#103 Land Pride Grading Scraper Review GS 1548

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hi everybody hey it's bill from today in Iowa thanks for taking the time to watch my videos and I appreciate the privilege of your time this is the land pride grading scraper that I recently purchased four hundred thirty-seven pounds with the shanks that we're going to show here this is the GS 15 48 and unlike a box scraper these are designed these are not designed to transfer large volumes of dirt or gravel from one area to another so they don't require additional horsepower the cutting blades that you see there are adjustable I put quarter inch plywood under each side loosen those bolts and then drop the cutting edges down so I'd have a quarter inch cut today we're gonna go out and do a friend's driveway here for him real quick quick hitch compatible there's the two blades I spoke about and I'm going to show you what the blades look like a quarter inch down I loosened up those bolts there and then I dropped him to the floor while the frame stayed up a quarter inch and you'll see that here in just a second there you go let's stop the video see there's a quarter inch the manual said that was a good general blade setting so I'm excited to take it out so let's go great something [Music] boy what a cold morning it was to come up to my buddy's house about 30 degrees and you'll see the trees move around blowing I've gone in it was cold we move right into kind of December like weather and this is mid-october so here's our mission we want to take all the weeds off of his driveway and just kind of redress it up make it look a little better he's got a low spot over there behind that white vehicle we're gonna try to raise that up maybe six to eight inches take that out of there and just generally spruces lot up hey I left this in here because if you're looking for a tractor be sure trailer excuse me be sure to get one with those jacks in the back that slide down and keep the trailer from sinking and raising the backyard trailer I've sure never regretted that with that trailer so the first thing we're going to do look at the gravel pile to the left of this propane tank we're gonna take that gravel onto there and just spread it around the parking lot and we're gonna redistribute that throughout this project I wish it would have been a lot warmer I would have enjoyed this a little bit more and did a little more handwork around here when we did it so after we took the majority to pile out it just took a couple of poles there but there would be greater and it's doing a real nice job a leveling that off I got another poll here coming I got as close to the home that I felt comfortable doing and then the rest I'll have to be great shovel work it sure spread that loose gravel out with a nice adult that a lot boring Snickers who's parking well let's get on to the reason for coming up in here and help my buddy out we're gonna redress this driveway we're gonna pull it to the north throughout the video I did try to pull to the north and then pull the south and I didn't like it so you're gonna see I'll go to the north here and then I'll back up and redragon I'm gonna drag all the stone up to the beginning of his driveway and then I'm going to redistribute it I apologize for the wind noise I've got it down as low as I can when we get onto the GoPro cameras that are mounted on the tractor that wind noise is going to get a lot better so thanks for your patience now there's a lot of gravel here you can see it just kind of goes through and plows it over it cascades off the back but it's doing a real nice job that quarter inch first pass setting there's doing a real nice job I keep in mind the scare of fires aren't down all I'm doing is a quarter inch top dress let's call it this is my first time using this so we're learning together just about 437 pounds there I think it's doing a nice job last month we had over a foot of rain so the gravel in the soil there I think's a real good condition for a top dress it slices those weeds off pretty nice doesn't it I've had some people tell me that the front blade should be the cutting blade and then the rear blade should be a little bit higher so the soil goes underneath it or the gravel goes underneath it and then spreads it out and in this case I'm pretty happy with the way it's cascading over and off and leveling it out okay so here we are with the GoPro cameras and how you can see the first three folds to the right parking lot slip in three times and the wind noise should be a little bit better I noticed as I pull and an abundance of gravel builds up if I want to drop it off in a low spot I just simply use my three-point lever and raise that attachment up a little bit start dropping off same process as a box blade and you'll see that in better detail here a little bit then when I get big mounds like this I'll often drop the blade and push it back where this is I'm backing up you'll see that here soon the low spot is to the left right about in there right where that concrete trunk is and we're going to build that up here in the next few passes this these blades can be adjusted so you can crown a driveway you can adjust from all different directions to meet your needs all right there I'm gonna drop it off right in there that's the low spot I want to work on and you're going to see me do that a few times here as we continue there I kind of dropped the the grater and kind of push it backwards to help level it out I kind of like it because it only builds up aw I'd have to look at the blade height but five or six inches of rocking and a cascades over unlike a box blade that could pick up 12 inches or more and then this just seems to have a little more finesse to it with the rear control lever I can raise it jaian to fine-tune where I want to drop some of it off you see there we're slowly coming up and it's kind of playing with it get in the feel of it then drop it push it backwards this gives me a little bit of finesse with this tool and it's an implement I like it now I'm pulling across the front of this garage doors there and next summer I may consider putting blades on the rear part of this grader you'll see here in a minute when it would be nice to have those rear blades on so I could greet going back to his garage doors and put some stone there so we'll have to see how that goes next year so it pulled that soil over to the north side of his garage doors there now I'm going to pick it up and then I'm going to redistribute it down at that lowest spot seen I'd be nice if he had the rear blade you could push back to his door and build that low spot it too but we went through the gravel there picked it up and we're going to come around the corner here slightly raise it and drop it off right in there and we're gonna do that a few times but when I bet went back home later in the day I took this across my trails and just took off some some weeds on the trail and redistributed some dirt and that did a nice job there too so I don't know all the uses yet for this but I'm going to discover them as I go this was a used grater I found it on my Sunday afternoon walkthrough at my dealer funny story the front steel brackets there were the top link attaches were put on backwards I had a terrible time getting it to hook up and my wife caught it and we reversed those and then everything worked pretty well the John Deere quick attached will not work with this one and I'm going to talk to my dealer and find out why I can't get all three receivers or hooks on the I match lift to mate with this there's got to be something wrong here I'm gonna take it up and work my way through that there I'm just cleaning up the edge of his long to the gravel I'm gonna hit a chunk of cement here and that right there there it is it was a washout area if it would have been warmer I would have took them some time taking some time and drops care fires and pulled it up but here on the next pass I'm going to go over that slow down a little bit and just redistribute a little gravel around there Rico so now I'm going to pull the soil or excuse me the soil the gravel from the north down to the south and I'm going to pull everything over towards that low spot I want to build it and drop it off there's the top view dragging the gravel across that most button then I don't know my technique is to slowly raise it up and then drop a little bit it kind of shakes it out of there so kind of an up-down up-down and it it all gets distributed where I want to take it and then another grade back over to the north a few times and I think we've got our project done one last thing I want to do is drag some gravel up towards this concrete apron there where's driveway the hard surface starts let's see how I do with that so here's the first pass a little bit short of our gravel armlet let's see what that second pass will do plenty of gravel in there yep plenty at the edge push it back and level it out a little bit and then finally there comes a pretty good load all kinds of stone up there and I spread that out by hand and he was good to go well here we go our gonna go back now the next day and I think it turned out real nice everything's kind of level the weeds are all gone it's just kind of dressed up I imagine like everything if you did this a couple times this summer being good shape right in there that's the area we raised maybe six to eight inches my buddy said it's a little nicer coming in here this trailer and it's working out real well so that's all we have on this video don't forget to subscribe you're going to want to see the disc arrow that I purchased on my Sunday walk through I saw this and said I've got to have this I don't know what to do what I'll do but I'll figure it out hey everybody have a great month thanks so much for subscribing enjoy your autumn weather I'll talk to you soon so long everybody
Channel: Bill Burkhart
Views: 80,868
Rating: 4.8981819 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burkhart, ttwt, Land Pride, Land Pride GS 1548, Land Pride grading scraper, compact tractors, John Deere 1025, John Deere 2038, Today in Iowa, Roeder outdoor power, how to, how to use a box blade, box blade, how to use a grading scraper, how to use a land planer, John Deere compact tractors, spreading gravel with compact tractor, spreading gravel, grading a driveway
Id: bisTKw5ynUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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