Best Stories About Haughty Princesses 👸 Story in English | Stories For Teenagers | WOA Fairy Tales

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wow fairy tales [Music] once upon a time there was a king who ruled the syringe kingdom the queen and the king had a wonderful little princess named grace the king loved his daughter very much he decided to invite a powerful fairy to the palace to predict the fate of the princess when grace grows up she will become the most beautiful girl here she will also become very clever however what's wrong ma'am what will happen to her the princess will not speak much which will make her unhappy she will only find her true happiness when someone can make her say three sentences the fairy's prediction made the king and queen extremely worried but they had no solutions for that as the fairy had said the princess grew up and became very beautiful and intelligent nothing in the world can be compared to her beauty however she did not say even a word no one could make the princess speak including the king and the queen people even forgot her real name and just called her the silent princess [Music] look she's a silent princess the king was very worried he ordered to spread the news to the whole kingdom that whoever could make the princess speak three sentences regardless of his age and social status would be able to marry her many people from different walks of life came to try but no one could make the princess speak even once grace become more and more beautiful making the name silent princess more and more famous throughout the kingdom however there was someone who did not know about her it was alias a poor woodcutter who lived in a remote area far from the palace he was very good-natured but had a silly appearance so he was often called the fool however elias was very hard-working and kind so people loved him a lot lucky me there's a river i am so thirsty now suddenly the river was shown reflecting the image of grace alias looked at the water in the fascination because he had never seen such a beautiful girl before young man what are you doing hello sir do you know why this river suddenly shines so brightly and who is that gorgeous girl in the water young man stop playing dumb who in this whole kingdom doesn't know about the silent princess the silent princess who is she why do i have to know about her what you really didn't know about this kingdom's famous princess yes i really don't know alright let me tell you every day this river shines brightly because it reflects the beauty of the silent princess sir where is she now where can i go to meet the princess she's princess grace king cyrenix's daughter if anyone can make the princess say three sentences the king will marry her to him however no one were able to make her talk at all really thank you sir since then the image of the beautiful princess craze kept popping up in elia's head making him thinking of her every day and night he wished to see her once [Music] thus elias decided to go to the palace he had walked for a really long time through large forest fast flowing rivers and high mountains as soon as he arrived in the capital elias immediately asked for the information about the silent princess after a long journey he looked very dirty he met a person who was selling his parrot the poor parrot blinked and looked at elias as if it's crying for help can you please sell this parrot to me one gold coin for it that's the fixed price huh elias searched his entire body trying to find a coin fortunately he still had one last gold coin he paid and took the parrot he freed the parrot from the cage and put it on his shoulder i want to go meet the silent princess can you show me the way just follow this way but i advise you to give up nobody can make her say three sentences because she was under a spell i tried it myself even though i did everything i could not make her talk even just a single word alias thanked for the advice and continued on his way how can i make her say three sentences that is very simple oh you can speak that's right i'm bianca thanks for saving me i will help you i want to meet princess grace but i don't know how to make her say three sentences don't worry bring me with you to meet the silent princess we will make the princess speak here here listen to me being accompanied by bianca alias went to the palace to ask for a try but after a long journey he looked very messy and dirty hmm so many smart and talented men have tried but they couldn't make grace speak how can this fool possibly do it but he's here anyway just let him try elias was allowed to talk to the princess as soon as he saw prince's grace his heart started beating so fast hello princess i am elias a poor farmer and this is my parrot and i'm bianca a cute parrot hello hello [Music] it's so lovely however princess grace was still completely silent buzz buzz i am hungry let's cook a good meal together you are so impolite don't you know that we're standing in front of the king and the queen okay let me ask for permission your majesty we just went through a long journey so we're very hungry please allow me to borrow the pot and some vegetables to cook the king and the queen were surprised but they still agreed with elia's suggestion he found some straw and some stones and started to cook wash the vegetables put them in the pot add water put the lid on alright alright put the stones there and place the pot on them how many stones only you and me two stones would be enough grace heard their conversation [Music] both of them are not very smart alias listened to bianca he used two stones on the ground to hold the pot but it did not work at all the pot just kept moving and splashed the water everywhere oh what's wrong with it it always worked the word is gone i have to get more so silly alias held the pot back and forth in front of the princess many times to get water grace was tired of that but still thought that it was so funny when she could not stand it anymore she finally said mr fool just add in there one more stone two stones only cannot keep balance as soon as she spoke out one of her veils disappeared my god my daughters just said one sentence oh that's how it works that's how it works that's how it works alias listened to the princess adding another stone and putting the pot on the pot was placed firmly on the stones bus let's set the fire hold the straw up and ignite it okay bianca picked up the straw and alias started igniting but since he held the straw up when he ignited it it did not what that's strange why doesn't the straw catch fire i did it every other day maybe they're precious straws in the kingdom so they don't burn he kept doing so that made grace extremely impatient she tried to hold back and not to laugh but then she couldn't stand it any longer she finally said mister full put the straws on the ground to burn they won't catch fire if you hold them and the second build layer disappeared oh my god it's the second time my daughters had said two sentences unbelievable elias listen to grace and the straws caught fire oh that's how it works that's how it works that's how it works what's wrong with me i have spoken twice today this time i absolutely won't say anything boss feed me feed me okay you will have your part first go bring your bow here however the parrot brought a long and narrow bottle here it is pour the broth here for me please elias poured the broth into the bottle for the parrot but the bottle was too small and the pot was too big so the broth spilled out that's a waste of fruit you pour it all out silly helius okay i'll have to boil the water again he cooked another pot again after the water was boiled alias continued to pour into the bottle and of course the water poured out again repeating that a few times grace became uncomfortable she was so angry that her face turned red mr full put a funnel on the top of the bottle then you can pour the water in as soon as she finished speaking the last pill finally disappeared her gorgeous face was revealed for the first time she was stunned and blush she realized that she had just spoken the third sentence oh my god my daughter has said three sentences this is the first time she has spoken so much in the past 20 years we made it congratulations boss please forgive me princess my parrot and i had a plan to make you upset so that you would speak oh that's brilliant you have a very smart parrot i have already said three sentences i agreed to marry you smart i am so smart in the end the curse on the silent princess was lifted and she finally found her partner since then grace was no longer silent and they lived happily ever after fairy tales once upon a time in prismir land far away there lived a beautiful and intelligent princess named stella she owned a high tower with a magic prism which was able to look out everything no matter how far it was she could see all the things above and under the earth nothing at all could be hidden from her therefore she was really haughty and despised everyone the king was so worried about that because he knew with that temperament stella herself would not be able to find a true love stella you have grown up don't be so stubborn you should have a husband right has anyone caught the eye of my dear daughter yet father is always talking about this there are all ordinary people out there no one deserves me yeah the prism can help me no one can win its magic father i can do that with one condition i will only marry someone who can conceal himself from me so effectually that it should be quite impossible for me to find him the king had to agree with stella and he had this news proclaimed throughout the whole of his kingdom all the participants tried to conceal themselves from the princess some people hid inside their houses some climbed up the trees and some even disguised themselves as others however with her magic prism nothing could be hidden from stella she could easily find all of them no matter where they were inside the house behind the tree canopy even with the men in disguise she could easily point out all of them stella won them all and she kicked all the suitors away ah it's over the throne of father will be mine and i can live freely for the rest of my life without having to marry anyone why should i pay attention to those ordinary people is there any man out there clever enough to outsmart my daughter's prison far away from the palace in a remote village there lived a kind and honest man named levi he was quite a fool but he had a precious kind heart [Music] thank you levi without you i don't know how i can do it you are always welcome ma'am one day no one knew how it could happen but the news that princess stella was looking for a husband had spread throughout the village what an interesting challenge it's worth a try then he decided to find the way to the palace to take up the challenge on the way to the palace he saw an eagle with a broken wing it hopelessly lied under the tree with a kind heart levi bandaged and took care of the eagle he also fed him well his devotion helped the eagle get well really soon it was able to fly and really grateful to the young man thank you for saving my life one good turn deserves another please come here and call me if you need my help one day he came to a lake and met a fisherman pulling his net a goldfish got stuck in this net and thrashed in vain it desperately looked at levi asking for help hi i want to buy your goldfish but i have only a little gold left can you please sell it to me this amount of gold is not enough for the fish but you look so honest i'll sell it to you levi released the goldfish back to the lake it was very grateful and advised him before diving down thank you for saving my life one good turn deserves another please come here and call me if you need my help levi continued his journey this time he saw a fox which had been trapped it got an injury on the leg the fox looked at him asking for help once again with his kindness levi helped him escape the trap he carefully bandaged the fox and even found food for it soon the fox was able to run and jump as nothing had happened it was very entwined and grateful to levi thank you for saving my life one good turn deserves another please come here and call me if you need my help [Music] finally levi reached the gate of the palace in front of the king and princess levi expressed his wish to take up the challenge then he suggested to stella your highness you are the most intelligent lady in the world and i am just a fool and poor farmer it will be so gracious as to overlook it if you should happen to discover me twice but if i fail the third time i will do whatever you want stella had never seen such a handsome sincere and honest man like levi before yes i will grant you three chances but you will never succeed trying to find a place to hide levi just realized that he had been in the place where he saved the eagle before and he called it my dear eagle i need your help no sooner had he finished calling than the eagle flew over from the sky it swooped happily in front of him what has you so worried that's the whole story i don't know where to hide do you have any way to help me [Music] i have an idea just climb on my back i will bring you back to the nest and help you hide the eagle flapped its wings and flew back to the nest bringing levi along with it it flew around levi he miraculously transformed into a large egg lying in the nest it was time for stella climbed up to the top of the tower to find levi she looked through the magic prism and quickly noticed the woods in the eagle's nest a large and strange egg was glowing levi here you are transforming to an egg you are really good but you can never hide stella went to the eagle's nest she called out levi get down here i know you transformed into the biggest egg on that eagle's nest princess stella you are so clever i hid myself so carefully i thought you could never find out that is so obvious you have two more attempts think carefully and find a new place to hide struggling to find a new hiding place levi found himself in front of the lake where he had saved the goldfish my dear goldfish i need your help my benefactor what made you so worried that's the whole story we have to find a better hiding place can you help me don't worry i will hide you under this lake the princess will have no chance to find out the goldfish swam around levi several times immediately he turned into a grey carp and disappeared into the lake speaking of stella she reached the top of the tower again and looked through the magic prism immediately she noticed the lake [Music] in the lake a pair of carp were swimming wildly however there was a grey carp with strange behaviors here he is levi you are the gray carp turned into a fish you think you can fool me levi i know you are the gray carp come up here i thought this time i would definitely win you have one last time if you cannot win you will be imprisoned for the rest of your life really nothing can be hidden from her is that the end of my life at that time he realized that he was at the place where he had saved the fox levi called it my dear fox i need your help right now what has you so worried that's the whole story we have only one chance left do you have any way to help me don't worry i have a wonderful idea the fox casted a spell turning levi into a lovely white rabbit and the fox turned into a traitor the most dangerous place is the safest i will sell you to the princess habit to the palace for offering a sale the most beautiful lovely white rabbit in the world is here the rabbit was so beautiful that stella fell in love with it from the first sight she immediately bought it with a high price i want that white rabbit remember when the princess comes to the tower to use the prism you should hide in her hair stella really love the rabbit she carries it with her all the time finally it was the time for stella to climb up the tall tower to look for levi levi who was in the guise of a white rabbit quickly hid behind her hair as well stella carefully look out with her prism in the sky and on the ground but this time levi seemed to have disappeared which made stella really surprised it's too strange why can't my prism find levi it still works normally stella started to panic she maximized the scope of the prism but still could see levi nowhere my magic prism has completely been unable to see levi anywhere so have i lost already as soon as she finished talking the prism was broken into a thousand pieces at that moment the rabbit on stella's shoulder jumped down turning into levi stella was really shocked so you are the rabbit that i bought the most dangerous place is the safest place you were so complacent with the magic prism that you hadn't noticed a harmless rabbit beside you thanks to that i was lucky to win stella was so sad she knew that levi had taught her a lesson nothing else but the arrogance has covered my eyes she had to accept that levi was better than herself therefore she kept her promise and agreed to marry him the wedding was solomized inside the palace with the blessings of everyone levi also invited the eagle goldfish and fox to the wedding since then stella had not been arrogant anymore she was very satisfied with her kind husband they lived happily ever after fairy tales [Music] once upon a time in a remote kingdom there was an old king who had three princesses princess emilia princess catherine and the youngest princess charlotte all of them had very different personalities relying on a rich husband princess emilia was always snazzy and bought jewelry frequently princess catherine spent all of her husband's family's money on food there was no dish in the world that she had never tried princess charlotte on the other hand had a different viewpoint she not only doesn't rely on her family's wealth but she was also very hardworking one day the king ordered all three princesses to come to him hey now that you're all through here today i must tell you something yes princess charlotte is old enough to get married and you'll marry the chancellor's son and you will live a wealthy and comfortable life just like your sisters [Music] dear father i will not marry the chancellor's son the two sisters were startled and dropped their jaw in surprise looking at princess charlotte you said what do you dare to see that again dear father i don't want to marry the chancellor's son i want to work to become rich on my own well leave this palace immediately if you don't want to be rich get out he's gone down your majesty she's just calm down what have you been teaching this girl she's a princess and she wants to do servant work well we'll see how well you do outside the palace with nothing and you may not return until you're as rich as your sisters yes father after being kicked out from the palace princess charlotte was only given a blind horse by the time she left the palace no one saw her off except the queen her loving mother don't be sad i will find a way to get rich and i'll come back for you the queen was very sad as she held princess charlotte's hands now you follow me when i become rich i will cure your blindness princess charlotte left the palace and sought a way to become rich from her empty hands the horse was blind but it still walked with stability the princess kept going on and on and finally entered the forest when it was getting dark the horse stopped in front of a hut the princess jumped down and entered the hut hello ma'am who are you waiting for i am here waiting for my son he went to carry charcoal how about you why did you come here all alone in the dark like this oh i was just passing by it is dark now i'm looking for a place to stay tonight oh really if you don't mind my small house then you can stay here for the night that would be great thank you so much oh my son has finally pretend while princess charlotte and the old woman were talking ruslan got back three of them stood there talking for a while hi hey mom i got the charcoal boy it's really heavy i'll just hold it here then you turn to look at the girl standing by uh who's this oh she's our guest tonight she was passing by but it got dark so she wants to stay for a night after that the old woman turned to introduce her son to princess charlotte this is my son ruslan all right we should go inside to rest first and talk later [Music] i am rustling and who are you why were you wandering all alone in the dark like this i i hmm the princess began to describe the reasons why she left the palace as well as the purpose of her coming here she expressed her wish to be the old woman's daughter-in-law hearing that the old woman clasped her hands in fear and tried to refuse princess please forgive us for not recognizing you my son can't marry such a noble person like you i just want to live a peaceful life with my son here oh mom you're embarrassing me you can just spend the night here in the house and wherever you want to go tomorrow i'll take you there the princess immediately stood up held the old woman's hand and pleaded with the woman and her son i want to prove to my father that i can become rich on my own please help me you too i can do anything you want yeah okay there was no way to deny the beautiful and honest princess the old lady accepted the princess asked about all their work and daily activities they spoke until midnight the next morning after cleaning the house sweeping the yard [Music] the princess had breakfast with her new family i woke up early to clean our house i also swept the yard and took the horse to grace yeah i also made breakfast you can go eat then go burn the firewood or you'll be late oh you're so hard working let's go and have breakfast now mother is waiting yeah now i've done all the housework can i go to burn firewood with you please the path there is very rough but i'll stay here with mom rustling is right burning firewood is hard you should stay with me and we'll hold the backyard together to grow corn in time yes i'll listen to both of you shortly after seeing off her husband to go to the forest to burn firewood princess charlotte and her mother-in-law went to the garden to hold the land for new crops she worked hard from morning to night oh it's much faster to work together let's go my daughter you should go home first it's still early so i'll cut more grass for the horse to eat tonight every time after she and her mother-in-law rode the land she went to cut grass for the horse later that day the princess told rustlin that she wanted to sell charcoal to help him today i've heard the garden backyard with mother to prepare for the new season from tomorrow please let me help you sell charcoal why are you so eager all right dear you'll help me sell charcoal in the market then i'll have more time to cut firewood and sail since then every morning after doing all the housework the diligent princess started pushing the charcoal cart to the market to sell it his wife helped him sell coal so ruslan had more time to go into the forest day by day princess charlotte was getting used to the work so all the charcoal was sold already before it came to the market how did you sell them all so early i have many regular customers now i just need to take the charcoal out to sell besides our charcoal is good it's popular now it's sold out fast it's good job doctor you should go take a shower and rest please go in first mom i'll go to the garden to home more soil and plant potatoes for more food next season every time after coming back from the market she hoed the garden to prepare for the new harvest suddenly one day she heard something hard the princess was very surprised she sat down to check and pulled the hard object up it was a piece of gold the size of an egg the princess shouted happily oh it's a golden egg the princess put the golden egg in the basket and returned home every day princess charlotte worked very hard to cultivate the soil and plant vegetables the next day was the same as the previous day the princess found another piece of gold she always put all of them in the basket and took them home she got more and more eggs each day although being busy all day the princess never forgot about the horse every day she cut grass and leaves for the horse to eat at night then she heard a sudden voice what a great the princess was very surprised to cure his blindness go get the leaves in well water on the top of fairy mountain is it for real just go pick the leaves and get the water for three months he will be cured yes thank you so much the magician smiled nodded and walked away starting then every afternoon after the gardening was finished princess charlotte quickly climbed to the top of fairy mountain to pick the leaves and get the water from the well for the horse she persisted in this work for three months without any day off as expected by the end of the third month the horse was cured of blindness princess charlotte was deeply moved you can see me now right horse right that evening the princess asked ruslan to let her go burn the firewood in the mountain with him our great horse is no longer blind i'm also used to selling charcoal yeah from tomorrow i will have lots of free time please let me go burn firewood with you well the path is quite difficult and you're a girl your arms are weak how could you possibly climb there but i really want to help i can do it no matter how hard it is please let me go to burn the firewood with you because the princess really wanted to go ruslan finally agreed to let her go with them to the mountain to burn the firewood this diligent girl's very stubborn if you don't let her i'm sure that she will follow you just let her go with you one time if she can't make it she will just stay home next [Music] um time just afraid you'll work too hard you know i don't want to see you suffer i know you care for me but i can handle it well if you want to come that much you can come with me tomorrow up to the mountain but if you find it difficult then you don't need to try so hard yes thank you dear starting next day charlotte and her husband went to the mountain to burn firewood together after a few confusing days she began to learn how to cut down trees and branches a little later all the logs were piled up tightly around the charcoal kiln seeing the firewood pile getting bigger and bigger charlotte discussed with her husband plans to dig the second charcoal kiln while digging the princess saw the golden eggs in the hole one golden egg two golden eggs and then the couple discovered a big gold mine the couple were extremely happy they secretly discussed with each other how to bring all the gold home starting that day every afternoon the couple carried a load of charcoal and let the horse carry one cart in each load of the cart of charcoal there were always 10 or 15 golden eggs for three months the couple tried to move all the gold in the cave home and bury it carefully then came the corn and sweet potato season they got a very good harvest since then they always had corn and potatoes in their house to eat and gold to spend on daily expenses realizing their gold was 10 times more than the king's amount of gold the princess immediately asked her husband and mother-in-law to build a house since you came here we've been getting richer and richer you can do whatever you want yes dear you're our family's lucky star mama and i will let you decide thank you mom thanks my dear then tomorrow please go to the palace and measure it we will build a big house just like that ruslan and the old woman smiled and nodded to agree with princess charlotte listening to his wife early next morning he went to the palace in order to measure the length the width and the height of the king's palace however the guards stopped him and didn't let him in i'm a charcoal seller husband of princess charlotte son-in-law of the king as she ordered i came here to measure the palace and build her one of the same size [Music] while arguing ruslan heard a loud scream ruslan was startled and looked towards the direction where the voices came from the king the queen and the two princesses heard the news and immediately came to see who was making a fuss in the palace um a charcoal seller that wants to build a palace ridiculous who do you think you are poor thing go burn your firewood and bring him here maybe we'll have pity on you and buy some the two princesses turned to look at each other and burst into laughter the king snorted with contempt and the two princesses glanced past ruslan and then turned around and walked away there was only the queen left who was still standing there who sadly told ruslan you'd better go home please help me take care of the princess after saying that the queen sighed and turned around being criticized ruslan was extremely sad and angry arriving home ruslan told charlotte the whole story in the palace the princess immediately comforted him well don't be sad dear i'll let father and sisters know later now please try to be more patient okay dear good advice day after day a huge building which was even larger than the king's palace was built to replace the hut the building was completed only after two months when they moved to their new house charlotte asked her husband to go and invite the king and queen to come and visit them but the king sarcastically told ruslan to send two golden carriages to the palace to pick up the king and queen charlotte immediately ordered the casters to make two golden carriages and bring three horses to pull them the king and two princesses were very surprised but since they had accepted the invitation already they decided to go to charlotte's house the carriages carried the king the queen and two princesses to princess charlotte's castle and stopped in front of the castle all of them marveled at the huge castle everything was carved carefully with the gold and silver they were surprised to see the house princess charlotte came to greet the king with her horse the horse was very strong raising his head to welcome the king the king realized that it was the blind horse that he had given her so he was deeply moved the whole family had a big party in the front yard you've been working hard i'm very happy to see you're living a good life how about you come live with me please mom the queen was very surprised at princess charlotte's suggestion she thought about the time when her daughter had to struggle with a hard life so she agreed with the offer knowing her two sisters do not work at all and their money's running out princess charlotte gave each sister a chest of gold in the end the king and the two older princesses returned to the palace and the queen lived with princess charlotte's wow fairy family once upon a time there was a wealthy and powerful king who ruled a peaceful kingdom called ala kala the king really loved his golden apple tree in the royal garden every day he went to the garden and counted every apple on the tree without getting bored one day the king was surprised to find out that someone stole his golden apples from the tree there is an apple missing who dared to steal my precious apple he ordered his two sons vegas and calvin to find out who had stolen it the first night the older prince vegas sat under the golden apple tree to watch over it i've been sitting here for so long but nothing happened what a waste of time just a moment later he fell asleep by the apple tree the next morning the king went to the garden to check he was so angry to see another apple had been stolen from the tree dear father i watched the tree all night but didn't see anything strange the king didn't say anything just angrily turned away the second night it was the younger prince calvin's turn to watch the golden apple tree even though he was so sleepy he tried to keep himself awake at midnight a beautiful golden bird appeared it flew to the tree and was able to take another apple away calvin immediately raised his bow and shot the arrow scared the bird and it flew away calvin quickly chased after it then he found a glittering golden feather on the ground he quickly entered the palace and gave it to his father so it was the golden bird that stole my golden apple i tried to shoot it last night the bird was probably scared and won't come back again i want the bird you two have to go find that golden bird for me whoever can bring it here first will be the next king vegas always thought that he was smart and he wanted to be king so he left to go find it right on that day vegas went into the forest he suddenly saw a beautiful fox who was searching for prey in front of him you appear just in time i'm super hungry i will have fox meat for dinner don't shoot please spare my life in return i will give you a helpful advice what advice can you possibly give me if you go this way you will find two ins one is very shabby the other one looks luxurious but don't go to the luxurious one just take a rest at the smaller one otherwise you will get bad luck how can i trust such a cuddling animal like you aren't you looking for a golden bird how do you know do you know where it is of course i do it's this way just go straight there and you'll find it where is it i don't see anything are you sure it's the right direction [Music] i missed it what a cunning fox i shouldn't have trusted it well now i'll go find an interest and eat vegas went towards the path the fox told him and surprisingly he saw two ins just like the fox had said that cunning fox must have lied to me what's wrong with this inn i'll just come to the better one to stay then vegas chose the luxurious inn he brought a lot of money so he decided to spend the money to have fun vegas was distracted by the lavish parties and the endless fun in the inn so he forgot about his mission to find a golden bird the next morning prince calvin also set out to look for the golden bird just like vegas calvin also saw the beautiful little fox looking for food on the way oh it's a fox it's so lovely the fox was scared to see calvin it moved back towards the tree please let me go don't kill me in return i promise to give you a helpful advice don't be scared i will not harm you oh you're so kind-hearted you're gonna go this way right then you will see two ins one is very shabby and yodo is luxurious choose the shabby ian to stay in then you will have good luck calvin found two ends next to each other just like what the fox had said he listened to the advice and chose to stay in the shabby inn that night calvin had a very good sleep the next day he woke up early and continued on his journey to find a bird as soon as he walked out he saw the fox waiting for him in front of the door you must have had a good sleep last night found me i will lead you to the enchanted castle there you'll find the precious golden bird oh you know i'm looking for the golden bird just follow me the fox led calvin to a beautiful ancient castle this castle is asleep just sneak in there and go to the largest room then you will see the golden bird take it out and remember do not touch the golden bird cage next to it or else you will be in danger calvin followed the fox advice everyone in the castle was asleep he went to the largest room and found the golden bird perching on a tree and sleeping soundly next to the bird was a golden cage the beautiful golden cage shone brightly beside the precious bird he kept looking at it without getting bored unfortunately he was attracted by the golden cage and accidentally touched it immediately the alarms rang out all over the castle everyone woke up two guards ran into the room and arrested calvin then took him to the king who are you how dare you come here to steal my precious golden bird your majesty i am prince calvin from the neighboring kingdom my father ordered me to go find a bird so i came here i didn't know the bird was yours please forgive me you are prince my daughter princess melina has been suffering from a curse for a long time so she is still sleeping in the tower next to the castle if you can wake her up i'll forgive you let you marry her and give you the golden bird calvin couldn't reject the king so he had to obey him he was very worried when he walked out the fox was still waiting outside the castle well i accidentally touched the golden cage and was arrested no i have to find a way to save princess molina do you have any ideas how sorry i cannot help you with this you'll have to do it on your own i heard that princess milino was cursed a long time ago and only a prince can wake her up and save her if you are the right person then i'm sure you can wake her up calvin went to the tower as the king's instructions he went to the bed where princess melinda was sleeping as soon as he saw her calvin fell in love with the beautiful princess even though they never met calvin gently kissed princess melina's hand surprisingly the princess opened her eyes and woke up from a long sleep thank you so much for saving me in the castle from the curse i made a vow that i would marry anyone who could save me and free the castle the king was very happy to see his daughter awake so he immediately married melinda to calvin calvin asked to take the princess to his kingdom to introduce her to his father the king agreed and also gave him the precious golden bird the smart fox also followed calvin back home when they reached the forest the fox said goodbye to calvin i have to go home now before we part i need to warn you be careful with your brother he's not a good person i got it thank you for helping me so much they said goodbye to each other the fox stayed in the forest and calvin and melinda continued their journey to the palace on the way they came across vegas because he spent all the money he had he became broke and was kicked out of the vagus is that you my brother oh yes it's you calvin my brother since calvin was always honest he told vegas the whole story when vegas saw the beautiful princess and the golden bird he was so jealous of his brother immediately he came up with a plan to harm calvin to steal princess molina and the golden bird we haven't seen each other for a long time i'm so happy for you how about we drink some wine to celebrate yes that'd be great you can go to the interest i have a drink with my brother and we'll come back soon led calvin deep in the forest to a big rock to talk vegas tried to make calvin drunk when calvin was drunk and fell asleep vegas tied him to a tree and left him there alone vegas returned to the inn to meet princess molina vegas pulled out his sword and threatened her princess calvin now is in my hands you must listen to me or else i won't spare his life from now on i'm the one who saved you and got the golden bird are we clear [Music] melina couldn't do anything so she had to obey him so that calvin would not be harmed after a long journey vegas and molina finally arrived at the palace the king was so happy to see vegas bring back the golden bird and a beautiful princess however the golden bird never sang and the princess always locked himself in a room and cried the king was so confused he was also worried about calvin finally calvin woke up after a deep sleep he fell betrayed when he discovered that vegas had tied him and abandoned him there how could he do this to me after a few days just when he thought he was going to die because of hunger the fox suddenly appeared fox is that you please help me the fox quickly bit the road to rescue calvin it also brought food and water to calvin to help him recover i told you to be careful with him i didn't expect he would do this to me it's okay i'll show you the way home calvin bought a horse and returned to the palace with the fox as soon as calvin arrived at the palace the golden birds started singing happily the king vegas and princess molina quickly ran out to see who was coming father i am back you you how could you return your majesty it was calvin who saved me and got the golden bird vagus how could you do that to your brother guards come arrest prince vargas and put him in prison immediately vegas was imprisoned by his father however as a kind-hearted and tolerant man calvin asked the king to mitigate the punishment and give vegas a chance to change vegas felt ashamed of his actions and really grateful for his younger brother for saving him later calvin took over his father's throne king calvin and queen melinda rode the kingdom together in peace and prosperity fairy tales [Music] once upon a time there was a kingdom ruled by an old king the old king had three sons and all of them were very handsome and talented the oldest prince was prince harry the second oldest was prince william and the youngest prince's name was ferdinand all three princes were good-looking and good at riding horses hunting and especially good at archery great job my talented sons oh no my father now that you have all grown up and are extremely talented i think it's time for each of you to go find a suitable wife father who do you want us to marry yes please help us father the king stroked his chin for a while and then calmly said i know all of you have archery skills so i have an idea each of you will take an arrow go to the prairie and then shoot your arrow wherever the arrow falls you will go there to find your wife yes we will follow your instructions the princes rode their horses to the prairie and shot their arrows in different directions prince harry shot the arrow to the east the arrow flew and fell into an earl's castle and then he married the earl's daughter prince william shot the arrow to the west it fell into the front yard of a merchant's house therefore prince william married the merchant's daughter prince ferdinand's turn was last he had to shoot the arrow to the north since their palace was to the south but when the prince came to the palace where the arrow fell [Music] even though he had dug through everything from the branches to the bushes he could not find his arrow well where did it fall prince ferdinand headed towards the swamp as he walked he kept looking around to find it suddenly he was startled and looked forward in front of him was a green frog sitting on a lotus leaf her mouth was holding his arrow tightly the green frog stared at prince ferdinand oh why is a frog holding my arrow prince ferdinand was really confused bending down to pick up the frog he lifted the green frog up to his face and looked at it carefully it was a small frog with beautiful green skin and very special brown eyes since you have my arrow we will go back together prince ferdinand held the little frog jumped on his horse and returned to the palace the king was very happy that all three princes were able to find their own wives all of you have successfully found your wonderful wives now i want to know among those three girls who has the best embroidery and sewing skills ask each of your wives to make me a shirt and bring it to me here tomorrow yes my dear father prince ferdinand was very sad he sat in his room thinking about how to talk to his father the prince's side woke the green frog up and the green frog came to him why are you so sad my father asked each daughter-in-law to make a shirt for him and i'll bring it there tomorrow but how can you sew just put your mind at rest i will give you a shirt tomorrow to bring it to the palace well um no shirt is fine you don't need to worry about it just go to sleep please prince ferdinand didn't understand why he was talking about it with a frog he sighed sadly and went to sleep when ferdinand was fast asleep the green frog jumped out to the yard immediately transformed into an extremely beautiful girl with a gorgeous dress dear nanny before the sun rises please help me make a beautiful shirt the nanny immediately appeared and said yes princess a new day began and prince ferdinand woke up with a worried face it's morning now where can i find a shirt to bring to my father immediately the prince was startled and widely opened his eyes as if he saw something in front of him was a beautiful shirt shining brightly displayed neatly on the table he walked to the table and looked at the shirt in admiration oh this shirt is so beautiful the green frog jumped to prince ferdinand here's the shirt i made for the king please quickly bring it to your father thank you my dear i will bring it to my father right away the prince held the shirt and ran to the main palace when he arrived the king was sitting on his throne and gazing at the shirt that prince harry brought to him ah this shirt is too dark it could only be worn in dark rooms take it away the serpent presented prince william's shirt to the king immediately the king frowned unhappily and said a dirty shirt like this could only be worn in the kitchen the king felt angry and asked the servant to present prince ferdinand's shirt this shirt is so beautiful i will wear it at the upcoming feast very good ferdinand no big deal my dear father i have seen the sewing skills of your wives now please go tell your wives to bake a loaf of bread for me and bring it here tomorrow i want to know whose cooking skills are the best among your wives yes despite being praised by the king prince ferdinand still felt very worried he didn't think the green frog could bake bread to offer to the king my father wants you to bake bread for him but you are too small how can you make a loaf of bread don't worry my dear i can solve this problem prince harry and prince william's wives both felt it was not possible for a frog to make a shirt that satisfied the king they secretly met to discuss a plan how could a green frog make a better shirt than us i think that she must have a secret why don't we ask our servants to go see how the green frog bakes the bread and then we will copy her yes let me ask someone to go see how the green frog bakes the bread we will make the same bread eliza go to the green frog's kitchen and watch to see how she makes the bread then return and tell me the recipe yes ma'am the two sisters-in-laws sent a servant to see how the green frog would bake the bread the servant crept towards the kitchen window through the window the servant saw a woman mixing the flower putting it into the wood oven and closing the oven the servant was so excited to see that she quickly came back to report to her masters the two princesses asked their servants to bake the bread the same way as soon as the servants went away the green frog jumped out from the side of the rice barrel perhaps the green frog had predicted this in advance you were right darling the two other women just sent a servant to come here to see my recipe luckily you reminded me so i faked it well done my dear nanny before the sun rises could you bake a delicious and soft loaf of bread for me yes my princess the next morning while prince ferdinand was sleeping a sweet smell drifted into the room waking him up the prince sat up and saw a freshly baked loaf of bread and it smelled delicious those black loaves of bread are just for pigs take them out and throw them away for me the king was very angry when he saw the black bread on the trays making the two older princes extremely scared suddenly prince ferdinand arrived with a loaf of bread its pleasant smell drifted through the kingdom making the angry king widely open his eyes to figure out what it was what smells so good prince ferdinand held the bread and brought it to the king dear father this is my wife's bread so that delicious smell was from the youngest princess bread come on bring it to me i want to see what it looks like the servant took the bread from the prince and offered it to the king the bread was very soft beautifully decorated and gave off a pleasant smell looks delicious this will be the dish for the feast yes thank you father we will have a feast tomorrow remember to bring your wives with you this time prince ferdinand seriously worried how could he let his wife appear in front of the king and other princes as a green frog ferdinand was very sad because he didn't know what to do wasn't the bread good the bread was very delicious my father really liked it but my father told us to bring our wives for the feast tomorrow but you're just a green frog what will we do please don't be sad tomorrow you can go first and i will come a bit later when you hear the thunder please say my lovely green frog wife sitting in the small box has arrived okay i trust you when the feast started everyone was there the two older princes and their wives had arrived only prince ferdinand showed up to the feast alone the two sisters-in-law immediately cut in their mouths and cheered at him ferdinand why isn't your wife at the feast with you hey sis she's a green frog how can he bring her to the feast [Music] then both of them laughed at the prince come on please stop don't you know that her bread and her shirt were the king's favorites and what were you two able to do the two of you are older you should have encouraged them instead you're always envious of your sister-in-law do you think that is good yes he is right you too should even learn from her being criticized the two girls kept silent bowing their heads in shame my wife will come a bit later oh really really when he was about to explain suddenly loud thunder erupted the sky prince ferdinand quickly said [Music] my lovely green frog wife sitting in a small box has arrived immediately the grand door of the palace opened and a beautiful girl appeared in a gorgeous dress wearing a shining crown on her head it was the green frog princess but in human form wow who's that beautiful girl wow she looks so beautiful the princess smiled brightly and walked to prince ferdinand prince ferdinand looked at her confused why are you so confused i am your green frog wife you're the green frog how are you able to transform into a human like this actually i am the princess of the neighboring country charlotte because i was too naughty my father told a kind fairy to teach me but i love green frogs so i told the fairy to turn me into a green frog on my first day as a green frog i met you in that swamp oh my green frog princess i am very happy to meet you prince ferdinand and the green frog princess held hands and smiled happily you
Channel: WOA Fairy Tales - English
Views: 3,143,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WOA Fairy Tales English, English Fairy Tales, fairy tales in english, bedtime story, story in english, story for teenager, animated story, fairy tales, fairy tales English, fairy tales story, english tales, english fairy tales story, story english, fairy tales english, story, english story, stories, Story for teenagers, fairy tales stories in english, english fairy tales stories, stories in english, fairy tail, Best Stories About Haughty Princesses, Haughty Princesses
Id: 3NBtivMdyp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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