Bocas Del Toro, Panama - Best things to do 🇵🇦

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This is Bocas del Toro, a unique group of islands  in the Caribbean Sea and over the next 3 days   we're going to be showing you the best things  to do including places to stay Wildlife to see   and the beach you cannot miss! We begin at one  of the beaches close to Bocas town. Welcome to   Bluff Beach this is about 8 km from Bocas town and  honestly it is absolutely beautiful here the only   problem with this beach is you actually can't  swim here because the sea is so rough this is   actually our first beach in Panama and honestly it  is so beautiful I mean just look at the color of   the water we're going to be going to some much  better beaches on this video so stay tuned for   them one of the difficult things about coming to  boast is everything seems so spread out so one of   the best ways to get around is actually renting a  bike but we've had a few problems in the bikes and   we'll show you so these are the bikes that we've  rented honestly they look all right but once you   get on them and ride them they're not quite as  good so the thing about the bikes here is that   none of them have brakes don't ask me why but if  a truck comes going down a hill then good luck   to you because you can't stop you've just got  to try and use your feet it was quite funny at   the rental we went to get the bikes and then the  bike she gave us didn't even have pedals so that   filled us with confidence that our bikes were  well maintained and very well serviced on the   way here to the beach um Emilia's chain actually  came off six different times until a lovely man   came and actually fixed the bike completely  so these bikes cost us $8 each for Just 4   hours and I honestly think you could probably  get cheaper bikes to rent in London I'm not joking now we are back I wanted to show  you around this apartment we booked this   on and I'll leave a link to it down  in the description but it's honestly so good   because you can actually cook it's got full  on kitchen it's got a big double bed here and   another single bed here so we've actually  got so much room and then in here we have   like a big shower sink a toilet and obviously  still loads of like dressing room and stuff so   that is pretty good to be honest and then out  here we do have a little door out to a little   balcony look at what they also do have we also  have a hammock but we have no idea where this   side attaches to like there's no hook or  anything so it just has to stay like this   unfortunately this cost us about $50 a night and  yes it is a bit more than we would usually spend   but because we can cook and so we can kind of save  money rather than eating at at restaurants every   day because we're in boa curus and Panama  it is definitely more expensive here than   then other countries in Central America Bar  Costa Rica it's just something to remember when   you come here to Bas we are now off to something  which is super unique and I've never seen before   and you actually have to get a water taxi to the  spot so we're going to go try and jump on a boat now here we go we have just  got a boat $3 per person and   it's only like a 5 minute ride  so it's not going to take long we have just arrived at the floating bar and  I have a mojito and Joel has a beer and it is   lovely I definitely recommend coming here it's so  cool The Vibes are very [Music] chill we had some   drinks listened to the band and of course went  for a little swim before heading back to town we have just come off the taxi boat and honestly  it is so fun on that boat I don't know what it is   it I don't know if it's just cuz we're floating  in the middle of the ocean but it is such a good   vibe and I highly recommend doing it if you're  here in boa Theo there's also the filthy Friday   pubc which is the biggest island pubc I think in  Northern America it's supposed to be a big deal we   obviously didn't go but it's definitely something  to check out if you're a Backpacker in town good morning today we're actually doing  a boat trip and we were surprised by   how little this tour actually  costs we are about to go on the [Music] boat our first stop on  the trip was looking for dolphins   and we were lucky to see a couple of bottl noos dolphins we then headed to our first island of the tour look at the island we have just arrived  at this is zapatilla number two I think that's   how you say oh my gosh look at the color of the  water right now that is crazy so apparently you   can take this path 45 minutes to get around the  whole island so we're going to walk along it and   find an empty spot to chill out cuz we got about  an hour and a half here the path has just been   taken over by the jungle everything's falling down  it is pretty crazy I don't think I've ever been   on an island which is just so raar and just the  jungle just takes over like look in there there   is no way of getting through there it's just thick  jungle till you get to the other side of the beach   we have walked to the other side of the island  and there is no one else on this beach If we're   honest it's actually a little bit more dirty like  obviously this is the side where everything washes   up but there's no one else here it's incredible  it's just like we just got washed up on a desert   island and we have to try and survive we haven't  been to the sand blast Islands yet but I think   this is going to be kind of similar to them I am  desperate to go in the water now it is pretty hot   here not as hot as when we've been in Asia but it  is still very warm let's go in the sea and cool off the watercolor is actually like magical  it's so blue and like sparkly it's not even   like that clear it's kind of like cloudy but  it just reflects the blue of the sky so well   I can't believe we're the only people on on  this Beach right now this is like the most   beautiful beach I've ever seen well one of  them all you have to do is walk around the   other side of the island and then there  is no one here because on the other side   where you get dropped off on the boat there  is probably like 50 people around there but   walk a bit further and you got this place  to yourself I'll finally tell you how much   this tour cost because it was such incredible  value it was only $25 per person that's like   20 20 British pound that is nothing if you were  somewhere even in Asia boat trips normally cost   more than that so great value here in Panama  unfortunately we've got to walk back because   in about 15 minutes we've got to get back on the  boat and leave this absolute Paradise Island and   honestly I don't really want to leave I wish I  could stay here overnight but we're just going   to walk through this Forest so peaceful through  here and head back to the boat you think it's   worth $25 I think it's worth $100 I would pay  any price to come here it's beautiful [Music]   we've just reached our lunch spot but  unfortunately it's really expensive   things range from like $15 to $20 so  instead we just brought some snacks   and we're just going to swim around here  cuz it is beautiful around this spot and   we're going to be back in town soon anyway  so we'll get some food after guys they have   a slide and Amelia's going down first I  don't know I'm a bit scared it's actually   a bit intimidating but I've just seen loads of  kids do it so surely I can do it go on ready y it was so fast it's actually really good before heading back to town  we made our last stop at starfish   Island where we saw some starfish in the  shallow Waters there's also a starfish   Beach on the main island which you  can visit from Bocas town [Music] good morning, unfortunately, we are leaving  this beautiful apartment but we are going   to our next place we've just packed our bags  which just took taken like an hour and we are   ready to go guys this bag is just full of camera  equipment so please appreciate these videos and   hit subscribe thank you we're actually staying  on a different Island so we're actually at the   Water Taxi Port here in in Bas Del Toro town  and we're just going to wait I think it's $8   per person to the island that we are going  to the reason we're actually going to this   island is because there's something super unique  that's only found on this island in the whole [Music] world we have just reached Red Frog Island and  on this island it is super unique it's called   Red Frog because there's actually red frogs  and the species is only found in this part   of the world thing you can see is sloths in  the area did you see any sloths in the trees   above not yet but hopefully we're going to see  some today or tomorrow I'm so excited there's   not actually many places to stay on this island  and we just walked through a resort but we're   staying at one of the Selenas if you didn't  know Selenas are like really common hostels   here in Latin America and we've never stayed  at one so this is going to be interesting   Selena this way 800 M that's us there we  go walking with our backpacks once again   it's like a 10minute walk it's 30° outside and we  got to go up a hill it is hard work so welcome to   Selena this is our room let me shut the door so  the AC doesn't come out this is our room pretty   basic like not massive but it does feel very  clean and fresh and we are in like the middle   of the Jungle so it does feel pretty impressive  that we've got a shower running water Wi-Fi all   that kind of stuff let's take you into the bar  bathroom oh good Amia is not in the toilet welcome   to my bathroom it's pretty big though this is  where Amia is sleeping tonight anyway we are so   excited to explore this island we're going to  go straight out now and head to the beach and   hopefully on the way we're going to look out for  the red frogs which are very unique and hopefully   sloths Amelia's promised I'll see them so right  before we go explore this island I need to talk   to you about something which is super important  if you're a digital Nomad a Backpacker or an   adventurer there is something we all need when  we traveling abroad and that is travel insurance   I'm happy to share with you the partners of  today's video safy Wing who have kept ail and   I safe for the past 2 years whilst traveling the  world now whether you're here in Bokus the Toral   or anywhere in the world something can go wrong  when you least expect it if I was out surfing   on the water and I got hurt I would be confident  in knowing that safey wi have my back with their   Nomad Insurance safy wi covers you for a whole  range of activities which you may do whilst you're   abroad from wind surfing to camel riding NAD  insurance will cover you for any travel mishap   such as lost luggage travel delays and natural  disasters and personal liability perfect for   someone who lives on the road like us and wants  to have peace of mind and if you unfortunately do   end up losing your check luggage you can claim  up to $500 per item to replace your lost items   when you're looking to get covered I highly  recommend clicking the link in the description   as you can put in the exact dates of your trip  and you can get a quote right away and if you're   a long-term traveler like me you can easily sign  up from month-to-month recurring payments so you   don't forget to renew your insurance like like  I would thousands of adventurers and digital   Nomads trust safety wing with their worldwide  travel insurance and I'll leave a link in the   description to get yourself covered with safe  doing we have just left the Selena hostel and   we are heading out to try and find the sloths and  the red frogs now we don't really know where to   find them because we obviously we've never been  here before but we're kind of heading towards   the beach which is like the famous Beach here  and hopefully we see something along the way   they literally just could be anywhere I don't know  where to look there's a sloth up there in the tree   is it actually that's a sloth is that a sloth  that looks like a sloth it's really high up it is   a sloth we've confirmed it we zoomed in with the  phone thank you for iPhone 15 with the big zoom   and we saw it is a sloth but it's a sleeping sloth  so it's kind of like curled up and it is very   far aways can't get a good shot of it but it's  there hopefully we can get a little bit closer   to another sloth cuz we've only been walking 2  minutes so surely we're going to see another one   or were we just lucky no way guys I've just seen  a monkey oh oh wo oh it looks so pretty that's a   pretty monkey and I think I can hear mothers in  the tree so when we saw that monkey we followed   this path and we've come into this incredible area  and there is monkeys everywhere you can hear them   in the trees and they are so beautiful I don't  know what type of monkey they are maybe we'll   try and find out but they are so pretty we're  used to like the Macs in Southeast Asia which are   like just annoying but these are beautiful monkeys  also the trees here are incredible I've never seen   bamboo like this look at it look at that it's just  crazy jungle bamboo another one in the tree up [Music] there I just seen a Red Frog this is a dream  come true it's so small I don't even know how   I'm going to show you let me come over there's  one there they are tiny they're literally like   the size of this I didn't realize actually  how small they were I'm a little bit scared   realizing I'm wearing no shoes and they're all  around us and super poisonous yeah that's not   so good but wow I'm not sure if it's the species  of exact poison dart frog but some poison dart   frogs can kill up to 10 elephants That's How much  venom they have inside of them so we got really   excited and we're like oh dear these are these  are poisonous and we're not wearing trainers   we're just in bken stocks that was such a cool  EXP experience let me just duck under here and   make sure I dodge other dark frogs we really  weren't sure how easy it would be to see them   but honestly just go down one of the paths  which Go off into the jungle what that is a   huge butterfly which Amia just flew at Amelia  I nearly slept on it and it's like this big   I thought it was a bird I'm also getting very  itchy I think I've been bitten a lot of times   anyway let's head to the beach now and hopefully  not get poisoned by one of these frogs [Music]   we've just arrived at Red Frog Beach and it's so  beautiful it's like a little Paradise Beach the   water looks really clear as well so I definitely  want to get in there and cool off I can't believe   how beautiful this beach is and one of the best  things is there's hardly anyone on this beach cuz   there's only two places to stay on the island so  you do have to spend a bit more money but honestly   if you get a priv not a private beach but a  empty Beach like this in boast is pretty rare what a beautiful day we've had playing in the  waves honestly the water here is absolutely   beautiful and this has got to be one of the  best beaches in the area I can't recommend   enough coming to Red Frog Beach how good has  it been we've loved it so much and the wild   life is just so cool because you're just amongst  it all the time I'm hoping tomorrow that we see   like sloths closer up cuz obviously we didn't  see them very close so if we do I'll insert it   now but if we don't then at least we saw the  red frogs and they were so awesome and so many   as well the other thing to know is Red Frog  is definitely more expensive than the other   Island Bocas town so if you are a bit more on  a budget you might want to stick to there and   just do like day tours cuz it is more expensive  if you did enjoy this video we're actually going   to be doing a couple more here in Panama so make  sure to subscribe so that you can watch those too   and that's a great time to end the video here  so as Emilia said you know what to do go hit   that big red button and we will see you in  the next Panama video I'm so excited bye bye
Channel: Joel Friend
Views: 19,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Panama, bocas del toro, red frog beach, zapatilla island, backpacking panama
Id: yswrnj9nBaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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