Best Zucchini Fritters Recipe

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Chef Buck here check this out  we got some fresh zucchini   yes right out of the garden and we're cooking  us up get down here this is where the action is   we're cooking us up some zucchini fritters yes  so stay tuned there's fritters in your future   today we're going to do a zucchini fritter recipe  we got some fresh zucchini from the garden that's   right all of uh camera girls and relatives around  here they got big old gardens they call them   gardens they look like farms to me whatever but  the first thing that we got to do before we do   anything else is we're going to shred our zucchini  and then put a little salt on it to draw out the   water so that our fritters won't be as wet when  we put them in the skillet and the great thing   about zucchini you know super healthy very easy  ingredient to use but you don't have to do much to   it we don't have to peel it you know the skin is  delicious so we're just going to lop off the ends   and then we're just going to give them  a little shredded shred with a grater   you want some nice texture to your fritters so we  usually use just a manual grater look at this this   is what will happen if you use a manual grater  all the time okay don't be afraid do it anyway   but i always do with my right hand so i can't  show you this one here because it's kind of   sad watch your fingers that's right i don't  want to have too much skin in my fritters   i don't want to end up with any skin in my  fridge well you got to expect a weed a little bit   all righty come down here and take a peek  at this camera girl so you can see it the   kind of the texture we're looking  for but look how wet this is   okay that's very i'm just saying there's a lot of  water in uh zucchini so one of the first things   we got to do is we got to get some of that water  out of there my mama tells me you're not allowed   to play with your food well then she's doing it  wrong oh i bet you won't say that to her when   she's standing here so right there we got two  cups of shredded zucchini so we're halfway there   we're making a lot of fritters i gotta be careful  because uh camera girl just bought a new knife and   it's super sharp this is a pioneer woman knife  because chef buck didn't want a pointy end yeah   yeah i don't like a point in knife a few years ago  i mean i've been working with knives my whole life   but a few years ago i i slipped and the end of  the knife went in my palm and the flesh bubbled   out it was and ever since then i've had a ptsd  or whatever with a sharp pointed knife and then   i realized i don't need a sharp pointed knife i  ain't even competent enough to use them anymore   this is pretty much almost two more cups so we've  got about four cups of shredded zucchini here   now if we wanted to we could go ahead and just uh  squeeze the water out of here as best we can but   i'm gonna go ahead and wait no hurry so i'm just  gonna go ahead and throw some salt in here and   then we're going to let it sit in the colander  and let some of that water voluntarily leave   before we get all aggro you know we're going to  end up losing some of this salt later and this   is all the salt i'm going to add to the recipe  but i'll go ahead and get this mixed in with my   shredded zucchini and there's plenty of water that  wants to come out of this zucchini as it is but   the salt will give it some added incentive now i'm  going to go ahead and throw it in a colander and   we'll put the bowl up under here so you can see  how much water comes out of here just naturally   we'll just set this in a sink and we'll let this  rest for a little bit and see what nature has   to do oh come on come over here you interrupted  me earlier i was in the middle of a commercial for   the pioneer woman tonight okay camera girl just  bought this here and i'll have an affiliate link   down below if you want to check this knife out  because we're running a business here and i'm a   bit in this man oh my lord alrighty so it has been  about a half hour we've been lollygagging around   and this is how much liquid has come out of  our zucchini without any prompting at all   so that's quite a wee little bit you  could drink it if you were a hipster   you know you could save this and put it in your  smoothie but you know we're out here in the   country get a shot of the country you know just  drink it they run they run hipsters out of town   around here you know we don't want to be mistaken  for hipsters no you really do you really want this   yes she's in more of a health mood than i am well  they're soft it's not the healthiest thing but   let me go ahead and give this a squeezy squeeze  and let's see what else we can get out of here   look at that we're still getting a lot  out of there gosh you're a strong man   i don't feel that strong i feel like  i'm trembling squeezing this zucchini   so there's quite a little bit more right there  that we just squeezed out so we'll let this   drain on its own for another minute or two and  see what happens but i think i'm gonna have to   squeeze it some more to get any more out of there  but while that zucchini is considering getting   drier let me slice up my green onions because  we don't have a lot to prep for this recipe   except for you know grating and draining our  zucchini and then i'm going to slice up some green   onion here and i'm going to slice them into some  little strips you know so that they will you know   hopefully form well with the patties so i'm going  to give them a little cut and then i'm just going   to slice them into some strings my table is doing  a lot of whining it's a creaky old table that's   right a creaky old cook and a creaky old table  we're just sitting around in the kitchen one day   and you can take your green onion or you know  even a regular onion and you can just uh chop   it up finely if you like but i think cutting it  up in the strips will help it to form into better   fritter patties plus it gives it some texture you  get a bigger bite of green onion which we love   i think this is enough for the amount of  zucchini we have because i want it to be   a zucchini fritter i don't want to just be  an onion fritter but i'll go ahead and give   this a little bit of chop so then they're  in some slightly more manageable sizes   but now it's got some strings that hopefully will  hold together a little better in our fritter let's   go back over here and see if any more liquid has  come out of this zucchini so just a dibble dabble   and i think that was probably left in there so it  really hasn't so let me give it one final squeeze i don't know why it needed to sound like  a dinosaur it sounded like a dinosaur from   constipation issues yeah well note to self never  say the word constipation in a recipe video   that's smart that's plenty of liquid out you  keep pouring that out oh i'm sorry i forget i   forget i'm saving it for you that's hilarious  all righty so let me dry my bowl out and we'll   go use it over here for something else so now  i'm going to bust up a couple of eggs in here now i'm going to throw some goat cheese in  here yes you know so we can fancy fire it up   a little bit now this is goat cheese with  herb yeah camera girl started buying this   here and i'm kind of hooked on it it's such a  great taste but you could just use regular goat   cheese if you like in fact you don't have to  use goat cheese you can use any kind of creamy   cheese maybe a little bit of cream cheese just  plain jane cream cheese i bought boar's head   which is fancy pants i did that by mistake why did you buy the board's head because  she usually gets the publix brand but i   didn't realize that i didn't say why i was just  surprised that cheapskate bought boar's head   inside and this is four ounces and i'm not going  to use all four ounces this is like half a cup   so i'll probably use just half of this here  maybe a little bit more than half so right   around a quarter cup of goat cheese now i'm  going to go ahead and whisk these ingredients up now i'm going to add some seasoning  in here we got plenty of salt   in with the zucchini so i'm not  going to put any more salt in here   i'll do a little bit of ground black pepper and  i'm going to add some red pepper flakes here   just for some heat you know if you wanted to you  could put in some fresh pepper some fresh jalapeno   or you could just do some chili powder but i  think some flakes will be nice so since we're at   my mother-in-law is out in the country naturally  she's got some rich crackers in the cabinet now if   you wanted to you put just some regular saltines  or you put some flour oh looks like i have to give   one of these up feed your health we're going  to go ahead and just give them a crushy crush boom boom boom i'm going to toss in my  green onion now i'm going to throw my   dried zucchini or my semi-dried zucchini in  here now i'm going to go ahead and mix it up get my zucchini and my onion intertwined   man that smells really nice i really smell those  ribs you don't smell the herbs in the cheese i   guess i do smell that goat cheese too so now i'm  going to take my skillet and i'm going to heat it   on medium heat i'm going to give  me a little bit of oil in here i'm using coconut oil but you don't have to be too  particular about your oil whatever kind you like   so once my oil is hot i'm gonna go ahead and  scoop me up some fritter batter and throw it in my skillet and just spread them out and i'm just measuring it out  about a quarter cup at a time so we'll give them a minute by themselves here   before we flip them but it's  not going to take very long   and really the only thing that has to cook is the  egg because you know zucchini you can eat that raw go ahead and turn my first one over  it's only been about a minute oh yes it doesn't take too long at  all for these things to fry up i got me a little plate here and i'll go  ahead and throw some paper towels on here   to catch any oil off of these fritters let's  take a look here at my fritters boom boom boom   okay it's pretty dark on that side so i'm  gonna go ahead and call it done yeah buddy all righty i still think i  got plenty of oil in here we'll squeegee the last of our batter  out so at the temperature i have it it's   taking about a minute maybe just  a little bit less than a minute   and this is a nice skillet so you really do want  to have a nice nonstick skillet for this kind of   fritter make your life a lot easier my fritters  here doing alrighty so i'll go ahead and pile   these off to the side put me down another piece  of paper towel let me give these a flippy flip all right so i think it's been going plenty  of time boom boom boom not as quite as dark   on this side so that's good i think i  did the other ones just a hair too long i think this recipe is forgiving oh yeah it's  very forgiving these things are super duper easy   but they look tremendous and they hold together  super duper well i could have easily got away   with one egg i think you can use them as a as a  frisbee you know some of these old houses you get   a leak in the roof you can just take this up pass  it on smart butt i want to get out the sour cream   and applesauce and eat them hot sour cream and  applesauce yes this isn't dessert i like a nice   savory fritter this ain't an apple fritter  have you ever had pork chops and apple sauce   i avoid that i don't want apple on my pork chop  or you know what else do people do people put   mint on um mint on lamb what i like a  mustard sauce on my lamb i like savory   okay apple sour cream on here you're we ready  same yeah yeah we can uh yeah we'll eat them   while they're hot that'll be a novel idea give  it a go so we got six nice zucchini fritters   from that recipe we just made let me give it  a taste before i put any sour cream on here   this is just a plain jane fur that cheese had  herbs and the green onion yeah this is just plain   without any kind of sauce or dressing  or anything on here and it is super   flavorful i tell you using that herb goat  cheese that really makes a big difference   and you know ritz crackers rich crackers have  a lot of flavor they're kind of decadent and   buttery so you know you can use flour but those  brits i'm sure adds a lot of richness to these   and definitely the green onion i mean there's a  lot of flavors coming through i'm getting them all   because zucchini doesn't have an overwhelming  taste you know it's kind of a sort of a neutral   flavor you know so you can use this in a lot of  different kind of recipes that's why zucchini   bread is so good you know it has a very neutral  flavor it's not like broccoli or asparagus or   anything like that be great for breakfast lunch  and dinner you get the three o'clock in the   morning you want to watch some infomercials you  know you're looking for something new and shiny to   slice dice and chop you know you can do your own  slice and dice into chopping and cooking up some   of these while you're watching infomercials that's  fascinating you know eating at three o'clock in   the morning that's the old habit i used to have  can i eat now i'm sorry yours ain't as hot as mine super duper ain't it it really is we'll give your  aunt some credit here we'll say that it's super   duper delicious because we got this fresh zucchini  right out of the i don't know do you pull it out   of the ground like a potato or does it come off  a tree what is it it's a vine a vine you've never   had to pick it no i'm pretty sure you dig it up  like a potato no you do not but also they did give   us good tender ones sometimes when you go even to  a farmer's market they want to give you these huge   you do not want squash or zucchini the smaller  the better that's true for a lot of vegetables   you're trying to say this is weird but you just  put a little bit of creaminess with it yeah and uh   all right i'm gonna try it just like that first  before you uh mess it up with your applesauce   i mean these are great all on their own and i mean  you can add a little bit of creaminess as a treat   don't you like um but now you're just putting  sugar on there don't have you ever had mango   chutney or any kind of sweet chutney on like fish  of course of course but i'm not a big fan of that   i want my sweet afterwards with the coffee why are  you telling me all these dark secrets this many   years later what do you got so you got a little  bit of your applesauce on yeah cream all righty that's the way to go it's layers of goodness  yeah well i consider myself layers of goodness   so we're going to finish up our fritters here  you know and if you want to check out this recipe   you know i have a link down below and you can  go check this recipe out over   we got all our recipes over there uh we  appreciate you watching and doing all the stuff   uh that helps us out thanks a bunch for  that uh we got more recipes coming hope   everybody's having a great weekend  we'll talk to you in the future
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 522,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zucchini recipe, zucchini fritters recipe, how to cook zucchini, best zucchini recipe, easy zucchini recipes, how to make fritters, how to make vegetable fritters, brunch recipes, breakfast fritters, squash fritters, zucchini fritters with goat cheese, zuchini recipe, chef buck, myfoodchannel
Id: CgS0SQjwQr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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