Best & Worst Games in 2021 (That I Played)

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top games 2021 as with previous years these aren't games that necessarily came out this year just games that i played for the first time this year so for example even though i played through all of super mario 3d world on stream it's not gonna be on here because i played the wii u original like seven years ago seven years and i didn't play bowser's furry at all i'm sure it's great i just didn't get around to it i didn't play a ton of new games this year despite what my my nintendo recap said there's usually 12 games in these videos but this year is gonna be like 15 because i forgot about three of them that i played so i'm cramming them in here but before we get started i have a confession i didn't play metroid dread i'm sure it's great i'll get around to it eventually but i've played so many dang 2d sidescrolls and metroidvanias that i have no burning desire to play another one honorable mention fire emblem three houses mr spaceman you lie in peace and [ __ ] you played fire of the triple real estate two years ago i hear you proclaim and yes this is true but i only played three of the four routes in three houses because i heard with silver snow i wasn't missing much but i finally got around to playing silver snow this year the hardest route and on maddening difficulty the hardest mode but on new game plus because i do not care enough to have to do all those monastery tasks for a fourth time over that's the name of the mode maddening mode is a big shock storm you're fighting against over leveled mid-maxed enemies with [ __ ] abilities that they don't actually learn and ambush spawn reinforcements you can't strategize for so you've got to exploit every mechanic you have access to do things like train everyone to be a master brigand so they all learn death blow and throw that [ __ ] right back at him it's a big old dookie typhoon the good thing about three houses is gameplay is that between classes mastery skills personal skills crest abilities weapons stats battalion gambits combat arts there are plenty of good strategy mechanics to use the beginning of the run was pretty challenging since every enemy thief apparently multi-classed from dark mage so they all have poison strike and i didn't use your op lord edelgard since she leaves halfway through anyways and then the middle was fine because new game plus gives you the most op item in fire emblem history and my strategy quickly became hope pilot crits and then the last few chapters were pretty tough but the final chapter wasn't too hard it just took a long time because reya had a lot of health oh spoilers by the way but the dummy thick pope is the final boss because she succumbs to dragon's sickness i don't know the game doesn't explain it very well but the final battle takes like 10 [ __ ] years because she has a billion health and only three my units can hit her without being one-shotted speaking of story-wise yes this is absolutely the worst route which is even funnier because in interviews they reveal that this was the first route they made and also originally going to be the only one this is why you do multiple drafts when writing a story the story is basically golden deer but worse instead of stupid sexy clawed you have church zaddy sedith who's fine and stuff that happens in the other rounds happens off-screen in this one hey there's a huge three-way battle happening at grinder field and everyone's gonna die oh well dimitri's ghost shows up at one point i feel like no one talks about that if there's one thing that annoys me it's all this short king propaganda i've seen recently and it's all his fault that being said i'll allow one exception being kaspar who i didn't use all that much in my other playthroughs but my strategy gradually went from hope violet and petra crit to kaspar will crit my cast bar was so jacked and packed that he was able to one shot the death knight on the paralog where you're supposed to avoid him with the exception of violet and the house leaders it's always my crestless units that are consistently the best kaspar petra dorothea shamir certainly better than ferdinand von zero speed growth for 40 levels and only useful on player phase for swift strikes i plan on using the mole people dlc characters and all of them not named happy dropped off for real she just made everyone a wyvern lord and called it a day and crest abilities themselves aren't even that game changing it's almost as if crests are [ __ ] which is kind of what edelgard was talking about how society should be merit-based instead of inheritance-based doing a little bit of storytelling through gameplay mechanics a unique trait of video games that they should do more often anyways i give fire from three houses silver snow maddening new game plus with cheese a melted snowman out of a possible december the worst month number 15 super monkey ball banana mania i picked up the anniversary edition on sale which was cheaper than the regular one probably so they could get rid of some of these art books i hadn't played super monkey ball for at least a decade and in playing it again i was reminded why i've never played a game that has more quickly made me go from hehehe funny monkey game to wrap this game and everyone responsible for making it some of the levels are fun and creative some of them are challenging but satisfying to beat and some of them are straight up [ __ ] and are completely luck based you know it's bad when you type in super monkey ball but animania into the search bar and the [ __ ] level is the first autofill result hey monkey ball i don't think you tested some of these levels very well hey monkey ball some of these levels are pretty [ __ ] thankfully the game has an assist mode that shows you what route to take and you can slow down time to better position and if that's not enough you can just skip the [ __ ] levels and keep going it's such a bizarre game you're not controlling the monkey you're tilting the stage and the monkey rolls along it and the sound effects are [Music] a lot am i supposed to collect all the bananas i'm not collecting all the bananas the best part about this game is all the customization options and all the other sega characters you can put in the ball remember jet set radio stop lying no you don't or raiding i give this one a monkey offering to share a banana with you and then kicking you in the dick instead number 14 mario golf super rush a title that sounds like a mobile game you know first time i played this game was multiplayer on stream and i had a lot of fun with it i played as pauline for obvious reasons and on that stream i was absolutely dominating just completely decimated the competition their golf careers are over ignore that one time i lost it was an absolute manslaughter because as you all know i'm amazing at video games and amazing at geometry i got an albatross one time i didn't even know that was a thing in golf it was also a lot of fun because we were playing speed golf so instead of having to wait for each person to go like in most golf games everyone goes at the same time and how fast you make it to the hole is factored into your score you can activate special abilities to mess with the other players this is a great idea that should be in more golf games there's also battle golf which we played once and we're like uh yep let's go back to speed golf it was also hilarious watching vic beyond get like a plus seven minute penalty because the map was so badly designed and it doesn't reset your ball if you go too far off course you're just fact speaking of bad design the rest of the game is pretty garbage and felt two-thirds finished at launch there is technically a story mode where you level up your golf abilities in the same sense that me walking to the grocery store and getting eggnog is technically a story where i leveled up my eggnog stat i recommend this game for anyone having trouble falling asleep because it'll definitely get you there it's very boring and lifeless and the same can be said about the golf courses themselves it doesn't feel like you're playing golf in the mushroom kingdom it feels like you're in generic unity environment assets in skybox they did that thing where there were a couple of updates each month and by updates i mean they let you play as characters who are already in the game's code but by then it was too little too late i'd already put the game down also the soundtrack is atrociously bad you know i don't expect mario kart 8 live instruments every time i mean i wouldn't say no to that either but this is like one of those 30 second midi horn loop soundtracks for raiding i give mario golf super rush a mediocre head out of 10. you know it was kind of fun at the start but after the first two hours i'm like alright let's let's wrap this up number 13 monster hunter stories 2 monster hunter stories is basically monster hunter's version of pokemon but instead of using balls to catch wild ones you steal the unborn eggs from the parents instead jesus and instead of your monsters fighting for you you fight alongside your monsters it'd be like if captain got in a fight with a sheep and i punched the sheep along with him unlike the real time combat and regular mod hunt games mhs2 is a jrpg with trim based combat and a rock paper scissors system and i don't mean rock paper scissors like in pokemon where water beats fire beats grass i mean every round of combat you and the ai are literally going rock paper scissors shoot and if you win you deal more damage and take less damage and if you and your computer-controlled monster partner both choose right your fusion dance to a special attack and take no damage i do like that knowledge of regular monster hunter games helps you in predicting what move the monster is going to use like this monster's fast is going to use a speed attack this monster is underground i'll use a sonic bomb to unsubmerge it so you know that was cool i also like the stylized art direction stories too i would love to see a regular monster hunter game with this art style they also picked a good roster of mods for this game and while the battle system may be a little bit similar to pokemon the animation is way better plus it has a fast forward button to get through these battles quicker and i don't know the game starts out pretty fun but gets progressively less and less fun as the game goes on as it doesn't really innovate or introduce any new mechanics for level design and it's got a very repetitive gameplay loop the game starts out ridiculously easy for the first two thirds like so easy i never used a single potion to heal or anything then spikes up and goes balls of the wall difficult towards the last third but in that last third i actually had to engage with the game's mechanics and do things like use potions to heal since it's a true traditional jrpg it has a story hence the game's name and now i know why monster hunter games don't really have stories because oh my god this story is uh not great characters from the first game show up and team up with you and give you an epilogue of the events from the first game i didn't play the first game i don't know the events from the first game beyond the wikipedia summary hey if you're gonna do this maybe have a summary of the previous game's event at the start of this game mass effect 3 had a comic summary the first two games at the start you know something like that and the game keeps mentioning red he's your grandfather apparently i do not know this man but the game keeps talking about how amazing red was it feels like a dungeon master self-insert character with the game constantly being like remember how awesome that guy is no hopefully there is a monster hunter stories 3 and if so i'll give the plot hook for free it starts with navru being brutally beheaded and you have to find the killer and thank them because oh my god navru is the worst part of this game get him out of here final boss sucks ass too maybe i was under level because at that point i was pretty done with the game so i skipped some fights but i basically had to heal my ai partners on every turn for the entire battle and has like six [ __ ] phases and i cannot tell you how many times i lost towards the end and had to start all over this monster would be cool in a regular monster hunter game though added a rise music is bad too the title theme is good the victory theme is good the final boss theme is good the rest is not it might sound like i don't like this game but at the end of the day my character looked cool you'd get a rank at the end of each battle with higher ranks giving you more items for crafting so you're incentivized to try every time you can instantly skip easy battles to not waste your time it's way more fun than recent pokemon games you can ride on every monster and you can fly around on rathalos so for raiding i give it a yeah yeah number 12 game builder garage it's a game that lets you make your own games and download other people's games that's like an infinite number of games game builder garage is a very simple game creator it's a great tool for kids wanting to learn the fundamentals about game creation where people wanted to dip their toes in it's like nintendo's roblox some people made some pretty cool prototype style games and mimics of existing games but its tools are kinda limited and can only be distributed to other people who also have game builder garage there's no in-game recommendation system like for example mario maker has which is dumb also as far as i know there isn't a way for people to play the games without also having purchased game builder garage it would have been cool if there was like a free game download app on the switch i'm not sure if you can do that with the eshop demo but i don't think so a cool thing you can do is download other people's games and see their code well code shows you that simple games are pretty complicated under the hood and some very creative people have made some really cool games especially considering this game's limited tool set that being said game design is hard and takes a long time both to learn and to do if you're looking to actually learn how to make games you could pay 30 dollars and invest a lot of time in a learning game to the garage and make a janky game only available on here or assuming you have an okay pc or laptop doesn't have to be a great one just an okay one you could download unity or godot or another engine for free and do some free or very cheap tutorials where you'll have much more freedom to make an actual game so for a raiding out of a possible dewalt toolbox i give it a fisher-price toy toolbox number 11 sky children of the light it's a very pretty game made by the same people who made journey where you fly around and hold hands with other players and collect ghosts and that's pretty much it it's very pleasant it's a free-to-play game so i got to the point where the game was like alright if you want to customize your character pay up [ __ ] and i was like okay bye-bye this was a fun game bye-bye it really is one of the best looking games on the switch just absolutely gorgeous but it's micro transactions can add up pretty quick so for raiding i give it an only fans something that i'll make when i hit 100 000 twitter followers so you better follow me on twitter to help me get there if you want to see some abs the helmet stays on during photo shoots though number 10 bravely default 2. i played the first bravely default on 3ds and loved it the story was good the characters were amazing the gameplay was interesting and it has literally the greatest video game soundtrack ever nine years later and it hasn't been topped wait nine years i played bravely second on the 3ds and it's definitely a video game i didn't dislike it it was just incredibly underwhelming in every aspect and the story felt like a boring epilogue to the first game instead of a full follow-up so then there's braley default 2 featuring a brand new story in characters and world and as far as the fun factor goes it's somewhere in between the good one and the boring one but definitely more on the boring side i'm sorry y'all the gameplay is solid with the innovations that the first braille game brought to jrpgs the brave and default system for multi-classing unlocking new classes by defeating story bosses i like the new busy adult mode where instead of grinding levels you can leave the game on in sleep mode and get some items experienced when you come back in lots of jrpgs you fight a bunch of small battles where you have very little chance of losing where you can practice the mechanics then you get to a boss fight where you actually stand a chance of losing something i like about bravely default too is that each individual battle is more involved and you have to manage your resources across multiple encounters leading up to the boss fights assuming you're not exploiting the game's systems because there are a couple of early game combos and abilities that completely break the game i don't think they tested this out very much or maybe they decided to leave it in i'm hesitant to call the game grindy because you don't have to go out and grind per se but there are so many battles you'll beat one guy and there's another group of the same enemies 10 feet away and the bosses have so much health and each dungeon is way too long it's exhausting to sludge through this but i played bravely default 2 for 20 hours and i'm still not sure what the story is honestly i have no idea what the objective is other than the crystals plus the characters are kind of bland the funny and charming interactions the characters would have the impassioned speeches that anyas would give that were really hamming but would endear you to the characters i'm just not seeing that same level of passion here i don't know man maybe some things were lost in translation or maybe i just missed ring a bell one thing about the first braley default is that it feels like a very by the book jrpg for the first two thirds of the game but still leaves subtle hints that something is slightly amiss and then it has some crazy twists and fourth wall breaks and mind blocks in the last third so part of my motivation of playing really default 2 was oh maybe the story is boring now so it'll have some huge twists later but eventually i caved and read the wikipedia summary and no there's no twist it's just a generic jrpg story where they get the crystals and fight the evil dude and that's the game and the individual character interactions were what made me fall in love with the first game and in both bravely second and bravely default too they're missing a lot of the charm and personality that the original had this game just feels so hollow so then my motivation for playing was to hear the music like a lot of modern jrpgs i played the music really is carrying the rest of the game and bravo default 2 soundtrack is once again phenomenal since the composer is the same as the first game from the attack on titan openings to the bravely games revo does not miss i can't play a sample of the soundtrack or else i got a copyright claim from pony canyon but trust me it's good but because i'm a big dummy i remember i can just listen to the rest of the soundtrack on youtube so i just stopped playing if it's your first bravely game you'll probably enjoy it way more than i did multi-classing system really is great but considering it's my third time going through this fourth if you count octopath traveler fifth if you count final fantasy v i just had my fill and nothing about this entry makes you want to go back for another course i don't know maybe i just don't like jrpgs as much as i used to which is sad because five plus years ago i would have told you that they're my favorite genre for rating out of a possible final fantasy v i give it a final fantasy fries i don't actually know what i mean by this number nine dicey dungeons it's like a card game where dice are on a game show with jazzy music and fight in a dungeon i don't know it's pretty fun for raiding i give it a it's time to out of a possible [Music] wait did i just lose to a yeti number eight deltarune chapter two i forgot to put this in here earlier but i played it and finished it it was a lot of fun and a huge improvement on the already excellent chapter one and undertale soundtrack is amazing but you probably already knew that i liked all the characters but my two new favorite characters were spamton and noel i did not play the sociopath route because of course i didn't what's wrong with you people i'm not going to go into specifics because i don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played it yet and it's free and only a couple hours long so i recommend checking it out for raiding i give it a big out of a possible shot number seven hot shot racing i love the daytona usa arcade game and this is basically that a fun arcade style racer with stylized graphics the game has good drifting which is always enough to win me over you know how a mario kart when you're drifting you automatically get the mini turbo at the end well in hot shot racing instead you can bank up multiple boosts and choose when to activate them i much prefer this system even though a lot of races against computers i drive like [ __ ] then quad boost at the end to win there's a lot to unlock with achievements for performing specific actions and a shop where you can use the money you get the end of races to buy all sorts of car customization options alternate outfits for your racers something else that mario kart 8 lacks i don't know y'all i think this game is better than mario kart especially because in this game you can play as a black person mario kart 8 you can only play as a black inkling boom better game the thing i'm not a fan of is that on higher difficulties the other npc drivers will go out of their way to try to murder you it's actually kind of hilarious how aggressively they'll drive i don't know i mostly play this game while riding my exercise bike for raiding i give it a good parts to florida out of a possible crazy parts of florida let's ride number six dear simulator your average everyday deer game yes that's the full title and that's an accurate title it's just a very regular game where you play as a deer and do deer activities you can walk around in nature you can run around in nature you can forage for natural materials you can find machines left behind by people you can clean up your campsites you can occasionally meet other humans and convert them into deer cycles [Music] you can interact with other animals in their natural habitat you can meet a dog and communicate with it you can kill police you can listen to new world symphony you can travel through time you can press f to pay respects you can reference iconic movie scenes you can have a lightsaber battle with your future self and a shadow clone of your future self you know just some regular deer activities for raiding i give it a d [Applause] out of a possible deer number five is skate bird it's tony hawk pro skater but you're a bird that's the game everyone's got a gimmick now says the man in the bird costume you do tricks while skating around the bedroom talk to other birds and make friends do challenges from the other birds customize and accessorize your bird listen to great skater music it's awesome for raiding i give it up [Music] number four boyfriend dungeon hang on it's not what you think it's a modern day dungeon crawler where you listen to dope music and dive into two modern millennial hellscapes the mall and a nightclub where you fight physical manifestations of your insecurities persona you don't collect all of your earned level ups until you die or leave and as you all know i'm pretty amazing video games and a little bit too good at this game i would sometimes get too far into the dungeon and be doing zero damage against the boss then level up like a billion times after i die between dungeon diving your weapons transform into hot people mostly hot boys and you go on nice dates with them it's kind of like if xenoblade chronicles 2 had any dignity you can friend date them or date date them but regardless i'd come back from the dungeon and i'd have texts from like seven different guys is this what it's like to be a woman on tinder yes give up fellas we got no chance so there's less competition for me but the dates are fun the sword people are interesting the voice acting is great and the dialogue is very well written you can date a fancy man an artist lady a k-pop star a nervous non-binary a straight-up cat a guy i didn't date because he was immediately giving off red flags and the game goes out of its way to tell you hey don't date this guy and he sent me the equivalent of a dick pic right after i met him so yeah of course i wouldn't date him also his weapon isn't even that good also i accidentally skipped dating the goth one whoops the game's ending did show up a little abruptly since the game isn't that long about five to seven hours but i honestly prefer shorter more tight experiences that don't feel like they're wasting my time or are needlessly padded like other games in this video i played the game it did what i set out to do i had my fun and finished it for rating i give it a zero out of ten not realistic enough because i never got stood up or cancelled on last minute for any of these dates number three umarangi generation it's a photography game that takes place with a not too distant future in tauranga a city in the bay of plenty new zealand i think i'm supposed to disclose that i got sent this game for free and almost missed it since i forget to check my twitter dms i got so many unanswered sketchy sponsorship offers in there anyways this is not a sponsored segment i wanted to talk about this game because it's really good that being said i'm not going to say too much because i don't want to spoil it for people and i'm willing to bet that for most people watching this is the first time they've heard of umurangi generation in each level you're given a list of things to take pictures of and in many of them you have to get creative and specifically position yourself to get everything acquired in the shot i'm really bad at it because i suck at photography but your camera has a lot of settings for people who are into that sort of thing but for me it's a chill game to just walk around and vibe out in it has such a unique sense of style and aesthetic the funky soundtrack is made by one of my favorite youtubers and musicians thor high heels the game is worth playing for the music alone but is also so much more than that by nature of being a photography game you're naturally looking around at things and the game uses wordless environmental storytelling to tell its story and deliver its message going through low poly environments from silly moments to moments that are hauntingly beautiful in each level when looking around for your picture objectives you'll be like wait what does this stay on those walls over there wait is that the arm of a gundam wait why can't i take pictures of those little jellyfish wait what are those guys shooting at what are those guys shooting at oh look a penguin my favorite part is that it's a game with an actual message that advances the medium of video games to convey that message but i'll make a full length video on it to talk about it eventually for raiding i give it an exposed documentary detailing the collapse of civilization out of possible i don't know pokemon snap number two is hades i started to write about this game and then realized i had a lot to say so rather than trying to cram it in here it'll be its own separate video and it'll be out in like a week or less so check back very soon for my thoughts on hades spoiler alert it's very very good unless you're watching this in the future in which case it's out now for a quick reading i give it a 10 out of 10 would kill my dad 10 times in a row to get the true ending and number one is monster hunter rise obviously i already made a 40 minute review on it so uh you you can go watch that video for my opinion on it and any non monster hunter year hades would have been number one but this time it's monster hunter rise i'm excited for this sun break dlc expansion next summer so if you haven't played monster hunter rise yet now's your chance uh sorry to end this video on such a wet fart with the last three entries being i'll talk about them in a separate video eventually at least one of them's already out anyways thanks for watching and don't forget to ram your deer horn into that subscribe button comment below with what your favorite games that you played this year are i'm always looking for game recommendations and uh that's it video's over [Music] you
Channel: Captain Astronaut
Views: 37,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Games 2021, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania, Mario Golf: Super Rush, Monster Hunter Stories 2, Game Builder Garage, Sky: Children of the Light, Bravely Default II, Dicey Dungeon, Deltarune Chapter 2, Hotshot Racing, DEEEER Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game, Skatebird, Boyfriend Dungeon, Umurangi Generation, Hades, Monster Hunter Rise, Mr. Spaceman, Phoenix Wright, Yu-Gi-Oh, Drifting
Id: Zvq8_OK7roI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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