BEST Street Food of Osaka Japan 2022

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[Music] so [Music] hey guys welcome back to another video and greetings from osaka my second home in japan on this video we're gonna share with you guys some of our favorite snacks and street food on this amazing foodie city so satoshi when you think of osaka what is the first thing that comes to mind takoyaki okonomiyaki that's what most people would say actually but you know osaka offers a lot more than just takoyaki and okonomiyaki of course you have to try those things but i lived here for a year a long long time ago and i discovered that there's so much more than just takoyaki and okonomiyaki and that's what i want to show you guys today all right our first stop is hanshi ikayaki it is located in the basement floor of the hunch department store at the snack park this is like a mini food court with lots of osaka specialties department store is located in umeda which is one of the major entertainment business districts in osaka they've been selling these ever since i can remember when i lived here in osaka like 30 years ago yeah they were selling these and they were just as popular as they are today this is the original ikayaki it is basically a pancake with uh pieces of squid it's cooked like a waffle and it's like a really perfect snack you see you see pieces of the squid in here i haven't had these in like gee at least 10 years they're even better than i remembered you see like that's like the perfect amount of okonomiyaki sauce in there perfect snack and it's only like 150 something yen very reasonable you can have like three of these and it'll fill you up the sauce taste and this squid flavor is really nice it's combined very well and butter or pancake bag little bit squishy chewy that's good so one more thing we bought it's called dera you can see a lot of egg yolk here it becomes closer to okonomiyaki maybe which one are not better but maybe i prefer the original one ikayaki because of this sauce flavor sauce of flavor and this squid flavor matches nicely right guys so next stop is tsuruhashi station on the jr loop line or how we say in japanese kanjo san i actually used to live just one station away from here when i lived in osaka in morinomiya station this one station here that's why i frequented this place a lot this is home to japan's largest korea town and i believe it is the oldest korea town as well it really feels like you're in korea for me it feels like i'm not in japan anymore you know you have lots of street food stalls lining the many many alleyways and tiny little streets that make up this huge marketplace in fact today we're only visiting the old marketplace you can actually go to the new korea town which is about maybe eight to ten minutes walk away from here if you're interested in that check out our older video that we did by clicking right up there we also have the link in the description below this video and we stumbled upon this shop selling korean guacamole seaweed and korean shijime baby clams they're so good now this is a shop right here as soon as you enter this little tunnel you can find the shop right here this is the shijimi here's nice man thank you so much thank you thank you and this is the the the makeup the seaweed really really good thank you so much bye-bye check it out guys this is like an open market underneath the railway tracks and they sell all kinds of things here you can get korean chili pepper to make your own kimchi of course you can get ready-made kimchi look at look at this variety of kimchi freshly made it's amazing it's like amazing literally hundreds of shops here i couldn't reach to the same place how many either really there aren't so bad directions so there are so many shops to choose from in this korean marketplace we decided to go with this one we are here at hirayama shoten this is one of the stores that's located outside of the marketplace kind of like the inside but the outside you know what i mean it's inside you got to go inside the market to find this outdoor area so so we ordered a couple of things here the ladies making it fresh for us right now and we got nice outdoor seating under the sun beautiful weather not too hot not too cold we've got a couple of our korean corn tea i love corn tea because it's um there's no caffeine in it and i like the taste of the corn the first thing i'm gonna try is the kimchi chijimi look at that oh it's freshly made she cut it up for us we waited for about five minutes so it's nice and fresh and hot look at that korean pancake i see chives in there the red color is kimchi they serve it with a little bit of sauce okay let's dip it in the sauce taking us that's good this is amazing freshly grilled doesn't get any better than this a little bit spicy because the kimchi inside a lot of cabbage in here the chives give it a really nice flavor i like that the outside is a little bit crispy the inside is soft and the sauce adds like a nice tartness kind of like sesame ish i almost want to order another one this is another one of my favorite korean street food toppoki it's basically korean mochi with some fish cake and it's in this nice gochujang sauce but it's delicious nice and hot too the food here is good i kind of underestimate it now the mochi has a nice texture it's soft sometimes it can be on the firm side this much is really soft it's not like overly spicy but definitely has a kick piece of fish cake nice flavor [Music] i think this could be like one of the best korean street food i had in japan not even joking oh it's soft immediately the seafood um came and the mochi as it is it's very soft not very soft it's nicely soft it's tasty this sauce is good kimchi chichi so this one is kimchi so the color is really nice it's different from the kimchi i used to eat all right we ended up getting a couple of corn on the cobs she said this is a little bit different and has a different texture so i'm gonna try it out yeah this is so different from any corn i've ever had what the texture is like it's not like corn textures like they've added glutinous rice inside the corn because it has like a bouncy texture i guess it's the same one it's just not multicolored different texture this one's more similar to the typical corn but not really even this one the texture is like much oh my god i don't even know how to describe it it's like almost like dough it's good but it's just so unique actually japanese um once again guys definitely recommend you visiting this area tsuhashi korea town if you're a fan of korean food so we came to namba in number there are so many casual food and street foods and shinichi said this is very delicious it is called kabetsuyaki green cabbage but it's not just a cabbage it's like a okonomiyaki this is cabbage kavetsuyaki there are so many shredded cabbage inside and benny showed up the red ginger and egg and green onions as well and also there's a sakurabi the pink shrimp so it almost the pancake bottle is soft and fluffy and the cabbage and this sweet sauce it's really good on the pancake there they put egg and cabbage i like this reba and texture the sweetness and texture here's something i haven't had in ages as well this one and the ikayaki i haven't had these for so long taking us that is really good the cabbage and the egg and the sauce this is such a good snack for 160 yen if you want more you can buy two for only 300 yen 20 yen discount what a bargain i'm so happy that satoshi is finally getting to eat one of my favorite snacks in osaka after this we're going to go to 551 hawaii which has one of my favorite favorite things to eat in the entire world okay right after that we went to my favorite gogo ichihorai five five one hodai they are a chinese restaurant and they only have shops here in the kansai region they have no shops in tokyo for example so when they have like a pop-up shop in tokyo sometimes they do maybe two times a year there's like a huge line like you have to wait like three four hours sometimes you have to get a ticket to wait in life so for me i'd rather just come to osaka and buy it here you don't have to wait in line but anyway we're gonna we're walking over to dotonbori which is only about maybe a six seven minute walk from here because we want to get some takoyaki there and we're going to enjoy over there all right we've got our butaman from gogo ichihorai so so happy and excited we're walking over to dotonbori now that's where we're going to enjoy them we just about takoyaki balls from cuckoo and shinji will take me to somewhere a good place i don't know where it is [Music] immediately the juicy pork beautiful delicious flavor came to my mouth and filled my mouth it has sweetness and the buns outside of this buns are fluffy a little bit squishy always this is good if you come to osaka please do like you never regret guys this is the best pork bun in japan peri ed of course that's my humble opinion but you might want to trust my humble opinion this is amazing all right let's give it a go whoa this thing it's so simple because it's just pork and onions but the combination of pork and onions is incredible the onions give it this nice natural sweetness the pork is so juicy good fat to meat ratio and the bun once again i don't know what it is but the bun has a nice subtle sweetness to it as well and i love the texture of the bun now i could just live off just the bun they also give you packets of their famous five five on hawdai mustard and it's perfect with the nikuman just add a little not too much though because it is on the hot side oh my god i'm so happy right now i'm gonna savor this very slowly we tried the takoyaki from many many places and this shop kukuru was one of my favorite shops so we decided to buy this takoyaki inside yes it's like a cream toroto and octopus and the chewiness and inside variety of flavors it's a flavor party then salt is good dried seaweed when it breaks works nice if you come to osaka please try variety of takoyaki bowls and compare which one is your favorite okay so we are hitting our limit i am so stuffed right now so stuff you know think about um osaka food um a lot of it is based on flour that's right so it's very filling you know but it's called yeah it's called konomon in osaka anyway we do want to finish this video with dessert so we are going to go to america in osaka they just shorten and say amemura which means american village that's where they have our dessert waiting for us so guys this is american village american village is located just a stone's throw from dotonbori this is the place of youth culture and fashion and trends when i lived in osaka i used to hang out at this place all the time because number one i was in my early twenties number two i enjoyed the street food number three i liked fashion and buying clothes but this place is also famous for takoyaki they have good takoyaki and they're super famous for this thing called the ice dog which we're going to be eating right now here is ice dog and soft cream shop this is the ice dog in this deep fried just deep fried hot dog bread this is ice cream ice cream and strawberry sauce today it's pretty hot and inside the ice cream is cold so i have to eat immediately the bread is pretty hot but ice cream is of course it is very cold the contrast is pretty fun and this bread hot dog bread is really fluffy really airy fluffy and it's nice that when i bite my teeth go through into this bread so easily and reach to this cold ice cream very fun now you may see the same type of dessert elsewhere but this is the original this is where it was invented and this is a deep fried hot dog bun i don't know what that does to it but it makes it so delicious like magic and they're using a special oil that's not oily at all so yeah it's magic that is magic that is just like a bite of heaven oh my gosh what is it you know what it kind of reminds me of the hawaiian portuguese donut malasadas it has that flavor that deep-fried donut flavor but it's not very sweet at all the bun is crispy on the outside but the inside is like super fluffy oh and that cold ice cream in the center i'm just gonna get over how delicious this is if you come to the shop please try the original one just the vanilla saucer with the bread they also have like matcha flavor they have other strips that you can pour on it's really really good all right we have come back to dolton body to end this video i had a great time once again walking around osaka we didn't show you every place of osaka there's you know other places like uh tennochi that we didn't go to today but we can't eat anymore we had so much food i'm so full but i really really satisfied me too what what were your favorites do you have any favorites favorite yeah favorite okay plural yeah sure what was some of your standout ikayaki the first one oh i'm so happy okay like the korean and cabbage and then the the the cabbage snack i'm so happy you like that because you know i really wanted you to like that i'm also happy you like the first snack because that's something that i i used to eat all the time when i lived here everything that we had today are already my favorites but um there were some things that i haven't tried before for example the the corn that corn blew me away so i'm gonna see the corn although that's not really cooking it's an ingredient but it's still you know something i've never seen and i've never had before so the corn number two i really like the korean pancake that was amazing and the dessert dessert okay fantastic one this is that that was so good yeah that's so good that's bread but it's not difficult to eat it doesn't feel like you're eating bread it feels like you're eating some kind of delicious air i actually could eat one more right now i actually want one right now really i'm not even joking with that said guys thank you so much for watching really hope you guys enjoyed this video which ones were your favorites let us know in the comments down below and if you enjoy videos like this one don't forget to subscribe thank you for watching see you on the next edition video bye bye bye guys [Music] you
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 86,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, osaka, street food, japanese street food, best food japan, best street food japan, street food 2022, japan 2022, osaka 2022, dotonbori, namba, amemura, takoyaki, 551 horai, best food osaka, japan food, japanese food, japan food tour, japan street food, street food japan, osaka food, what to eat in japan, japan vlog, japan travel, what to eat osaka, osaka street food, korean food
Id: gYoZEOAlOco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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