Best Sump Pump and Sump Pit for French Drain

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Hey good morning Chuck here with Apple drains drainage contractors in Orlando and Charlotte North Carolina you know I've made a lot of videos about so many different drainage projects and I realized I've never really shown you all the options that are available for some basins and some pumps so let's take a moment I think this is a very informative video and hopefully you can learn a lot so this is a standard HDPE and this is available pretty readily available at Lowe's I've never seen it at Home Depot Home Depot has I call it however they may carry it in other states I'm not sure but this is a 24 inch depth 24 inches deep and it's about 22 inches wide at the top it comes I should say you have to buy a lid separate but a real nice lid that locks in place if you can see these little notches on here where it says lock and unlock so basically it's got some ridges inside the on the top of the pit you put this on and you just lock it in place works really good you see me use it all the time this is probably the best pit for the applications that you're going to have you know in your yard or your crawlspace especially the crawlspace and basement this thing works absolutely the best there's some things you need to know about this if you're going to put it in your basement floor make sure you put the lid on the top first before you pour that concrete because the concrete will have pressure and push that out of round and you won't be able to get your lid on so there's one basin okay HDPE and when you look at it if you look at it online I always remember the word hope but it's HP de and you can search for that you know online and find it they're usually about 28 to 30 dollars for the basin and the lid so separate anywhere from nine to twelve dollars so you know forty dollars for your basin and you're all set for that let's look at another all of my videos you probably know that we are drainage contractors and we do a lot of different drainage work not just yard drains and you know sump pumps things like that but we also do sewers and septic things like that as well so this is a sewage basin and you can see the difference see how it's smooth all the way around very thick very thick plastic is actually polyethylene or maybe it's polypropylene but inside it's just round it looks like a planter it's got real solid rim on it that we could put a sealed lid so no debris or anything then it comes with this lid right here it's already got ports knocked out for you to bring your outlet your pump coming out you could bring a pumpkin or your sewer line coming in the top but normally you would drill it into the side I want to show you that in a second but if you look carefully you can see come on camera it says that it's for sewage and it is a different kind of basin than what we put in that we install in the yard or the crawlspace however when you go online a lot of these places from Amazon and things like that they sell a whole kit if you get this one it's fine it works great let me show you something though you'll notice right away this is a much smaller basin than the HP de okay this one is it holds more water and that's important for your pump because your pump has to have an area to fill up so the pump float can kick on and send it out again this works fine I've used them many times even in the yard it just depends on where we're going to put it in the yard normally we don't put things right out in the yard normally we try to put things up by the house and the reason why is because you've got to have power so your electrician is going to run out your power to a GFI outlet and it's much cheaper for that electrician to put that you know from the house versus having to trench a line out to the backyard remember you can bring that water back any direction and there were some comments about bringing the water back towards the house I realize there's a lot of armchair people out there but that has nothing to do with it it's all about you know getting that cost down for you the consumer the customer so again this is a sewage basin right and this is crawlspace basement and yard let me show you a couple more things that you could do in a pinch and hey I've done all these things so here's a much taller basin you can see and what that is it's two of these basins and what you do is you cut off the bottom and then you can just slide it right inside and you can see we can make it as deep as we want by putting these basins together using a good PVC tape or even a good gorilla tape you know the duct tape that works fine too what we do is we screw this piece to this piece and then we just wrap it so no sand or debris can get into that basin and what we've done is we've lowered that basin so let's just say that you've got a big incline that you've got to send this water to remember I like to bring that basin by the home so it may be uphill on the outside grade but you can dig down as deep as you want and there's two parts of your system one is the collection of water whether that be french drains or a channel drain or even the roof itself the roof is collecting the water and then you've got the downspout drain that's all collecting water now you have to discharge the water if you have good fall going out to the street or maybe to a storm drain or even out back to a natural area area that's great but if you don't sump pump is your discharge it will be discharged to daylight because it's daylight in here and the pump is a lift station lifting that water up and sending it wherever you want so there's three pieces that you can see let's take a look at another one there's so many tons of things that you could do this is available at almost any garden supply you know Home Depot Lowe's ace whatever and what it is it's a huge planter and this if you're going to use one of these it's fine they work great but make sure it's thick enough that it doesn't collapse from the pressure of the ground itself because there's a lot of water pressure as groundwater Rises it begins to really pump and push so it starts to collapse thing so you've got to have a decent solid pump basin in order for you to make this work so what about a lid a trashcan lid can work but get a hefty or something that's really strong what I've seen people do and it works really good this is a flow well lid and it fits right on there and then you can secure it with screws if needed so that's all really good too again just in the pinch or however you want to put your basin in just make sure that it's solid enough that nothing is going to collapse that Basin after its put in let's look at one more so this is culvert pipe and it comes in 20 foot sections culvert pipe is normally used to go underneath of a driveway and there's all you could get it in a little corrugated one you know corrugated steel you can get corrugated plastic you can get cement ones there's all kinds this happens to work really well if you want to make a really deep sump basin and what you need to do is you know figure out the depth of your basin perhaps it's a basement wall so it's down there ten or fifteen feet and you need access to that pump well you can cut this off two links you can fashion the bottom with actually using this as your bottom and you just screw it right on there it works great and then of course you would use that on the top as well so there's a lot of different kinds of ways to make basins and okay now let's look at some wraps again if you follow you know our videos apple drainage drainage contractors you'll see that my pump of choice is a Zoeller m98 and that's a half horsepower pump it pushes it between 60 and 90 gallons a minute that's three trash cans full of water every minute and that of course depends on the head which is how high we're going to lift it and how far we're going to push it but again three trash cans every minute that's a lot of water really quick but this is a great pump this is just a used one to show you people talk about the switch going bad hey everything goes bad eventually but these things seem to hold up for about ten to twelve years that's a great long life of a pump by the way I like this because you can see that float it's straight up and down easy operation very little maintenance and it's cast-iron so what that means is that if the pump got stuck in the on position and started to run for thirty days it it dissipates the heat because it's cast-iron so the heat is dispersed versus an aluminum or a plastic pump or even a stainless steel pump when those things get stuck in the on position they overheat quite quickly and burn out that motor I have been to homes where these pumps have been running they say they hear it run you know two three four five weeks and then I've come out and taken a look and sure enough that float is stuck in the on position but the pumps fine we just needed to clean out the pit and there's all set so a great pump there's lots of good pumps out there I prefer the solar so here's the solar m53 and they call it the my teammate this is the most popular pump that solar makes it's used in most basements most crawl spaces around the country you know around the world for that matter it's a third of a horsepower and it pumps between 40 and 60 gallons a minute so maybe two trash cans full of water every minute exactly the same as the m98 as far as construction cast-iron it's got the single pole switch for the float it works great this pump was actually up upgraded we put this in a crawl space I don't know 15 years ago and the customer asked if we could pump more water faster of course we can so we gave him an M 98 but what a great pump it works tremendous cost wise if you order this online you can't find these at at Home Depot or Lowe's you're not going to find anything like this and I ask you please don't buy a pump from Home Depot or Lowe's not knocking them again and I plugged those guys all the time but they do not sell a decent pump cast-iron pump is the way to go there's all kinds of them little giant Wayne there's many different types of pumps this happens to be a Zoeller cost-wise this is about a hundred and seventy dollars this is about two hundred and seventy dollars so there's a hundred dollar difference but my pump of choice is this m-98 so one issue those larger pumps you notice it's very heavy and actually crushed the box I had everything sitting on it weighs about 50 pounds so it's very heavy but this is a Zoeller n 267 and it's a there's a difference it has a two-inch port instead of inch and a half this is inch and a half discharge this has a 2 inch port it's a half horsepower it doesn't poop as fast as the m98 it pumps about 60 to 80 gallons a minute which is more than enough for sewage but the difference really is that it's a grinder pump and a fluid pump so it takes that waste and debris from the bathroom and it chops it all up and it pretty much you just have water going out to the sewer or mostly to your septic these are used down in a basement where you've got the sewer line coming out much higher and you add up when it had a basement down in that lower level you've got you know a walkout or you just want to add a bathroom down in that lower level so you end up with a pump to lift the water up and send it to the sewer line same thing we do in the yard but it's just a little different because it's sewage and again this is a sewage basin and you can get a much deeper one than this is just showing you an example but this is what you need if you're going to use a sewer for sewage you need this Basin I've installed this in people's yards as well it works great it depends on the volume of water that we want to move this thing it's just would run forever again very costly the n2 67 is about five hundred bucks the reason that I'm showing you these pumps and what's important about all these pumps is that they are 110 volts and they're designed to plug into an outlet very easy if you do have to you know change out the pump unplug it take the check valve off pull out the pump put a new pump in and you're done start to get into bigger pumps of course there's much larger pumps we install huge pumps that are 220 volts but those are direct hardwired and much different than the application that we've been showing you here on the channel and over all these years for the rainwater drainage system great pumps let's take a look at a couple more pumps I'm gonna have to lift up the big heavy guy to get him out of the way because it's just too heavy for that box this is what Home Depot and Lowe's sell I think this came from Lowe's and this is also a Zoeller but it's an h2o Pro and they Zoeller marketed some things that hey they just don't work this has a magnetic float comes up and it kicks on right here that's how the system works it's very similar to the my teammate this is a third of a horsepower also has the 110 110 volt outlet it is a solar pump but be wary it is cast on earth sorry yeah it's cast iron but it just doesn't have the life that the other pumps do and it's mostly this switch right here you'll see some of the other pumps if you go to a plumbing supply store maybe a Liberty pump Liberty makes a great pump but in the recent years they've changed over to this magnetic float and what happens is that this switch goes bad quickly I've probably repaid that replaced a dozen of these in a year and again I feel feel for the customer but they should have got a good pump to begin with so that's one more I got one more pump to show you this pump is available at Lowe's and Home Depot as well it is a third of a horsepower 110 volt plugs directly into the outlet this is made by util attack this is my pump and I use this all the time when we're working in an area that's flooded so I need something to pump out that water so we can excavate it's a great pump and it pumps about 40 to 60 gallons a minute very quick has an inch and a half discharge just like the Soler's but the only thing I don't like about these pumps and I'd usually don't try to install them is this is the float and this is what actuates the pump it's a flapper can you hear that click that turns on it off the pub so what can happen with this if you're not familiar with it this float can get stuck against the side of the pit very easily both in the off position and in the on position and because it's cast aluminum it's not cast-iron it overheats quite quickly but again if you're trying to just do a temporary repair this is a great little pump but try to avoid pumps that have a flapper so you've seen me install mini sump pumps and sump basins and I just want to review that with you real quick using this HDPE NDS 24 inch depth what we like to do is try to use the hacksaw cut that nipple off and bring that line into that to that port doesn't always work that way I mean sometimes our lines remember we're digging through a grade so sometimes our lines come down quite deeper when we have to you know extend the pit double the pit or use a culvert to get to the depth that we need but things that you need is you need a handy dandy drill cordless drill and a four and a half inch hole saw this is most important on this job because you can bring this in at any level so I can drill a hole right here to bring our inlet line in if this if that's the depth that's needed could do the same thing on the sewage line on the sewage pit usually you're up here at the top but you could come down at any level and just drill your holes directly into the pit no worries just pop that pipe right in remember it's four inch pipe that we're running through there you also need a two and a half inch I'm sorry a two inch hole saw this is for the discharge of that line yes you can come up out of the top and send it out but for that clean look what we like to do is bring that discharge line out underground so we can put a a two inch hole here which is the exact outer diameter of inch and a half pipe perfect every time so a couple of tools that you do need need your handy dandy Black & Decker everybody likes that but you know a good 20 volt cordless drill or any kind of three-eighths power drill four and a half inch hole saw and a two inch hole saw and you're all set so I know I gave you a lot of information very quickly of course you could always stop your video rewind it to see all that but the point of all this video is there's lots of ways to solve problems wet yards french drains though there's so many different ways you can do this and as drainage contractors over 30 years we've been doing this I think I've learned quite a bit of what works and what doesn't work I think today that you know thank thank you google there are so many videos out there today and all this hype about fabric about gravel for your french drain you know what it all it's all good some people they do tremendous amounts of gravel and wrap in a fabric that they say works really well and they don't put catch basins on it other people they they wrapped up the perforated pipe with a sock and then they put gravel on that or they don't and then they add catch basins you know what everything seems to work pretty good and the life expectancy of any of these systems it really depends on whether or not you clean the line or not we recommend that you clean that drain about every three to five years you can call us you know we have a machine that you've seen us clean many many drains we'd clean corrugated pipe every day there's not a problem with that we clean PVC every day that makes no difference if your lines broken and collapsed well it's broken and claps but ask for tree roots if you maintain that line and send a cable down that line to clean it out every three to five years that thing is going to last forever again there are different videos out there with all kinds of ways to install french drains yard drain channel drains micro channel drains crawlspace bay it's all good stuff and I think the best part of YouTube is that there's so much information out there that you really have a great choice and really start to learn what works for you on your particular drainage project hey this is Chuck without the drainage reminding you that if you believe you can do something I guarantee you we do it have a great day [Music] one final quick note I see this a lot five gallon bucket with a sump pump inside do not do this as a temporary thing where you're just pumping water out yes you can do that do not make this permanent let me quickly show you why we'll just use this smaller this is a very small zero but you can see it just barely [Music] [Music] so the prints drain you know there's so many videos out there now about how to install four inch drain and everybody has this big controversy over fabric and does it work do we need it what's the best fabric you know every application is different I've got over 600 videos out there to show you how to install a French drain whether you use the peanut pipe you know the easy flow with the 4 inch corrugated surrounded by styrofoam peanuts whether you use perforated pipe surrounded by gravel whether you use this new thing called hydro blocks everything you're going to do is going to help solve your problem how long will it last nobody really knows certain fabrics allow water to come in quickly other fabrics are a lot to come in slowly but regardless I I believe a life of a French drain is about 15 to 20 years no matter what in clay soils the fabric I feel is not as needed as it is in a sandy soil but again it doesn't really matter I truly believe that if you do this properly with the right amount of materials you're gonna solve your problem and all those companies that want to knock another company beware up because that's really not the greatest people you want to be with I think again there's tons of videos out there not just mine but so many out there so much information thank you google [Music]
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 57,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french drain, how to install french drain, sump pump, sump liner, sump pit, Zoeller M53, Apple Drains, Drainage Contractor, Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Melbourne, Charlotte NC, Florida, North Carolina, Charlotte, Crawl Space, Waterproofing, Wet yard, How to fix flooded crawl space, DIY French Drain, Channel Drain, Patio Drain
Id: QtllfJPL3jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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