BEST SMOKED FISH IN THE RIVER Whiskey Maple Glazed Steelhead

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[Applause] welcome back to outdoor chef life i'm taku and today i'm on the river fishing for steelhead [Applause] don't worry i picked it up put it in my pocket here [Applause] chill out guys it's just a it's just a bottle opener uh today i'm on the river with nsa nick fish and die hard fishing and as i said i'm fishing with steelhead and with that steelhead i'm going to smoke it it's going to be delicious the best smoked steelhead you ever seen all right so stay tuned for that but this morning we started very early and it was before the light was out so i hadn't even done my intro or anything but we started fishing and man almost immediately within 10 minutes i got my steelhead for some reason i'm really lucky with steelhead well i'll roll on those clips now check it out [Music] [Music] oh that was one so [Music] go on [Music] i got him i got him thank you return oh nice nice little guy yeah hatchery buck there so actually buck you can keep it what do you think compared to a stock trout nick dude so pretty look at the heels just feels different look at that oh yeah that's a good looking fish huh white spot on this little white chips that is a good looking fish so no adipose fin hatchery fish we're gonna have them for lunch we got lunch boys that's how it's done nick let's go my turn your turn damn haku get it done quick thank you very much thank you buddy and good morning i got my fish early today first 10 minutes nice wake up fish right here what a beauty beautiful steelhead this is the mail and it is from the hatchery so we're allowed to keep these guys and i'm going to make a delicious lunch with this one some smoked steelhead with the maple whiskey glaze yeah let's do that stick around and we'll get that going for lunch maybe for now we'll catch another one or at least some of these guys will i think we're all going to catch today yeah it's a good start can you believe that steelhead in 10 minutes you know what i have really good luck with steelhead this is my third time steelhead fishing first time i got one second time uh i didn't but then this is the third time got another one so now for some reason still ahead fishing is good to me got lucky nick is has yet to catch one uh ever he's gone maybe eight trips so we're looking forward to him catching one uh and say as you know he's a steelhead master he catches him all day and it's really thanks to him that i caught you know he teaches me how to set up the rigs and how to drift in everything and then adam if you haven't seen his videos die hard fishing he's been catching a lot last year and he's looking he might be looking for his oh he's already caught five this year so yeah we're doing well i think today though i'm hoping everybody will catch one because we haven't really had a day where all of us succeeded in the same day that we're going for you know a difficult species to catch like like a steelhead there's fish in here nick there's fish no excuses here nope when that bobber goes down it's like a heart attack every time [Laughter] oh my goodness oh jumper oh my god i just got i was not except expecting that yeah oh it came off damn i was i might drag too tight oh man i wasn't expecting that one i was just about to go get my cooking stuff so i can bring it down and start cooking and i just hooked up again i wasn't even recording oh man see steelhead fishing something about killing fishing i got good luck and two hookups for me one for two um so far the other guys haven't hooked up yet but i'm sure they will we're all getting one today okay guys i gotta go get my cooking supplies oh look at that little carcass swimming carcass knives in here i'm not going to take the whole bag or just take what i need we got a bunch of stuff in the cooler already got our beers all right guys here we go let's fillet this fish first [Music] take the guts out take the head off or we can confirm that this is a male sperm sac to clean this up oh my gosh nick is on let me go record him all right guys [Applause] don't lose him don't lose him he's jumping oh this is way better than stock trout boys don't lose them keep your focus man oh this is the fun part this isn't the hard part the hard part is hooking them it's barbless come on focus man this is your first steelhead no i'm enjoying it man i gotta look at this weight though guys this is fun or should i tuna get in my tuna stance i've been waiting six trips for this maybe 40 hours come on man well deserved you got to get them in though seems like a big one yeah it's nice man look at this i don't know adam might be a 40 inch lean cod fighting like a halibut i didn't get to catch salmon this year so this is that's this is fun adam let's uh should we try to get him all the way in or head first adam let's go there you go first steelhead nick's first steelhead baby i earned that one oh yeah baby nice nick still hot still fish is still hot man oh yeah get in there a little bit bigger than mine i think are you keeping it yes i am oh it is nick thank you guys i'll remember this the rest of my life guys thank you so much that was a team effort beautiful job good job there it is told you it would be your day congrats to nick let's get back to our filling here all right i gotta do is a little slow it's super slippery and come out of awkward stance here [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] not a bad color yeah it's not a bad color it looks pretty decent still got some orange to it all right what we're gonna do now is we're gonna do a little little dry brine and i just have salt and sugar mixture here about 40 salt 60 sugar put that on my sheet pan and we'll get the fillets on here i got some dill so we're gonna toss some dill on here and then we'll do the salt and sugar just gonna bury it okay now we wait about one hour and then we'll smoke this so we're using these soft beads once they taught me how to do that like a little dragon ball they ate these dragon balls oh you got one there you go here we go adam's on die hard fishing with a red with a really bright uh i see a nice red on him oh that's nice one that's a nice one dude [Music] nice a big one too man wow that's a super pretty one that's designing that's my biggest one right there beautiful all right one for me one for nick one for adam that's three for four and j needs one now pencil needs one now one more one more for the home run there we go come on and say pressure's on now pressure's on now got to come through clutch all right we got the grill i'm going to start it up and we'll start smoking once it gets going [Music] okay our fire's looking good now charcoal is nice and hot i have some uh what is this applewood applewood smoking chips i'm gonna use this and smoke our fish and if i throw it directly on there it's just gonna catch fire so i'm gonna try to put it next to it and just create smoke oh yeah let's create good smoke too smoky we might get a little bit of fire that's fine oh look at that yeah you can tell how much moisture it's lost it's firmed up now we gotta wash this off and i'm not gonna not gonna use the river water we're gonna try to avoid using that because that's dirty this is a cedar plank that is going to add a lot of flavor to our fish as well let me put some dill back on here here we go and i got a lid for this grill check that out oh my god see the plank got the steel head a little fire tip that fire out a little yeah we just want the smoke and we'll cover it up [Music] there we go we're gonna let it cook let smoking steelhead on the water more next level stuff here guys fishing grilling catching can i get any better than this oh adam's on yeah good work adam neither that's a head adam getting the females today wow nice man second one for adam yeah good job dude nice good job pretty one that is pretty it is pretty chrome fish nice fish hey let's take a look at this fish it's been going for about 25 minutes nice it's looking beautiful i'm getting real hungry we'll let it go for another maybe 10 minutes and then i'm actually going to start making a salad right now for a little side salad you know so let's get that going it's going to be so good what a great day any of you guys want a beer any beer right now any takers how many do you have i have four i'll crack a beer after i eat or something after all right thank you all right thanks man well i'm gonna take a beer right now i'm okay sure oh cheers guys cheers okay got a bowl here gonna toss everything in the bowl big bowl [Applause] we got these frizzy guys i'm just going to cut the butt end off and this should just kind of fall apart [Music] let me show you how to cut these cherry tomatoes all right i don't do it one by one that's stupid you got them all at the same time there you go takes no time you also have this radicchio oh yeah we got to do one thing forgot to do one thing man bam we got whiskey here we got maple syrup a little bit of butter on here some maple syrup that's good no little japanese whiskey i'll throw this on the grill just to let it melt there you go [Music] okay i have here some salt and pepper olive oil lemon and some smoked herring i caught this year or uh late last year i'm sorry so i'm gonna combine everything and turn this into our salad dressing okay start with the olive oil nice healthy amount of olive oil [Music] lemon is in a little salt a little pepper smoked daring so i did film myself making this but i didn't i decided not to post it it wasn't that exciting of a video so i don't know maybe i'll post it you know i can caesar caesar salad you get the anchovies dressing this is similar but with the herring this will give it a really nice smoky and saltiness pair really nicely with the smoked steelhead and use a little bit of water too okay shake it all up it's our dressing nice all right let's go back to our fish this is what we need to do we i'm gonna baste this brush this on to our fish nice all right let's just finish off our salad here start dressing in just toss her up totally forgot my utensils oh that's a bomb salad man [Music] oh delicious delicious finish it off a little parmesan parmesan a little colder today all right it's really good we're looking good it's pretty much done guys i just need to plate it and we're gonna be feasted remember those utensils we got forgot them in the car oh no it's all right eat with their hands i have um i have wet wipes so you guys can wash off first all right guys let's let's do this let's uh let me play [Music] oh wow can you see that oh that's cooked all right let's finish it off a little more power zone doctor just finished our catch and cook he made us a nice salad with some trout really beautiful personally one of the most beautiful dishes i've seen and eaten on the river oh yeah so thank you taku um we're gonna go ahead and chow down on this and let's go try it at home can you grab that salad too yup we're gonna bring this to the guys and let's trow down good job man first steal ahead for you thank you congratulations and we're just going to go in with our fingers man let's try it let's try it i'm going to just carry a few soft little piece yeah cedar board cedar plank oh man this is half salty half sweet we've got flavor the skin is the best part should we make some like chopsticks or something out of these sticks yeah sure and say is hard at work trying to catch a fish though he's still got to capitalize uh adam's got two but he's still fishing hard too you know how he is um so we'll go down there and feed him some not right after this that's an amazing day really good all right i'm going to dive in on this salad yo this salad is really good get some chunks there's um some smoked herring in there okay really good man gives it so much flavor yeah get it with that smoked herring there yeah i taste parmesan the lemon really fresh really healthy mmm super good taste of dill too you take the dill on the fish that's really good very good guys success oh yeah mix it up oh yeah i'm going in all together it's first time using chopsticks really good thank you you're welcome i needed this this is freaking exciting i still had today yeah nick fish check him out link's in the description he's a funny guy man you'll laugh at his videos so check him out we'll go feed adam and nsa now thanks guys thank you all for watching please if you liked the video make sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next one another on the next river catching cook on the water see you guys peace you want to try some this is my steelhead i caught this a couple hours ago made some sally go ahead matt what's your name walter walter yeah nice to meet you man you're a subscriber yeah yeah yeah there you go hell yeah i'll try it dude get to try some of your famous cooking now yeah go for it go for it here we go yeah dude that's dope yeah yeah it's not good youtube it is it is yeah absolutely have some salad too if you like take it yeah just use your fingers man that's what we've been doing i forgot the utensils yeah no it's good man thank you yeah for sure what take another bite take another bite yeah go ahead take another piece i'm gonna go feed these guys down here too adam and say hey yeah thank god dude walter well good luck thanks man yeah hope you get one right answer and adam are fishing the rapids over here oh you just lost one that's it it was a huge one nice fish good oh damn thank you bro oh wow that looks so good thanks man yeah appreciate it of course any time sure take it yeah just use your fingers dude that's what we've been doing because i forgot the utensils the 20 utensils that we grabbed wow that's so good dude yeah good piece adam nice work man can i eat some of this yeah green eat the salad it's good for you salad's good for you man that's awesome man thank you salty wow sweet smokey you can taste that flavor man you smoke what is the like herb yeah it's really good got some salad too i'm gonna start doing that and then you get one still come on man get in there now you have the power yeah you got a little energy that was perfect a little more okay thank you so good thank you oh yeah i didn't say that's the way to do it let's once i was finished oh yeah here we go come on man four foot four oh adam you just have one you have one adam come on coming down you want to try something oh no okay you want to try some steelhead yo you watch my youtube yeah you want to try it yeah exactly you don't want it are you sure nice nice it's okay if i eat you in the video oh sure all right what's your name george george here's my son here oh okay nice to meet you guys and say got him got him that's how you do it four foot four baby four foot four let's get it we're all eating tonight no top ramen yeah yeah of course man hey now i'm gonna go fishing go for it go up there
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 404,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smoked steelhead, smoked salmon recipe, Smoked fish recipe, catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch n cook, catch and cook in the river, steelhead fishing, steelhead, california steelhead, bobber fishing for steelhead
Id: 3WOQ9FgBzfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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