Best Strongest Security Chain Bolt Cutter Cropper Proof Chain

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[Music] hey what's going on out there guys um this is Wayne here and we're going to be looking at the big dogs of security chain uh this is the payag security chain this is what I did my original video on uh payeg Square link chain um this stuff here is absolutely tough I mean it's super super tough uh this is the new competitor this is the uh security Max from First Chain uh this came from Delta chain and rigging this is just regular uh 80 proof uh coil chain here so this is like a high quality transport chain and this is just some junky uh hardware store junk um so first of all uh how did I test this stuff um HK poter made made in the USA bolt cutters boom just like that uh I keep the edge on these very very very sharp and um you can see what it did uh cutting these these security chains really messed up the The Cutting Edge on that luckily I know how to fix that I'll be able to grind that back down and and resharpen that but here's why here's how the numbers work here's how it breaks down scientifically security Chain versus standard big box chain or transport chain um like this here and uh HK Porter bolt TS they are designed to cut things up to 48 on the Rockwell hardness scale so we're going to bring it back down to science we're going to bring up Rockwell hardness scale cuz that's what's really going to matter here if it's hard if one material is harder than the other it's going to cut it by a certain percentage if it's not the amount of Leverage that I have with those big giant bulk Cutters it's going to get cut so the hardness on the jaws of your bolt cutters is going to be 62 that's going to be a super hydrate tool steel rock wall hardness scale of 62 that's just a a good Baseline anything else is probably going to be less than that if you pick up some Bol Cutters from your big box store uh you know junky ones from Harbor Freight or wherever they're not even going to be that hard so don't waste your time messing with those uh we're only working with the quality stuff here this stuff is supposed to be hardened to right around that 40 mark 40 38 to 42 uh but it's just so big and thick that it doesn't it it just doesn't allow you to really cut through it um we'll go through this right here this is the payag 12 mm uh snow chain this is a chain that's designed it was originally designed for uh loaders and heavy equipment just like this um what they've done with that is they figured out how to make it extremely hard pay WS noow chains number one chain and safety around the world um number one brand in North America and worldwide here's why uh this chain has the highest alloy content on the market and goes up to 63 on the Rockwell hardness scale so this chain is hotter than the steel in my bolt cutter so they right there and and um that's why this chain is so so tough and so durable um and only comes into the metric sizes so 12 is pretty comparable to/ in uh that's why we've got that there but um the other thing to consider is that this is case hardened but it's case hardened Ultra Ultra hard so the center is probably about as hard as this stuff is here this stuff is through hardened uh so it's going to maintain that hardness of that 42 to 38 all the way through this is just it's not even going to give you a chance to get a bite on that and I'll show you that later um see if we got some more information here uh so this is the part number if anybody wants to order it this is uh Payway hardened Square link chain uh 12 mm is 3012 uh that's the stock number 12 mm uh heavy equipment uh it's weight is is about 117 lb per 50 ft uh so let's take a look at that I was mistaken in my last uh video and kind of made the assumption that all square link chain from payg was the same and was referring people to the grade 100 chain that is not the case we want the payag Harden Square link chain for designed for Traction tires and now we have the official part number that's going to work out well or we can go with the glacier Square link chain uh it's hardened as well and its part number is 20112 SL 20112 SL both of those you're going to get this Ultra Ultra hard 60 what was it 63 on the Rockwell hardness scale harder than the bolt cutters so that's what you're going to be looking at there um first chain is going to be let's see here your half2 in security Max chain part number 38- 448 CL put that right there what is it 38- 448 CL right there um so this is going to be a through Harden chain and you can see right here this is this is the ultimate test right here um I jumped up and down on those bolt cutters on this and it did make this indent that's going to that that's why we prove everything scientifically that's why I'm such a believer in figuring out what is the Rockwell hardness scale what is that steel designed to do what's in those Alloys to go ahead and do that I was able to bite into a little bit but trust me after 10 minutes of jumping up and down on these things I'm I'm done I'm I'm not I mean I'm defeated I'm not doing it your Edge is getting flatter on the bolt cutters is only getting H to cut through and make your way down through this stuff here's what happened on the payag chain nothing not even a scratch you cannot tell where I made any kind of attempt to cut that even in the weakest point in the bend here again 63 Rockwell hardness scale rating it's case hardened but I'm sure if the outside is 63 by the time it gets to the center you're maybe in the 50s maybe down to 48 um either way I cannot believe how tough this stuff is uh both of these are great when it comes down to it that's what's going to happen here this is your grade 80 transport chain uh you know it's pretty difficult to cut but I was able to mle my way through it and then this is just some big box store um you know it's not really rated for anything it's just I think it's got a weight rating of 3,000 lb um let just go ahead and redo a little bit of that for an example here go ahead and put this link in here take that like so and so that's cut half in boom uh not very difficult that stuff there uh pretty difficult to cut through I'm not going to go through that again I'm just going to show you on the other side here what me bouncing up and down on this thing does and how long it even took to make that kind of a dent in there let's see get that on that weakest part right there okay so you can see me jumping up and down on this thing and that's all we're going to get out of it just a little tiny bite mark right there and then not much at all under here I mean I can't even hardly you can see it maybe a little bit but I can barely feel it so not very easy that's why we go with these hardened security chains I'll go ahead and take this one there's a pay wag throw that in there same thing right on that weak Edge that was my b Cuts oo yeah so you can see I don't know if the camera picked that up or not that spark was actually my bolt cutters chipping right there so I'm not going to mess it done with that anymore CU I don't feel like catching a piece of shrapnel I can't even figure out where I was cutting on that thing cuz it just doesn't must be that right there must be that right there so definitely uh out of all the chains that I've seen or tried um and we got some you know we got the 38 stuff too uh you have to check out my other video for that this stuff is unbelievably hard uh that was kind of cool I hope the camera picked that up but it actually chipped and there was actually a spark um from the bolt cutters the Jaws actually split uh and a chunk came flying off of there uh when trying to cut this that is insane uh that just goes to show you that when we bring it back to you know the rock wall hardness scale if if uh the bolt bolt cutter Jaws are 62 and this is 63 is not even going to touch it not even close so you can rest assur that your valuables will be as safe as they can be uh with the pay wag here uh one more time with the part number pay wag 12 mm chain uh Harden Square length chain 3012 that's stock number 3012 um I I'm just a firm believer in it I think it's great stuff the original video I apologize for any uh miscommunication about uh thinking this was the same as Grave 120 Chain it's not um this here is specifically designed for uh tire change for large equipment um so thanks keep watching um check out the links below to find out where you can buy this stuff I'll put some links up uh and some prices direct stuff on where to go and get this and some telephone numbers some contact information thank you to First chain supply for supplying this thank you to D&M rope uh or Delta chain and rigging Grand Junction Colorado for donating this chain um there's not much else to say this stuff right here either one of these is going to be great uh I'm pretty sure that this stuff is extremely expensive too though uh so just keep your prices in mind I think this is going to be about $14.99 and this here is going to be I think it's like 20 bucks 28 bucks a foot uh so it's probably almost price as expensive this is great it's going to do the job this is just a tiny little bit better um this is not and uh this is not so there's not much point in even putting this kind of chain on your stuff it it's just broken so easily so thanks for watching see you later so this is way with Tri County lockmith service for more information go to ww. TriCounty locksmith thanks all righty guys this is the end of the video when you watch YouTube here uh couple ways you can really help me out uh is to go ahead and make sure that you subscribe click on the Subscribe button right there and then come down here and share this video with Facebook and Twitter and any of the other uh social media facets that you are a part of uh this helps other people find my videos it helps my videos uh gain uh count and and gain the accountability and Views and that in turn helps me provide more videos to you with good information about security and the latest in technology today so Facebook Twitter go+ are about the biggest ones uh those are the ones that help out the most and um just posting those on there lets your it spreads that information uh to your friends family anybody else that would be interested in watching one of these videos and it it helps me get the cage I need to be able to to continue to make videos and provide the information to you so this helps out a lot thanks a lot have a great day
Channel: Wayne Winton
Views: 203,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chain, Bolt Cutter, Strongest Security Chain, Bolt Cutter Cropper Proof Chain, Bolt Cropper, Proof Chain, Security Chain, The top security chain, Toughest Chain, Hacksaw Proof Chain, Strongest Chain, Best Bike Chain, 63 HRC Pewag Hardened Square Link Chain 12mm, 42 HRC Security Maxx 1/2 in Security Chain, Ever, Security (Quotation Subject)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 12 2014
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