Best storage auction load EVER! I will make thousands of dollars $$$πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Blue Bus Dave

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so good morning everybody they're doing a rock-paper-scissor who sits in the middle then s in the middle we are on our way to New York I'm actually doing a bonus storage room full of leather cows so we got a big-ass rental truck hopefully hopefully we get to do two deals today instead of one because there's a brass that we have to go look at port Dan with size 13 at least your need has like a quarter inch gap but I don't know it should be a lot of fun I my friend said there was 800 cow skins in this storage room so and will be I know that it involves in Egyptian the Egyptian hopefully will come and give us all the money oh that guy no it's a different one yeah I have a Madame he owns a leather company in Egypt but he he's supposedly going to come and buy all the equipment for what got the room for okay there's 12 leather sewing machines I don't know for me this is like one of the bigger deals I I don't know a lot about leather so I sent I partnered with my friend Jean who owns that huge furniture store and he does a lot of reupholstering and so he went up he checked the quality of the leather it all is Bobby it's not moldy nothing I didn't know that if leather was sticky you cannot use it because then it will rip when you stretch it right so that's when it starts to lose its integrity is once it starts to get sticky decomposing decomposing exactly that's the word but I'm gonna take probably a hundred or 200 Cal hides to Brimfield so that the bus was really nice and then we're gonna try to sell the rest to the egyptian after he buys the equipment but today he's only allowed to buy the equipment nothing leather you've been there right I sent gene this is my first time I saw just hoping for some light there there could be anything I honestly don't know it's a it's a ten by twenty five storage room so it's one of the honestly like if you look up to help how much and it's all Italian and they had price tags I like 650 625 a roll now was he able to walk to the back or they were able to walk to the back and count the machines that's where that's how they counted 12 leather like sewing machine stampers and stuff like that so I don't I know a good leather sewing machine is in like the twenty five hundred dollar range so I'm gonna try to sell everything to the Egyptian for 15 to 12 grand but it's kind of like camel trading like with you have to start real high and then they have to feel like they got a deal so we settle in the twelve twelve thousand or so range but I have to pick a machine that I really want to keep because otherwise he won't want it all for me nothing for it does that make sense so no I know the one machine weighs about 4,000 pounds and my friend found it for 8,000 euros so like they're all the machines are very expensive and anyone goes the back yeah yeah well we'll find out as you look all right it's closed just not locked now it's on but NASA was the one who loaded it so he should have been the one who closed technically but it's alright so we're up on our way to New York well next time you see us we'll be opening the door yeah so we finally made it here yeah I just wanted to see what where's all the weather all the way in the back oh man it's hard to see anything pretty cool yeah I told you about all right all right so far this is what we have in leather there's a lot of we wouldn't think there's I don't know if you guys can see this see how we got all the blacks and everything else the black leather the white leather this is fun how many roles do you think dan what's your guess but 500 it's kind of hard to guess you got look at how thick that piece is right there but I don't know it I think it has potential being worth a lot of money then there's all this weird machinery I don't know what to do with this but we'll see I'm gonna put it on time-lapse man there's keeps on going all the way down this there's probably another 300 400 just in there this is all comp compressed I was given a dude at the rental office it might be in that corner Oh Mike you give everybody crap dude I said truck it's muffler anything change you know well he gave that to me that one that's printed is pretty fun I got comic book alright Nazz needs one of these you might have to buy this for him for his art but we'll see you oh I bought the little carts there's three of those and we got the look all leather there and we filled jeans all the way up with leather but what we're gonna do with my truck we're gonna stop and go buy a bunch of lighting this is we're trying to get ahold of the guy who we thought we could sell all this to the he's he's not picking up so I think we were out of here some of these machines weigh a ton this has to be three four thousand pounds so I think so can't be that heavy oh you all right wait wait Dan screwed up look what he dan did dan was screwing around he's like I can't even move it it's almost off of the jack that would be that would have came back in on rock your world at least it would've made my youtube thing but that man so what do we do now then that you screwed that up yeah good luck no I think you need the pallet jack pick it up that's basically and Nazz makes art so that's what des was looking for guys come across these things pick them up what is inez here's a mouthguard for you you go more rivets do you find any rivets for you I think we're out of here our heaven thank you Nazz you have fun Dan you okay all right everybody see you later peace all right we're gonna fix this I doubt it will work lemon if you ask me no no no it's not gonna happen the the jack has moved when you did that the only thing it did was it slid that 1/4 inch so we got to put it back in my full-on squad well I know but we need something to lift it with we have a bar middle bar that's actually a good idea a piece of wood to keep it in case it does slip now we put the piece of wood down and then no we just need a jack we need some type of jack or when you take that off you're gonna hit it off yeah I told you to call me at 11 and come over but we need we need a that won't come off of that we need a pallet jack or something but that doesn't come off of unless we use those two boards maybe it's not gonna work right about what well that's not gonna happen today I gotta get it unloaded and get the trucks back ask me another day that sounds like the guy for the machinery is blowing us off all right we'll take some photos for all right okay we'll do that push it back a little more sorry you can't get two forks in there from valchek that's the problem yeah so but we got it we fix the only thing if you want you can pick it up on this side and I'll put that that over but it definitely might smush me make it exciting do you think it's fine now dan dan says it's fine I think it is right here all right okay all right we're gonna try to put in this other machine I had to turn it back on for this when you're going to need five or six of us to want to put that inside first alright I'll turn you back on I know I keep on saying goodbye alright I think think we might get it now one hour later okay let me put the board down again and then Chuck the wheel on top of the war the back wheel oh yeah do that again watch that safe all right wait bring it all the way back up to the wood again actually a lot better [Music] now put that oh no no get out wait wait a minute wait a minute whatever let's put a piece of wood that's going up hills so the angles don't lift it up let's just try out what we'll lift a new boiler on the floor have tried so we did finish the leather honestly there was a lot don't you think best yeah but I spent so this was the numbers I spent six thousand on the leather I split it with my friend we figure we had in each role there was anywhere between three and six cow hides in each role we figured there was about four to five hundred roles so you do the math and each each cowhide has to be worth I would say 20 bucks at the minimum crossing mark yeah but let's just say 20 20 times 3 times 5 500 it is it's like $30,000 well no but you know that's that's much conservative but for buying stuff out of the storage room my friend bought the whole room for like 2 grand I gave him 6 I'll get 30 that it's my best deal of the year so I'm pretty excited about it now we just have to figure out what to do with the leather I'm gonna take some to Brookfield but as a long time ago used to make us those masks and we might do that yes years ago all right I will I'll see everybody later that was basically what what ended up it was a pain it was a bear loading that machine because I kept on sliding off the off of the pallet jack but I don't known as had it all figured out the beginning just nobody want to listen to it like sorry no no stupid it's in each head again thank you guys for watching everybody see you later we also this my first announcement we are going to have the 100th episode spring key episode where any of you guys are welcome to come it's going to be at the Chesterfield in in Chesterfield New Jersey on us on a Sunday uh I will leave the date on all the future videos and I'll buy every many of our any of those subscribers a beer to show up free beer come on come on it'll be a good party oh good good drink no it's Sunday dick there hopefully but there's always there all right well again everybody's welcome to come to the Chesterfield wool I promise I'll leave you the date in I think this is only episode 80 so I got 24 episodes so be 20 more days from whatever this comes out pretty easy it's a meet-up come meet babe I'll probably be there no it's a mess we'll be there all right I'll see everybody later stop being it we abuse them watch out for the quiet just my piece
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 32,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, storage wars, leather, leather haul, how to leather, leather tools, leather machinery, leather making tools, road trip, storage auction win
Id: -CiPMkLjpN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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