Best Wool Art Wins $5,000!

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today we will be needle felting I hate needle whichever one of them has the best piece after five hours wins up to five grand for a random subscribers first you will be grabbing a supplies you have 30 29. just gonna grab everything 17. be patient Zachary Mackenzie chose this video idea and that kind of sucks I picked out this topic and I'm glad that I did I don't expect to do good at all me three two one this is for the fans that want our dyed hair back I've Needle felted once before I took a very long time so I'm gonna try not to go too big so I don't run into the problem of not being able to finish my project which is what Jake normally does I have no idea what I'm doing yeah come on I'll get back to you guys you know what I'm gonna be spontaneous and I'm gonna say today we're gonna be extra creative if you've done something before on crafts you can't do it again for those of you guys that want to re-watch all our videos to make sure nobody cheated uh go for it I really want to do a whale and I'm very excited about it I'm making this adorable cute little picture I've never done needle felting and honestly I'm not excited for this challenge Mackenzie I have one question is the Chipmunk gonna have nuts oh yeah Jake what are you doing I'm gonna make a worm alien creature which is ironic because I hate worms but you know it is what it is Ben what are you making platypus Vinnie you haven't been on a lot of crafts videos so if you want you can just make whatever I'm gonna make something Saucy we're just gonna blur it you know what editor just just blur this entire like side right now it seems like everyone else doesn't know what they're doing which makes me feel pretty good about myself aside for McKenzie something a little suspicious going on right over there you said the Savage until something happened Michelle yours working you have to like start shaping it with your hands you have to shape you want hey Ken what's the best technique to get it to like Bunch together fast stop it really fast yeah there you go see oh my God Brown make sure you're stabbing all the way through not just on the top did everyone hear that yes today's challenge is gonna be one of our toughest challenges yet I feel like MacKenzie has the advantage because she likes to do little crafts like this and everyone else is kind of just a wild card in this video so I'm pretty excited to see what happens I'm gonna start over are we recording I feel like it's time for a challenge yes so this challenge is simple you have three minutes to needle felt a cube Whoever has the best Cube win something go I can't even make a normal shape how am I supposed to make a cube all right editor plays some intense suspenseful music because we're we're trying to make this look intense I guess apparently if I have my chin up it makes me look more professional wow Benny you actually kind of have a square there I think I got the technique down man you guys have around 30 seconds left Jake what are you doing this sport might be a little bloody guys always wear protection five four three two one everyone stop let me take a look all right not bad uh not bad Michelle you don't quite have the corners down the cube was pretty good what what is that this is Jake's cute okay I see where you were going with it it looks a little rough this is it what the this is actually really good and I don't know how I did it maybe I'll knit when I'm retired Mackenzie even though yours was nice in this case size does matter I like the big one my Cube should have won it was clearly the best since it was bigger but that doesn't mean that it was better Vinnie here's your advantage you can choose anyone to help you for 20 minutes Kenzie no all right Mackenzie bring your chair over you're helping Vinnie for 20 minutes what do you want me to do that's more like a fluffy dog because I was gonna like stick it in like this and have the hair being flowy around that's gonna be hard to do if a cube has a side of 28 what's the surface area 28 cubed so then it would be 784 times 6 which would be four seven zero four and that's why she's the human calculator you're screwed whenever you say that that's usually when I'm not screwed everyone keeps saying that I'm acting psycho today and I honestly feel a little bit more amped up than usual and you're done because guess what I'm not listening to a word you're saying it's because I literally have a circle look at this and actually very very happy about my piece right now it's coming along it looks like a whale doesn't it oh I'm done you see ya that's what Mackenzie did looks like a skunk's butt thanks for nothing everyone I also have good news and bad news bad news first so bad news is that there's a losing punishment if you don't win you belly flop in the pool now for the good news if you win this challenge I'll give you 500 bucks yes the needle felting is definitely very hard I've never done it before but I'm doing pretty well the whale looks so cute and I'm almost done with it so I have this ball here I'm going to start adding this green and felting it on it should just add a layer of green wait yours looks really good I fixed the shape oh that looks cute um it's like you never have anything nice to say about my projects yeah I do sometimes I say it's not bad all right we have our Second Challenge I will warn you guys before we do this that the surprise I'm gonna give out is gonna be pivotal oh yeah I will give each of you five minutes to make my character out of wool do you guys want to know what happens if you win yeah you will get to choose two people and do a Switcheroo all right so you better win this now I'm freaking out yo Vinny's is looking decent over here so I spent a lot of time at the nursing homes okay Michelle I see it a little bit McKenzie looks like a teal Pac-Man what is happening you have one minute what send it extend it extend the time I literally don't even know what Jake's doing five four three two one all right stop what you're doing McKenzie doesn't look too bad well Michelle's actually has a lot of detail Jake let me see it come on Jake this is what you did oh my goodness mine's going Ben speed has had an allergic reaction still better than Jake's Vinnie let me see for some reason it looked nice and then it got worse and worse now you don't like them I think I'm gonna have to give this one to Michelle the first challenge that's okay losing two in a row not just losing coming in last place that's just embarrassing not on my game today for your advantage you can switch any two pieces you can switch yours with someone else you can switch someone else's with someone else it's up to you I really hope Michelle doesn't pick me because I'm really proud of my piece right now and I don't want to see it in someone else's hands I knew exactly who the Target because that kept complementing it throughout the video actually I might choose the dog I was doing so good on it do you like this piece or do you like yours more I don't care I think it'd be really funny if we punched it what am I supposed to do with that my God what do you mean no okay what even is this it's like a sushi roll I'm very happy because it seems like nobody likes my piece anyway I don't care if I win because I don't think I will I think I would have but someone took my dog if I beat Michelle with their own piece that's a win and of itself I'm extremely happy that Michelle didn't choose me switch because I actually liked what I'm making at the moment it looks really bad on camera oh God I haven't really looked at anyone else's piece yet but I do think that my piece is turning out pretty good it kind of looks like a little piece of Sashimi so I'm just gonna make a little Sushi plate and maybe I can make more next to it oh that is really cute then he look at Michelle's piece and take notes okay with that being said for our third challenge we'll be doing we'll painting so each one of you guys will do a wool painting on this we'll see who wins and loses you know what make a scenery yeah five minutes go scenery what are you working on I'm making a Green Landscape somebody just snaps bro Vinnies looks good again said that last time Zach Jake usually wins the mini challenges but he's been slacking today less than a minute left oh my God my shoulders are hurting so bad three two one all right stop what you're doing it kind of reminds me of the Dr Seuss stuff where everything is like really oh my what is that green Landscapes blue skies some mountains and then an orange tree coming over with a sun peaking we have some water and some mountains simple we gotta admit today your little mini challenges have been the last in every single one Michelle let's see yours I did mountains in a tree I did an ombre stun these are some bird Silhouettes Vinnie can I take one more look at yours okay I think we're seeing scenery Vinny's got this one hey I'm Owen three in the mini challenges but you know my piece doesn't actually look that bad so at least I got that going for me wish I would have won the last one because now I'm stuck with this so Vinnie since he won if you guess who's coming in first you win 100 bucks Guess who's coming in last you also get 100 bucks you get both of them right you get 500 gotta take a look sure that looks good we'll see what you got what do you think yeah that's first place right there okay and who do you think is coming in last do you think your own piece is coming in less it seems like Vinnie has this decision for Less all right Vinnie so if you get either one right you get 100 bucks and if you get both right you get 500. it's picked me to win so I'm feeling really good because he obviously thinks my piece is very good so we haven't announced how the scoring system is going to change yet so wait for that Vinnie we'll start with you zero crafts wins Ben you have 11 crafts wins Jake you have 14 wins Michelle eight wins and Mackenzie 17 wins you are still our official crafts Queen but if Jake wins a couple more we are going to have our first crafts King all right so I've been looking around at everyone's pieces and not gonna lie but I feel like any of you five could honestly win this challenge Mackenzie has a lot of detail why are you stabbing it in the butt right here don't you see the crack Michelle's looks really cute I feel like fans would like it Jake has a ton of detail and Vinnie's looks wrong what Ben mine's iconic finished look early so I'm gonna take away Jake's spot and help beans the challenge way too nice it's only four minutes away we have about 10 minutes left I think it looks really good there's a few minutes left and I finished my dog look at how cute the bow is after seeing Ken's I think I'm just done but if I do lose I think it's Michelle's fault okay I had to get everyone's attention we're done wait I'm I'm not quite I'm not quite done after five hours we are ready to move into the judging stages Mackenzie let's start off with you I have a little chipmunk and she has a Little Acorn very very cute I really like the detail I like the little like slivers of Browns and stuff overall very well executed lots of detail which I very like thank you Michelle so this is a collaboration piece with me events it's a dog so I think it looks really nice I think you should have done a different color for the bow still very cute Michelle this is dirty rap scallion he is a very wise thing but he rides a motorcycle when he rides his motorcycle his hair goes like this all right Ben this is my very original platypus I never would have thought a platypus would be blue and orange but very original I don't think there's anything like that out there why don't you tell me about yours Michelle took my piece and then gave me this whale I put it in the front as a little showpiece and my goal is not to win but as long as I beat Michelle with her own piece that's a win for me we know where his priorities are at my girlfriend apparently here's how this is gonna work we are gonna play sudden death I have hardboard pieces two of them have smiley faces on it if you draw the smiley face you go head to head in an elimination pick one dick don't look at it yet there's only one left who has a smiley face look at you you're so cool and collected for our first sudden death round we have a special guest judging it is going to be our editor Niccolo if you choose this song I'll give you a raise you can choose this because it looks like you my editor has made his decision Michelle you won for those of you guys that are still in go ahead and choose just grab it who has a smiley face [Music] exactly what I wanted my channel Michelle and Vinnie I asked a random subscriber which piece they liked best come on let me win a subscriber oh has decided everybody Vinnie congratulate Michelle Vinnie I thought yours was really cute but yeah yeah yeah join the club all right Jake reach behind you oh gosh you're bad at choosing all right who has the smiley faces no Michelle you got another smiley face Michelle if you make it past this round you're literally gonna be competing against every single person here that dog looks like it has Greek right down we have a very important guest hi Mom are you free to judge some art sure why not hi Debbie I love you hi Debbie I hear you I love you mom so I'm gonna send you two images and I want you to tell me which one you like better wow this is needle felting art if you guys didn't know my mom does a lot of crafts too I go with the ones that make my heart tickle the green one thanks Mom that uh that one was Jake's [Applause] like jigs are well thanks Mom that was a pretty crazy round but for the final round we have Jake and Mackenzie and there is one parent who we have not called yet last time Ben's dad judged I got out first even though he said mine was the best hey Ben's dad I have a very important question for you today I sent you two images and I need you to tell me which one you like more goatee these are both pretty good do you have a favorite one the squirrel seems more goody two shoes okay thank you Greg bye dad Mackenzie you win the challenge do you have a message to Ben's dad because I know you don't like his judging thank you Ben's dad last time he kind of screwed me over it Vinny that means Mackenzie you'll win up to five grand for someone who presses that subscribe button right now and do you have any final words three come on
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 3,896,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 86v_N1JsCPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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