How To Customize Your Shopify Store with CANVA

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what's up guys welcome back to my Channel It's Your Girl star Alexis and today I am back with a highly requested video so today I'm going to show you guys how to customize your Shopify store using canva so let me start my screen recording real quick so as far as customizing your Shopify store you don't need um from my knowledge any specific theme or anything like that um where I kind of came up with it was number one I use canva for a lot of things and then number two Shopify is like a customer customizable website platform but you have to kind of like figure out how to basically trick it into doing what you wanted to do so I was playing around with canva one day um and decided to attempt to upload something I made on canva onto my website and it ended up working out so I'm gonna show y'all how I did it um I'm gonna show you guys first of all my website um what it looks like right now and then um basically uh what theme I have basically how to create them and then how to upload them so we are going to start recording my screen so the first thing I'm going to do is go to my website my website so I'm going to put it um somewhere on the screen and then I'll just have my face like in the corner or something like that but really quick let me log in um and I have the standard version of Shopify nothing special um just the one that you made for like 30 a month for so foreign if you guys were possibly looking to open up a Shopify store um this might be the last straw to actually make you um start it so I'll put a link down below to open up your Shopify store so we're gonna view my online store I'm gonna show you guys desktop version and then also um the phone version um really I designed my site for phone version just because most people aren't gonna go order whatever on their laptop more than likely it'll be on the phone so just a quick example this is what it looks like on the computer okay and then I'm going to show you guys oh I'm sorry and then this is what it looks like on the phone so like I said I designed so that it looks really good on the phone um so this Banner right here I created on canva as well as this picture here life is short but your hair doesn't have to be shop Hair Care um and then I have this shop here here button and there I have um don't be sad add some gloss I mean that on camera as well um and then I have the collections listed and from my specific theme which is the crafting on canva it's a free theme um I always use the free themes um it had like this little collapsible content section so I decided to add that just add in some details about my products and then for um what payments I offer for my website I made this on camera as well and just um uploaded it so um it's more noticeable um because most of the time at the bottom it'll be down here most people don't scroll that far down so I created it there and then my Instagram feed so so like I said I have the carafe theme um it's a free theme um into basically view all the free things you just go to add theme um visit theme store browsing the themes so I like to click free um there's 11 free themes honestly if you pick one of these and design it the way design it and customize it um it will look like you actually paid for your theme so um there's a lot of different ones like I said I have the craft theme so that's Point number one I have the craft theme um let me see if I can pull it up on here um it kind of gives you like a quick idea of what each theme has so for the craft theme specifically um it has a quick view a mega menu and then a sticky header so I'm gonna click it um so at the bottom it'll kind of tell you like all of the things that uh sets that specific theme apart from the other ones um so for this one this theme is great for a quick setup visual storytelling which is what I'm trying to do with my website um for cart and checkout has cart notes in-store pickups and then quick buy um marketing conversion you can post blogs crosso um FAQ page product views promo banners quick view merchandising you guys see it it's like a bunch of different stuff and then um at the bottom it gives you more themes that are kind of like this one um and then it kind of like gives you like a night like a example of what some people's stores look like so this is the one I decided to go with so for the specific template um I just typed in website um you guys can see right here um the design at the bottom says website so we're gonna click that I'm just gonna show you guys some of the things that I've been working on um so for me personally I deleted the backgrounds off of particular pictures added them added some words of my choice um for this one I just type text and then added in the little logos for those and then added more tags same thing background picture added a little Banner my logo and then I just added these on there so that they look like buttons but they're actually not um for the life is short same thing took the picture uploaded it onto a white background added text um for this one I haven't completely finished this one um but I wanted to basically add this to the bottom so that um people will basically feel encouraged to send selfies so that they can be featured on the website stuff like that um I have a I told you guys about the hair extensions that I'm bringing soon to the website so I had the pictures I have the before and after um and I I'm gonna put available soon instead of now available um so I'm going to save this to my computer so I can show you guys how to actually upload it um but like I said for the second video let's see um it's up to you what design specifically you're gonna do so instead of this picture I'm going to add like a selfie of me like I said as far as the design it's up to you what you specifically create but this is just an example um so that you guys can get the whole idea of how the process goes so really you're just designing um and uploading um so for example there we go um am I say uh post your pictures and use one collection to the featured thank you now we're going to choose David so I'm going to save The Kinks one as well just so I can give you guys an idea on one how to you know design what it would look like for downloading them so once they download to the computer and now we're going to go straight to Shopify and just upload them um it's really for me I've learned that the actual uh website template is what works best as far as um the sizing um so if you're not sure about me you're just gonna search and then type in website um and then it has like website design stuff like that usually when it's that rectangular um shape that's the correct thing um so um if you're not sure necessarily what to create or what to add to add a little spicier website you can always go onto the side where it says templates um you can literally type in anything and if you type in a website like gives you ideas or you can say product new product type a new product and it gives you like basically like templates ideas that you can literally just make your own if you have a new product drop in or whatever the case may be I'm not going to use this but say you click this one um you added a new page and here you can literally customize it to however you want to so we're going to go back to the website click customize and you can either do one of two things you can upload it just as a you know custom part of your website without an actual button or you can upload it with a button so for me what I've been doing is adding a section and I'm adding them as an image Banner right so we're gonna move this up a little bit [Music] um say I want this to be right below um the first banner on my website so for the image Banner I'm going to click it and for the first image I'm going to upload basically the one about the Kinks coming so I'm dragging it dropping it it's uploading and there is so I'm going to select it and you just have to play around with the height um for me for my specific theme for the crafting um in order for it to fit the page I always have to do small um and you can always like I said play around with it um if you wanted to fit exactly into the website um what I do is Click adapt section height to the first image size um so that you can see the complete image so if I unclick that um it'll still be there but it's zoomed in a little bit and kind of cuts off the hair which takes away from the image so we're gonna click that then um give customers details um I really don't care for the text that says image Banner so I'm going to click the I and I basically hides it so then for customer details um let's see for the description I'm gonna put um our new Kinks clip and extensions so that's there and then for buttons um if you don't want any buttons it'll just have the information about the item but if you do want buttons for an example like the life is short and then I have Shop hair care where you can click on it um you'll unhide the buttons and then for the button labels you can put shop now so basically to take away the second button all I did was delete where it said button label um and that's what it would look like if it was time to shop now um but it's not so I'm just going to hide both of the buttons um and it just has you know the information about the actual collection um and then it will be added on there so um now I'm going to add another section um once again image banner I if I'm not mistaken most themes have an image Banner so if you're wanting to customize your store um it's just going to be image Banner if not you always just go and use the theme that I have um but um it really doesn't matter what theme you have you can always just customize it the way you want it to be so I want it to be above let me put a rainbow below the Instagram deep feed so here once again image Banner first image and I'm going to drag the Sophie Banner there it's uploading once it uploads I'm going to click select pretty easy pretty quick to customize your store with camera you literally design whatever you want to design upload it to canva as I mean upload it to Shopify as a image Banner you could literally upload as many as you want to add buttons add text add details all that stuff and then um save it and you're good to go so once again a little recap I do use the Craft um theme on Shopify um I customized um my designs on canva with the website template and then I upload them to Shopify as a image Banner ad text um add buttons um and then when you add the buttons you always have to um select where the button is going to take the customer whether it be to shop all collections a specific product whatever the case may be um and that's pretty much it I feel like I pretty much hit all the points but I hope you guys enjoyed this super easy tutorial on how to customize your Shopify store using canva um hopefully you guys try it out it'll definitely make a huge difference in your Stores um but let me know what you guys want to see next From Me Down Below in the comment section love you guys and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Starring Lexis
Views: 22,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify store, how to create a shopify store, shopify tutorial, how to set up a shopify store, how to build a shopify store, shopify store design, shopify store setup, create shopify store, shopify tutorial for beginners, how to make a shopify store, how to set up shopify store, how to customize shopify store theme, how to build a shopify store from scratch, how to create an online store with shopify, canva, customize Shopify store, website banner, website banner on canva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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