Best Water Confirmed: Berkey vs Distilled vs Reverse Osmosis vs Spring Water

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so you're trying to stay hydrated you've been bringing with you a bag of sand to drink and it's not working you're looking for alternatives I have some I'm not a huge fan of just drinking plain water I noticed it on my 21 day water fast I just got more and more dehydrated and I started looking at other people fasting and it's like they're always got these cracked lips freaking jungle freaks and I'm like why are not hydrating it really isn't you need minerals electrolytes we'll get into all that what's the best water you ask oh I found it oh I found it and we'll talk about the alternatives distilled reverse osmosis spring water with a perky [Music] before we get started I do believe the Berkey system is the easiest to use most effective cost-effective like everything overall we'll talk about each version of water but that's the best there's links down below if you want to support the channel get yourself a little deal down there there's no extra deal and I barely get a thing from it but there's links down below for the Burpee and I'll explain at the end why it's the best when I first became a health nut one of the first things I learned was tap water is fluoridated fricken fluoride I learned that from david icke sure he thinks reptiles around the world from the inner hollow core of our flatter but prove it wrong science so I was like holy they add fluoride to dumb us down bust docile so we don't complain about their tax hikes whatever else the government does I don't know politics so I started drinking bottled water and it was spring at first and then right next to each other there's spring and then there's distilled I'm like what's better and so I would try some the distilled always made me so thirsty I couldn't believe it I was like what the hell is this but I would listen to these health freaks online say distilled is the key bro we think rain is is God distilling it and crying distilled and then cries on you drink it sometimes you got to listen to your own ass body instead of these health gurus saying distilled is the key I've watched many lectures and it's convincing it sounds right it's like there's nothing in there it gets rid of inorganic minerals only it doesn't strip the beneficial one it goes right for the bad guys leaves all your good minerals intact i frickin doubt it all I know is I get more and more dehydrated the more distilled I drink and when I add in the little concentrates little mineral drops desalinated ocean water I felt a little more hydrating still thirsty as f let me break down hydration simply for you and then we'll get into what's the best water source it's less about the liquid and more about the minerals focus on the minerals don't look at that liquid you drink distilled water you lose electrolytes you become dehydrated it's all about the electrolytes and not losing them rather than taking in all this extra water you think you're dehydrated don't add water make sure you're not losing electrolytes and add in electrolytes and some water and then you've found hydration so the most hydrating things are fruits and vegetables were all in there state natural state most fruits and vegetables have the perfect ratio of electrolytes and water perfect water like you can't do better than that you can't do better than a cantaloupe you can't drink water and feel the same hydration as a cantaloupe you're never gonna feel it and sodium is so important that celery juice helps so much I don't like salt I do not add salt to my food I feel more dehydrated my digestion is worse with the salt but lots of celery juice lots of sodium from vegetables amen salt demon child rock don't lick it if I could distill it down to its simplest form i pond you i pun do hard I'm sorry put some hello on that if someone came to me dehydrated I would say stop adding salt get rid of dehydrated food which is like crackers bread all that pasta oh just because you boil it and it sucks up distilled water doesn't make it hydrating you're freaked I would say whenever you do drink water adds lemon to it so you at least get some minerals I feel much more hydrated just try it a little lemon and water half a lemon in like two cups of water you drink that's like okay that quenches thirst the water just on its own doesn't do much it doesn't stick in your body you just paint it out and then you lose more electrolytes so you can't just wake up and drink distilled water and get that celery juice Indian not only for hydration just for everything improving our digestion building stomach acid killing viruses it's just like a super miracle food drink then you eat tons of raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day you're getting all the water plus electrolytes just pure hydration town but you do need some water I wake up every day and I have three cups of water with the lemon so it's important the quality I have researched water a ton and I'm shocked that I had never come across that Berkey filter until like last year how did that skip my radar it was always distilled verse reverse osmosis or spring water and those were the three so here's the pros and cons of each distilled RO and spring there is that kangan water just don't be a freak don't alkalis your water we need stomach acid for everything say oh I'll just cool that fire don't need to digest anything I eat I'm not a huge fan of $4000 machines that destroy my body from the inside so don't do it so distilled water is the purest it's the most effective purification method it just it removes everything there's almost nothing that escapes because you boil it the steam rises to the top and then you collect the steam it's just paper that's all that can vaporize metals don't vaporize fluoride can't paper I so it removes everything you wouldn't want as well as everything you do want that's the con so it's the purest but the least hydrating and most aggressive water just strips your body of everything toxins and beneficial nutrients minerals like my life another downside to distilled water if you pay your own electricity that adds up and it takes a while takes like three and a half hours to make a gallon of water how much electricity is that this could be thousands of dollars day I think it is I used to recommend distilled water because I wasn't paying hydro at my last apartment so electricity didn't matter was free to use lights were on all the times I got it's a party here come on over if you need to blend something and so didn't matter to me but three hours and is very loud you need a fan to cool the inside at least my distiller had a nice professional one loud three hours for you everyday you got to put up with that and costing you money and for my raw vegan hippie followers distilled water is dead cooked they cooked it the life force your water God dead what a gods aren't being drunken into your body how's he gonna help you then you killed them some follower you are so we're burst osmosis improves on some things that the distiller is bad at it still removes mostly everything it can remove fluoride it's almost as good as distilled there right there close but it keeps the water living you're living tap water doesn't cook it so that for your hippie deity worshipping mold fix and it doesn't use electricity so you're not paying for extra cost once you buy the filters you do have to replace the filters every year you'd have to work out what's the more financially competent water source I don't know like distiller needs replacing the charcoal that's very cheap though reverse osmosis eventually you buy this huge unit 500 bucks and then a couple years down the road you got to replace another two hundred three hundred whatever for new filters okay in the day but they're cumbersome units you got to put this huge tank under your sink you got all these like freaking triple usually they're like a five system Tripler filter system so I've got a tank and five bottles and then it comes out of your tap slowly got patience because you'll need I was looking into an RO system before getting the Berkey and it just seemed like too much work and too much installing and the big tank under the sink it's like give me a break after you but once it's set up say you pay a professional to do it that might be the easiest way to go with reverse osmosis it just comes out of your tap then and you can decide whether you want filthy tap fluoride water or the pure stuff but the water itself lacks the minerals so it's empty water you need to add back in at least some lemon probably some concentrates mineral drops from the ocean of life then you might stand a chance and fighting off an infectious alligator he came up to you then there's natural spring water that you drive to with a huge glass bottle and you wait in line you fill it up it's just from the earth that's probably the most natural but Arthur ain't so nice no mom as polluted and dirty I don't know that spring water isn't collecting a bunch of crap and heavy metals and pesticides from runoff I don't know I ain't tempted to try it it is free but depending on where you live is the spring pure enough and how far do you have to go to get it and how much gas is that gonna cost in your car is it worth the trip it can be fun to go out in nature it's only like a 20-minute drive or something you can handle it but is it like are you driving three hours to get water every week that's weird a lot of gas and pollution you just killed my home planet Thanks I'm not originally from here most of you know that but I live here so that brings us to the Berkey and I can't believe it took me this long to find it maybe do some marketing Burke freaking market you're on page 10 of Google on best water at the hell it's the easiest it's just a little countertop unit it's so nice looking - it's like nobody would mind having that psycho what's that look at you pure water it's all stainless steel it does come with a plastic spigot but I replaced that it's cheapest like 20 bucks it was like $45 canadian you're lucky in america god bless the land of the USA let me live there so i now have a fully stainless steel spigot with silicon washers so that there's nothing toxic there it's just pure stainless steel leeching nickel into my brain where i prefer it to be so how this works it's called a gravity filter and there's basically two containers there's the top container with the black filters and you just pour the water in and then it gets sucked into the filter with like super tiny micron sized pores and it just sucks out all the bad stuff but it leaves the good minerals so as the water drips down into the bottom container you have a choice of buying additional fluoride filters which of course I did so it's a little extra cost but it removes the fluoride like 99% of fluoride here you're gonna get a little bit just don't worry don't freak out about it you're gonna get a little free but that system combined with the two black filters on top and then the two fluoride / arsenic filters that gets rid of everything you'd ever want gone the pesticides hormones pharmaceutical medication weird hippie in your water viruses parasites worms for the microscopic worms and in my brain they're still in there they control most of this show we let them run its course but in my opinion this is the easiest to use system you just got your container on the countertop you fill it up it takes like half an hour to 45 minutes to fully drip down so it's very quick and you can tell as you're getting water the stream will become a little less strong and he's like oh I know it's getting empty now and they need to refill it and you're good to go I myself got that travel Berkey it's the smallest one smallest and cheapest and I just I don't drink a ton of water so it's perfect for me or like a two family size you and your girlfriend or boyfriend if you have a family little kids running around exercise and sweating like dogs dogs don't sweat oh I should have known that basic physiology oh no so just look on their site to see what size you want but I like to travel because it's the smallest unit and you could theoretically travel with it which is kind of exciting this thing will filter like pond scum and make it drinkable water like it's proven like their top of the notch here you could technically wherever you go have clean water and I'm worried about that every time I go somewhere I usually compromise and just get some bottled water but if you're really on point you bring that thing with you the only thing like it will compact down the the top unit fits into the bottom one but you would have to unscrew the filters and that would piss me off it would probably take you less than a minute but you nobody got time for that unscrewing that come on now make them snap off or something quick release but if you're going on a little vacation why not bring that if you're going camping Oh man that's the ideal thing you just set that thing up pour your water in there pour from a lake I don't think you can use ocean water don't try it on my behalf but I think this is the best system it's easiest to use the filters last like 10 years or something don't quote me on that I forget it was a long-ass time though maybe five years so eventually I think it is 10 years the fluoride ones I think don't last as long maybe two years depending on how much water you drink but I don't drink a lot I do cook with my water so it should last me a good three or four years on those fluoride filters so eventually you'll have to replace them but they're not that much it's a little pricey to get started I think mine was like 400 385 Canadian that's like $7 Americans who relax then that's the one-time cost for both filters black and fluoride and then eventually in like five years I might have to buy another $70 fluoride pack not say and the Berkey ones the last a good 10 years probably 15 for me I'm trying to think of if there's any cons because I hate when people review something and they only tell you the positive side of life there's always a con to something so the only thing I can think of is slightly annoying when you fill it there is a slight bit of water left in there at all times look it doesn't fully drain I don't know that it's gonna matter but it seems like I have to fill it up and it's always gonna be that bit of old water in there it'll drain to a certain point so that could get annoying and same with the water there's always going to be that little bit because the spigot starts a little bit higher so technically there's slightly old water accumulating in there will it matter I think eventually you would want to just dump this you take that out dump it and then fill it up fresh I don't think it matters the other con if you can see if you get the floor and filters which are the white ones at the bottom that is sitting in your water like it's always they are made of plastic I think it's bpa-free but it's still plastic and my water is constantly sitting in that I wish there was another design if you don't get the fluoride filters you don't have that problem but then you can't remove fluoride I think I'd rather have fluoride gone than a tiny bit of like bpa-free plastic I don't know so this is the only con I can think of other than that we're good to go it's a let me know down below what you think the best water is do you agree with how I'm laid it out there the pros and cons of each I think the Bur keys the best it's the easiest I'm happy with it your thoughts down below if you disagree so I can delete ban you forever it's fun to do I enjoy it the wrath of God strike down upon thee it's fun times alright we're done thank you for watching the video today thumbs up if you liked it unbelievable thumbs down if you drink only cactus acid that you squeezed yourself I remember watching some story it'll never leave my mind so just stop watching this video if you don't want to be poisoned forever but a guy was lost in the desert somewhere like he was just with friends he wasn't even like deep into the desert he just went off to go to the washroom or something ended up on a wrong trail and he's like just walking lost in the desert and the sun's beating down on him he's dehydrated he's like I'm gonna die what the hell happened I was just camping with my friends and so he's like looking there's no water anywhere so he breaks into this cactus he's like oh God oh he drinks it but it was this one of this poison acid cacti that just like melted his mouth and he was like oh my god imagine that being so thirsty and then the thing you drink is like hydrochloric acid and it melts your mouth he had to like poke holes cuz it closed off I'm so sorry I ruined your life still it was worth watching he was fine he didn't have any weird lip scars or anything it all worked out in the end but Wow be careful out there get a Berkey system I'm gonna leave subscribe for more videos and I'll see you later
Channel: Vegetable Police
Views: 40,683
Rating: 4.7418795 out of 5
Keywords: Vegetable Police, best water to drink, best drinking water in the world, best drinking water filter system, best drinking water test kit, berkey water filter, berkey water filter review, berkey vs alexapure, berkey vs reverse osmosis, berkey vs propur, reverse osmosis water filter system, reverse osmosis water, distilled water machine, spring water vs purified, is berkey water filter worth it, is berkey water filter worth the money, is distilled water alkaline
Id: 5D6Nng9NKLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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