Best Things To Do in San Diego California 2024 4K

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[Music] thank you [Music]   what's going on everybody this is Island Hopper  TV today we're going to talk about things to   do while visiting San Diego California all right  first up we're going to start out here on Pacific   Beach this is one of the most popular beaches in  all of Southern California and certainly in San   Diego they have nightlife and they have daytime  activities along the boardwalk people like to   rollerblade or just simply walk up and down here  take a bike you can rent a bike they have electric   bikes also but really just hanging out at the  beach is the big thing to do in Pacific Beach   they also have a pier here and then they have  plenty of different restaurants you can also walk   up and down Garnett Avenue they also have Grand  Avenue right there along the coast so many bars   and pubs right there for people who like to go  out and have a good time and the next door Beach   is one of the most popular places for families  it's called Mission Beach it's also connected to   that Boardwalk with Pacific Beach Mission Beach is  also popular with people who like to do vacation   rentals because you can find a nice rental on  Airbnb VRBO right here and they also connect   to Mission Bay which is right across the way of  Mission Boulevard so right here Pacific Beach   Mission Beach two of the best beaches in all of  San Diego people come down here really to watch   the sunset or just take in The Vibes that's really  what you're going to want to do down here very   relaxing area right in Mission Beach is actually  Belmont Park which is on amusement park it's an   older amusement park but they have been updating  it they do have a wooden roller coaster they also   have some new rides that they put in and some  other games they also have an indoor pool here   really a place you bring the kids or maybe even  consider for date night also guys as we continue   to show you around San Diego I want to let you  know in the time stamps Below in the description   you can bounce around from attraction to  attraction just by clicking on specific links to   the time stamp you will also notice that there's  links to other videos which you can click on after   this video to watch other Southern California like  Los Angeles and Santa Barbara or even Laguna Beach   so let's continue going and next up we're going  to talk about riding the trolley so this Old   Town Trolley connects you to the downtown Trolley  going all the way across the Coronado Bridge into   Coronado Island the total tour for this is about  two hours it is a hop-on hop-off bus and I would   recommend trying to book the tickets ahead of time  next up we're gonna head to Gaslamp Quarter now   Gaslamp Quarter is a popular place for nightlife  in San Diego but it's not the only time you should   go to the Gaslamp Quarter because people go down  here for the games at Petco Park when the Padres   are playing and even on the afternoon it can be a  nice place to hang out so even though it's called   the Gaslamp Quarter which is basically a light  this is a nice place to hang out and I would   recommend adding the gas lamp quarter for a place  to go if you're looking for good eats and a good   time they have basically closed Fifth Avenue to  vehicle traffic so it's only pedestrians for the   most part of the day which is good because it's  more safe now what we're going to do is head   over to Torrey Pines State natural reserve and  Torrey Pines State beach you can get both right   here and it's a nice Beach to walk but also an  even nicer area to hike around because you get   these views of the cliffs just be aware that when  you hike up those Cliffs you're going to need the   proper shoes obviously it's different than when  you're walking on the beach because it's just a   beach but do be aware they do get some high rip  currents out here and some big waves can rip up   onto the shore that do eat away at the cliffs  so I want you guys to be aware of that when   you're down here but really a nice outdoor area  and some of you may actually recognize the name   Torrey Pines because of golf they've actually  played the US Open here and other major PGA   Tour championships at this golf course they have  two the North and South course if you wanted to   golf there I would recommend going online to try  and book those tee times ahead of time right next   to Torrey Pines you're actually going to have a  glider Port now this is cool because they take   advantage of the high Cliffs and they use these  paragliders to just basically run right off the   grass Knoll here and then they just catch air and  they just drift all around the Torrey Pines area   you can go up here and actually watch the guys and  gals who do do this by themselves but they also   offer tandems so you can go up there with someone  who's actually licensed and registered to take you   on that ride and again look online see if you can  get the tickets or reservations for that for more   information here is a good look at those Cliffs  that's looking in the direction of La Jolla that   scripts pier in the background but really a cool  thing to do while here in San Diego whether you   want to watch or participate next up we're going  to actually head to Little Italy an up and coming   area an interesting area just like the gas lamp  right next to downtown it's about 15 minutes from   the gas lamp if you were to take a car because  of traffic but Little Italy is going to have lots   of pizzerias and Italian restaurants and it feels  like you're in Little Italy as you're going along   India Avenue it is pedestrian friendly and they do  have bustling little patios right along the road   here also they have Little Italy Mercado Farmers  Market which happens weekly my recommendation is   try and do Little Italy first for dinner and  then head over to the gas lamp for the night   cap and while downtown another area you can go  to in the daytime is going to be Seaport Village   they're going to have more cafes and restaurants  this is really more of a daytime activity right   here on the waterfront next to San Diego Harbor  there's also 70s shops and galleries with 90   000 square foot of waterfront property so really  an area to just hang out on the water you can   also see Coronado from here and watch as the Navy  ships go by as they're heading out to the Pacific   Ocean right next to Seaport Village is going to  be a marina there are several different marinas   in the San Diego area one in Mission Bay and  the marina here in downtown and it's basically   the convention center Marina you can get a Sunset  Cruise or rent a boat out of this Marina also and   you can take the ferry over to Coronado Island  from one of the stops here now right next door   to here is the concert venue known as the ratty  shell the ratty shell only is really happening   with crowds during a concert but you can actually  go to the ratty Shell at any given point it's just   got this grassy knoll and Terrace overlooking  Coronado Bay another popular attraction in San   Diego's whale watching you can get these tours  from any one of the marinas or talking to someone   down at Seaport Village area Embarcadero but going  out seeing blue whales gray whales sometimes even   orcas or humpback whales for those of you who  want to learn a little history about San Diego   head down here to Old Town old town is about  15 minutes by car from downtown they consider   this to be the birthplace of California because  this is where Korea the Spanish sailor landed   in the 1500s so this is basically where they have  settled themselves right here in between downtown   and Mission Bay up against the hill here this is  hold down you're gonna see what it's like in Old   California which was Old Mexico about 200 years  ago I like to eat and get Mexican food over here   at fiesta de Reyes which is in Old Town they also  have shopping at Old Town Market they have these   themed buildings for shopping also with gems and  minerals and rocks also some Mexican art and right   next door they have America's Most Haunted House  the Whaley House Museum so when you're down in   Old Town if you want to do a ghost town tour they  say the Whaley House is the most haunted house so   keep that in mind for those of you who are into  Poltergeist and the Paranormal again go online to   book those ahead of time because you need to book  a slot and now we're gonna actually head up the   hill to Balboa Park now Balboa Park is going to be  a full day activity because there's so much to see   up here as we're about to show you but Balboa  Park is mostly home to many different museums   but it's also where they held the convention  back in the early 1900s right here in San Diego   and nowadays they have parks and other areas to  walk around relax get a cafe also they have a   nice bridge that goes over this big freeway it's  historical and then they have museums like I said   such as the Museum of us which is basically an  anthropological Museum they used to call it the   Museum of Man but now they've named it Museum  of us because all humans are all-encompassing   not just men but here you're going to learn about  the Native Americans you're going to learn about   the animals that used to live out here they also  have the New Globe Theater next door and then you   have the Japanese friendship Garden I recommend  going to the Japanese friendship Garden around   spring or fall because that's when most of their  foliage is in Peak condition although we visited   in February and it was also amazing and just as  any other Japanese garden they're going to have   the koi fish pond and they're going to have the  cherry blossoms so add this to your list and then   right next door to there they have the Spreckels  Oregon Pavilion this is one of those old sites   that goes all the way back back to the convention  back in the early 1900s they also have many other   museums around here that are historical about San  Diego they also have the aviation museum which we   don't have any images of but that's definitely  something you want to check out if you're into   Aviation and have kids who are also the San Diego  Historical Museum is going to take you all the way   back into the Early times before the Europeans  arrived and then when the Europeans arrived and   then the boom that happened in the early 1900s  out here and another one of my favorites in the   area that you don't want to miss is the Natural  History Museum so there's a lot of museums up   here this could take about two days really to  complete all the museums and everything that's   in Balboa Park you'll see the zoo that's coming  up next but they also have the Botanical Garden   which was currently under renovation hopefully  soon they get that back open botanical gardens   a nice area to walk around it's an actual landmark  of San Diego and then right next to that they have   the Spanish Village Art Center which is an area to  walk around kind of like Old Town really they just   got a bunch of shops and boutiques and galleries  that you can kind of scroll through and relax they   also have a cafe there and some restaurants but of  course the big draw is going to be the art studio   so if you're into art and you want to see what's  going on out here come out here to the Spanish   village now you also have the Balboa Park Railroad  which is another popular thing especially for the   kids now for the big ticket in town here in Balboa  is the San Diego Zoo you can get an all-day pass   it's going to be over a hundred dollars though  I recommend booking it online trying to find a   deal ahead of time but those are going to include  a guided bus tour the kangaroo bus the skyfari   Aerial Tram so do check on that before you get  there but the animal collection that they have   here is baboons giraffes elephants from Asia  and Africa they also have big cats they have   lions tigers they have a Polar Bear exhibit so a  lot of really interesting exhibits the only one   that's kind of down right now is going to be the  panda exhibit they had to give the pandas back   to China unfortunately it is a big Zoo so the  sky tram really does come in handy also these   guided bus tours come in handy especially for  those who don't want to do too much walking and   another place that's popular is Sea World San  Diego this is the original Sea World they got   Shamu show here they've got dolphins and they also  have several roller coasters so that's something   cool about sea world is they've Incorporated the  roller coasters into the attraction they also have   Street shows with performances and of course they  have the dolphin show that I just told you about   but you can see their acrobatic Dolphins here and  then seeing the orcas very interesting for those   who've never seen orcas up close we always want  to see happy animals happy orcas happy Dolphins   happy walruses happy everything right that's the  big thing with Sea World these days is making sure   all the animals are happy but a lot of people  don't realize it is a conservation program here   nowadays it didn't start out that way but now it  has become a Marine Mammal conservation and if   you want more information about the conservation  program they have you can read about that online   now we're going to head down to San Diego again  to the harbor Embarcadero now the Embarcadero   is going to have more museums a lot of it is  a maritime history they've got they've got   restaurants here at the port side they've also  got the cruise terminal next door but you can   go to catch or you can go to Portside restaurant  right here and really a nice place to hang out   and walk around along the Waterfront you're also  going to see The Maritime Museum which is a blast   from the past the submarines they have an American  submarine and a Russian style submarine from those   eras back in the 50s the Cold War era Soviet  sub is so much different than the American sub   by the way and then next door to that they have  the Star of India which is an old vessel which   has really got a lot of mass and ropes all going  around there I find that to just be so incredible   how this ship used to get around crossing the  oceans from the Pacific to the Atlantic just a   very powerful ship huh and then and speaking of  powerful ships let's talk about the USS Midway   Museum so this is an old Naval vessel I believe  it was from the Vietnam era and they've basically   turned it into a museum nowadays you can go up on  the flight deck walk around see what it's like to   be in the Navy back during the Vietnam era and  that's what you have down here at the USS Midway   and then on the ground you have the kissing sailor  statue where he's kissing his girlfriend or wife   the nurse and this is basically to symbolize the  end of the war where the sailors and the soldiers   came home and then you have the Bob Hope Memorial  which is going to be this life-size replicas of   a speech that Bob Hope was giving to the Troops  really a cool place to walk around these copper   statues and then you have the ferry ride now if  you want to actually go to Coronado Island you can   actually take this ferry boat from the Embarcadero  all the way to Coronado Island and then you can   come back on a ferry and maybe even get dropped  off at the convention center really cool View   use from this ferry boat because you get to see  all of San Diego Harbor you might even see some   Navy boats going through there I saw an aircraft  carrier on the move I also saw amphibious assault   ships even destroyers lots of helicopters so it's  really a Hot Zone for the military ride here on   San Diego Harbor right next to Coronado Island  and it's not going to break the bank to ride one   of these ferries I think it's like seven dollars  each way per person that's a pretty good price and   then when you actually arrive at Coronado Island  that's a whole other attraction and thing to do on   and of itself you can walk around Orange Avenue  where you're going to see these old military   housing areas and then you'll head down towards  the area of the modern area of Orange Avenue   which is now where they have the restaurants and  the shopping and Coronado Island is really one of   the best places to live in all of San Diego it's  not going to be as crowded or popular as places   like the gas lamp or even La Jolla but certainly  a place to check out they also have a beach here   which which is actually where the world famous  Navy Seals training for buds is located right   here on Coronado Island and then now we're going  to take you to a historical place called Hotel Del   Coronado that's the picturesque old structure it's  basically made of wood you can hardly believe that   it's still standing with all of that corrosion  that comes off the ocean here but it still is   and it's actually one of the best hotels in all  of San Diego they do a lot of conventions and   meetups here just because of its old rustic pass  people like to stay here check it out you can see   how it is positioned right here on the water it's  Breezy and they do have some surfing that's going   on I wouldn't say it's the best swimming in all of  San Diego they actually have to use these geodesic   domes because the wind can be quite intense  especially in the winter time because the winds   are just howling sweeping right across the Pacific  right here to Hotel Coronado and at Coronado Beach   you can see how they have these dunes and you can  see in the distance they've got Point Loma out   there really a nice white sand beach but in the  summertime this is where you want to be I would   say they also have food here in San Diego let's  talk about local Cuisine you're going to expect   to find lots of Mexican Cuisine especially in  the old town area and the downtown area they've   got lots of seafood they've got modern Cuisine  which is going to be like Caesar salads and you   know steaks and all that kind of stuff plus  lots of Asian Cuisine here they've got Asian   fusion Korean Japanese sushi many different  sushi restaurants in San Diego actually and   if you wanted a good old-fashioned steak you  can also find that here it did seem like I was   eating more Mexican food in San Diego than I do  anywhere else just keep that in mind that you can   see right here a steak salad beautiful cuts of  steak we talked about Little Italy so definitely   expect some Italian restaurants but you can see  right here Mexi Burger Mexi pizza Mexi torta   rolled tacos that's basically San Diego in a  nutshell now let's go over to Sunset Cliffs   they say it's Sunset Cliffs because it's a nice  place to get a sunset right here on Point Loma   but walking around here in the afternoon you're  gonna find good hiking and also lots of surfing   around this area of Sunset Cliffs the hikes can  be a bit treacherous so do pay attention to what   you're doing of course that should go without  saying but people can actually slide down these   Cliffs if they're not paying attention because  it is very rugged terrain speaking of Surfing you   will see the Surfers here at The Point Loma area  around Sunset Cliffs but also around Coronado they   do surfing they also do surfing at Torrey Pines  that State Beach area that I showed you earlier   so surfing in San Diego is very popular there's a  whole culture around that they also have surfing   around places like Ocean Beach Mission Beach  also a lot of surfing in Oceanside and those   towns up there especially now what we're going  to show you is how to ride the MTS this is the   mass transit system you can actually take this  tram all around San Diego Inland you can take it   to Imperial Beach you can also take it down to San  Ysidro all the way as far north as places like Old   Town La Jolla and like I said you could take it  Inland it's a ride the Metro now let's talk about   Cabrillo National Monument now Cabrillo National  Monument is where the Explorer from Spain is said   to have landed he was Spanish Portuguese kind of  same thing I guess you could say when it comes   to navigation of the Americas but he was really  Spanish they have a lighthouse here it's kind of   a historical place at multiple different levels  but it is at the tip of Point Loma they say you   can see whales from up here but if anything you  get great views looking down at Coronado and all   the military activity in San Diego down below  where the other Lighthouse is they actually   have tide pools that you can walk around so it's  really a cool place it is actually a national park   another place that is near Old Town is Heritage  Park over here you're going to see these old   colonial style buildings again more history from  the San Diego area you're going to see the old   McConaughey house and several other old structures  it's really a blast from the past up here also   as we continue to explore more of the historical  areas let's head over to La Jolla and to the La   Valencia Hotel this is actually a historical Hotel  beautiful location if you can stay at this hotel   I would highly recommend it because this to me  is San Diego this is Southern California at its   finest it's a bit pricey but you can find it on or Priceline I would recommend it we   had breakfast at the hotel though we didn't  actually stay here you would have to get a   reservation typically sometimes you can do walk-in  also right below there you're going to see the   La Jolla Cove which is an edenic type environment  they have seals sea lions a lot of different birds   also in the water they have the kelp and then  they have little baby leopard sharks people do   diving snorkeling it's really an amazing place at  La Jolla Cove probably one of the most impressive   places in all of America in terms of natural  scenery and Wildlife now the whole area of La   Jolla does have a coastal walk that you can do so  you can do most of La Jolla Cove on the trail so   as you keep going down the trail you'll eventually  come to the La Jolla cave now the interesting   thing about this is you can actually go down to  the bottom it is many steps so keep that in mind   you can't get winded on the way up going down is  very easy it does cost around 10 to 15 don't quote   me on that but it's probably worth it if you want  to see a cool cave in La Jolla as long as the line   is not too long and then once you get down there  this is what you're going to be able to see also I   want to remind you guys to check the comments  below and the link description to see other   videos we made from San Diego and around Southern  California up to Los Angeles so I would encourage   you to watch those videos if you plan to visit  California now let's talk about Ocean Beach OB as   we know it is more of a hipster kind of town they  do have a fishing pier although it seems to always   be closed lately I'm not sure what's going on with  that OB has that same kind of vibe that you would   get at Venice Beach in Los Angeles for those of  you who are going to watch our last Los Angeles   video you will see Venice Beach is very similar to  Ocean Beach although I would say it's not quite on   that level but they do do some rocking out down  here really a cool place to hang out we ate down   here that's probably one of the best things to do  if anything is just come down here and grab a bite   to eat and walk around and see what's up right  there on the beach you'll see people doing live   band performances also down here you can do a lot  of different unique people watching I like these   electric bikes that people are cruising around  but also check out some of these cars they've   got look at this low rider all right now from OB  let's go back over towards the Pacific Beach area   up towards Mount Soledad now this is a Veterans  Memorial you get 360 Degrees from up here of San   Diego way off in the distance you'll see downtown  also in the distance you'll see Pacific Beach   Mission Beach towards Point Loma and then just  below towards the north you'll definitely be able   to see La Jolla but it's a cool little tribute to  the veterans that they put up here on the mountain   some have talked about taking down the cross  which I don't think is necessary but it is a cool   Monument if anything you get great views up here  and it's worth checking out and just below there   you can see the I-5 freeway and then off in the  distance of course is La Jolla now another thing   to do when you come to Los Angeles whether you're  going to stay a little while or longer is take a   cruise we showed you the cruise terminal and what  you'll do from there is you'll head out around the   Catalina Islands and down into Ensenada sometimes  all the way down to Cabo San Lucas from here   next let's talk about riding the Amtrak they call  it the Pacific surfliner they have the California   coaster also but riding this route is really  interesting because it goes right along the   coast the problem is the ocean is eating away  at the railroad tracks and the erosion is like   stealing some of the tracks so sometimes it's not  open because they have to repair it literally the   ocean is eating away at California's Coastline in  case you didn't know that all right guys that's   going to conclude this episode of Island Hopper  TV from San Diego watch some more of these other   videos we'll post a link to Los Angeles and Santa  Barbara see you on the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Island Hopper TV
Views: 372,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel Guide, travel tips, San Diego, California, Best things to do in San Diego, San Diego travel, San Diego vlog, San Diego 2023, San Diego tour, San Diego travel guide
Id: Q3Rhs9Z5k_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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