What's In My Camera Bag? By Nat Geo Photographer Brent Stirton

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hi my name is brent turton i am a photojournalist with getty images and this is what's in your bag i work with evoc bags they're a german manufacturer made for snowboarders and skiers uh guys you climb up mountains etc and what i really like about these bags is that they are they have the best um you know best thinking about your back and your lumbar system and how it conforms to your back while you're working so yeah this one's an older one this is at least three four years old actually it's just i've used it all the time and it's held held up really well but they do i think they are more recent versions the laptop compartment is in the front and like most people um in our industry i use a macbook pro 15 inch so that's just the standard i guess um what another aspect that i like about this bag is that it opens from the back which is a great from a security perspective and it has these two compartments so always a notebook and pan i always have a couple of these i think it's super important from a gear perspective i do most of my work with canon cameras ninety percent so it's a new r5 i have just this one loner of this at the moment but i think i'm going to go to these cameras honestly you know for me they solve the issue where i need a high-res camera with really great sharpness and definition um with something that's also weather sealed and tough and also has good low iso capabilities so this camera you know this finally really bridges that gap for me so my my kit for the future will most likely be two or three r5s and i like the drives i use the drives because my hands are bigger and the lenses are bigger you know it's um see the size of the lenses that i want to use to get the best optics that pairs better for me having a drive so yeah so i have my r5 here this is a r which is obviously the predecessor i intend to upgrade that shortly to another couple of r5s yeah you know there's always a lot of talk about weight and to be honest with you i'm only ever worried about weight when it comes to getting on the plane so my greatest fear is having my bag weighed so i try and build a freaking fire relationship uh which means i don't have to get away but this yeah this 85 1.2 this is my standard portrait lens um i think it's the best lens that canon have made so that that always comes with me um and this is this is my standard lens i mean the uh this is a 28 to 70 f2 canon lens uh it's a it's a big beast but honestly um yeah it's i think it's the best zoom that's ever been made and it gives me beyond uh the quality that most primes can give you i think it's you know so this is what i want at this stage in my career i just want to make the best images that i can so that's what i work with most often um charges always i always carry two of everything and with lenses i always tend to carry backups at least you know so this is a 50 1.2 canon lens which i think is a superb low light lens so i like having that as well um 70-200 uh rf um that's basically like so that's my kit in terms of what i what i must have with me that's that's my kit i always have light meters and i tend to use the kenkos i like these because i used to use the minolta's when they were still around and they they are the same essentially just slightly different color always uh at least four extra batteries um you know with these drives i tend to have no problem getting two thousand plus shots out of a drive before i have to i have to change the batteries so generally um you know if some of my jobs mean that i can't charge for a few days i like to have extra batteries just just because of that you know um i like this 35 f2 very light and stabilized good macro um you know if i just want to walk around with the small ends on the camera for a while this works well for me so that said um i do always have a tiny good camera with me some of my work involves photographing surreptitiously or photographing in an environment where i don't want to look like a professional photographer and so it'll be either like one of the canon pointed shoots or i mean this is the fuji x70 all i need in this case is something that's good for double page and national geographic as long as it's good enough for a double page um i'm happy with it so always something small um second light meter uh also kenko um i'm old school you know like lights light meters are what i grew up with and i feel very comfortable and i feel that for editing it's easier with live meters your exposures are very consistent so anyway i always carry at least one canon flash with me often two um this is what is this the 600 ex with the radio transmitter um this is the transmitter you can do a lot with these guys um so for me um you know especially if i'm gonna walk a long way and i don't have help having one or two of these you can do a lot with your lighting with this some guys are really amazing with what they can do with these things i'm i'm okay but um always have this with me yeah so um what else so i i said earlier that i like to carry spares in terms of lenses you know the thing is that we go to places where you know one of my work is in very remote areas of the world and i can't get a replacement so i take a second 24 to 70 with me um this one is stabilized this is a 2.8 and obviously quite a lot smaller you know than this uh then this 28 to 70. um i'm trying not to shoot too wide i'm trying not to shoot anything wider than a 28 because i find that as i've gotten older and advanced in my career i look at a lot of my older work which honestly i shot on a 16 to 35 and i just wish someone had stopped shooting like that because it's too wide is too wide so this is my backup lenses these two those 24 to 70 or sorry 28 to 70 and there's 24 to 70 most important lenses in my bag yeah i can do i can do 90 of my work with this okay and then on those occasions when i do need something extra wide so say for landscape or certain interiors i have the 15 to 35 as well but i am afraid of this lens i am nervous of the stands because i go too wide too quickly so this is a specialist lens and i only use it for certain things so really if you are a young photographer be careful of this lens two white is too wide and distortion is distortion um okay so for everything that i do everything is backed up um i like glyph drives um i think they're made in america i have two of these they're two four terabyte drives and they come everywhere with me and everything is backed up it's once on the computer and twice on the drive so there's three copies at all times um what i would advise is that if you are concerned about your work you know problems with authorities or anything like that these are 250 terabyte little thumb drives so i always have at least two or three of these and they're useful you know if you've got stuff that you're worried about losing uh for whatever reason um it's another alternative anyway so that's basically my my camera bag um you know it's i use it you know guys i mean i i have a lot of stuff and you know it's it's definitely more than most people carry but um yeah i'm not finished the reason why i have it is because i really want to feel that i'm reliable and that no matter what happens i can deliver and this is my gear so that's that's my camera bag i always take a tripod because um i'm a fan of tripods they're useful for interviews they're useful for um you know for great landscape work for anything where the light is low and you have the time i use really right stuff um look the thing is guys you know you buy a tripod once every 10 or 15 years so spend the money that's the bottom line is if you can buy the best one that you can i mean this is sort of a mid-range really right stuff it's still fairly light um got a great fluid head on it i mean you know it can be used the same way as a fluid head i should say but um you know pretty good um i expect to have this for 20 years so for me spending 1500 on it now it's an investment you know anyway i always keep the pads on it and you know my gear guys um i have to be honest i really look after it and i try to keep it in good condition i mean some things happen but for the most part if you look after your gear your gear really looks after you so you know consider that don't don't be casual with your gear your gear is what's making your job possible in many ways um are used some lighting i showed you earlier that i i work with the canon flash and their wireless transmitters um but for the other stuff yeah i tend to carry uh one pro photo or two pro photos with me um this is the uh 500 watt this is the this is the 10 b i think it's called um yeah 10b plus so the first one was 250 watts this is 500 so a bit stronger but still as you can see it's small you know and i like that it's useful that i always have two transmitters which speak to the profoto um you know and that's that's for portraits what's nice with the 10bs is that you get an led light with them so they're not just a flash they're a really really quite beautiful led light as well and i always have a couple of these smaller led lights which can be it can be very helpful for an interview situation or to lighter room or even for portrait work etc useful little things to carry around with you what else for that portal work i tend to work with umbrellas parabolic deeper umbrellas i like the way that looks um so profoto again you know again guys look there's lots of brands of flash and stuff i came up with profoto so i'm used to it um you know i think i think there's lots of other very good brands but what has been most consistent and reliable for me has been the profotos um that's just me but um one stand no one stand and one reflector uh silver and gold or white and black those those are the colors that i use um so that's that's me that's that's my bag um i tend to carry um you know i tend to carry some sound equipment as well um very small zoom recorders and like very simple lavalier mics um i don't do drone work um i should i should i'm sure but um yeah you know i think sometimes drone stuff can be really seductive and i'm really interested in in a picture that has an emotional response so i'm wary of drums just for that reason i want to be close to the person that i'm photographing or filming etc but yeah no doubt within the next six months to a year i will have to have a drone in my bag as well anyway i hope this was interesting for you thank you for listening
Channel: Visa Pour l'Image - Perpignan
Views: 19,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photojournalism, camera, canon, stirton, nationalgeographic, national, geographic, gear, photography, professional, prophotographer, photographer, brent, eos, eos R5, eos R, profoto, fuji, fuji X70, canon rf, brent stirton, canon ambassador, world press photo, award, visa pour l'image, wildlife, wildlife photographer, perpignan, evoc, pro photographer, professional photographer, best photographer, best gear, best camera, best photo
Id: m7Y4GRweeQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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