Our Magical Experience Living 2 Months in Bali

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[Music] a few months ago we first arrived in Bali we've made it to Bali we've got a driver to take us to ubu this was our first destination in Southeast Asia and we were super excited to experience a new country up to this point we had visited countries that felt somewhat familiar to our lives back in the US but little did we know how different life would be here in [Music] Bali our two- Monon stay here in Bali was truly magical and we will forever ever cherish these memories no it's cool we're here in Bali we made it we've uh taken a couple of days to get settled in still adjusting to the time difference but guys where we're staying we're right in the jungle it's pretty amazing we're heading into ubu grab a bite to eat we're going to check the city out let's go all right buddy let's [Music] go hello you ready to go yeah let's go get mommy and yeah say hi the [Music] boy [Music] so right now we're heading to a restaurant called WS or something like that I don't know if I'm pronouncing that properly these little local cafes little local restaurants that aren't super touristy and aren't super expensive and there's many of them right next to us so we're going to hit up every single one of them while we're here the weather so far has been Pleasant uh today it's a little warmer than it has been for the last couple of days this is our second full day here when we first got here it was night time and and the time difference we just had to get adjusted to I think we're almost there this morning we woke up a little later around 10:00 which is 6 for our normal schedule but we're getting there we're adjusting there lots of stray dogs running around they've been friendly for the most part some of them bark but no incidents so wants to you guys something I really like all the puppies in the city you like all the every city you like all the doggies look there's a couple doggies over there oh this one you want to check this one out happy [Music] Vang it's still morning for us although it's noon here let's see what kind of food they [Music] got I'm [Music] scared interesting huh interesting how it taste bbby you like it or no can you try interesting tea very [Music] interesting like start with one flavor you don't like it wait I do like it you do like it it tastes it's like Doritos it's counting there's like a chip flavor there at the end here try the one with lemon it's a little bit more sour sour where's the lemon it's in the top there I like it you like the lemon one better this one's mine all right thank you so [Music] much can you set it in you like it the lemony [Music] noodle how is it you don't like it yes chew it up see if you release the flavor let's try for real let's try for good job look at those M oh my gosh he's becoming a superhero all right we found something that looks like the kids like we'll see if they they eat it all I'm going to dig into my red chicken curry Nicole's got her big plate of fried rice the silverware here is packed in like these bamboo leaves or banana leaves or something that's pretty cool not 100% sure what it is but nice touch try it out the curry is delicious it's crunchy the rice is perfect so [Music] good amazing so many flavor and the egg is like the perfect touch to balance the flavors and it's a tiny bit spicy has a little kick to it like it's okay baby it's okay come here let's walk away from here put the that's just the puppy doggy from yesterday it's okay the dogs are usually friendly the ones back here are barking but usually they're friendly we're going to head into ubu now into the city center we drove through there the other night on our way here it was booming lots of restaurants and lots of shops a lot of people walking around we're going to go check it out place is awesome so nice up here so green so Lush I love Bali we're about 2 miles from the city center which isn't too bad but I think we're going to grab a car they have a app here like uber goak daddy should we used bolts in Europe and they goak here should we please run down this it's quite the hill huh guys I need some help over here Daddy need some help all right let's go how long are we going to take this for a walk we're almost there a big hill here at the end of the road but this is the main street so we're going to get a car [Music] now oh did you go okay baby it's a run rambunctious little girl she's glad to see you guys she K likes it she likes you she likes me too I like your shirt she doesn't talk English no I'm five oh I'm five yep and and he's four number three one month wow one mon congratulations thank you she's got a baby little baby at home baby where my home at her home you want say yeah okay is it a boy or a girl a boy boy yeah a three boy no say hi hello hello hello tamy look what's she carrying on her head how good she say hi say nice to meet you yeah can you tell her hi I think she wants to touch you Saye uh so the car hasn't come yet we've been waiting like 15 minutes the car hasn't moved much so we're going to start walking towards it not sure if it's traffic or what but Cole reached out and Tred to mess with them but haven't heard back the other car wasn't coming any closer to us so we canceled that one and we're trying to get a new one should be here in a few minutes 3 minutes hot it's going to be so we found some shade minutes 3 minutes okay that's what mommy said yeah hopefully it'll get here first experience with this app was not good it's quite different than what we're used to took about 30 minutes to get a ride probably could have walked to town by then but he's finally here how are you how are you good thank you hello hello we you it's a tight squeeze for pretty much all the streets these are made for for motorbikes it seems for the most part bro but where are they I don't know where he stop here yeah in the back yeah made it it's pretty cool driving in the car you get to see a lot more obviously so we've got to see some cool temples everyone's yard here is like a rice Patty like a rice field I'm curious if they harvest that for their own use or if they sell it the streets are so tight here can I show you once bikers are taking up the road traffic jam daddy look how many motorcycles I know it thank you thank you come on [Music] buddy bye it can also drive by itself y one people 500 money baby like yeah hold it see if you like it looking like 500 500 you want it yeah yeah no no yeah okay 100 100 no M 100 100 100 100 thank you bye sorry buddy he tried to trick us and then he that was, 1500 then we said 500 yeah all right as soon as we got out of the taxi someone ran over to us and tried to sell us something first he said it was a dollar which is 15,000 and then he was saying it's 150,000 when I was trying to pay it so don't trust that guy strawberry yogurt honey strawberry sorbet here's an eyeball guy over there it's not a it's not what flavor did you get what what flavor did you get bubblegum it's not a boy it's a girl you got bubble gum too bud all right enjoy we're walking down to the monkey Forest we're not going to go into the monkey Forest because Nicole's sister was here a few months ago and said that it's not really worth going into it but if you go over by where the parking lot is sometimes you can still see monkeys so we're going to go see if we can see any and check it out there's like little monkey statues all over the place Samy you going to see some monkeys maybe I don't know maybe keep your eyes open we're going to walk around and see if we see any monkey but we have to be careful because they try to take things they like to steal phones and backpacks cameras and hats we got to be super careful we won't let them grab the camera if they do I'll JP on you do not freak out all right keep your eyes open for monkeys let's go see if we can see any monkeys look the fish camera over there we saw one but he's pretty far away going to go see if there's another one y would you all right go get some cool pictures [Applause] guys at the end guess what happens what I took a video of a strip I saw the monkey in the monkey zoo what else do you see can't stick um stare at them or they will think you're trying to steal stuff so they they will come steal something from you yeah so right now we're looking at some fishies and there's a big tiger over there big tiger it's just a statue tiger oh I see and do you like Bali Bali that's where we're at do you like Bali so far yeah yeah H all right go left here the Monkey Jungle was pretty cool we only stayed for a few minutes but we did get to see some monkeys well the monkey cool you like those we're going to go walk around UB a little bit more and explore oh sorry baby watch your step it's it's very busy here there's lots of people lots of motorbikes lots of tourists or maybe I should say xats cuz maybe they're not tourists maybe they live here guys there's a monkey on the road there's a monkey on the [Music] road no thank you no thank you thank [Music] you kiddos wore out so uh we've opted for a taxi we had about like a mile to get to the supermarket which is where we need to go pick up a few things to stock up super super so I can waitting you take you back to hotel and you not all right made it to Bing Tang Supermarket our taxi driver is going to wait for us he's going to take us back home for 100,000 we won't have to wait around so I guess that's worth it let's go get some stuff from the supermarket get me in there daddy in here come here can we go play now momy and sister Palace oh yeah [Music] we've seen several are what are those called traditional dance oh it's a dance okay kids go out in their costumes and dance they got musical instruments that they play it's pretty neat what does it symbolize what is the meaning of the dance uh that's meaning for something is a to make a like a perform for the on the roads for the people to be safe yeah actually all right thank you so much what your puppy it's just mango doggy yes mongle mongle is doggy it's it's nice it can't it won't jump on us he's a nice pupp yes Mong and Mong is a nice thank thank you so much and she wrote four in the sun it's the sun oh good good girl meet you your name my name is Wy Wy yes oh W's house W's house your house a fun day exploring we're just getting started this is our first full day out exploring Bali ooo I should say our host and his family were here when we got home so they greeted us got to meet the rest of his family super sweet family the sun's setting over the hill we're going to go in get some dinner and call it a night we're going to be exploring Bali for the next two months we got all kinds of cool things planned to do with the kids and it's going to be the adventure of a lifetime this is our new home we're staying in an Airbnb rental near the city of ubu join us for a tour of this traditional balines home I'm going to give you guys a quick tour of where we're staying here in Bali at least the first place we're staying will be be in three different places in total uh we're about 25 minutes outside of ubu here in the hills in the jungle we've rented this place on Airbnb uh we're here for a little over 2 weeks and it costs a little over $500 it's its own Standalone private house from the street it's very inconspicuous behind front entrance is like this whole hidden Oasis there's three different houses here I think they're all rented on Airbnb we've got some neighbors up here at the top they're here for several months um from Australia back here is like a river goes down into a Gorge and there just surrounded by jungle there's a little Koi pond next to the stairs got the port chair that leads in these very ornate door frame and then over here you have the front porch with a view of the house below and the jungle and then over here there's a new house being built probably 75% of the places that we've stayed on our trip so far there's construction in the building or around where we're staying so we're we're quite used to this although it can be quite loud at times we've managed uh ideally there's no construction going on and this would be a very Serene and peaceful area but we we have had to deal with construction each day here you got a table to sit at and paintings and then the windows open out to the patio from the inside so let's take a look at the inside got a kitchen table with four chairs these windows open up hey guys hi it's kind of dark in here there are lights but they're not super bright so it's not extremely bright in here overall off to the right is a first room with sliding glass doors these doors closed that helps with sound a little bit during the evening it's not super loud though and then there is a believe this is not a desk it's probably for makeup or something but I've been using it for a desk for editing got the bed with the canopy it's just for decoration there's it's not a mosquito net which is what we thought it was at first mosquitoes have not been bad here little bench at the edge of the bed it does have an AC which is nice two intables with lamps and then more windows for the natural light to come in and then there's a wardrobe for our clothing nice little view to the side our first few nights here there was a little critter in the ceiling and we could hear it running around scurrying around and I think it caught something one night because it was just going crazy up there uh we let the Airbnb host know he put down a glue pad caught it turns out it was a very large rat when he put the glue pad up there and I guess the rat got stuck on it you could hear it like flopping trying to get off the glue pad it was very loud it was we lost some sleep that night but he got it out and we haven't heard it since so got to taken care of for us so Suk we triy to learn the basics of the language of where we're visiting like thank you uh hello things like that over here there's a little cabinet for storage and obviously some drinking water you do not want to drink the tap water here in Bali if you are not from Bali because you will get what they referred to as B belly which I'm assuming is like extreme diarrhea and pay full cramps got a small fridge got a second bedroom these are both king-size beds so that's nice this one does not have an AC but it has a fan and over here there's an adjustment for the speed another little Cadenza there with a mirror and a second wardrobe and then more windows two end tables here as well with lamps pretty much like the other room just it has a fan and it's a little bit smaller and then we have the kitchen the kitchen is pretty basic it just has a little shelf here and up there there's a storage cabinet but all the dishes are kept over here on this little rack there's a sink and then there's a stove top with a kettle for uh boiling water and that's what how I've been drinking my coffee I've had to get accustomed to instant coffee which isn't my favorite but I need the coffee so nothing too fancy then we have the bathroom which is actually an open air outdoor bathroom it is covered here but as you can see part of it open air with this nice Lush rock wall we have a western toilet which is nice and then got a sink with mirror and there's a standup shower and depending on the time of day that you take a shower you're standing right in the sunlight which is interesting uh and then there's a bathtub which the kids have enjoyed and then there's also a shower snake and the bathtub the host has been great they're very welcoming he is a temple priest and his family all live here he's got a few kids I think two daughters and one of them works at the resort down the street which we're going to go check out we're heading to I I think it's pronounced jinu or something like that they allow you to just pay some money and you can spend the day there and that includes a meal so we'll have some lunch as well so we going go check it out [Music] at the pool yeah sure but uh the children is under your resp respons absolutely sure wait a moment our colle will pick up yeah thank you thank you so much [Music] it's like a little hidden Oasis here in the [Music] jungle oh wow oh so we're going to go down this like uh the ink inclinator that's what it's called I guess it's like a like a big elevator what do you think guys going to go down when are we going to move here we go it's very slow yeah I know so it doesn't fall it's like an elevator you're here it feels like we're going down an elevator on top of the mountain now we're going down that's exactly what we're doing right CA there's another truck there daddy we're about to go under that little B baby Bridge you think so yeah and then we're going to stop right there I don't know what we're going to do there we're going to get out there yeah but there's no way to where are we going and then we're going to go over there my name is Sammy not me yeah me nice to meet you thank you for coming me I knew it by thank you so much was that cool bud so cool come on Mom yeah we're going to we always have to hold hands okay that's that's why they oh there's like a path down this way the walk I don't know what it leads to maybe down to the river and Florida Florida Amer okay hello you want to swim yes but but we're first going to eat oh guys look there's the pool there it is beautiful if we Splash in there guess why it goes down now pretty cool huh it's got the infinity pool overlooking the jungle got the resort up here on the hillside got the inclinator coming down all right we're going to go have some fun we're going to eat first and then we're going to go swim in the pool [Music] a [Music] all right we're going to enjoy our meal looks pretty good then we're going to go for a dip in the pool [Music] oh thank you so much okay here yeah thank you so much how's the water feel Bud good feels good it's just like cold it's just like cold yeah you warm it's warm up here we are we've eaten lunch I've got the floaties blown up for the kids now we're going to go swim in the pool the water is a little cold but it's like being in a bathtub after a while all right I'm ready when you're ready Bud oh don't you [Music] worry I'm ready but we're not going to do the jumping no just going to come to [Music] me hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mommy [Music] am I swimmming I did it all the [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] what do you think darling it's beautiful I'm so glad we came I can on this on [Music] this [Music] that's our house over there that's where we're stand and then there's this hidden Oasis just a few properties over I wouldn't even know this place was [Music] here coming buddy you if you feel the yet no come hey [Music] Daddy yes the Sun a melt stuff they can pretty hot there's lots of little restaurants within walking distance so we've pretty much hit up everyone around us they're all delicious we're going to a new one now and on the way I'm going to show you guys the real [Music] B do not look at the door hey guys let's go look at this spider real quick we're so close oh there it is there he is I want to guys look the fly got stuck in the spider we got some that puppy can be my poy doggy [Applause] okay are they mean momy are these puppies mean remember the lady was cleaning her towel right want to be in yeah hello hello go faster faster and faster and faster f look the little chicken threw all the the whole thing away all all my weed came off my stick you hear that rooster can you car me me a little bit up this hill come here you're not getting no muscles watch let me walk now I am I don't know if you can see that in the camera or not but there was a mom riding her scooter and the baby was strapped to her chest and the baby's just pass passing [Music] out H Dad I really really want a milkshake oh I want a milkshake too bud when are we going to find one when we get to the restaurant let's see if the get milkshakes [Music] so a few things lots of stray dogs they're mostly friendly or they maybe they're not Strays I don't know maybe they have a home but they they wander around everyone is super friendly everyone says hello and they love the kids dadd I want to run down it's amazing here for the kids with you please all right you want to run down the hill yeah all right let's let him get him a head start all right 1 2 3 Let's Go all right that was so much there's some amazing Resorts and then there's just the the normal locals who live here all intertwined mixed in together but it's still no for real there in Paradise we're almost there bud we're almost there all right we've made it great exercise look oh is that the water yeah can I walk on no please don't go there that's got Moss on it so it's very slippery have we been to this no this is a new one we haven't been to this one yet hello well have to say this one's probably got the best view that we've seen so [Music] far thank you very much [Music] thank you all right so to drink I got a strawberry milkshake so got a vanilla milkshake Sammy got a real pineapple fruit juice Nicole went for a Diet Coke to eat I got the bbec Krispy which is a crispy duck with some local vegetables and some sauce got a pizza for the kiddos and Nicole got chicken with mushroom sauce I did it just one more [Music] banana come on I did it right yep you [Music] did can I do it again I already did that one before hey all right you guys ready to go walking yes the food was pretty good daddy there wasn't much meat on my duck can I but I got full for now the kids did not like the pizza it wasn't like normal pizza so they didn't really eat much of that they uh they picked on Nicole's food so she didn't get to eat a ton we're going to head over to a market it's not open quite yet but it's going to take us a while to walk there and so we'll show you guys more Bali hello D like a bond uhhuh what do they grow in those R SK yeah good job field more rice field and another R Field [Music] hello look at all the Ducks over there hello hello h Hello ducky come a little closer can you guys quack for [Applause] them as interrogation system for the right to go I like look there's a big truck coming let's get out of the way probably not the safest we're out there's no sidewalks here and the roads are very narrow you got to be safe woo there's a bike that Rice looks like it's almost ready why it's very dark green how big it is yeah it's big and green huh yeah one again please stop for a second I'm going to put this in there it go down there or down something oh it's going down that one not that one see yep along most of the roads there's these little drainage p paths that are used to irrigate the rice fields you can find them pretty much along every road and it's awesome to see how it all works sorry loves putting leaves and stuff in them hang on buddy is that Rice Ready no not yet right is that Rice over there ready yeah yeah I think it's ready where Teamwork Makes the DreamWork baby let's go oh I didn't know what that noise was it was over there was that dog Sammy is this Rice Ready what yeah it's ready we're playing a game it's ready what are you playing every scooter that drives this way say if they're going to the ceremony or not based on how they're dressed okay um look you see the water how it's draining wait Daddy I know how I know these watch you take them off and then you oh there it [Music] goes [Music] oh wow can you see it all the way over there the mountain no this whole right fi then it's all the way over to yeah it goes all the way over look at the people over there hey Daddy guess what what do you even know what this surprise is I do not it's going to great just Epic it's going to be epic yes you're going to love it okay wow look back there we uh stopped for a quick drink break there's like a indoor soccer field here it's got two fields pretty cool feels awesome in the shade it's a little hot in the Sun but just walking through Paradise little L than a watch where you're going okay buddy W look at this house let's Le hey Sis hi Dad how you doing good Woo is this Rice Ready yes no no hurry r that was the close one is that Rice over there ready yeah no it looks like it might be look there was a landslide here what's the land Landslide see how all the the hill fell you see how it fell down yeah that's a landslide all right come on you guys are doing awesome hey can you walk now no oh you still need me to carry you yeah okay oh look at that is that a swastika I'm curious what the swasa symbol means here it's not a dragon it's a box it's a robot hello hello yeah they made their own little dragon but usually there's a group of kids probably like early teens early or late pre-teens usually they go around and they make the music and they're in a dragon costume they dance around and they and I think these kiddos they're younger so they just made up their own that's awesome something yeah and they go into different costumes like I we just saw um um a robot one oh look are those they're not real Ducks they look like them you can maybe watch they're making them look there's a little pick a little chicken pick pick put the chicken pick hi oh there's another chicken oh so you guys just saw that motor bike go up go up the stairs into their home most of these places on these small streets they have a little ramp for the scooters and stuff to get up into the yard chicken hey bud what do you think about these places good you like them you like these little statues yes just don't look at them and they will stop barfing at us okay have to calm down first uhoh I'm not sure if we go left or right up here we're going to have to get we have to wait for Mommy and I know which way to go left or right this way first right we first have to turn okay let's go see if you're right hang know you said we got to go right let's go right I told you we had it to go right I told you okay you're always right yep all right do you remember the movie when when when the little when the when the white bear said come on try it it's better than honey and he sticked it in his mou and heels like this and then he just grabbed it and then and and then he said you're right see I'm always right that way yet yeah Daddy then let's go let's scare them all right let's go what oh my goodness where were you guys you guys this lady came out of her her gate she started looking at Sammy took her hands and like kissed her cheeks and was looking and was talking at bin the whole time and she was like acting like she was like this princess goddess or something she's a princess babe she looked for that like long stretch before the turn she stood in the middle of the street and kept waiting for us to turn around and wa 10 times my frch do you have a little Sal or no salt he doesn't understand what you're saying B no salt okay the kids didn't eat much of their pizza at the restaurant and we're going to eat some french fries yeah we came across this little food stand on the side here they're going to eat some french fries watch your step remember don't step on those okay what the little offerings I didn't step on that [Music] good hi look we're here this is the market [Music] which one this one that one Power Rangers yes Power Rangers so we're going to see what else they have and then if we can't find any other ones we'll come back and get this one okay you like those yeah all right we buy $2 sunglasses so I don't know if this is the whole Market that we were looking for but there's like a little corner set up on the street and we' got some Goods here I got this hat 35k it's uh it's a little over $2 Sammy needs new glasses she got some those are $2 looking for a hat for ster now you like TJ man Paw Patrol Iron Man thiss Nice Spider-Man Spiderman o Bud do you want Spider-Man to try on which one you want buddy I'm trying to look okay you let us know I want to I I don't want to ride do you like it no no it's too big huh it's a little big oh there you go it's a little big yeah you want a bud here yeah bud I think that's good it looks super cool yeah yeah okay that's yeah I like it all right soya got his hat got her glasses daddy got a new hat momy what are you getting uh I want to buy more paper for the kids to paint on in this little store are you guys ready are you guys ready to walk home yeah pick me up daddy you want to walk home yes okay but we're going to drive let go are we going to drive daddy Pi I think we're going to drive home it's a pretty uh pretty long walk all the way back home follow me you okay I hurt my head in there stay [Music] low what you want to go down there of course I do of course you do but how do we get down there's some stairs we can walk down there ah beautiful thank you look at that big tree guys wow ever all right let's go down the steps we go not sure oh that's far down there huh Bud yeah really far look over who let's keep going up let's go check it out let's see how high they are now yeah don't PL jeez jeez again again [Music] again see baby hold my hand oh it's it's a temple took the kids to a little Play Place earlier let them have some fun it was an indoor play place it's actually really cool it was pretty big and then we went and had it bite to eat the food is just amazing so yummy we still got some in the backpack and then Nicole Nicole said let's go walk guys we wouldn't go check out this bridge now we're walking through a jungle I would call it a jungle alongside a river there's a huge Temple uh it's about a 15-minute walk I don't know how far it is but it's very cool and the kids are loving it you guys having fun it doesn't look like it like the pictures they only show the best spots obviously so du could come to me oh you want you want to call some ducks where'd that come from did you hear him everyone stay on this one because there's a bun hey what we found daddy you volcano volcano where the volcano right there oh I see it in the faint distance I don't know if you can see it in the camera or not wow number 42 km rains and pushes down the mud it can pants it can break down the the floor and then it can fall off like this is that scary Bud yes is yeah looks like it happened on that side too big big step good job buddy all right push through come on come on big step big step come on come on come on yeah we did it good job buddy give my high five high five there you go good job High Time take care guys wow amazing thank you guys thank you Daddy look puy so Nicole found this place it's about a 25-minute ride from where we're staying in ubu the kids are going to have a blast here they've got an awesome indoor play zone and then they've got a restaurant and they've got little toys that you can ride around on and then they've got this pretty cool water park too you got some cool socks yeah all right go have fun here's a butterfly wow daddy I'll meet you over there okay hi hi go over there and I'll see you there you are hi hi go up there see what all they got oh there's a trampoline go have [Music] F so this place is called gumas sari for the play set I think it's unlimited time it was only five bucks for both the kids and they got the little cars that you can drive around those were a dollar and then they've got the splash park I'm not sure how much that is but we'll find out later once it warms up a little bit more but this place is cool [Music] So today we're going to f we're trying to help hurry up because we're trying to do this is the last life and so this is all of it come on let's go showing them the whole thing woo that was delicious oo right got to go this way Char pretty dark huh wo this way let's jump that's it cool huh I'm going to wait to R animal thingies okay okay it's so fun and I just SL this place catch [Music] up the kids have had this entire place to themselves the whole [Music] time you're stu see you next time oh is it done try to make it goom I do oh it won't go anymore all right see you later alligator come back watch out s what are you doing you got to watch you're going I almost read almost got to stop have you had fun yeah I'm still writing this thing you have to play set or the elephant better was it all fun play it yeah both of it all of it all right all right finish your ride bu then we're going to go eat some lunch come on open bye come on all right the kiddos had fun at the play place now we're going to head down the street just a little bit there's a W room that Nicole found it's highly rated restaurant yeah we're going to go to this one mommy found it's got 4.8 Stars 40 reviews on Google so we're going to go check that out get some lunch and it's uh it's starting to heat up so we'll see about going to the water park here a little later what do you think Sammy would you like to go to the water park afterwards M yeah Sis Sis is a little frustrated let's go get some food in our bellies yeah what are you doing sis didn't you have so much fun playing yeah can you tell me why you're sad then because bbby won't let me have that sticker he won't let you have a sticker and I can't find anything well let's go see if we can find something cool you got to keep your eyes open though look at that dog look at the cows over there look over there oh yeah there's another one oh look they're by the tree look over there yeah I want to go home M okay traveling with little kids there a fine balance between education and entertainment and sometimes we we do our best to get them entertained they have fun for a little while and then it's right on to the next thing so it's a challenge but keeps things interesting is this it no this isn't the one all right let's keep moving then no that's not it either I did restaurant all right we're looking for a restaurant on the map says it's here but this isn't the restaurant no that's a auto service I don't know can't find it we can try this one if you want we're going to head back to the play place they have a restaurant behind it we're going to check it out huh sometimes Google Maps is inaccurate unfortunately we can't find the place what do you think about it Bud Daddy yeah can I please ask you something of course I want I want to be home now you want to go home let's go get some food and then maybe we go to the water park you want to go to the water park or you want to go home water park water park okay so I could cool off cool off are you hot yeah speaking of balance sometimes the kids will like to go out and do things sometimes they just want to stay home and hang out and play which I get sometimes I just want to stay home and hang H out and relax what are you doing breaking it destroying it see come on look Mommy and are leaving us let's go catch up come on are you hungry no you're not hungry actually I am you are okay cool this is this the same one that we saw is this the one that we eat oh can we is there any food can we buy F let's go get some food spit water out tired yeah Daddy watch the big bucket one second daddy film it I did did fil it yeah this is only ketchup okay what only ketchup this yes we ordered a little bit of everything we got some rice noodles sausage fries uh iced cappuccino and a b coffee looks pretty good we're going to dig in a migang the chicken it's noodles so sick and a hot dog then we have rice which is Nai gang it's all very good got some sausage the sausage it's like a hot dog it's interesting but it's not Mommy I can see you it has an interesting taste it's pretty good and then we got this uh sausage skewer and all of this was 126,000 rupee which is about $8 for our lunch so the Bali coffee is interesting I've had it a couple times I think it's mainly made through a French press but the grinds of the coffee are in the cup so it's you can see there's some grinds there and once you get down to the bottom you can see all the grinds there so the last couple of drinks are are interesting but it is pretty good I just don't drink the last couple of drinks we've had this entire place to ourselves since we've been here it is a Monday and we've been here since about noon there's no one at the play place there's no one at the water park there's no one at the restaurant uh so I'm assuming this place is much busier either during the evenings after school or or on the weekends uh when the kids aren't in school it's huge though there's they've got this little splash park here and then there's some water slides back there there's some larger water slides over there and then back behind there I'll show you guys there's a huge Olympic swimming pool with like a basketball court that you can play in the pool they've got uh rope swings that you can go out they've got a large field for like events it looks like very nice place for families the lunch was good finished pretty much all the food the unfortunately this swings aren't open otherwise Nicole and I were going to go do that uh but they're not operational today but the water park is so we're going to go get changed hang out in the pool maybe go down some water slides there about $10 for all of us to get access to the water we have a slight dilemma though we didn't bring any towels and unfortunately they don't provide towels so I guess we're going to have to drip dry or sun dry once we're out are you ready go have some fun yeah all right ready yeah go go go go go we did our safety inspection uh the inside of the pool is very slippery and half of the slides are out of order or at least they should be this one's kind of broken doesn't work very well so we're not going to let the kids go on that one and the stairs the stairs are pretty bad shape this railing is loose uh the stairs kind of feel like they're about to fall through when you step on them but I think that's just how they are and then this stair this slide we're not going to let them go on that one but this one they can go on and this one they can go on so they'll have fun on two slides at least which one you want to go down Bubby did it you can do it woo woo that was yeah some of it's operational there's two big slides over here or actually three it looks like three slides over there I think the kids are too small for those so I might go check those out in a little bit and then there's two huge slides there's this big one and then there's another one that goes down this way they they uh they let out into the Olympic pool I'll show that to you guys in just a little bit we're going to have some fun all right guys of course of course I'm going to go down the green slide the kids have both gone down this [Applause] one going top oh no I'm tired on the oh you guys want to go in the bucket no come come on the kids won't come with me on the bucket there he goes this place is definitely uh it's fun but it's uh it's a little different as far as like the upkeep and the maintenance goes here I I'll show you guys the swings so they get a seating area out here there's a big slide that would be cool to go down but unfortunately it's not working maybe later we'll see they got three huge rope swings we were going to go on those but they're also not working he lots of little uh gazebo setups these swings look like they would be pretty cool but maybe the maybe the thrower is not at work today and then hold on I'll show you the pool over here oh it's slippery that fell is this big slide more seating a little field here oh I hear people coughing maybe this is [Music] open oh there are some people over here but yeah these slides don't look like they're [Music] working pretty cool I'm sure this place is packed in the summer hey do you guys want me to go on the big slides all right let me go check them out what baby what's up you don't mean to go yeah we I'll check it out maybe it's safe enough for you guys to go on come up here come on bud get that out of the way all right so there's a double slide here then there's two more over there oh that one's blocked off so just these two this one's blocked off that's this one here but this one's open and this one's open you guys ready hey give me a [Music] countdown yeah oh that that was a that kind of hurt so you don't get caught go in and come get me baby girl oh hey baby hey Bubba help help me buy all right got a little break now I'm going to go down this middle slide it looks a little slower a little less bumpy and I'll uh I'll protect myself this time on imp packed all right let's check this one out goes down does a loop goes into the pool all right you ready guys here we go all right whoa w w that one was fun hello hi nice to meet you what did daddy doing all right we're not the only ones here now there's there's some more guests that came hi Daddy hey baby are you having fun yeah pretty fun look he's got a tiger head and a mermaid body this place is cool if you're near ubu as a family you got young kids you're looking for something fun to do I recommend this place it's a little uh swim at your own risk but it's been fun so far oh yeah a ladder out all right let's go have some more fun guys yeah let's [Music] go hey Sora where's that behind you bud yeah he's pretty cool you got a cool frog here I he squirts water too but he's not working we're going to hang out here for the rest of the afternoon then we're going to head back to the Airbnb like I said earlier it's about a 25 minute drive we just hire a car through uh gojek I love spending so much time with the kids and Nicole it's uh it's been a blast just going to keep enjoying every moment of it I'm going under that show me good job buddy take right out of my we're here at the Bali Zoo today and the very first thing that we get to do is we're going to feed some deer the deer are just loose here in the park so there's other animals that you can feed but we're going to go feed the deer come on come on Daddy running it's okay they're just going to they just want the food how about I just put that like down just put it down go feed them baby take them apart take the leaes apart I don't want to I don't want look at these little guys behind you want a petting bud you want to pet this [Music] one oh he's biting the other one there you go Dad it I love tears I've been waiting forever real deer I know is that fun Bud all right they don't like the carrots but they like the grass or whatever this is not [Music] sure you want a carrot eat it the grass interesting a little let's walk around some maybe we I just I just videotaped your butt mom let's go do it no oh he's looking down at you yeah Hees yeah he I've never seen a bird like that me either he's beautiful finger [Laughter] too I got to take a picture of this he's cool dudes Dad look behind you whoa those are cool a gosh they're so they can kiss each other kiss kiss kiss a they're mates can we cut them no no okay when he he's showing you that he doesn't want it right now but maybe r one never seen a bird like that before it's pretty cool I like his hair his little hair do I want the other one [Music] a I want to get a picture of them they're just too not they're not being still for me take a video then take a video no I really want to Che you know what those are those are otters otter swimming otter yeah that's what they do oh you okay bbby okay you're so playful jumping in those are cool huh oh yeah I got a good shot guys there you go look at that bling all over that rock the kids are somewhat excited about the zoo today for the animals but what they're mainly excited about is we told them that there's a splash park here and that is the jungle Splash so it was sprinkling a little bit on our way here and we didn't know if the weather was going to turn out very well it's a little cloudy but we're going to go around the uh whole zoo first before we go to the splash park there's only like one kid in there for now but it looks pretty cool that's what they're most excited about but like I said I don't know if the weather's going to hold out or not we'll see we'll probably oh we'll probably uh tour the zoo for about an hour or so are you excited for this Clash Park mud we don't know yeah let's go to it look all more animals oh what is that is that a crocodile or an alligator are they real yes which one is it do you know does he have a long thin snout crocodile yep that's the crocodile excuse me I got get pleas stop filming for a second I got get a picture there there's a turtle in there too right there sis right there that big turtle oh look he's got his mouth open and his the crocodile thank you oh look I can see I can see the other one down there in the water oh yeah there's two there's three Crocs did you know that there were two over there laying down on each other all right maybe they are excited for the animals they seem pretty uh they seem pretty excited that face is huge look it's my favorite dinosaur she got the horns dinosaur welome you want to go off thank you thank you so we're going to go ahead to see the elephants the ruttin some other animals I think there's a little bus tour this is cool on the top of a bus I know this is our first time you guys ready it feels like we're about to hit it going to open the game for us I don't want me I'm okay [Applause] look this look like a Jurassic Park it's trying to be up top you think card yeah [Music] two oh there's the elephants is you like it an African it fun Are we almost there wait here to to start too the zoo in the very end there's a tiger the Ring [Music] of and come [Music] back oh look at the tiger oh look see amazing hi that's awesome had the tiger up on the uh the walkway there supposedly you can feed him but we didn't buy tickets earlier maybe we can still get some thank [Music] you yeah you want to feed it let feat us no he's not we're not going to feed feed you to him they have food to feed him oh look where do we go look you put the meat on the stick and then you hold it up there hey guys come on yum yum how many tigers are there we have one but color oh wow come on d d yes who is first you hold the stick wow it's okay hold it tight hold the stick come on here he a minute minute please it's okay come hi look he might not be hungry he is oh here he comes here you go yeah yeah my turn yum sorry bud it's little me yeah a little meat come on De hold it up a little higher come on De oh it's it's like sliding down again sliding down again B come back uhoh okay patient now there we again kitty kitty kitty kitty de come on I go oh he's coming de is coming oh he wow yeah good [Music] okay how about you boy one more time for you boy come you four give don't give my you got to hold the one more time D big girl y okay beautiful huh beautiful my PR there you go there you go there's your Little's one more time for you thank you come on D he gets a lot wow here good job Daddy all right Ted look at the camera please yeah a good job good job daddy she she heard last one for you Daddy up here oh she's humongous she's so beautiful oh good gentle [Music] can't handle it that's okay I can't she's making this music you me yeah guitar what are those I don't know maybe a lynx your Jes we go see him up close let's go see him up close real quick I think we can go pet the elephants without riding them maybe we can feed them too let's go see Daddy you want to learn about what about those how high they can go okay are you going to teach me yes so there's a water thing and from a hose for the middle ones and then out onto the ground that's it that's it that looks pretty cool thanks for teaching me about the water [Music] Bud hey you want to go learn about some elephants yeah I already learned about El elephant you want to go see if we can feed him yeah oh look at [Music] him [Music] that's it's a orang p [Music] oh I think he wants to get up there get fre [Music] arm they're monkeying around oh it's so [Music] cute let's move [Music] on what do you got in there Sammy carrot I got I got a banana the banana of course I put it in his let's wait for our turn put it no D get the banana you guys you guys take it I'm not going to Fe okay please can I have the carrot Carr how about we split this carrot that that's a good idea split the carrot that's what I was asking there we go all right go nice negotiation there we're supposed to feed this one though come on it's okay good I'm going on the ride you want to give it to him real quick it's your banana that thing's hungry oh you you feed your othering on me while I seated why don't you try to head [Music] it here little elephant I got a pickle okay BBA now the othered on my leg he slobbered on you all right that's pretty awesome they get fed a lot of food oh look at all of them over there on the wall you sleeping like that yeah sleeping everyone is sleeping here like statues it must be a siesta look he woke up he was sleeping like this a moment ago oh he's going back to sleep how could he sleep like that oh look this one just woke [Music] up I think monkeys are so cool I think they're B they're like my favorite so we've stopped here at the cafe there's apparently an orangutan that's going to roam around the cafeteria it's out of its cage how did it get out of its cage that's part of the show there's not show there's a free roaming orangutan here in the cafe he's just hanging out he's on his way over here this is awesome oh cool [Music] [Music] daddy daddy let me see on there [Music] [Music] [Music] Ju will begin in 10 minutes once again I would like to inform you the program will begin in 10 [Music] minutes the B was open for public since 2002 and until now we have round 600 animal from 65 different species and that one above your head is one of them any of you want to raise your hand okay yeah come on so this is the first one may I know your name please hi everyone I'm Nicole Nicole where are you from Florida okay from Florida United States well give a big Applause please for our first sponsor here niik W so Nico for the first one we're going to do a magic trick have you done a magic trick before no no so in this afternoon we will try to do it so we have to make a preparation first so this is so simple make hand like this yes and BM of your hand back it it together like that to your body that's right so if there's a magic trick there's always a magic word so if I say beim salabim you have to say abracadabra okay so let's practice it first let's try it first well everyone B Salim Abra that's a beautiful Abracadabra and now please make welcome the first animal wow this is p our yellow grass g to the same one above your head over there but this one is yeah going to do the magic trick well seems like Peter is the medium siiz of bird that can be found in Australia and also in some island of Indonesia so we're going to do magic trick now you still remember the magic word okay get ready be salab beam Abra Kadabra Abra Kadabra there you go wow the bird is fall asleep well what did you do to Pito I did Magic you did Magic I think you can do hypnotize here the bird is fall asleep wow look at that P it's so smart so please do not hypnotize us here if we fall asleep you will standing here until this presentation okay just kidding so now you have to prepare your magic W again get ready well everyone BS Sal Abra Kadabra Abra Kadabra there you go give a big Applause please for our magician here and also the chel thank you so much so that was P the first animal and after this it's going to be more exciting yes and now please make welcome OA and let's see where is OA coming from oh from the left side look at so beautiful so this is OA yes the orental PIP horn beer which is known as the medium size of hor bird that can be found in soueast Asia including here in Indonesia do you know in Indonesia there are 13 species of Horn Bill Bird from the medium size until the huge one and the biggest Horn Bill in the world is known as the rhinosaurus Hill that also we have here at The Zo area okay watch out your head please be careful we will try to feed OA and he will prepare you with a tray so you have to put the tray on your head and you have to pull down the Rope on its side to make its balance okay get ready sir pull down the Rope please yeah that rope pull it down make it balanc make it stronger are you ready okay OA our volunteer is ready and here's some other slides of pro for you it's coming wo Perfect Landing and look at this bird it's so beautiful has a very long build and also very pointy in the front wow sir how do you feel is it heavy or light light it's light that's right because this bird is only weight out until 1.5 kilogram wow give a big Applause please for our second py here thank you so much how is it and for the next one want to try yes get close here come on now let's try once again can stand here and may I know your name please Lucy Lucy okay from Florida as well no where you from Australia from Australia is anyone from Australia here aie a aie that's right okay as you can see before I have to put this on your head and you have to pull down the rope and please do not touch the tray if you lose your finger we don't have any guarantee just kidding and OA is coming oh m wow it seems like really enjoying the fruit you so much once again big appuse please and after this we will meet OA friends but before that I need three volunteer kids or adult over there and my friends AO will give you some instruction thank you okay yeah this side please who want to try come on you want to try yeah okay ready it is coming for you w look at that yum yum last one I know you can do it each there you go [Music] W okay there has a yellow pouch on their neck as you can see this is known as the PRT positive reinforcement training by training the bir very naturally wow look at that Danny is so beautiful wow once again give a big Applause please for Dy and also the trainer this bird is very dangerous all right without further Ado please make welcome to White Bel Sea Eagle be yes this is the species of eagle and look at that wow so huge in the wild life this bird can be found in Northern austral and also in some island of Indonesia especially in the East part as you can see here well this bir sometime can be found in Papa and also in some island of Indonesia you can see the trainer here throwing the food in the air I mean like the bird in there and this bird still hang on its Globe so that's mean they have a very good sharp CLA yes there's CLA is very sharp give a big appuse please please make welcome Raa and France the other species of eagle how many bir we have here 1 2 three and four look at that and we got one [Music] as you can see here the to put in here and this bir can catch it very easily so that means this bird have very good eyesight it's seven times sharper than our eyes and also they a queen with very sharp flow that help them to catch the food in the year yes they are known as the BR mini P the medium size bird of the Predator wo and Al this I need more fun are you ready and let's see what is the trainer doing now we have around you and who's going to come in first and let's see look tou your head please do you it it hurts you're so Hest thank you so much give a big Applause please and the next one from this side I try once again from this side name may I the name please Peter Peter where you from Australia from Australia wow so many aie made here and now are you ready the rule is simple hands down and do not touch your head okay sir ready and let's see we have Ricky that is a blacki okay wow the wind is so heavy how do you feel sir is it hurt or is it good it tickles it's tickles so that mean you are so strong wow thank you so much give a big Applause please thank you sir oh we can't move so please give a big Applause for our braer here this is the last one and let's see is this going to happen or the bird will take the funger fly away it's really simple hands down and do not move your head yeah good and let's try this is the last one and let see is Raa orri is going to come in first okay Bon it seems like looking at you oh there youa oh there you baba ra okay do you feel is it good oh that's all right okay are you okay how do you feel is it hurt or is it nice a little bit cre little bit creepy so scary I'm so [Music] sorry so we met this awesome family from Australia Lucy Andre is very nice meeting you guys they're about to head to ubo and we're going to stick around and enjoy the splash park a deer's watching you over there where are we sitting guys right here are you ready to go to the water park yes yes all right go have fun the kids made it to the splash park we have had a great day here at the zoo we made an awesome family from Australia and we spent the afternoon with them watching the bird show and eating some lunch it's a little late in the day so we decided to go ahead and let the kids come play here at the water park before the Zoo closes it's raining now I can finish peeling can you see right there on it comes up again I think I put it down I think I just put it down look up there oh [Music] yeah there's a kite shop right next to where we're staying and we asked the gentleman if he could to build us a kite and I think he's testing it out right now so it should be ready for us to pick up very soon kids are excited to fly it trying to pull the kite down here we got this got all right don't let go you let go then I'll Fly Away guys can you say I want to now I'm going to hold it by myself quick I didn't even get to hold it by myself yeah look now we can definitely fly C by ourselves [Music] here so ever since we got to Bali there's all kinds of kites flying in the sky every day and there's a little kite shop right next to us and we passed one day and asked to make a mediumsized one and he's got it up in the sky testing it out right now he said he needs to make one more adjustment to it I guess because when there's high wind there's still a problem with the way it's navigating he told us to come back tomorrow and pick it up we're here for 3 more days so hopefully he can get it knocked out and we can get it up in the sky so the kids can have some fun flying it show me okay let's go on the this one was leaning was like um there was like eyes and faces and stuff I just let's go down we have to hold hands here yeah yes okay I know we do we might fall D look at all this broken water I see it step up look look at all the broken stuff this is very dangerous right our Airbnb host brought Nicole and Sammy on this little path the other day so they wanted to bring Sawyer and I so we can check it out it's a secret path to a water temple that's uh behind the property that we're staying on very cool [Applause] [Music] no I am and [Music] I yeah [Music] yeah watch [Music] out [Music] did you guys see the faces and the rocks oh this is what I wanted to show you these oh these are the faces in the [Music] Rocks wow yeah come on guys we're going to have so much [Music] fun look I want touch this girl eyeball here you can touch the guy's teeth you can touch this even his eyeball I wonder how old this is elephant nose let's go you hold my hand up [Applause] there what's down there yeah be very careful down here I'm very careful and I'm older than Bubby so I'm am very careful well see I'm very careful I'm the leader they straight no watch out cuz there might be poop in here oh there's one there's a tiny waterfall right mom really come on dad we're going to enjoy this but all right let's go up the stairs L stairs be careful all right little like this are like little ones don't like the and like this slippery yeah and huge rocks of course huge rocks let's go you good bud yeah all right I'm good almost there M's hands CU Momo good job sis very come on Vanessa don't be scared almost there guys I think yep almost there I'm pretty sure pretty sure you lead the way I haven't been here before you have oh gosh what was that oh what is it I don't know a falling Branch maybe watch out cuz there could be falling branches over here almost there I'm pretty sure nor stairs almost there almost I know finally we still got a lot of work a lot of walking to do good job bud it's good Jee it's blocking the river yeah oh no it's okay they can go in you know what that's called No a dam it looks like a Natural Dam Yep looks like another white one coming right up the wall look looky there's a game right here M can you run over yeah little good job yes oh cool guys look he's got a fish is it real a yeah look how did he get it he caught it let him let him take it so he can get it back in the water if he want maybe maybe puppies yeah hello puppies puppy hello look at that can I put it on me no it's super heavy oh look look yeah don't push it though it's like a big rock necklace can the rock even fall off uh maybe but it's just for decoration let's watch our steps okay we got to go down these stairs can you come back up this one's smed up okay I need you want a new one here there a big one no I need I need tiny ones oh you need small ones okay let me hold your arm stairs [Music] hello oh no thank you we're walking very careful yeah watch this up ubu definitely has different Vibes depending on where you go in the center it's very chaotic it's pretty busy at least for us and the further you get outside from the center then it becomes very relaxing had my first Balan massage yesterday morning was amazing I told Nicole I could probably go for one of those every morning to start my day but we'll definitely have to do those more often it uh it definitely relaxes the body brings out some tension and pain that's probably built up over the years if you don't do that very often the sidewalks here aren't very uh familyfriendly for example but justes have to be [Music] safe and always keep keep an eye on the kids oh watch cable the infrastructure here is not great although I'm sure it's improving or at least I would assume it's improving the roads are very narrow for vehicles at least the main mode of transportation obviously is by scooter or motorbike but we are not com comtable enough to get all four of us on a scooter so we walk or take a Go Jack most of the time we've been trying to walk as much as possible we found a secret path that leads to well not secret but for us we call it a secret path that actually leads to town instead of having to walk a mile we can walk shorter distance to get here to town which is uh which is good there are a lot of steps involved though but the kids make a game out of it so we make it fun right buddy we race up the stairs yeah Daddy wait wait Daddy can I can I make your thing now it won't it yeah here you want to make my hair spikey real quick yeah all right it won't take that long okay so put a little bit of rainbow stuff on there actually clean stuff then we make it all smooth yeah are you at Barber now yeah can I try Sawyer and I got our haircuts at a spa the other day and now he's a barber it looks like right there yeah I think we're all sweating baby can I try it now hang on let's see what Bubby comes up with can I still wear my hat after yeah okay I'm making I'm not I'm trying to make it all um I'm trying to make it a clean first okay all right Bud thank you very much you're all finished all right at this door can I do it anything for a little entertainment for a few minutes you're going to beat me I know that's so close bomy I made it for you come on bud you got this do no I'm ring with Mommy oh you got this Bud yeah you we're working on it still all right woo it's a good workout we went to the supermarket real quick pick up a couple things now we're heading back on our secret path actually you like this secret path bud this isn't a secret path oh it's not not anymore we're going to go check to see if the kite's ready if not we'll Che again tomorrow our kite might be ready soon we just uh we're out here hanging out on the porch kids are playing some soccer and they looked up in the sky oh there it is guys kids looked up in the sky and the kite it's a little wobbly but it's flying oh it's windy there's another kite that they're flying I don't know if it's the same people that are building the kite for us but that one is looking a lot more stable it's not moving around so much all right let's go see if our kite's ready all right it's time s go ask if the kite ready Bud where is she here is our kite ready yeah it's ready it's ready yay go play Bubby hang on sis it's big don't hit people with it all right kite's ready we're going to go fly here a little not wood not in the wood not of wood okay just go straight right right again we got the kite but it doesn't come with string so we still can't fly it we got to go buy some string he tried to give us directions to where to get the string uh we'll see if we can find it or not but we're not going to go flat right now we're going to go eat some lunch so I'm going to put it in the room and then after lunch we'll go see if we can find the string and then finally get to fly it it's pretty [Music] big all right we had lunch here at the wall room Ting Ting the second time we've eaten here pretty good food had some migang chicken had a little bit of ice cream for dessert now we're going to go see if we can find some kite string it's a beautiful day look there's kites in the sky at least there's one we're going to try to put ours up in the sky if we can find some string right guys yeah we're going to head into town There's a kite shop right next to the Art Market which we've been to a few times so we've uh we're going to grab a car through gojek head into town try to get some kite string come back home get the kite take it somewhere and get it in the sky before the day ends we've got a few more hours of daylight hopefully that's enough time for us to get it up if not I don't know we got one more day we could try it again tomorrow but the wind conditions today are excellent so we're going to try to get it done today right Bud yes on the sidewalk I got it thank you all right watch the step come come back in town it's so crowded here we made it to the market there's a couple places upstairs that sell kites we're going to see if they have the kite string there hello come on that's the market that you were talking about jump over the leaves this is where I saw the beautiful kite yeah I know I Le the way okay lead the way all right you guys lead the way watch where you're going though go up there okay watch where you going Sammy hello where the stairs back there tell me where well I thought you were leading the way no come on keep going keep moving keep moving let's go let's go we're here for one thing and one thing only upstairs up the stairs let's go come on guys it's going to be fun sorry excuse us thank you go ask them if they have the kite string baby oh you do know where you're going don't you they were right here yeah that's where the kites are at there they are let's see if they got string you want to ask them if they have a kite string there it is how only string yeah we already have a kite 20,000 all right give him your money Bobby yeah I have money you do bunch of it you get a bunch of money five you have five no I have five of the money give it to him thank you yay we got it uh more than 200 oh okay perfect all right we got it told I told you I know good job sis all right let's go get our kite and go fly it it's 16 16 minutes oh no 10 10 minutes 10 minutes have a good day over here please make sure all right guys let's go fly our kite we don't have much more Daylight left got a little daylight left should have should be enough for us to fly the kite assuming we can get it up in the sky earlier it was perfect conditions but now I don't see any other other kites in the sky we'll see if we can get it up though all right I think I got it you're did our TI is ready let's do this we got some wind starting to pick up a little bit we've come uh we come to the end of the road there's like a parking lot here kind of open Skies guys I'm trying to fly here see if we can get it up oh we got to be careful though cuz look there's a kite stuck in the tree up there up there where can't over there make sure we don't get it stuck in the tree Anywhere But Here we go let's give it a shot all right let's see if we can get it up we're going to see if our can make it up I in the right fi can make it up this way down down there down the stairs daddy try to run and then it it cost no space here yeah should we go over there hang on let me just see if I can get it up there might not even be enough wind for now just run I think the trees are kind of blocking it daddy you got to try to roll it up some more daddy try to roll it up some more and then it and then run probably daddy should we go to the rice field hang on I don't think it's oh birdie run this bird is not flying yet and we're going to try to fly it again and mama's going to try to help this time come on birdie you can handle this come on birdie come on birdie there's no wind here we're we're down too far daddy should we go to the rice field yeah let's try it first attempt did not work out actually broke the tip of it there the little nose there is not enough wind in this area unfortunately he's like down in a little parking lot so we're going to go over here there's some open rice fields and see if we can get some more H wind that way we're losing daylight hopefully in an open area like that though there's more wind and I can get the kite up more to where the wind can catch it and get it up in the sky I haven't flown a kite I don't even remember the last time I flew a kite but let's get through the jungle and to the rice [Applause] fields before you've been here before maybe all right you have a great memory sweetie you led us to the kite string now you're leading us to the rice fields oh yeah let's go okay here's the rice fi here they are all right all right good job Sammy I think there's open rice fields over there yeah there should be a little maybe a walking path I can get on Samy is just going to lead us to where we need to go from now on her memory is amazing okay right there that's loose loose loose I need something to like Let it Loose it keeps getting caught in my finger oh it's gone it's gone let go let go Dad I think you need a little adjustments here oh no should should I come and help and hold stuck hang on Sammy can you tell us why you're sad I was so excited to play the K and I wanted to help Daddy out well guess what Sammy tomorrow we're going to wait for the best wind all day long and then we're going to come and fly here and that bird's going to go up in the sky and today we're going to make the string better and you can help us with that this is the time that Danny needs to do it all right let try just run [Music] Sammy oh no I lost the string oh no that was total failure I'm going to blame it on not having enough wind but I see other kites in this Sky there's a couple so they were able to get them up I think I've either tied it in the wrong place or I don't know I just couldn't get up in get it up in the sky try to get a running start to try to give it a little bit of lift and I got it a little bit in the air and then it just it would just fall down got the string all tangled up it's a mess so now I'm going to have to un unwind it get it all straightened out get it on a spool which will be easier to let it unwind once it's up in the air broke the nose uh I think I can fix that with some tape but first attempt was a total failure I know the kids were excited I feel like I let them down a little bit but we'll try again tomorrow uh hopefully it'll be a little more windy and we can get it up in the sky for them tomorrow's our last day here so that's our last chance we can't travel with this thing unfortunately it doesn't break down either it's uh it's pretty sturdy construction I got this string untangled I've got it on a new spool and it's it's pretty much dark so out of time today but we're going to give it another shot tomorrow it's a new day the wind is blowing we're going to go try to flight the kite which going to get up earlier and get out and get an early start but last night was an interesting night we were awoken by the bed rumbling and the doors rumbling and the house shaking there was a 7.1 magnitude Earth Quake just North here of Bali in the Bali ocean in the Bali sea woke us up around 4: 4:00 a.m. this morning uh kind of a scary experience but all good no injuries no damage done just another experience while we've been here in Bali ready guys ready let's go show you here we go me too I've got the string on a toilet paper roll so it's it's on a better spool hopefully that'll help unwind easier man this this walk is just so cool the nose I tried to tape it I don't know if it actually affects the flight path or not we'll see brought some extra tape in case it doesn't hold up all right baby I need you to lead the way okay let me get in front of you you lead the way is that a stick is that a stick or just a leaf can you pick it up is it kind of hard it's no it's like it's yeah stickly I'll get something else I want to stick you're welcome for leading the way thank you for leading the way sweetie I appreciate you hang tell me what you need Le the way tell me what you need and I'll Le I need you to take me to the rice fields and a stick field so I can get some stick oh that's perfect Bud all right let's go sis it's very strong yeah that's perfect we're almost to the right all right back back to the rice fields I don't see any kites in the sky at the moment but there is a nice little breeze see the the kite's getting some air under it all right let's do this this okay thank you sir I'm just going to put it through here like this I'm just all right put it so you guys go over there please there's water in the FI today so yeah don't fall in there daddyy yeah oh you got to let it higher higher higher Daddy when the wind starts blowing you got to let it higher then it will fly you guys think it's going to fly today yeah I always say no run release it release it higher higher higher higher faster ah bird fly oo that's looking good Daddy Let it Loose Let it Loose Let it Loose it's lying come on W go go go go go more more I'm out of w oh yeah yeah yeah yeah release it release it release it release it more more more more more more daddy more release it release it release it release it we're flying we're flying release it release it release it release it releas [Music] wo I'm so sorry guys is it stuck it's Prett it's probably stuck but guys it was up in the sky isn't that amazing we'll see if we can get it did it didn't no I'm I'm really sorry I thought it had it up there for you guys yeah I thought I had a lot more string you said 200 m is that 200 M yeah oh I need like 1,000 M yeah if I had more string I could have gotten it up further go see if I can get it unstuck b careful if I can get unu uh right it's right there I can see it but it's on someone's property I'm going to see if I can go over and get it they open let's see if I can just go in there it is I can see it I'm going to see if I can get it Loose it's St in some branches bab I'm going to have to go get the food oh hang on I'm almost set it down look there's the daddy keep doing it go to the side a little bit is like stuck in the tree a little bit let me see there's a dog the branch is in the way Daddy got it down yeah all right got the kite down now I just got to get it tied back up and we are back in business we got it Daddy woo I thought it was a goner but we got it back we're still in business but our food has arrived we ordered some lunch and figured we could come out and get it up while we were waiting for the food we're going to try again after we eat maybe the wind will be a little better then uh got a couple good gusts of wind and I thought I had it up there I thought I had it I was about to I was about to go give it to the kids and then that's when it started coming down and daddy eventually ended up in the tree down and it was stuck it was a great bre that time I know we had it up there next time I just have to be more careful and make sure it's up and not sideways that we have more control over it but all right stay tuned we're making our way back to the rice fields this is our final attempt we've got about 1 hour left of daylight so hopefully hopefully this works out here's our final attempt of getting this bird in the sky and letting and keeping it in the sky and letting the kids fly a kite for a little while at least it's not quite as hot as it was earlier which is nice and there's actually a little breeze a consistent breeze so I think we might might be in luck looser looser looser come on birdie we're going to make okay do it get up there I don't think there is any air at the moment ah Fly Birdie fly just got it up this is our first time that we got it up without Daddy can I hold it hang bab hang on come [Music] here hold it look hold it oh come on let's s hold it real quick do more Str okay hang on sis let go can Bubby try it here bbby hold it make it hold it hang on let me see if I can get it a little higher no no it's going higher guys why are you saying no that it's going don't don't fall in this oh there we go hold it hold it with your hand bud hang on there you go Bud hold it you got it yeah now I'm flying a cut oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh no that was a close one right that was a very close one right hello hello should we let it down I lost it the broke oh no what he wanted to fly away without us oh [Music] no the the string snapped no the bird wanted to be left loose into the into the wild hey guys but we got to fly it we got it's in somebody's yard well good good R we had to give it away one way or another so somebody else can have it let me let me you can put those if if you will come back okay okay okay call for him birdie was that fun though come back was that fun all right well mission accomplished I did get it up in the sky both of the kids got to fly it for a couple seconds ddy this is I was hoping for longer but I don't know the string must have got worn out there towards the top and uh I felt that had the tension on it and then it was gone at least it landed somewhere over there Bey the houses but this was a fun fun time I hope the kids will remember this forever look this Villa it's pretty close to the beach we'll show you that in a minute but we wanted to give you a tour and show you the place because we're very impressed this place is just amazing we want to show you what you actually get here in Bali and we can show you everything that's in this house yeah let's go let's go show them so first it's pretty private there's a gate there's a lot of stairs walk up the stairs here to the entryway and here's a little what is that it's bench a bench there you go a little sitting area here's the door to house watch out daddy cuz we heard a gecko out here oh yeah geckos are pretty common here in B first what do we have here is our dinner table this is our dinner table you did not see this yet and a living area it's got a TV a nice sitting area a little Den here there's lots of windows so it's nice and bright over here we have a little kitchenette got the sink a little toaster oven and there is a stove top here with a couple burners we're not using that obviously there's a drinking water and then a small fridge and then we have the sitting area as well nice comfy chairs you like those chairs they're comfy huh big old table here and there's some side tables and then there's this view one of the cool things about this pool area let me show you guys the doors slide open and this whole entire thing opens up so whenever you're ready you just step out oh we're not going in right now and there's the pool we took a dip in the pool yesterday it's very nice and relaxing and refreshing this wall of doors also opens up to the deck and then there's a couple of doors over there that open up so very nice to have all that open and get all that nice air coming in downstairs there's a half bath so there's a toilet here and then got a sink in the mirror and now we're going to make our way upstairs there are several flights upstairs so we'll make our way up there's some construction going on out back it seems like everywhere we go here and B like there's construction around us all right that's from the first room the bedrooms have air conditioning units these are the only rooms with air conditioning units and here's the bed yipp it's freezing cold right now there's these huge window pains that also open up so we rented this on Airbnb it rents for about 3,000 a month if you compare that to a house like this in the US that's pretty insane but we've only rented it for a couple of days there's a bathroom it's got a big soer tub standup shower toilet and then one sink the bedrooms are pretty much the same uh one's a little larger than the other here's the second room look out here this room's got a couple extra windows on the side that's where we were at the first yeah that's where we started the tour there's a desk here big open I guess this is considered a Clos is a unit a soer tub in here like I said the bathrooms are pretty much the same and a large Kings siiz bed more big open windows with nice view to the ocean Ocean's right over there you can see it you'll get a better view up top all right let's make our way up the next flight of stairs this is one of the coolest features of this property and this is pretty much where we spent all day yesterday when we first got here in the afternoon so you get pretty much a 180° View From The Top This is the rooftop Terrace you got the ocean in the distance got these two huge beds basically that you can sit on and relax there's a really nice breeze that comes through here so it stays pretty nice and cool but check out this View soer what do you think about this property Bud good good what do you think sis okay it's absolutely gorgeous I love this place that we ever been to right is this your favorite place from now on yeah then there's a public beach at the southernmost point here in Bali and that's where we're going to head to in just a little bit it's so close to the beach be I can actually see it looks so Beau it looks so beautiful helicop over there three do I see one parachute hi oh there's a helicopter did you see the H of that h cup are just starting getting up and we watched time being a helicopter can I ask you something guys did you no helicopters wait patiently to get high up in the sky very patiently yeah very patiently that was neat huh look I just guys guys look at the pirate ship over there yeah oh it looks like this used to be maybe a restaurant what happened to it it has been abandoned waa look at the big waves over there yeah these are some of the biggest waves I've ever seen wow go right there let's go check out the big waves let's do it all right so this is the southernmost point here in Bali masty Beach and there's these huge waves coming in here comes one we thinking about the waves Sammy what do you think about the waves bud I want to go get my feet in there you want to go dip your feet in there wow man these waves are humongous wow they don't have those kind of waves in Florida even when hurricanes came through I never saw waves that big guys look look at the wave that's about to break those seem like good surfing waves but I don't see any Surfers maybe it's not a good spot to go surfing there's quite a bit of rocks he's coming Bud he's coming it's going to land on us guys ready for it to land on us I can almost reach it I could almost reach it pretty close H I think they we've looked at doing a helicopter ride Nicole and I have been on a helicopter and Bo of Ron down in South Florida many years ago it was like 150 bucks on a Groupon deal here they're super expensive we we looked at doing them and for 12 minute ride it's like 450 $ dadd so can I rate the helicopter you got $450 I don't have any money what if Daddy learns to fly a helicopter and then I take you guys on the helicopter ride anytime you want you guys ready to go back home and get in the pool yeah here B oh it's go it's do see in the kitchen your [Music] at the start it was hard not to fall apart looking back and we know we are stronger than that I'm you ready for the sunset [Music] party [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey he he hey September 7th 2006 that's when Nicole and I first started dating so in celebration of our 17 years dating anniversary we've booked this Resort here in Bali the resort is called the Conrad Bali I just want to show you guys the room so check this out so as you come in the door there's a kitchen to the left with a dining table and Bam it's like a whole house so there's like a little half kitchen over here a little wet bar going into the living room it has two couches and a chair to sit in say hey guys hi look over there it's amazing yeah we'll get there in just a second what do you guys think about the place guess what I just can't believe my eyes it's just wow guys guys guess what beautiful guess what guys um guess what what there's two doors and when we go this way um we can come out this way because there's another door cuz there's two there's one door there's two doors let me go give him a tour over there and then over here is the patio that leads out to this beautiful Oasis look at the Rock pool little Lounge area very serene and green love it coming back in got the living room in the kitchen and then we have the master suite two queen s's beds you know it's an expensive Resort when the towels are folded like this this place is about $700 a night no we did not pay $700 for the night to stay here we're staying for one night we used points once again to book this hotel for the night and we just got here but we we've seen the pool it's right on the beach like a 20 second walk to the beach and there's a kids pool over there they've got a kids club uh we're going to go check out the pool here in just a little bit we're going to walk over to the beach and check it out that's not it we've got the restroom to get to off the master suite here we've got the uh it's huge it's huge yeah we got the vanity there so Nicole can put on her makeup just kidding she doesn't wear makeup um and then we got a closet here which we'll probably not be using and then the bathroom there a double sink a huge Soaker tub there's this little seating area and then a stand up shower whoops door opens this way stand up rain shower frosted glass door for privacy here on the toilet with the built-in B there's a little thing that comes out I'm not going to turn it on all the way cuz I don't want to get soaked I'll be using that tomorrow morning probably if you haven't used it a day you're missing out and then later on they have the fire dance which we didn't get to go to when we were in ubu but we've planned on going to dinner tonight and checking out the fire dance because it's a very special tradition here in Bali and we want to check it out while we're here and this might be the last opportunity that we have to see it and that's the tour of the Conrad and Bali we actually took the kids to uh kids club yesterday and they got to spend a couple of hours there meeting new kids and having a new teacher doing a couple of activities they really enjoyed it they have an activity here for the kids club it's called the Kura Kura kids club and they're going to paint a wooden duck which sounds like a lot of fun so we're going to take the kids and drop them off for an hour let them hang out and uh paint a wooden duck and then we're going to go check out some more of the property and we'll bring you along with us because this place is amazing so we're in the sweets building which is all the way on the east side I think it's the east on the east side of the property the kids club is all the way on the west side of the property so we're going to try to get there as gold cart Hilton members we've got a couple of complimentary ice creams for the kids at the pool we got a complimentary photo session which we're not going to do cuz you have to book it 24 hours in advance we're not going to be here that long there's complimentary breakfast so we want to actually be dining dur in the fire dance cuz it's actually right at the kids bedtime but there's a place where we can go and watch where they do the fire dance so hopefully we get a good view come soon yeah hopefully we get a good view and hopefully I don't go to sleep yeah hopefully you don't pass out and you get to watch it well are you going to videotape it I'm going to [Music] try let me zoom in maybe you can see better that's the beach out there we're trying to make it to the kids club in time we're already late took a quick look at the map and it looked like we were here kids club was on the very opposite side so we're making our way over now this place is sprawling I think we're going right it's massive we just got to keep moving don't know exactly how to get there but we'll see where are we at sweetie what's this time to say oh here we go oh there maybe not yeah we can just keep going this way there's stairs here to go down we're just making our way taking our best guess all right now we got to go up this way are you having fun yeah all right we going to try to we going to try to get you guys to the Ki Club come on guys no this way come [Applause] on we're not there yet I [Music] know that's my guys is this our pool yeah I think we're going the right way this is is the pool part of the pool I'll show you guys I'll throw the Drone up here in a minute you guys can see how huge this pool is it's huge here's a view from the ground maybe yeah maybe this way right this way baby all right I think we found it look I think this is it Donald all right made we made it I think just in time yes please a it's so pretty it's actually a wooden Turtle not a wooden duck but that's one of the options that they get to do this place is pretty cool got like a little play set for them little foosball table like some other little rooms that they can play in this will be fun for [Music] him all right kiddos are at the day club they're going to have so much fun they got a little wooden turle turtle that they're going to paint and play some other games while my bride and I are going to go check out the rest of the property and bring you along with us they got uh dive in water sports that you can do got like its own little beach they got jet skis there's like a little walled off section here on the actual ocean that you can go swimming in it looks like you see the ships out there this this nice Ocean Breeze this place is awesome we've made our way down to the other end of the property and it's pretty much more of the same but there's this huge beach with the chairs set up there's like these little these little Huts back here that you can rent I guess you rent them I don't know if we can just jump in there or [Music] not we've found the spot where we'll be watching the fire dance from there's all these tables down there that are reserved where you eat dinner but the fire dance starts at 7:15 which is right when we get the kids ready for bed so we're going to watch from this balcony and then we'll head back to the room and get the kids uh to sleep but the stage is right down here so we'll have a nice view from the back in the top but it should be fun I'm going to need a few minutes see you guys in a minute thank you guys for the breath Paws now we're going to go get the kids and go hit up the pool for a little while while we were away I think while we were away it might have been while we were here we were a little preoccupied but the uh the hotel delivered a anniversary cake for us which is very endearing we can leave the kids at the day Club until 5: it's about quarter after 4: but we're going to go pick them up and go try to enjoy the pool for a little while I'm sure that they'll enjoy swimming yeah want to go in the pool you want to go to the pool you want to go to the pool need to go to the pool too all right handsome boy yeah can I can Auntie come with you go to swim you come with us yes you can come with us thank you so much you turtle turtle turtle Mommy can we go in the pool yeah let's put your bikini on that I do like my turtle at kids club I love your turtle buddy I wanted to get some yellow on because I wanted to paint this um guy rainbow yeah he's beautiful what else did you do uh I watched the minions you watch the minions with the mean girl with the mean girl did you have fun yeah I I really like that movie awesome you want to go to the pool and then I hi can you help me dig I'll help you dig first [Music] dig I some green yeah look that's cool so Sawyer's absolute favorite thing to do at the beach is dig holes in the sand and he likes to fill it up with water and what we've done here since it's not the actual Beach the actual Beach is over there this is a pool Beach we've created this little pool we're going to fill that up with water and it's going to make its way down to the pool okay there you go all the way in there it's working yeah how's the water feel feels good huh all right Bubby you want the same one he wants the same one Nutella spr um yeah matella with some sprinkles on okay how is it sis good all right had some fun at the pool it's awesome pool it's like the beach but it's not the beach so you don't have to worry about the fish or the sharks or anything like that it's shallow enough that the kids can stand in it so they had a last and now they're just getting their ice cream fire dance starts in a little bit we're going to go eat some dinner first and then we're going to go up to the balcony hopefully there will be room for us to catch this fire dance what you say thank you D look this is how it looks over here yeah that's how it looks wear here's the other pool it's a beautiful evening here heading to dinner we're going to the suku restaurant so it's about 6:00 p.m. we've got about an hour a little over an hour before the fire dance starts so I'm hoping that's enough time for us to get up there sit down eat and then get over to the lobby balcony in order to see the fire dance are you excited to see the fire dance son yeah but can I ask you something what I do not like can walk up the stairs I like walking down them you like walking down them more faster it is faster this is good exercise wa what do you think about this place Bud good you like it yeah no this is the suco restaurant we found our way it's in the lobby that looks cool no I don't [Music] have so the stage is set looks really cool can I have one of these are you ready for the fire dance yes all right let's go check it [Music] out [Music] I cannot do that you don't think you can do that and I know I can't I will burn myself I bet you could if you [Music] practice I saw a people I saw two of the people wrestling did you yeah oh look that's cool it's pretty awesome you can smell [Music] kerosene Daddy I wish we could go down there me too [Music] bud daddy how turning byself that's awesome huh yeah that's Magic [Music] dad so much Daddy how he not even himself I'm sure he has pressed himself a few times practice he got really [Music] good you smell [Music] it [Applause] w that was awesome Best Day Ever what did you think about it Guess what at the very end of not the very end but at the very end of the um dancing on that one he blew fire out of this I know that was crazy how could you do that it's beautiful it is beautiful no no it's okay you're in the ocean guys we're going to swim a little bit yeah I see are we going to swim in it's yeah not deep but yeah guys this is amazing oh wow we're going to check out the rooster fish Beach Club today here in Bali it's at the pandawa beach the way it works is you have to spend a minimum amount of money here at the rooster Fish Club uh for food which we're about to go and enjoy some lunch ourselves uh which comes out to about $60 and then you get access to all the amenities like beauti that [Music] right we got our meal we're about to enjoy it here on our day bed with this as our view so it's so beautiful so far the day is starting off just right the beach is so beautiful can't it's not the pool there's the pool in the beach yo want to try [Music] some [Music] to [Music] [Music] there's a shark sh a shark daddy pretend you're to sh Daddy have a sunen Mustachio shark shark shark daddy you're the shark [Music] Daddy [Music] oh sorry Samy you're swimming love you we're spent about an hour at the pool so far so really wants to go play in the sand with the sand toys so we got some sand toys we're going to go hang out on the beach and play around for a little bit are you excited to play in the sand Bud yeah all right let's go watch the step these are pretty narrow so let's take our time and be careful actually Daddy's going to put the camera away so that we can focus while we walk down these very narrow steps yeah put them away then we put it in our water bucket Daddy can you help find some get some lunch now here at the ULU Cliff House it's right here on the ocean and uh looks pretty nice look at that we Bud look at the weave [Music] crashing let's go see if we can find a way down thank you he me that was a pretty good lunch had a nice burger it's been a while since I had a burger like that we're going to see if we can find our way down to the beach now there's supposedly a path over this way you know how to get there all right lead the way bless you bud down there come oh look cool we found a staircase that leads down to the beach right from the restaurant yep it's so cool from up here come on Daddy it's going to be we're going to make our way down and check it out it's it's pretty cool I have a cool rock wao you found a cool rock daddy that's awesome bud all right let's make our way down sweetie pie wait can come this time did you know that uh I did not know that what does that say do not lean on the railing that's exactly what it says oh what's over here oh this is part of the Cliff House what this is part of the restaurant we were just in oh look this actually takes you down to the beach should we go down there down there we've made our way down there's actually a walkway that goes down to the sand at the beach wow this is pretty awesome we can go down in the the sand there babee you want to go down uh right by the water have any extra cloth yeah we won't go in the water well did you see how to get there yeah over here come I'll show you it's let go all right Nicole's a little hesitant cuz we don't have extra clothes with with us but we'll stay out of the water we'll just go in the sand right baby wow look this is so cool this is awesome there are steps that lead all the way down are you cool let's go yeah let's go all right buddy you want to go down going all the way down yeah there's there's these Rock steps and then there's like actual natural rock steps all right let's go down slow and steady let's just go all right let's just go let's just go says all good oh look there's like a little cave there's a rock stairs there's there stay right here there's like a little crab I want to see look it's just a crab shell come come closer to me can I have it it's the exoskeleton of the crab hold it put it on your hand I want to touch it pleas don't put it hold it up there bud Mommy wants to take a picture with it that's awesome okay sis wait a minute we're going to go down these stairs together I don't think we can make it over to the sand we can let me see if there's a path to get to the sand there is a path I just don't know if I can get there with the kids so I'm going to go down and take a look wow that's so cool it's very slippery though there's lots of moss and it's slippery okay for me okay we can do this all right sis come all right just watch your step all right all right look at that I'm okay from going over here here look at the water over there we made our way down that's a huge curl bu that's a big Coral Bud curl cool look what I found the swirly swirly wow we're going to scope out what's on the beach Lots some cool seashells and coral Daddy I have an idea what do you got baby I want to show you something oh there's some seag glass where seag glass the edges are not rough anymore right here can I have the seag glass can I wash it off for you first yeah SE oh woo yeah you see glass yep look the water's getting sucked in look here it comes there it comes that's so cool I think this is a cool view for you so I'm just going to leave it right here and you guys can watch it [Music] [Applause] what you got in there some seag glass some seashells you like you like this beach yeah I love it I got to go check of Bobby make sure he's finished okay what's he doing over there he's thinking for my clam he's digging for clams bbby you want to take this one hey you having fun you're a mess boy sh I made your home than all right this has been a lot of fun very cool to check out the the Tide's coming in though it seems and our only way up is over here on this slippery moss covered rock and uh we're going to head back up before that gets too wet and we're not able to to cross over but this is neat it's pretty awesome it's like I feel like we're in that movie the beach in like this abandoned little Cove so cool all right all right we' wed a car and we're going to go check out the ULU Temple now so this place is very inconspicuous it kind of looks like nothing it's next to this place which is where we got dropped off and then this is the entrance it doesn't look like much but once you get inside it's beautiful we had a nice time there for lunch and now we're heading to the ULU Temple and we're going to check that out hello they let me in with this shirt since I don't have at least a t-shirt to cover my shoulders we'll see how stri they are so them all have a nice day yeah all right we've made it we're not 100% sure if we'll get to get in or not because Nicole has a tank top one didn't think about that typically you got to cover your arms when you go into the holy places here and uh you got to wear a s wrong which we have but we'll see let's check it out let's have fun your hands I got nothing just wait say get your little sash you got your sash on bud you doing the way you can do it for me thank you thank monkey many monkey there's a lot of monkeys he if we want guy I'm local local $10 finish that's okay thank you Su got my uh my song on kids got their sashes all right he's a local guide I guess he did offer his Services he says there's a lot of monkeys around I wasn't aware of that but hopefully it's not like in the monkey forest in UB where people get attacked we'll just try to be safe here there's a lot of monkeys yeah we have to be hey so we got to be safe okay we can't let the monkeys bite us okay they can bite let's try to just stay away from them okay say bite my boo boo I will prot will protect you but also don't smile at them we're not going to show them anything not looking that right but not smile hello all right let's let's go okay are watch that's a very good question Sammy my sister said that she didn't want to come here because she she heard that the monkeys are really bad she does deal with that huh so we just had another person approach us she whipped out a slingshot and she asked if we wanted a tour guide or not we once again politely declined but now we're we're second guessing that why would they need a slingshot I know the temple wow got an awesome view up here too wow H there's your Cliff view babe I can't hi guys wow as far as you can see look up huh you're scared of monkeys well we haven't seen any monkeys so maybe there won't be any here let's make some space yeah look look it's going to turn into a circle a circle wow and now circle around the beach yeah isn't that so cool yeah where are the W coming from I watch how they form out there all right we got to go up this way are you okay monkey monkey oh there's a monkey don't okay just ignore him don't be scared look he's harmless look you don't bother him he doesn't bother you saw our first monkey he was harmless he didn't do anything to us our first and only monkey so far oh there's one oh he took something I don't know oh yeah he took her phone oh there's one all right watch out right there right there watch out okay stay back stay back okay buddy we'll get you another hat don't worry sir sir sir can I have something for exchange they took so's hat he's bearing teeth yeah yeah don't mess with him he's uh he's very aggressive oh wow oh look at the babies what's he going to do with the hat though let go he's eating it okay okay back up back up it's okay buddy he can have that hat okay we'll get you another one oh my gosh yeah he took her phone he likes to eat your hat buddy watch yourself watch yourself all right let's go yeah let's go sorry buddy I didn't know that they were going to take your hat I didn't see him in time to warn you okay we'll get you an even better I can't it's okay Bab they took his hat this little guy here and every time we try to get near him he like shows his teeth he's eating it another lady they took her phone I did he just ignores me really yeah cuz they're trying to get her phone back okay wait a little bit this this man yeah that's who I asked but he he's already chewing on it it's pretty much garbage by now yeah he's eating it all right well we'll have to get Sawyer another hat at least it wasn't the GoPro or a phone I guess it could be worse come here Sammy not look at come here baby just come with me okay's I guess they saw an easy target with Sawyer cuz he was so low to the ground the monkey just kind of snuck up behind him I saw him walking towards toy by the time I turned around it was too late to warn him and the monkey just reached up and grabbed his hat right off his head I'm scared of these monkeys I don't want to go near them at all sorry buddy I should have warned you earlier I didn't see him in time hey we're going to get you a new better hat though okay that Mommy I told Daddy something that can be if he wants to take a shower and D water all over his body then he can take it put in the water fill it up and then put and then dump it on him he just use it for a bucket yeah okay yeah I want him to use it as a bucket all right yeah well that one monkey the guy was throwing bananas to him but he wouldn't give the phone back I think they've probably seen that they can get a lot more for a phone so they'll just hold on to it cuz they're smart all right we're going to go check out the temple I thought that the temple was up that way but it's not it's this way so we're going to go check it out real quick try not to spin too much more time here the less time we're here the less opportunity for the monkeys to take stuff this is the temple but you're not allowed to go in there anyway you're only allowed in there for worship I guess taking a guide would be worth it if you don't want any valubles stolen the guide offered us to come for 10 bucks which I guess a phone would be worth that we didn't lose our phone thankfully we only lost a hat this is the UL temple four and five okay okay we've made our way over to the NAD Dua Beach they have a kic fire dance here we got to check out a fire dance when we were at the resort last week and it only lasted for about 10 minutes so we went and check out another one that's hopefully a little longer I believe this one's about an hour long so we're going to check it out and this place is Beautiful You oh she's so in addition to the cake dance show they have the blo hole or the water blow I guess is what it's actually called this is just a formation in the Rocks here at the at the edge of the sea where the water comes in and just blows up like a huge gisher so we're going to go look at it and check it out I don't know let's go find out I think it's low tide so let's see what we see oh wow look this is it right here no look so amazing I'm want to see that biger this time's too exciting daddy dadd look look at all the water just watch stay right here and watch it keep watching with me get ready for it I love this that was epic I wanted to see over there I I think you got to get bigger waves to come in for to come all the way up here I saw it Splat all over what see those that was a big one huh watch there it goes rainbow he no wow oh look there it goes up there down there sauce weak sauce oh look here you see that water coming in here he goes here it goes daddy keep watching rainow that cool huh yeah let's watch another one coming Oh Daddy can you see the big one coming in it comes W oh my wow is there another one I hope you get splat on come come on this it's going to be fun away what's that I hear it [Applause] going that was super cool there's big huge waves coming in smashing against the rocks and blowing water up into the sky we saw a few get really high uh it goes around this whole Inlet here it looks like but you can see how the rocks have been carved out there's little pools that [Music] form you see the two boys what happened all right so we've made it to the K fire dance circle we're waiting this is the place that they're going to we have 1 minute until the official start time so we're set selling in here the sun the Sun is setting over the ridge there right here on the ocean this going to be awesome what was that welcome Bali Lan it's a concept for Bali b dance performance and Ketch which are packaged in a single performance unit in a performance space namely Tatu our stage on Peninsula Island the nadua Bali this show begins with the baron performance then continues with the ketak dance with stories taken from the ramayana [Music] Epic are they doing [Music] that [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] two there he is go [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] him yeah that's cool bud get some [Music] I think that b guy want some money too yeah Mommy I know he he he really wants money too yeah can give I know that yeah you're so generous you're so generous buding pictures [Music] what that was amazing it's our final days here in Bali but before we leave there's one thing we have left to do today we're visiting the gwk cultural park which is home to the largest statue in Indonesia we the best fighters ever they could defeat any tree monsters B has been truly magical and we're sharing another Unforgettable experience with you right [Music] now the it's not [Music] ready so we're here at the gwk cultural center today have a quick bite to eat and then we're going to head out we have a tour scheduled at 3:00 p.m. in the Statue we've got a trying some local foods from remon I've already eaten most of it we got these chips potatoes Sushi potatoes I love this we've got a twisted potato got some grilled corn some french fries they're like chip we're still working on the kids acquired taste of different foods we've got some chos for dessert got some juices so what really Drew us to this place was when we first came here from ubu on the ride down we could see this huge object on the horizon and we weren't sure what it was so we asked the driver and he told us about this place cuz you can see the statue pretty much from from everywhere in the vicinity it's humongous so we're going to go check it out um and this this is just a cultural center where you learn more about the balones culture and the history here and we're excited to go learn more and check it out right guys guys uhhuh I'm having a hard time eating these right now all right focus on your food we're now making our way to the actual entrance of the cultural park when you first get here there's a shuttle you ride the shuttle to the entrance and where you can get the information and buy your tickets it is a little bit of a process to get the tickets uh the tour that we booked was card only they did not accept cash for whatever reason now there's a strip that you walk along they've got little gift shops and little restaurants that you can eat at come hurry how how that one went wow you want to again how how this one goes watch keep watching it's going to go Super S I think it's motion centered oh there it goes yeah look how high that one can go super high look you see yep [Applause] wow that is [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] yay [Music] so that was pretty cool we just checked out one of the shows in the amphitheater they have shows every hour on the hour our tour is at 3: at the big statue and we just happened to be walking by right at 2:00 so we popped in and checked it out for a few minutes there's a parade at 4: so we wouldn't be able to check out the show then so we wanted to check it out now and then pretty [Music] cool thank you seen a helicopter go by a couple of times they actually offer helicopter tours here I'm not sure if it's quite as expensive as when we were at the beach the other day but either way helicopter tours here are quite expensive and we didn't book it in our package so it is a little bit of a walk to get to the Statue they have buggies that you can rent here we opted not to do that at the recommendation of the person who was helping us get our tickets so we've got about a 1 and 1 12 km walk uh we left ourselves plenty of time to get there though so it shouldn't be a problem you guys ready to walk a little bit yeah all right come I want to show you something guys show us Bud come you have to come quickly come we don't I don't know what it is but somehow it's moving here oh there's one of them oh what is that like a little train oh they're setting stuff up for a show this might be for the parade at [Music] 4 made our way through the rock formations where we can see the statue in the distance but it's still pretty far off we opted not for the buggy ride which is just a shuttle to get to the uh statue uh we may have made a mistake we'll see the the view is nice but it's hot and there's not much shade and it's a long walk so we got to get there come on all right s didn't last long had a pick up wow W look at that wow isn't it so big wow all right we're going to make it now I'm excited we're here it wasn't quite a mile it wasn't maybe a half mile so not too bad wow all looks this doesn't even seem real it's so big it's I don't even know how to describe it it's in many cultures kids are precious but in some cultures little white kids with blonde hair and blue eyes are even more precious and the kids are experiencing that right now they were sort of mobbed by a bunch of women but it's cool all right upon entering there's a large red carpet rolled out for [Music] you this is this is pretty [Music] [Music] awesome press just press look momy what's happening hang on what happening she's putting plastic on the bottom of her shoes so she doesn't make anything [Music] dirty so the kids are okay they don't have to sell their shoes but uh we have these little plastic wraps on our shoes puts off a lot of heat on the foot thought it was going to burn me for a moment but it's all right now all right you guys ready yeah all right let's go look we're going to be with the [Music] group and me too from Indonesia there's a mommy there's a daddy is good [Music] [Music] wow fore [Music] [Music] speee not have fore foreign spee [Music] [Applause] fore [Music] for that it's a big bird very that's what the statue is the Big Bird you D [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] for speech foreign [Music] spee [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] for [Music] we just watched a short movie about the story of guda and the statue of what it represents so now we're learning about the history of how this place was constructed it wasn't finished until 2018 so just a few years ago but it originally began construction back in 1989 oh [Music] what yeah this like by the sensor there and um so the glass moves it no the glass turns goes around around and that's how this you [Music] [Music] see [Applause] the highest there andan Japan America yeah us there this is the Statue of Liberty in the US this there's a gwk statue and holy moly you can imagine how big these are are 208 M and this one in India statue of unity 240 [Music] M so this was the ninth floor of the statue the lighting here is pretty bad so I apologize now we're heading up to the 23rd floor this place is really [Music] cool is he real is he real no he's just a manquin hello so we've made it up to the 23rd floor this is the head of the statue and there's a view from up here ah you got to see it check it out want to show me something bu very cool so up here they've got all kinds of cool things set up so you can see how like things were constructed they've got some glass floor wa hum that's awesome wow look how far down it goes Bud come Comey come with me come come [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that cool sis so this is the actual scale ratio of the statue this is the fiberglass portion huge massive look how big this thing is touch it it I [Music] just oh they replenish the kids could spin all day here if we let them but it's an interactive wall you touch it Sparkles and then there's all kinds of cool stuff that it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] created tour is over that was pretty amazing I think there's a parade coming up we're going to go try to catch that that was pretty epic as the kids like to say seeing how big this statue is compared to the model size or the comparisons from the inside of the statue in India I can't imagine how big that place is twice as big as that we're going to have to go check that out sometime we'll be in India and uh 3 or 4 months something like that it's on our list so if we're in that area I would like to go see that statue just skip red light yellow light yellow light show me if you can do it wow Bud good job buddy pack of whole stairs good job but big ones [Music] B if we were just so strongly could they feel like real eggs no that one I can see that was wiggling so this is the bird that we learned about guda and these are its eggs com oh the Parade's about to [Music] start hello hello SC over sorry follow us let them [Music] is that cool [Music] bud I thought the parade was going to happen back there so we sat down on the stairs and they came came right at us they told us to follow them though so that's what we're going to [Music] do I'm not sure where we're going we're just following the parade oh bre feel's good huh buddy yeah oh there's another giant statue [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] door [Applause] [Music] [Music] all [Music] la [Music] so that was pretty neat worth waiting around for didn't last very long but it was neat to see this one more cultural piece here at gwk Park our time here in Bali is drawing to an end it's been an amazing two months [Music] no windy yay
Channel: Our Tiny Adventure
Views: 187,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bali, indonesia, travel video, bali indonesia, living in bali, Our Magical Experience Living in Bali for 2 Months
Id: XtyI1sAimtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 20sec (13460 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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