Best spots to visit in Jersey, UK

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over the next couple days we are going to be exploring jersey and the best most instagrammable best spots on the island it's not a big island but it's so beautiful so welcome to the video [Music] we are at the spot i'll put on the screen it's a bay and it is so beautiful it's the first spot we've been to and the water is so blue the sun has just come out i've flown the drone got some crazy stuff so just show you a little cinematic of what this place is like here we go um [Music] so guys we are going ab sailing now um quite exciting do you see that cliff behind us just here that's what we're going to be out throwing down um pretty awesome i've been absolutely a long time and so hasn't i haven't since amelia hasn't either so it's going to be pretty cool let's go let's have a look [Music] foreign [Music] we just climbed down that rock face like look at that so cool how was it amazing that was really fun the view was so good yeah so if you look to the left the view was absolutely insane like that rock face is so steep [Music] so guys we have finished abseiling it was so fun and now we are heading across right across the other side of the island and onto the south coast and we're going to brillades bay or saint brelay's bay and it looks really nice it looks like really like sandy kind of beach um but we're heading there now i think it's it's not even that far it's like 25 30 minute drive and that's literally how long it takes to get around the whole island and it's like half an hour to get from one side of the island to the other so it's so cool because everything's so close and yeah let's go let's go explore this little this little bay hey guys so we have just got to st relays bay and actually we haven't just got here we just had some food at this restaurant what was the name something like um cabana but it was so good i'll put some pictures on the screen and and now we're just gonna have a little walk around these around the coast around here look at this bay it's so beautiful it's such blue water as well look at that um the tide here is huge it's it's third biggest tide in the world in the world um and so it drops and goes about 10 meters so it's normally right right up against the sea barriers and then now it's all the way out there i'm not sure if it's low tide but it's crazy but we're just gonna go walk up along cliffs maybe get some shots and stuff it looks so cool such a nice day as well and it's nearly october we got to the top of this peak and the views are incredible look around there's actually that is the ferry which we got yesterday but look at these views guys look at them look how blue the water is over there so nice sand is so nice and it's like fine fine white [Music] we have just finished walking along this like coastal path along the wall we were going along the wall and we are heading to buport bay which is just literally across this bay you can't really see but just across this bay it's literally like a five minute drive um and it's to this water and apparently um a guy who i know who lives on the island said it's probably one of the best beaches the water is like super clear so excited to go there really so let's go so we have just got to boo port beach and we are going to walk down to it now supposed to be well hopefully the best beach in jersey but we will see okay we are going into the sea it is quite cold but we're braving it because we've got to it's such a beautiful beach we've gotta go in look at how cool that rock is behind you these rocks are so cool look at that one it looks like it's gonna fall over tropical guys this is the tropical beach you're gonna love it okay if you're on a tropical beach in jersey you come to bu port bay beach tropical it's so topical it's so warm good morning everybody so it is the next day we're just going to be checking out of our hotel and then we are going to be exploring the north coast of the island so we're going to start on the north west of the island in a place called plymont beach and we're going to head along the top and and then go from there really unfortunately our trip to like the ep i'll put it on the screen as usual i can't pronounce anything but um our trip there got cancelled so unfortunately we're gonna go to some different spots i'm also meeting a friend a friend off instagram called tom and so hopefully he's a local he might show us some really cool spots as well so maybe some hidden gems some cool caves or something here we go let's get on the road we are at clermont um beach or bay i'm not even sure really but it's so so windy at the moment i mean but it's so blue look how blue and we actually met a guy who lives on the island tom over here um and he's gonna take us to some really cool spots it's so cool this island the water is so blue we've got some sun so it's gonna be such a sick day let's go [Music] so [Music] so we have finished on the north coast and we are 100 meters okay and 400 meters just got keep right but we are heading to across the other side of the island um close to where we were yesterday um and we're going to just have lunch at this cafe and then go to this castle um which is supposed to be really cool and we're heading to castle there on the this so this is going across the island to the east coast and yeah we're gonna go check it out see what it's like here we go okay so we are walking towards mount oracle castle and it's actually just here have a look at that so yeah we're on the east side of the island now and it's actually so pretty one of the crazy things about jersey is all these amazing houses like right having all these crazy coastal views apparently the average cost of living here is really high just because they've got to import everything here apparently it's um on the same par as london which is crazy like london yeah here we go mount oregon castle we're going to go in hopefully and go up the tap the tower and have a look okay so we are in the castle now we are climbing up the stairs apparently there's 210 steps and i'm going to try and climb to the top we are not quite at the top but look at these views so this is looking towards the north side that's catherine's break water over here that is where we did the ab sailing uh yesterday morning so we are right at the top of the castle now there's actually no one up here i don't even i don't even know where emilia is i think i've lost it um but the views are insane the one thing about jersey is how blue the actual water is i mean look at it honestly if you want some crazy views of the whole of jersey come up here it's actually mad did i scare you yeah i thought the castle was haunted and i was walking around alone i think i got you i'm sorry so actually in the distance you probably won't be able to see on the camera but there's the the equals which is a group of islands unfortunately because it's so windy our tour there got cancelled today so we couldn't actually go but i'll try and find some photos of it and put it on the screen i definitely recommend going it looks so good i wish we could go but unfortunately we are leaving tonight check that out guys this beach is amazing it might be really windy but look at the sand look at the sun this place is beautiful it's got like this the tower block thing in the middle of this like island and then at high tide it's just an island in the ocean how cool is this and guess what amelia my girlfriend is in the water look at her what is she doing it's so cold but she's just gone for it i love it and guys this beach is amazing amazing it's called porter port beach and definitely recommend coming here and it's the best sand i've seen in the uk honestly jersey is so underrated for its beaches definitely definitely recommend coming to these crazy crazy beaches in jersey and the best thing is you can bring your car on the ferry so you don't even have to rent the car it's brilliant i think i might be brave and warm up and go in the ocean but we'll see last hour in jersey i've got to go in the water oh here we go guys i'm just gonna walk run to warm up [Music] [Music] we spent the last couple of days in jersey exploring the best spots on the island if you're interested in visiting jersey i highly recommend taking the ferry and bring your car as it's the best easiest way to get around thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed the video please please hit the like button as it really does help me to keep traveling and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Joel Friend
Views: 14,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jersey, uk, paradise, channel islands, best spots, guide, st brelades bay, Beauport beach, portelet beach
Id: m3KXvGawdXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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