Best Things To Do in Singapore 2024 4K

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[Music] what's going on everybody this is is Hopper TV and today we're going to talk about the best things to do in Singapore we're going to 50 different locations let's do it that's right everybody I came to Singapore with the intention of showing you the very best of Singapore and I pulled off and that's what I'm going to show you today let's get into it yeah so here we are at the top of Marina Bay Sand now this Observatory is called Sky Park and the ticket price to go up to the top of the Marina Bay Sands Observatory is $ 32 Singaporean dollar that comes out to around $23 us and at the time of making this video $1 us equals $1.34 Singaporean dollars and although this list is in no particular order the observ atory up here at the Marina Bay Sands definitely should be at the top of your Singapore bucket list what we're going to do now is we're actually going to take the bridge to the gardens By The Bay from Marina Bay Sands let's go over there right now and do that the walk over to the gardens by the bay is an attraction all in of itself it's quite amazing to see the tropical scenery around this garden and now here we are at Cloud Forest we're going to go right inside there and another top attraction here in Singapore is the cloud forest adults cost $ 35 Singapore dollars and children are 20 Singapore dollars per person what I love about this cloud forest is it's air conditioned it's a very pleasant environment but very Lush and it's actually considered the Avatar world after the movie and the characters and inside here you can atise yourself which we will be showing you a little later on but definitely add the ploud forest to your list and now here we are at the new and improved birds of paradise it used to be called the Jang bird park but now it's three times bigger and let's go see what this place is all about this bird park blew me away I actually had no idea I could enjoy a bird paradise like I did here at the mday Wildlife Reserve Bird Park ticket prices cost 48 Singapore dollars per adult 33 for children Africa Papa New Guinea birds so much to see here highly recommend my favorite was the wetlands now here we are in Little India and we're moving quickly through this list here so hopefully you're taking notes at home but Little India is definitely one of the most culturally Rich experiences you will find here you're definitely going to find that culture Vibe good food cheap shopping and friendly people I would say try to visit here anytime after 1:00 in the afternoon but the best time is around Sunset because the color and The Vibes and if you're here during a night market you can walk around and find some great deals but really come here for the food now here we are at Kong Glam this is Arab Street you also have Lane and you have Bali Street this is considered a Muslim Islamic quarter you're going to have lots of Lebanese food Turkish Cuisine and several other Arabic foods this is really a nice place to walk around especially at night they do have bars and pubs in the area as well for those of you who are looking for nighlife you may consider coming down here they have some cheap souvenir shopping as well now on the far Northeast end or the Far East End of Singapore is a place called Holland Village it's nearby Queen town you can say but it's really out here in bua Vista so we're going to walk around and show you what's going on out here in Holland Village known as an area for Creative people to get together and hang out an incubator for local artists musicians and entrepreneurs also you'll notice it is an industrial or commercial area nearby with several factories so the main stretch of Holland Village is going through lurong Mong now something you want to know is that there's going to be many different restaurants cafes and tasty street food all right here we are at the Art and Science Museum let's go take a look open from 10:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. daily you can find tickets here for around 25 Singapore dollars although it depends on the exhibit but many of these exhibits change over time and it truly is Art meat science especially down on the ground level and I would highly recommend bringing kids here if you're with them because it is sensory overload it's going to get your creative juices flowing and I even Drew this airplane here which they allowed me to put on the wall and fly it around and that's free with the and that's just part of the immersive experience you're going to find here now here we are at changy airport at the jewel this is a free activity that you can do you can either visit here when you're at the airport it is on the outside of the check-in counters although they do have a tram that connects Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 that you can ride although you won't be able to walk around the waterfall area but again this is at the Changi Airport along with a spectacular waterfall that drains from the roof you'll also find shopping on the outside at the mall as well as multiple decks and levels for you to go up and get great views of this Atrium indoors now here we are at palao uin this is actually an island in between Singapore Mainland and Malaysia so we're just going to walk around here and see what's going on the boat ride is around four Singapore dollars each way so it's not going to break the bank to come out here it is the island northeast of mainland land Singapore they're going to have cycling trails foot paths wetlands and many different Villages for you to explore along with several birds like King Fishers and the Horn Bill may be found here I would recommend Renning a bike because it's a lot easier to get around on bike than foot because it is a bigger island than you may suspect they even have campgrounds out here now we're headed back to the heart of Singapore this is the Singapore Flyer or Singapore Ferris wheel as it's known the price is4 Singapore dollars per person to go around in these capsules it's open from 3: in the afternoon until 10: at night obviously a sunset ride in one of these capsules is probably the best if you can get it it does book quickly especially on the weekend so try to book ahead if you can online all right now here we are at Gardens by the bay starting out at Super tree Grove let's go inside so now that we're back back at Gardens by the bay we split it up into two days because the super tree Grove is a whole other area to explore along with the flower dome but going up to the observatory here great views looking out at MBS which is Marina Bay Sands out towards the Straits of malaa shipping lanes as well you can also visit the super tree Grove at night and the colors out here are quite amazing so that is an activity visiting in the daytime and the nighttime the vibe is different at night and up here at the top of the super tree Grove at the observatory I highly recommend coming up here they have a cafe where you can get some beers very nice beers craft beers local actually I had one very nice but look at this view here walking around the super tree Grove is totally free but if you wanted to go to the Super tree Observatory top here it is$ 14 Singapore dollars per adult and $10 per child for and as you can see at the tippy top it is great views all around around 360Β° great photos can be taken from here so try to get up to the top of here it's not too crowded either which I really like hopefully after this video it doesn't get any more crowded now we're headed to the actual Skywalk which is another activity you can do here it's $112 sing for adults and then $8 sing for children I would say an activity like this you're going to need around 15 to 20 minutes just to walk the Skywalk in between the two super trees here and it is quite exhilarating that's part of the experience it's a little bit spooky Avatar eyes myself here at one of these machines we're going to see what I would look like if I was an avatar yeah back to that Avatar World here we are doing the Avatar at the cloud forest would I be scared to encounter me as an avatar oh and another activity right nearby is going to be the flower Dome you can skip this one but if you really love botney and you love plants you should probably come in here and the air conditioning works great I just don't know if the price is Justified considering the walk around that you're going to get in this Garden it is quite expensive but they do have several climate zones and a great deal of biodiversity are at the Marina Bay Sand's Mall we're going to show you around here there's a casino a mall a hotel and then an observatory at the top let's do it now we already showed you around the observatory but we haven't shown you around the mall or the Canal shops this is a very expansive spacious Mall the casino does require a passport to get inside it's a lot more restrictive than what you you would find in Las Vegas for example but if you're staying at the hotel and you want a little bit of Thrills you can go there but for the most part walking around the canals and seeing the rain Oculus is good enough for me and going over to the food court and getting some food very delicious if high-end shopping and spending a lot of money at department stores is your thing then you're going to want to check out the Marina Bay shops which is right next to the actual canals as with many of these indoor Atrium type experiences in Singapore they're always going to have some sort of creative art that you want to take a picture of or make a video of just like in the airport this mall here has lots of different little attractions like that yes so here we are at one of the most popular food Hawkers in Singapore this one is LA pasat right there in the CBD Central business district I got Char Sue and won all right it's late lunchtime I'm having having charu and pork belly got this here at the uh Chinese restaurant this is also some wanton soup yummy and now here we are at Orchard Road this is probably the britzy area of Singapore for sure you're going to see several different malls up and down Orchard Road but if you really wanted something fun to do I would say get on one of those double-decker buses whether it be a Hop On Hop off bus or just one of the regular Metro buses try to get the front seat and watch the city go by as you cruise down Orchard Road you can also walk around here pretty [Music] efficiently all right so here we are at bja Street this is like a market downtown here we're going to walk around all the streets Prince Street Art Street show you what's going on down here even Dragon Street downtown is a really expensive place but if you're looking for some Bargains outside of the malls check out bis Street bis Junction you're going to find some great deals on things like handbags some souvenirs clothing so it's definitely worth checking out if you're in the area and just on the other side of Marina Bay Sans is the Marina Bay prominade a nice area to walk around you're going to find some historical buildings here as well as some museums also they have cafes and restaurants and some rooftops this whole area has undergone a major renovation over the last few decades and it used to be a major historical area that has been completely rejuvenated and if you follow the river up a bit you have the River Walk where you will see some of that old history and you can follow this along to Boat Key Clark key Robinson's key which we will be showing you some of those a little later they also have several Museum mums here that you may consider taking a look at the Riverwalk has done a good job of maintaining old Singapore now you have the Asian civilizations Museum this one goes into detail about all Asian civilizations not just what has happen in Singapore and the development here so if you're into Asia stop by here and learn some more about Asia the price to get in here is1 155 Singapore dollars for adults and then 10 sing for for children but yeah you could see lots of different artifacts and history to be had here if you are considering visiting more places in Asia we did make a top 18 places to visit video about Asia I'll put a link to that in the description now here we are at Boat Key we're going to take a look at this beautiful area for dining along the river boat key is definitely in my top three for nightlife in Singapore if not my absolute favorite so if you're looking for some good nighlife and some food hang out around the Riverwalk although I will say the food is a bit expensive although maybe one night it might be worth it to do some dining down here or at least taking advantage of happy hour in Boat Key but it's really known for its old historical trading activities and nowadays the restaurants so now we're going to go EXP explore Clark key which is another key along the Singapore River let's go Clark key is literally a 5minute walk away from bow key you just go up the river a bit and wada Bing we they're going to have more restaurants and dining experiences also the slingshot this thing is a crazy ride that shoots you through the air you can do it alone or with a friend so check this out slingshot is an old Clark key favorite that's making a come back there are two different slingshots here and the price is around 45 sing per person by the way we did make several Singapore videos including a things to know about Singapore as well as a video that's coming up about the top areas so do check the link description below for [Music] those now we're here at the MRT in Singapore we're going to ride this state-of-the-art rail system it's actually built and developed by a Japanese company and for those of you've been to Japan you know nobody does rail as good as the Japanese so them building this here for Singapore says something there is six different lines and 140 stations for the MRT which stands for Mass Rapid Transit most of the MRT is below ground around the CBD area so we're going to go on the Singapore River experience the tickets around 28 Singapore dollars this is a bit of a historical Cruise Up and Down the River you get a different Vantage Point than you would normally get just walking around it may not be something that I would put at the top of the list but it's certainly something to do in the evening around Clark key or Boat Key they take you down to the Marina Bay prominade and then back at takes around 30 minutes okay so we're headed to santosa Island on the santosa express we've got the tickets there four Singapore each person that's round trip and we're going to go to Universal Studios santosa it's my first time going there let's go now I've been to santosa Island about five times but I had never been to Universal Studios so that was my first time but I always like taking the tram over from the Vivo mall to the actual station so that's something I recommend but you can easily get here by cable car or taxi [Music] even yeah so here we are at Universal Studios the tickets are $82 Singapore dollar this is a lot smaller Universal Studios than you may be used to if you've been to the one in Japan or you've been to the one in Florida but it's still a universal studio so you're going to have fun so when you come to Universal Studios I recommend not coming on the weekend right now I'm here on a Sunday and the lines are 45 minutes to 60 Minutes long so try to come on the weekdays when it's not so busy so you can get more rides you could consider the Fastpass although it's super expensive and I'm not so sure I'm willing to pay the price they were asking for a fast pass although the lines can be very long sometimes 45 minutes to an hour just for one ride all right guys we're here at the SE Aquarium Let's Go the ticket prices vary depending on what kind of activities you're looking to do if you just want to see the aquarium plus the dolphin Observer prices can go up but they start at around 63 sing per person here you can expect to see a very large aquarium tank with manays and sharks and a great viewing area on a big piece of glass right in front of [Music] you now here we are at the beaches of santosa Island and some of those beaches are going to include Soso Beach which is where we're at now walking around they're going to have many different activities for you to do here they also have Palawan beach so these are all man-made beaches here on santosa but people swim here and it's actually nice and relaxing because the water is very calm some of the activities you can do while out here are going to include bungee jumping it's really a crazy activity to do used to be called the AJ hacket I don't know if it's still called that I didn't see the AJ hacket name there there's also zip lining that takes you from the top of the hill down into Soso beach look fun now the ticket price to do a Bungie is starting at around 51 Singapore so it's a good price and if you wanted to do zipline the Prices range from 99 Singapore and up so it's a little bit more expensive to do the zip line but both seem very exhilarating adrenaline rushes now here we are at another cultural area this here is Chinatown the best time to visit is probably in the early evening around Sunset coming down here trying out some of the miss in award-winning restaurants also walking around the historical areas just soaking up the atmosphere try to aim for Temple Street and then work your way around the area from there and then next door they have the Buddha tooth Relic which is very popular Temple here it is a Buddhist temple and it's beautiful you'll def definitely want to try and take some pictures while here while walking around Chinatown if you pause and you read some of the signs you can learn about the history this was really a lot going on here as Singapore was developing over time so try to take some time for you historical Buffs to learn about the Chinese experience in Singapore all right guys so here we are at ju chit we're going to the piranacon houses but this whole area around here you're going to see uh some Old World Singapore AR texure let's go take a look the word piranacon actually talks about the Chinese migrants who came through here that's who it was called the prons and the pronon houses down here on J chit go back to celebrating the history of the Chinese and the migrants that were here and it's just a very historical old Singapore experience along ju chit in this area I actually like coming down here and taking pictures now here we are at the panican houses on ju chit in Katon it's just a series of very colorful houses people come here and take a couple pictures and then they leave but still it's an iconic Landmark to take a picture this here is the Singapore National Museum let's go check it out now if you wanted to learn a lot about Singapore you've got to come here I actually love this Museum I think it's jam-packed with history and information about Singapore so if you got some time spend about 2 hours walking around this great museum and this here is Chimes almost seems like it should be said cha jimes but it's just Chimes and here it is a shopping area it's got a church here and very ceremonial type area with restaurants people do uh weddings here they also do bachelorette parties you'll notice that kind of stuff going on in Chimes so now we are here at the 70th floor of the Sky Bar SK AI at the Swiss hotel now we're going to take some time to highlight some of the rooftop bars this one here is Sky Bar they do events up here sometimes it's closed or you've got to wear pants they have dress code but if you get to go up here in the evening time for a sunset eat a meal here you're going to love it it does get busy and it books up fast all right now here we are at the Singapore Zoo we're going to go around here and show you all the animals Singapore Zoo is considered one of the best zoos in the world the average price here is 48 sing per person children 3 to 12 are 33 sing now something that I will say my favorite animals here are going to be the Lions because these lions are very active as well as the oranga tangs they have several different monkeys here as well so lots to see here and it's one of the best zoos in the world yes so here we are at River wonders which is right next to the sing Singapore Zoo we're going to go around here they have a ride and they have my favorite the pandas River wonders is an additional price on top of the zoo it is 42 sing you can try to save some money by doing the zoo and the river wonders in the same day the things that I like about River wonders are going to be the Amazon River Quest ride which is like a river Safari and then I really enjoy the panda exhibit as well as some of the aquariums they have here so here we are at the botanic gardens of Singapore they also have an orchid garden that we're going to go check out the Singapore Botanical Garden is worth a visit it does get hot in the daytime from around 10 a.m. until 400 p.m. so try to get here either early in the morning or late in the evening it is a free activity there is one thing that you would pay for it's the Orchid Garden and that is around 5 Sing to 15 sing depending on the time of year and the ticket price but the Orchid Garden is a UNESCO world heritage site and if you don't know much about orchids you'll learn everything you need to know here about how many varieties there are and how they can grow in these really unique environments including right alongside on tree bark so orchids are a very cool flower in my opinion after visiting here and now here we are at the Fort Canon Park this is an old British Fort but nowadays it's a park where you can walk around and get some great views find a tree tunnel hang out right here in the heart of Singapore city so we came over here to the sour Bombay Bakery right across the street from Fort Canon got some donuts it's a good snack I would only recommend having one because if you have two you might get a food Kos all right guys here we are at the national galleries Art Museum let's go inside some of this art museum is free exhibits but then if you want access to the galleries on the upper floors you're going to need to pay they do have a rooftop with restaurants that you may consider having a lunch or dinner at this is an old palace here or government building so cool history at least so local food you need to try here is laxa it's like a seafood soup spicy like a tomato sauce a little bit spicy but not too bad it's more like a tomato like a tomato sauce these taste like a fish like a ground up fish uh meat this tastes like a bread like a sponge bread yummy here we are at the capita spring sky Garden let's walk around and see what's going on up here yeah so this high-rise building with offices has these multi-level uh Gardens it is a free attraction although you will need to make a reservation ahead of time for a time slot try not to miss it so you don't take up someone else's spot but it's really cool just walking up the levels of this Sky garden and it's totally free I was amazed about that they could easily charge for this and another rooftop dining experience is Mr stor at anda's hotel this has great views as well so you can see going to these rooftop bars or rooftop restaurants definitely something to do in Singapore because of the great Vantage points you get it's really hard to pick just one but as you could see I did say that the Marina Bay Observatory was probably number one after that this Mr stor Ona's Hotel view is quite impressive because it's open air now here at the end I put the mer lion it's currently undergoing a renovation but it should be back better than ever when it's does come you probably will want to visit here although I put it at the end because it's still going under the renovation thank you guys for watching this episode of Island Hopper TV from Singapore there's so many things to do I keep going back here and I find new things every time I go back see you guys on the next one and watch some more of the videos from around southeast Asia like Bangkok and gual per next
Channel: Island Hopper TV
Views: 103,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Singapore, Singapore travel guide, Things to do in Singapore, Singapore travel, Singapore 2024, Singapore vlog, Singapore travel video, Singapore video, Singapore tour, Singapore things to do, Singapore attractions, singapore activities, Singapore tourist places, Singapore travel tips, Visit Singapore, Boat Quay, Marina Bay, Gardens By The Bay, Little India, Chinatown, Holland Village, Laksa, Singapore food, Food hawker
Id: VPzg5_mP8EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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