Stealing My Own Bike - 7 Bike Locks Vs Angle Grinder

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today in the name of science i'm gonna steal  my own bike i've got an angle grinder some bolt   cutters seven bike locks and we're gonna see how  long they all last it really suits you that you   know my name is brian lock number one an amazon  special cylinder lock this was three pounds 99   and we're not expecting it to last very long let's  see how it goes first lock 15 minute time limit go don't break my bike i've done this before not   that's a lot better than i thought it was  going to be someone's going to come past the   boat and think we're actually stealing a bike  look at how this looks have you given up yeah oh wow unbelievably easy why is the front wheel coming  that's the deterrent for the bike isn't it the   bike's got its own built-in anti-theft system how  long does that look like three minutes including   lawrence took seconds it took less than a  second with your gear cable cutters first safe to say 399 amazon lock don't bother it's  just pointless as well it's nothing absolutely   pointless like that that is a basically a cafe  lock it's the bet the only thing it's doing is   acting as a oh that bike's locked up i won't  bother going for that one because that one isn't   but in terms of like leaving your bike unattended  for any periods of time particularly in an urban   environment useless but it will stop lawrence lock  number two the hip lock z-lock or zed lock this is   a super light lock basically for cafe use these  retail for 19 pounds 99. 15 minute time limit   go right yourself give me some beat oh it's gone  in the river time time time time two minutes two   minutes no tools ah you can cut the next one mate  okay hip lock zed lock two minutes no tools bike   has been stolen it's got like a ratchet system on  it so it's almost like a zip a zip tie um and the   ratchets it locks into are clearly plastic the  actual construction of the inside of it is metal   so i guess it would be harder to cut through but  the ratchets are plastic so they just shoot pull   you can see the plastic pulling up along the metal  but you know its purpose is to be like a cafe lock   whilst you're sitting over there and someone runs  over starts trying to steal your bike and you just   kind of go like are you doing it that's what its  purpose is and for that i guess it would but if   you were strong you could really pull it and get  it off in like one go shortly 10 seconds if you   were a strong guy or two weak guys everyone knows  what the best lock is is when you use your helmet   and you put it around the frame and you put your  helmet together why is that not one of the tests   the cheapest d-style lock completely solid  i could find on amazon this is 14.99 tensile   resistance 500 kilograms the key have snake shape  slot it's hard to copy and interchangeability   see how it goes frame is going to bend before  that look oh by the way when i was doing the last   one i definitely saw and felt your rear wheel  bending just fyi step aside oh offended okay i've got an i've got an idea  there we go this is it we're   doing this yeah this is awesome this is this is us the members of the public  notice there's anything awry   no it all looks completely normal francis  typically what happens members from the public   sit around and watch people steal bikes instead of  saying anything surely that's off there isn't it he's done it yeah but does it actually come up  steal the bike quickly run with ice too heavy five   minutes that's that feels like a lot longer though  doesn't it like it must be scary being a bike like   that felt like 15 minutes first yeah fair play  i'm glad we saw that through because like that's   kind of the point surely is to like have a good  effort at the easiest or the lowest amount of like   tulage needed if you attacked the joint with the  angle grinder it would have done the same thing   think how much more attention the angle grinder  would bring to you though yeah because it's noisy   and louder like the mind frame of a thief now  aren't we sport near chain log i found this one   on amazon as well for 11.99 this is a combination  lock which might be its weak point the code is   zero zero zero zero and there's no way of changing  this 15 minutes on the clock go i know the code it's so low effort isn't it you'd be  the worst person to steal a bite ever   the love the lowest key bike oh have you done it is the metal gone it's really it's honestly so shut up i'm not joking did you break your arm again yeah but i got  a free bike it's already like i really like   these yeah i'm gonna get some for for winter it  stretches your skin though so it makes you look   like you're going like you've got a facelift  that's there we got three phases well not   three how much they cost five five pounds  five quid here's the health and second one   right he insists on wearing this the man the  man that cuts carbon steerers without a mask   a hip block original chain locks this one designed  to be worn around your waist when you're riding   this is an eight millimeter thick chain and sold  secure silver these retail for about 50 pounds i feel like i should be wearing these just in case try somewhere else that's definitely doing  nothing it's cyclist arms though isn't it   designed very well you can't  like get anything into it like   even if you wanted to target that you just  can't get into it i think i'm defeated   like you just can't you can't you can't  get through the metal into any of the edges oh he's done it four minutes four minutes  which really highlights how quick you get to   those other ones with an angle grinder seconds  i'm a bit shocked ankle grinders are so good   this is a hip lock gold again designed to be  worn around your waist when you're riding this   is slightly thicker 10 millimeters and sold  secure gold so if you want to be covered by   insurance bike insurance in a lot of cases you  have to be using a lock which is gold sold secure   or better the next two locks we're testing are  bronze rating was for locks that could withstand   a minute with basic tools a silver rating is for  locks that could resist three minutes with a wider   selection of tools and gold was for locks that  lasted five minutes with a sophisticated array   of tools we need to beat five minutes we know  that we're not going to be able to pull this   lock apart we know we're not going to be able  to get through with the bolt cutter because it's   even thicker than the last one which we couldn't  do so let's see if we can beat the five minutes well that's disappointing 43 seconds and you  cut it wrong it should have gotten wider faster   so here the bike's done so really 30 seconds  on a gold standard lock did you say they sent   you one of their locks oh they're going to be  very unhappy with that one i guess it's not this   who the hell is doing the testing then  i'm going to start my own standard   nick secure he just walks around with angle riding  the hip block d1000 this is a anti-angle grinder   lock these are currently unreleased i've got a  pre-production model but when they do release   they're going to be 250 quid so this is actually  a diamond lock made of diamonds this is apparently   the best possible lock you can get it's metal  welded to metal so that i'm guessing this stuff   must be some kind of metal that's  stronger than other metal technical jimmy   is it because the yellow dust is poisonous  that kills anyone trying to break into it another new disk the bike thief is not going to stop halfway  through the robbery are they and put a new disc on   that's seven discs 15 minutes i keep telling  you there's a much easier way to do this   get me another disc i'll show you it's gone with my bike i think it's the best to  be honest so what have we learned today well i   think we have learned that seat tubes are not  needed that in terms of the locks the only good   one was the diamond one at the end yeah all of  the rest you can get through within a minute   less than a minute i kind of wish  you had a kryptonite new york lock   yeah a good d-lock because they're a lot cheaper  than that but they are very very beefy and i'd be   interested to know if it is as good as that that  lock is very good i'm going to disappoint you   i'm disappointed how good it is to be honest  i was really optimistic that we could have   that you would have been able to go back to them  and go like oh yeah you know your prototype lock   killed it but unfortunately that's not what it is  even if you could get through that the amount of   smoke and crap and the smell and how long it took  even if you did eventually get into that someone's   going to try that and go that's not worth it  you know what i mean it just it was disgusting you
Channel: Cade Media
Views: 451,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cycling, bike, cyclist, london, bicycle, road, francis, cade, locks, tested, stolen, sold, secure, gold, kryptonite, d-lock, chain, hiplok, fixed, gear, commuter, messenger, tips, tricks
Id: tfZ-S63AsPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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