'm good Dylan you look like you have an upside-down boat on your head that's awesome um mother I'm good here that's good day because of you uh I'm gonna check when I go in for like tooth out what I need to down yeah dude that's an armful and you do to media to go over all the poker I'm okay start with what is a card what is it what a card I'm trying to decide whether I should bluff or fold I'm gonna block come on man oh you're that you gotta know when to hold the win to fold him Lady Luck is gold and she favors the bold that's cold stop throwing stones the night has a thousand saxophones let's get out there tonight and roll bones now we're playing poker now we're playing poker come on girl show me what you got I'm gonna bet it you're gonna regret it yeah you yeah that's the one here oh my god seven eight nine ten very good well yet I should we have to bet first I'm just going to check something you're gonna check yeah yeah uh two pair damn that one K damn who that why has the poker God forsake me I got in the river I couldn't even you much better China huh huh yeah Wow us for a good hand me one last hand at this level everybody fifty and three six didn't get my scrubs out of here please the Buddhist cups fifty from each of you gentleman uh uh come on sorry there's some high-level poker right here you top tier and 300-600 please it only plays cable in seven three hundred from you oh god what is it six hundred from you about each hikes are ruining the sand project doesn't mean this right okay begins with you lady are you serious writing on it are you sure he was serious right now did you just get a seven to nothing back good couldn't play it much more sleep with left oh man dealing I'm we gonna graphic and like a zoo and like a fire flame thanks Nick that's how you commit career suicide to you you know what okay cool let's play how so how much to play 600 600 that's all [ __ ] what a lot of money dude wow I wasn't expecting that one oh it's to me it is yeah I do it an opposite [ __ ] 12 what the nice Barry you don't even know their total even know even the flip this one it's not a flip rough evil plot that's my favorite show detention coming December from prove an astable flat that's a sorry die mr. Arens like this is Todd I thought yeah all right here yeah yeah I need to see the cards I can't be bullied out of it all right bully McNeely three players thank you yeah no he's got something cuz he doesn't blow every doesn't blow fire he doesn't Bluff I didn't know that cuz he's never lost their it begins with you ah I'm gonna shake look mm Oh No Oh I'm gonna grab this I can't bear to watch okay why don't you turn to the oh I make it three Little Miss Porsha is alone Oh sir berries in all right turn up your hands member sayma flop straight Ross has the 800 run table flop and he's gonna get one RAAA I'm glad I hold him I'm sorry for your lots bearing yeah you why did you buy and free cloth why did you go I own ugly uh yeah I just play like a maniac dude you can't predict my moves good no no we can but all right I brought with this one he's like the drunken master of poker except he's actually drunk he's not really a matter is that good well egad we could have been a little more money oh oh we might actually have our first flipping of a tape Newton knew I could do it big wall in this cuz I'm sick of it wants to know what Barry did wrong go to everything to find out I'm gonna fall I'm in and then for this I'm in it to win it let's go up Annabelle's dent and now we're playing for
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,313,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, funny, ross, suzy, barry, table flip, card, poker, texas hold 'em, table, flip, polaris
Id: ad04UvM0Wgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 18 2014
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